Burns calls for lower taxes and roads to be fixed with $828 million state budget surplus

(May 22, 2019)

HARRISBURG, May 22 – As a long-time advocate for state government to spend only what is needed, state Rep. Frank Burns is recommending taxes be lowered and shelved rural road projects be completed, as Pennsylvania revenue is currently running $828 million ahead of projections, with two months remaining in the fiscal year. "In nine of the last 10 months, the state has brought in more money than anticipated," Burns said. "This proves my continued stance against massive tax hikes was correct. The surplus also creates an opportunity for us to give hardworking taxpayers a much-deserved break from Harrisburg's tendency to reach into taxpayers' pockets for more." The solution put forth by Burns is a departure from the path suggested by Gov. Tom Wolf, who has recommended that the full amount of any surplus be retained by Harrisburg and deposited into the state's Rainy Day Fund. The problem with that plan, Burns said, is the legislature can raid the fund anytime it needs more money. Burns has proposed giving the surplus back to the people by offsetting the tax on gasoline and putting the rest into property tax relief. “Gasoline is over $3 a gallon, thanks to Pennsylvania having the highest tax in the country and seniors are being taxed out of their homes,” Burns said “Any surplus should be given back to the people. “While I agree that planning for future economic downturns is good practice Read more


Burns: Forest Hills School District receives $25,000 in Safe Schools

(May 20, 2019)

EBENSBURG, May 20 – State Rep. Frank Burns today announced Forest Hills School District in Cambria County has been awarded $25,000 to complement its existing safety and security resources. Burns said the grants from the Pennsylvania Department of Education were awarded to school districts which applied – but did not receive – competitive grants from PDE during last fall’s funding cycle. The funds can be used by school districts to purchase security-related equipment, such as metal detectors, special emergency communications equipment and theft-control devices. “These are wise investments toward the safety of our students and teachers,” Burns said. “It will complement the existing resources and tools the district has in place, with the overall goal of providing a safe learning environment.” Burns said grant applications for the 2019-2020 school year are now being accepted. More information can be found at the following link: https://www.education.pa.gov/Schools/safeschools/fundinggrants/Pages/default.aspx Read more


Burns: Town-hall style meeting with first responders a success

(May 17, 2019)

CRESSON, May 17 – Realizing the frustration of firefighters and emergency responders, Rep. Frank Burns brought state Fire Commissioner Bruce Trego to Cambria County for a town hall meeting Thursday night. Dozens of volunteer fire and emergency services personnel attended the special meeting in Cresson to hear about proposed changes related to training and recruitment and to have their questions answered, said Burns, D-Cambria. “Statistics show we’ve reached a crisis in Pennsylvania. In the 1970s, there were more than 300,000 volunteer firefighters but today we only have 38,000,” Burns said. “We rely on our volunteer first responders to be there in emergencies, but we need to ensure we’re doing all we can to provide them the support they need.” Many in attendance raised concerns about access to training. Trego said anticipated revenue from new taxes on fireworks will provide funding to make online training more available to fire companies statewide. “We have to do more to recruit volunteers at these departments,” Burns said. “That’s why I have proposed legislation that would provide scholarships to volunteer firefighters.” Burns said a special bipartisan, bicameral commission was created in 2017 to address issues related to volunteer firefighter and emergency service personnel. The Senate Resolution 6 Commission created more than two dozen recommendations to revamping fire and EMS services in Read more


Burns: Students at St. Michael’s, Conemaugh Valley Junior/Senior High schools to benefit from $10,000 school breakfast grants

(May 16, 2019)

HARRISBURG, May 16 – A total of $10,000 in state grants will help ensure students at St. Michael’s and Conemaugh Valley Junior/Senior High schools will start their day with a good breakfast, thanks to the state’s School Breakfast Initiative, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, announced today. St. Michael’s School and Conemaugh Valley Junior/Senior High School each will receive $5,000 grants through the program. “It’s no secret that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, and growing children need proper nutrition to grow, but also to perform well in the classroom,” Burns said. “This funding will allow our schools to either start or improve an existing breakfast program, so students can focus on their schoolwork, not on their empty stomachs.” The state’s School Breakfast Initiative, which launched two years ago, allows schools to use the grants to implement or expand alternative breakfast options, including grab-and-go breakfasts, or breakfast in the classroom. Schools can also expand an existing breakfast program to include an alternative serving method. Read more


Burns applauds lawsuit against OxyContin creator

(May 15, 2019)

HARRISBURG, May 15 – Saying the move falls squarely in line with his written request in 2017 to hold Big Pharma accountable, state Rep. Frank Burns is applauding the state attorney general’s decision to sue the maker of OxyContin for contributing to the opioid crisis plaguing Pennsylvania. Burns, D-Cambria, commended Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a former Democratic House colleague, for filing the suit against Purdue Pharma for its over-zealous marketing of the drug, which included a mind-boggling 531,000 visits to physicians’ offices and pharmacies. “My good friend Josh Shapiro has taken this company to court, alleging a multi-pronged, illegal effort to market OxyContin, an addictive opioid that doctors overprescribed and, in some cases, illegally prescribed to patients,” Burns said. “This lawsuit is exactly the type of action I had in mind when I wrote letters to Mr. Shapiro and Governor Tom Wolf , asking them to take action against the makers and peddlers of prescription opioids.” Burns said he recognized early on that pharmaceutical companies were lining their pockets and putting profits ahead of the addiction and deaths of thousands of Pennsylvanians each year. He added that Shapiro’s lawsuit accuses Purdue Pharma of targeting vulnerable populations, including the elderly and veterans, which is unconscionable. “Hearing that makes my blood boil – and makes me glad that Mr. Shapiro is going to make this Read more


Burns: It’s time PA gets tough on real welfare reform

(May 14, 2019)

HARRISBURG, May 14 – Saying ‘enough is enough,’ state Rep. Frank Burns is urging swift action on efforts to crack down on welfare fraud, citing a report this week from the state inspector general, which charged 178 people with fraud that cost the state nearly $890,000. “How is it possible so many people are scamming the welfare system of close to $900,000? The system is broken and it’s time the legislature stops ignoring the problem and takes action,” Burns said. “It’s a slap in the face to the people who truly need assistance and to the hardworking taxpayers of Pennsylvania.” Burns, D-Cambria, a longtime advocate of welfare reform, recently signed on as a supporter of legislation to create a pilot program to move welfare recipients to full-time jobs in one year. The “welfare to work” bill would establish a public-private partnership designed to wean welfare recipients off the system by letting them continue to collect benefits while gradually phasing in pay for their full-time work. Burns has sponsored a variety of welfare reform bills, including measures that would require drug testing for individuals to receive public assistance and would place photo IDs on welfare benefits cards – both efforts that could prevent welfare fraud, he added. “People who can work should be working, not living off the system, and the vast majority of people in my district feel the Read more


Burns resolution designates ‘National Police Week’ in Pa.

(May 13, 2019)

HARRISBURG, May 13 – Continuing his commitment to supporting law enforcement officers, state Rep. Frank Burns said Monday the House of Representatives unanimously adopted his resolution designating May 12 through May 18 as “National Police Week” and May 15 as “Peace Officers Memorial Day” in Pennsylvania. As chairman of the House Blue Lives Matter Caucus, Burns, D-Cambria, said he introduced H.R. 125 to remind all Pennsylvanians of the critical roles police officers perform every day to keep order in a nation governed by laws. “Law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line each and every day to keep us safe deserve our appreciation and respect,” Burns said. “I strongly believe that most law-abiding citizens respect police officers and the job they do, protecting people and safeguarding law and order.” Burns said the roots of his resolution trace to 1962, when President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15 as “Peace Officers Memorial Day” and the week on which that date fell as “Police Week.” Also, continuing a tradition that began in 1982, Burns said a memorial service also will be held in Senate Park in Washington, D.C. Read more


Burns: Bill to guarantee in-state tuition for children in reassigned military families approved by committee

(May 08, 2019)

HARRISBURG, May 8 – A bill to ensure children of active-duty military families receive in-state tuition rates, even if their parent is reassigned to another state, was unanimously approved in committee today, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, announced. Burns said his measure, H.B. 1050 , would ensure military families are guaranteed the in-state tuition rate as soon as a student enrolls or registers at a community college or submits an enrollment deposit to a four-year public college or university, even if their military parent is later reassigned to another state. “Guaranteeing the in-state tuition rate is the right thing to do. Military families shouldn’t be penalized when they are reassigned out of state,” Burns said. “It is crucial that we protect the opportunities our military families have earned.” Burns added his legislation continues to garner support from both parties. “With today’s vote, we are one step closer to helping our military families and addressing this oversight,” Burns said. House Bill 1050 now heads to the full House for further consideration. Read more


Dedication ceremony held in honor of Ebensburg native and World War II hero

(May 03, 2019)

EBENSBURG, May 3 – A special memorial bridge dedication ceremony was held today to honor Army Pfc. Nick Kozorosky, an Ebensburg native who served with honor and dignity during World War II. State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, provided the opening remarks and a special House of Representatives citation was given to Kozorosky’s family in his honor. Kozorosky served in the 101 st Airborne Division, 506 th Parachute Regiment, and gave his life in the line of duty in Germany. A special sign was also unveiled, designating the bridge on Route 219 South over Route 22 in Cambria County as the Pfc. Nick Kozorosky Memorial Bridge. Burns introduced the legislation that led to the naming of this bridge. “Private First Class Kozorosky was a true American hero, having served with distinction throughout his military career,” Burns said. “It was my honor to take part in today’s special bridge dedication ceremony alongside his family and veterans in the community.” In addition to members of Kozorosky’s family, Burns was also joined at the bridge dedication ceremony by Robert Slebodnick, commander, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Thomas Garfield Jr. Post 4963, Ebensburg, and the VFW Post 4963 American Legion Post 363 of Ebensburg Color Guard. Read more


Burns announces nearly $288,000 in local fire department, EMS grants

(May 02, 2019)

EBENSBURG, May 2 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, has announced the award of $287,987 in state grants to 23 fire and ambulance companies in the 72nd Legislative District. The grants are made possible by the Fire Company and Emergency Medical Service Grant Program, and can be used toward repairing, building or renovating facilities. The money also can be applied toward purchase of new equipment, training and certification of staff, or it may go to repay debt related to equipment purchases or facility building and maintenance. “These fire departments and EMS providers perform vital work in our communities throughout the district,” Burns said. “It’s also hard and dangerous work, as I found out firsthand when suiting up for a Cambria County Fire School training session. I am proud and honored to announce this funding to aid their continued operations.” The grant list – by department and entity – is as follows: Ashville Fire Company – $14,811 Cambria Township Volunteer Fire Company – $13,326 Carrolltown Fire Company – $11,842 Community Volunteer Fire Company – $13,656 Cresson Area Ambulance Service Inc. – $7,155 Cresson Volunteer Fire Company – $14,646 Dauntless Fire Company – $14,811 East Taylor Volunteer Fire Company – $13,326 Ebensburg Area Ambulance Association – $7,155 Gallitzin Fire Company No. 1 – $13,162 Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Company Read more


Burns announces $160,000 in state funds for Portage Area School District

(May 01, 2019)

HARRISBURG, May 1 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today announced nearly $160,000 in state funds have been awarded to the Portage Area School District to address school safety and security efforts. Burns said the $159,964 in state funds were awarded through a grant from the state’s School Safety and Security Committee, which is part of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Act 44 of 2018 resulted in the creation of this committee, which is responsible for developing the criteria schools are to use in performing school safety and security assessments. “These state dollars are a wise and proactive investment in our students’ safety,” Burns said. “Schools can use these funds to provide counseling services for students, invest in security-related technology and provide training for school staff on safety-related violence prevention efforts.” The funds can also be used for other violence-prevention programs within schools, including risk assessments, classroom management, conflict resolution, or dispute management initiatives, Burns added. More information about the grants can be found at this link: https://www.pccd.pa.gov/schoolsafety/Pages/default.aspx Read more


Burns resolution designates May 1 as ‘Law Day’ in Pa.

(May 01, 2019)

EBENSBURG, May 1 – State Rep. Frank Burns’ resolution, H.R. 124 , designating May 1 as “Law Day” in Pennsylvania, was unanimously adopted by the House today. Burns, D-Cambria, said the American Bar Association’s theme for this year’s celebration is “Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society.” The 1 st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press. “Our 1 st Amendment guarantees the rights to free speech and a free press – cornerstones of what it means to be an American,” Burns said. “Now, more than ever, it’s vital for all of us to understand and protect these rights, now and for years to come. Law Day has been set aside as a day to educate people of all ages about our legal system and the importance of protecting our constitutional rights under the law.” Across Pennsylvania, Law Day is observed by focusing on informing children from kindergarten through the college level. Judges and lawyers visit schools, educating students about their legal rights and responsibilities. Burns said the Pennsylvania Bar Association is in its 15th year of participating, along with county bar associations across the commonwealth. The first Law Day was held in 1958 to mark the nation’s commitment to the rule of law. In 1961, Congress issued a joint resolution designating May 1 as the official date for celebrating Law Day each year. Read more


Burns: $40,000 in state funding to help identify new housing options in county

(Apr 30, 2019)

HARRISBURG, April 30 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today announced yet another grant for his district. This one -- $40,000 -- will help the Cambria County Planning Commission in its efforts to develop a sustainable housing strategy for the area to enhance economic growth. "For far too long, our young people have been leaving the area for jobs and better opportunities, even when they get their education and training here," Burns said. "One of the keys to improving our economic growth is to make sure we have a sustainable local workforce and that means keeping our graduates around. "Making sure we have versatile urban housing, which studies have shown is popular with young professionals and seniors alike, can help us retain our young graduates and keep our seniors mobile and contributing to our local economy." Burns said there currently are very few viable options in the area and this grant will help Cambria County and Johnstown analyze the local market and help create a practical strategy for developing new market-rate housing options. "We already promote the area as the great destination we know it to be, but without a local residential population, that can be difficult to sustain. "A practical housing approach can help the area expand its business district, promote the area and increase the number of residents and visitors, which will help expand the local economy," Burns said. The grant is from the Read more


Burns to sponsor safe driving class at Ebensburg Senior Center on May 14

(Apr 29, 2019)

EBENSBURG, April 29 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, will offer a state Transportation Department-approved class at the Ebensburg Senior Center that could earn participants a 5% automobile insurance discount for three years. Burns said the discount, mandated by state law, is one benefit of the $16 class, which is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 14. The other benefit from the class is that it helps sharpen awareness for older drivers. “My office has offered these classes in the past and they’ve been well received,” Burns said. “Any time we can do something to save seniors some money, while also helping them stay safer behind the wheel, we’ll do it.” The Ebensburg Senior Center is located at 209 N. Julian St. This will be classroom instruction only; no on-the-road driving or classroom testing will occur. Burns said the course is specifically geared toward mature drivers – those 55 or older – and provides them an opportunity to refresh driving techniques, regain lost confidence and develop a positive driving attitude. Lunch is also available for a donation to the senior center. To register or for more information, please contact Burns’ Portage office at (814) 736-7339. Interested participants must provide their driver’s license number when registering. Registrations must be received no later than Wednesday, May 8. Read more


Burns announces upcoming ‘Shred-It Event and Unused Prescription Take Back Day’

(Apr 23, 2019)

HARRISBURG, April 23 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is partnering with Cambria County Crime Stoppers to offer residents an opportunity to safely shred documents and dispose of their unused prescriptions. The “Shred-It Event and Unused Prescription Take Back Day” will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 27 at the Geistown Fire Hall, located at 631 Lamberd Ave., in Geistown. “Criminals are always looking for any way to steal your personal information, like old credit card or bank account statements, or old medical records,” Burns said. “Shredding your old documents is a great way to reduce your chances of being a victim of identity theft or fraud.” “If you have old prescription drugs, it’s important to safely dispose of them, as this will prevent drugs from getting into the wrong hands and being misused or abused,” he said. Shredding services will be offered at $10 per box of documents. There is no cost to dispose of prescription medicines. For more information, please contact Burns’ office at 814-472-8021. Read more


Burns announces $5.14 million in state funding for Middle Taylor and East Carroll townships

(Apr 17, 2019)

EBENSBURG, April 17 – Continuing his trend of securing state funding for vital infrastructure development, state Rep. Frank Burns today announced approximately $5.14 million for two projects in the 72 nd Legislative District. Burns, D-Cambria, said the Middle Taylor Township Sewer Authority is receiving a $2.62 million grant and $997,231 low-interest loan to provide community wastewater service, including the installation of 27,000 feet of gravity wastewater main line piping. East Carroll Township will receive a $1.18 million grant and $342,429 low-interest loan for the extension of its wastewater collection system. “I thank the Pennvest board for its ongoing support for these types of projects, as this funding should help offset rate increases for residents in Middle Taylor and East Carroll Townships,” Burns said. “Municipalities in the district have been aggressively applying for state funding and it shows. The $5.14 million announced today will be added to the growing list of projects made possible by state grants and low-interest loans.” The awards were finalized today by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Authority, commonly known as Pennvest. Read more


Burns: Key bill amendment ensures victims of child sex abuse know their rights in nondisclosure agreements

(Apr 16, 2019)

HARRISBURG, April 16 – Victims of child sex abuse who sign a nondisclosure agreement will clearly know their right to cooperate with law enforcement, under a key amendment sponsored by state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria. Burns, known for his efforts in supporting statute of limitations reform for victims of child sex abuse, said his amendment to H.B. 1171 is essential. With Burns’ addition, the bill would explicitly ensure any settlement agreement contain a provision that clearly states, in bold print and in plain English, that the agreement does not prevent victims from discussing the abuse with law enforcement. All parties involved in a settlement would be required to sign directly under the provision to acknowledge they have read and understood it, Burns added. “This amendment, which was unanimously approved in the House today, would implement one of the key recommendations from last year’s statewide grand jury report, making sure victims of child sexual abuse know they are not signing away their rights to talk with police about the abuse that happened, should they sign a nondisclosure agreement,” Burns said. “The bill – and my amendment – will apply to any victim of child sexual abuse, regardless of the perpetrator.” Burns, who announced plans to introduce similar legislation last week, said he worked across the aisle with his Republican colleague to add this crucial measure to the bill. “This Read more


Burns: Child sex abuse victims deserve to be heard

(Apr 11, 2019)

HARRISBURG, April 11 – Victims of child sex abuse should never be prevented from talking to law enforcement about the abuse they endured, and state Rep. Frank Burns said he soon will introduce legislation that would ensure victims’ voices are heard and cannot be silenced. Burns, D-Cambria, said his bills would implement one of the key recommendations from last year’s statewide grand jury report on child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church: ensuring victims are clearly aware they still have a right to talk with law enforcement, even if they have agreed to a settlement that includes a non-disclosure agreement. “I was extremely disturbed by the information contained in the report, notably a “playbook for concealing the truth” used by the church that included secret financial payouts aimed at silencing these victims,” Burns said. “Many of them didn’t know that there are limits to the non-disclosure provisions in the settlements they signed. No victim of sexual abuse – especially a child – should be barred from talking with police about the abuse that was inflicted upon them.” Burns’ first bill would require any settlement agreement that includes a confidentiality clause to contain a disclaimer that contact with law enforcement is permitted, and any attempt to use the agreement to prevent or discourage such contact would be illegal. His second bill, modeled after similar legislation signed into Read more


Burns: Child safety to be prominently featured at ‘Lunch with the Easter Bunny’ event on April 14

(Apr 03, 2019)

EBENSBURG, April 3 – Continuing last year’s focus on keeping children safe, state Rep. Frank Burns is once again hosting an Easter-themed event, “Lunch with the Easter Bunny,” on Saturday, April 14 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Young Peoples Community Center, 300 Prave St., Ebensburg. Burns, D-Cambria, said representatives from the Pennsylvania State Police, Prince Gallitzin State Park and local organizations focused on children’s safety will be attending. Crafts will also be available for children to make during the event. A free lunch will be provided for children under 12, and an opportunity for photographs with the Easter Bunny will also be offered. “My staff and I found that since last year’s event was so successful, we wanted to again offer this opportunity to provide valuable safety information to children and their parents and guardians,” said Burns. “While we are looking forward to it being a fun event for everyone, our primary focus remains on keeping our community’s children safe.” Anyone wishing to attend is asked to RSVP at (814) 736-7339 . Read more


Burns: Guaranteeing in-state tuition for children in reassigned military families is right thing to do

(Apr 02, 2019)

HARRISBURG, April 2 – Students in active-duty military families in Pennsylvania deserve in-state tuition rates, even if their parent is reassigned to another state before they begin their education, said state Rep. Frank Burns. Burns, D-Cambria, said his legislation, H.B. 1050 , would ensure military families are guaranteed the in-state tuition rate as soon as a student submits an enrollment deposit to a public college or university, even if their military parent is later reassigned to another state. “It’s not right that these students are penalized because their mother’s or father’s reassignment occurs at the wrong time,” said Burns. “Members of the military and their families make enormous sacrifices to our country each and every day, and it’s up to the legislature to correct this oversight.” Burns added that under current law, dependents of military personnel in Pennsylvania who enroll at a public college or university in Pennsylvania are charged in-state tuition rates. However, the U.S. Department of Defense found some students lost the in-state rate, due to a parent’s reassignment outside of Pennsylvania, between the day the student was accepted to the college or university and the first day of the semester. Burns’ legislation has support from both parties, including the Republican and Democratic chairmen of the House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee, the panel that is Read more


Burns calls for lower taxes and roads to be fixed with $828 million state budget surplus
May 22, 2019

Burns: Forest Hills School District receives $25,000 in Safe Schools
May 20, 2019

Burns: Town-hall style meeting with first responders a success
May 17, 2019

Burns: Students at St. Michael’s, Conemaugh Valley Junior/Senior High schools to benefit from $10,000 school breakfast grants
May 16, 2019

Burns applauds lawsuit against OxyContin creator
May 15, 2019

Burns: It’s time PA gets tough on real welfare reform
May 14, 2019

Burns resolution designates ‘National Police Week’ in Pa.
May 13, 2019

Burns: Bill to guarantee in-state tuition for children in reassigned military families approved by committee
May 08, 2019

Dedication ceremony held in honor of Ebensburg native and World War II hero
May 03, 2019

Burns announces nearly $288,000 in local fire department, EMS grants
May 02, 2019

Burns announces $160,000 in state funds for Portage Area School District
May 01, 2019

Burns resolution designates May 1 as ‘Law Day’ in Pa.
May 01, 2019

Burns: $40,000 in state funding to help identify new housing options in county
Apr 30, 2019

Burns to sponsor safe driving class at Ebensburg Senior Center on May 14
Apr 29, 2019

Burns announces upcoming ‘Shred-It Event and Unused Prescription Take Back Day’
Apr 23, 2019

Burns announces $5.14 million in state funding for Middle Taylor and East Carroll townships
Apr 17, 2019

Burns: Key bill amendment ensures victims of child sex abuse know their rights in nondisclosure agreements
Apr 16, 2019

Burns: Child sex abuse victims deserve to be heard
Apr 11, 2019

Burns: Child safety to be prominently featured at ‘Lunch with the Easter Bunny’ event on April 14
Apr 03, 2019

Burns: Guaranteeing in-state tuition for children in reassigned military families is right thing to do
Apr 02, 2019