Burns: Shining light on water authority’s secretive windmill project informs citizens, enables sound decisions

(Dec 19, 2018)

While critiquing my effectiveness as a state legislator less than two months ago, one of the major newspapers in my district commended me as a “state official who has matured on the job and become a key voice on local issues.” Nothing about me or my “people-first” philosophy of government service has changed in the past seven weeks. However, what has changed is that I have added my voice to a new local issue – assisting a group of constituents who sought help in unearthing details of a Greater Johnstown Water Authority plan that could put as many as 60 electricity-generating wind turbines on scenic Laurel Ridge. The crux of this issue – and the reason this group approached me – is that they’ve been kept in the dark as the water authority quietly entered into a legally binding agreement with a private company, Competitive Power Ventures, which wants to use public land for corporate profit. These residents’ deep concern is understandable: a lease agreement that could have a profound impact on their quality of life and, financially, on their property values, was unanimously approved by the water authority board at its public meeting on July 19, 2018. Tellingly, the minutes of this meeting indicate that no member of the public was present to witness the vote. Five months later, the water authority scheduled and advertised a special public meeting – at 3 p.m. on Dec. 13 – for the purpose of discussing the Read more


Burns expects wind turbine project to be addressed at today’s 3 p.m. Johnstown water authority meeting

(Dec 13, 2018)

EBENSBURG, Dec. 13 – In the wake of robust attendance at his town hall meeting last night on the controversial Laurel Ridge wind turbine project, state Rep. Frank Burns said he expects momentum to carry over to today’s 3 p.m. meeting of the Greater Johnstown Water Authority. Burns, D-Cambria, said the town hall attracted 200 citizens hungry for additional information on the project’s timeline, scope and impact. He expects at least some of them to seek additional insights from the water authority, which owns the property, during today’s meeting at 640 Franklin St., Johnstown. “What we emphatically learned last night is that many people who live in the area are craving answers and eager to provide input,” said Burns, who plans to attend the water authority meeting for observational and educational purposes. “These constituents approached me for help in their quest; as an elected official, I am committed to guiding them to sunlight at the end of what they currently perceive as a dark tunnel.” Burns said residents who live in the area – and would be most impacted by the possible erection of up to 60 wind turbines – deserve to be kept fully in the loop and treated as partners in any project that has the potential to disrupt their lifestyle. Read more


Burns: Nearly $47,000 state grant to aid abused Cambria County children, hold perpetrators accountable

(Dec 13, 2018)

EBENSBURG, Dec. 13 – Enhanced services for abused children will be boosted by a $46,968 state grant to the Cambria County Child Advocacy Center, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, announced today. Burns, a leader in the statewide effort to hold child abusers accountable, said the grant through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency will help young victims of physical and sexual abuse with healing – and will help bring abusers to justice. “Our region has been devastated by decades of documented sexual abuse by clergy, but we all know the abuse doesn’t stop there,” Burns said. “This funding is all about giving abused kids a second chance – and rooting out and punishing their abusers – by ensuring that the center has the state-of-the art resources it needs for investigating, evaluating and treating abuse.” Burns said the Cambria County CAC was awarded close to the maximum of $47,000 to provide high-quality medical evaluations and mental health screenings for abused children, and to ensure that forensic interviews are conducted to help hold perpetrators accountable. The grant comes through Act 28 of 2014, which highlighted the importance of children’s advocacy centers and established a dedicated funding stream for the training of mandated reporters, and for CACs. Read more


Burns demands details on proposed windmill farm from water authority, company officials

(Nov 30, 2018)

EBENSBURG, Nov. 30 – In response to an outpouring of questions and concerns from residents about a proposed windmill farm, state Rep. Frank Burns is hosting a town hall meeting to gather facts on the project. The town hall will be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 12 at Westmont Hilltop High School, 200 Fair Oaks Drive, Johnstown, 15905. Burns, D-Cambria, said he wants to provide a forum for residents to ask questions and learn more about the proposed installation of wind turbines along the ridge in Upper Yoder Township. Burns has invited officials from the Greater Johnstown Water Authority, which has leased a tract of land in Upper Yoder for the windmill farm, and Maryland-based Competitive Power Ventures, the wind energy developer. “People deserve to have their voices heard and to be part of the planning process before an unknown number of giant windmills are constructed along the Laurel Ridge,” Burns said. “Our region cherishes outdoor recreation such as hunting, hiking, biking and skiing. The addition of these turbines could have a devastating impact on tourism, an industry that’s vital to our local economy.” In a little-noticed court order this month, a Cambria County judge approved changes to the water authority’s deed of trust to allow it to enter into a lease agreement with CPV to develop the windmill farm. No other information has been made available regarding the size, scope, impact or timeline for the project, Read more


Letter to Trump to hold General Motors accountable for leaving the U.S.

(Nov 30, 2018)

Letter to Trump urging him to hold General Motors accountable for closing plants and moving them to Mexico. Read more


Burns: State grant awarded to help train today's students for high-demand jobs

(Nov 28, 2018)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 28 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today announced the Greater Johnstown Career and Technical Center is the recipient of a $35,517 equipment state grant to help prepare students for 21 st -century occupations. The funding will be used to purchase two mini-cnc machines for computer numerical-controlled machining, a computerized vehicle diagnostic tool and an analytical balance that is designed to measure amounts in the sub-milligram range. "In today's high-demand fields, specialized training is often needed, and the purchase of these tools invests in our future workforce by giving students hands-on training on the equipment required in 21 st -century jobs," Burns said. "Students will be able to hit the ground running when they enter the workforce, which enable them to get good jobs and strengthen our economy." The CTE Equipment Grant is awarded through the Department of Education. Greater Johnstown CTC was one of 38 career and technical education and vocational technical education schools to be awarded this competitive grant. Read more


Burns: Sign up by Dec. 5 for bus trip to Capitol on Dec. 11

(Nov 27, 2018)

State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is hosting a $45-per-person bus trip to the state Capitol on Tuesday, Dec. 11 that includes a tour of the Capitol and lunch, along with a visit to Hollywood Casino. Read more


Burns secures $40,000 grant for Gallitzin Borough

(Nov 15, 2018)

State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, has announced that Gallitzin Borough will receive a $40,000 state grant for the development of Gallitzin Athletic Field Park. Read more


Gallitzin awarded $40K state grant for athletic complex

(Nov 15, 2018)

Gallitzin Borough will receive a $40,000 state grant for the development of Gallitzin Athletic Field Park. Read more


Burns teams up with Cuddles for Kids for holiday donations

(Nov 14, 2018)

State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, has announced that his offices in Lower Yoder Township, Ebensburg, Portage and Patton are again serving as toy drop-off locations for Johnstown-based Cuddles for Kids. Read more


Burns to honor veterans at tonight’s Saint Francis University basketball game

(Nov 09, 2018)

State Rep. Frank Burns will honor Cambria County veterans at the Saint Francis University men’s basketball game tonight, donating 720 flag lapel pins for veterans attending the home opener against Morgan State. Read more


Burns verifies $119,517 reimbursement for Central Cambria School District

(Nov 08, 2018)

EBENSBURG, Nov. 8 – Following a report by the Pennsylvania auditor general, state Rep. Frank Burns announced that Central Cambria School District will receive $119,517 this year in transportation funding the district is owed by the state Department of Education. “This back pay from the state ensures that local tax dollars are kept where they’re needed most – directly benefitting our children in the classroom,” Burns said. “I’m happy to make sure that state funding that is rightfully theirs is coming back to Central Cambria.” Auditor General Eugene DePasquale recently identified more than $8.4 million in incorrect transportation reimbursements to schools statewide. A series of audits identified clerical errors that led to the inaccurate payments. State transportation subsidies help school districts defray the cost of student transportation. Central Cambria was underpaid $46,017 for the 2012-13 school year and $73,500 for the 2013-14 school year, an audit showed. The Department of Education confirmed that Central Cambria will receive the $119,517 it is owed before this fiscal year ends on June 30, 2019. “Safe transportation to and from school is a right of all students, but the cost can be substantial in rural communities where students live farther apart,” Burns said. Read more


Heating aid via LIHEAP now open

(Nov 05, 2018)

The 2018-2019 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program – LIHEAP – is accepting applications for heating assistance grants. LIHEAP offers cash grants of $200 to $1,000 that are sent directly to the utility company to defray heating costs for eligible households, and crisis benefits of up to $600 for households in immediate danger of being without heat. Remember: These are grants and do not have to be repaid. This season’s income guidelines for both LIHEAP cash and crisis grants are $18,210 for an individual, $24,690 for couples and increases for each additional person in the household. Please click here for more LIHEAP information. Please consider visiting my office if you need help filing a LIHEAP application. Besides my office, LIHEAP information is available by: Contacting local County Assistance offices by phone or in person. Calling the LIHEAP Client Helpline at 1-866-857-7095 or PA Relay at 711 for the hearing impaired. Applying online at https://www.compass.state.pa.us . Read more


Burns: New medical center will bring jobs, spur local economy

(Oct 30, 2018)

The construction of the new Conemaugh Health System Ebensburg Outpatient Center will be a boost to the region, said Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, bringing new jobs and economic vitality to the Ebensburg area. Read more


Burns: CMU summer program available for high school students

(Oct 24, 2018)

Carnegie Mellon University is now accepting applications for its prestigious Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Sciences program. Read more


Burns: Middle Taylor Township Sewer Authority awarded $3.19 million

(Oct 17, 2018)

EBENSBURG, Oct. 17 – The newly formed Middle Taylor Township Sewer Authority will bring public sewerage to 148 families because of $3.19 million in state funding announced today by state Rep. Frank Burns. The funding supplied by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority will enable those families to stop relying on wildcat sewers and malfunctioning on-lot systems, Burns said. “Once again, the Pennvest board is making a critical investment to move the 72 nd Legislative District forward,” Burns said. “Modern sewerage systems are an absolute must for future development and growth, and state help like this defrays the huge cost of such projects.” Burns said the project will involve installation of a whopping 27,000 feet of gravity sewer main, which will tie in with the Johnstown Redevelopment Authority’s treatment facility. The work is estimated to begin in May 2019 and end a year later. Burns said that addressing his district’s outdated infrastructure has been one of his top priorities since taking office, and the $3.19 million announced today will be added to the long list of projects made possible by state funding during his tenure. Read more


Burns: $900,000 in environmental grants awarded for local projects

(Oct 16, 2018)

The grants come from the historic $12.6 million penalty assessed to Sunoco for violations related to the Mariner East 2 pipeline project. Read more


Burns urges local municipalities to apply for state traffic program

(Oct 15, 2018)

The Green Light-Go Program provides approximately $40 million annually to assist municipalities with improvements and upgrades to their traffic signal operations. Read more


WWII combat veteran honored at bridge dedication ceremony

(Oct 12, 2018)

The ceremony dedicated the Paul E. Sweeney Memorial Bridge located along Overbridge and Railroad streets in Lilly. Read more


Burns: $350,000 awarded to Cambria County Solid Waste Management Authority for recycling, composting

(Oct 12, 2018)

EBENSBURG, Oct. 12 – Expanded recycling and leaf composting in Cambria County are eligible components of a $350,000 grant announced today by state Rep. Frank Burns. The funding comes in the form of a Recycling Development and Implementation Program grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, said Burns, D-Cambria, who noted the positive impact the award will have on the environment. “Expanded recycling and composting efforts have the big automatic benefit of reducing the volume sent to landfills, but expansion of these programs also means less air pollution from burning and possibly greater employment of those who do the sorting,” Burns said. “The more we recycle, the better off we’ll be.” Burns said the grant can be used for several eligible purposes: expanding recycling processing facilities, installing data collection systems on recycling vehicles, continuing or creating curbside recycling programs, developing educational materials, or operating leaf compost facilities. Up to 90 percent of approved recycling program costs are eligible under the grant program, Burns said, noting that nearly 200 county and municipal governments were awarded under the program. Read more


Burns: Shining light on water authority’s secretive windmill project informs citizens, enables sound decisions
Dec 19, 2018

Burns expects wind turbine project to be addressed at today’s 3 p.m. Johnstown water authority meeting
Dec 13, 2018

Burns: Nearly $47,000 state grant to aid abused Cambria County children, hold perpetrators accountable
Dec 13, 2018

Burns demands details on proposed windmill farm from water authority, company officials
Nov 30, 2018

Letter to Trump to hold General Motors accountable for leaving the U.S.
Nov 30, 2018

Burns: State grant awarded to help train today's students for high-demand jobs
Nov 28, 2018

Burns: Sign up by Dec. 5 for bus trip to Capitol on Dec. 11
Nov 27, 2018

Burns secures $40,000 grant for Gallitzin Borough
Nov 15, 2018

Gallitzin awarded $40K state grant for athletic complex
Nov 15, 2018

Burns teams up with Cuddles for Kids for holiday donations
Nov 14, 2018

Burns to honor veterans at tonight’s Saint Francis University basketball game
Nov 09, 2018

Burns verifies $119,517 reimbursement for Central Cambria School District
Nov 08, 2018

Heating aid via LIHEAP now open
Nov 05, 2018

Burns: New medical center will bring jobs, spur local economy
Oct 30, 2018

Burns: CMU summer program available for high school students
Oct 24, 2018

Burns: Middle Taylor Township Sewer Authority awarded $3.19 million
Oct 17, 2018

Burns: $900,000 in environmental grants awarded for local projects
Oct 16, 2018

Burns urges local municipalities to apply for state traffic program
Oct 15, 2018

WWII combat veteran honored at bridge dedication ceremony
Oct 12, 2018

Burns: $350,000 awarded to Cambria County Solid Waste Management Authority for recycling, composting
Oct 12, 2018