Cambria County awarded nearly $270,000 emergency grant

(Jan 03, 2018)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 3 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today announced Cambria County has been awarded a $268,254 grant aimed at combatting homelessness. “I am glad that Cambria County is receiving this funding,” Burns said. “Homelessness is a growing problem across the country and even here in Cambria County, including the distressing situation of veterans’ homelessness. This money will help get people back on their feet while preventing others from being forced to live on the street.” The federal Emergency Solutions Grant was provided through the Department of Community and Economic Development. The funding may be used for rapid rehousing, street outreach, homelessness prevention, emergency shelter, homeless management information system and administrative costs. The ESG program is designed to assist people to quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness. ### Read more


Burns announces $1 million in state funding for local projects

(Dec 23, 2017)

EBENSBURG, Dec. 23 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today announced state grants totaling $1 million for economic development projects that will create jobs and also improve the quality of life for Cambria County residents. Burns worked to help secure $500,000 for Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center and $500,000 for Mount Aloysius College from the state’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program. According to Burns, Conemaugh Health System will use its grant to replace the Conemaugh Ebensburg Ambulatory Care Center with a new building. It is currently anticipated that the new center will be built on a site located on Route 22 between the intersections with Route 219 to the west and Admiral Perry Highway to the east. Specifically, this grant will assist in funding additional site development activities, and the steel, concrete, roof and glass portions of the overall project. Burns said Mt. Aloysius plans to use its grant to construct an addition to the Learning Center for Health Science and Technology and renovate 26,000 square feet of the existing building. The new addition will include labs, medical imaging and nursing simulation suites, classrooms, faculty offices and communal space for students. “I am glad to see the state making meaningful investments in our region,” Burns said. “From the jobs that will be created in the construction phase to the improvements being made for residents seeking access to Read more


Burns: Capitol shooting spree against Harrisburg police just before Christmas proves need for Blue Lives Matter legislation

(Dec 23, 2017)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 23 -- In the wake of a shooting spree that targeted police on the cusp of Christmas outside the state Capitol and left a female state trooper wounded by gunfire, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is imploring his legislative colleagues -- particularly Republicans who control the flow of legislation -- to act on his bill to make attacks on law enforcement a hate crime. Burns said that with the Dauphin County district attorney saying 51-year-old Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty directly targeted police -- including shooting at a police car before himself being shot and killed by police -- it's time for everyone to get serious about doing more to protect those who protect the rest of us. "El-Mofty started his shooting spree at 4 p.m. just outside the state Capitol grounds, and did so by brazenly firing bullets into a police cruiser," Burns said. "If that doesn't get the attention of everyone in the General Assembly, I don't know what will. I implore all of my colleagues to finally get the message and help me do something to reverse this trend. In fact, I'm begging them at this point." Burns, who formed and became chairman of the Blue Lives Matter caucus nearly a year ago, is the prime sponsor of H.B. 158, which would make assaulting a police officer a hate crime, resulting in a one-degree increase in the criminal penalty. He has also sponsored separate legislation, H.B. 1857, which would stiffen the penalty Read more


Burns: House leaders should accept auditor general’s offer to help end harassment payouts

(Dec 21, 2017)

EBENSBURG, Dec. 21 – In the wake of revelations that the House of Representatives has paid more than $500,000 in taxpayer dollars to settle claims, state Rep. Frank Burns said legislative leaders should take state Auditor General Eugene DePasquale up on his offer to help end that practice. Burns, D-Cambria, said that just like DePasquale, a former Democratic colleague of his in the House, he was unaware of these payments being made and thinks the funding mechanism needs to end. “Like many of my current colleagues, I was shocked to find out that such payoffs have been made – and disheartened to see that as recently as 2015, a $248,000 payment was authorized to settle an employee’s sexual harassment claim against a legislator,” Burns said. “I think House leaders should accept Auditor General DePasquale’s help, without hesitation, to ensure this never happens again. “We can only act on what we know – not what we don’t know – and now that the cat is out of the proverbial bag, corrective measures need to be taken.” Burns said DePasquale has done similar work at the Philadelphia Parking Authority, acquiring expertise in this area that his office can use to assist the legislature in making necessary changes. “I agree wholeheartedly with Auditor General DePasquale and I’m extremely disappointed to find out that such payments were authorized," Burns said, "The burning question I Read more


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And remember to apply for a 2016 Property Tax/Rent Rebate by Jan. 2

(Dec 20, 2017)

Santa and I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year! The holiday season is one of Peace, Joy and Happiness, and I wish that for each of you. Now is also a good time to remind you of the Jan. 2 deadline to file a 2016 Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program application. This program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians 65 or older, widows and widowers 50 or older, and people with disabilities 18 or older. The maximum standard rebate i ... s $650, but supplemental rebates can boost rebates to $975. Contact my office at (814) 472-8021 for free help in applying. Read more


2018 Capitol Scenes Calendar

(Dec 15, 2017)

Click here and download Rep. Burns' 2018 Capitol Scenes Calendar. Read more


Burns’ offices to be toy drop-off locations through Dec. 18

(Dec 08, 2017)

My offices in Lower Yoder Township, Ebensburg and Portage are again serving as toy drop-off locations for Johnstown-based Cuddles for Kids . Founded by 10-year-old Conner Hagins in 2006, Cuddles for Kids has donated tens of thousands of new stuffed animals, children’s books and toys to hospitals and children advocacy groups. Conner started doing this so hospitalized children would have something to cuddle with when their parents were not with them, to help ease their fears. His reach has expanded over the years, but we’re glad to assist in his continued mission of helping less-fortunate kids. Through Dec. 18, you can drop off items at these office locations: 535 Fairfield Ave. Johnstown (Lower Yoder Township), PA 15906 119 S. Center St. Ebensburg, PA 15931 112-A Munster Road Portage, PA 15946 While visiting any of these offices, it’s also a good time for you to ask questions or obtain information and help concerning a variety of state programs, including the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. We invite and welcome your inquiries on those and other state-related matters. Feel free to phone, visit or email us any time. Read more


Pa. Outdoor Corps accepting applications for work, training programs; Young people sought to complete recreation, conservation projects

(Nov 30, 2017)

Rep. Frank Burns reports that the Pa. Outdoor Corps is offering paid work experience, job training and educational opportunities to young people who complete recreation and conservation projects on Pennsylvania’s public lands. Read more


Burns offering reward for information related to office vandalism

(Nov 30, 2017)

EBENSBURG, Nov. 30 – State Rep. Frank Burns and Cambria County Crime Stoppers are offering a reward up to $500 for information leading to an arrest of the person who broke Burns's office window at 119 S. Center St. According to police, early Saturday morning, around 2:13 a.m. someone was seen trying to break a window outside of Burns's office, before jumping into a nearby car, and fleeing down West Lloyd Street. The suspect is described as a white male, wearing a white shirt and carrying a black hoodie and the car he got into was reportedly a medium-to-small sized gray car. "I will not be intimidated by people with political agendas," Burns said. "Thankfully, this incident only involved property damage, but all crime should be taken seriously. Hopefully, this reward offer will help local law enforcement find the perpetrator so he can be punished." Burns said that the first pane of the office double pane window was broken and the second pane was cracked. Anyone with information about this incident should call Cambria County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-548-7500. Read more


Outdoor Corps accepting applications for work, training program

(Nov 30, 2017)

Rep. Frank Burns reports that the Pa. Outdoor Corps is offering paid work experience, job training and educational opportunities to young people who complete recreation and conservation projects on Pennsylvania’s public lands. Read more


Burns to donate automatic COLA to local charities

(Nov 27, 2017)

EBENSBURG, Nov. 27 – As he’s voluntarily done every year, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, said he plans to once again donate the mandatory cost-of-living increase, or COLA, to local charities. “As a fiscally conservative representative who understands that our region is struggling and people are cutting back to make ends meet, I believe that the best use of this mandatory pay increase is to return it to the communities I serve,” Burns said. As prescribed by a law passed long before Burns was elected, state officials automatically receive a COLA increase, based on a cost-of-living index, effective Jan. 1. This year and in previous budget impasses, Burns also refused to accept a state paycheck until the annual state budget was finalized. He said that he’s traditionally gone without a paycheck as long as the state budget is unfinished, most notably during the nine-month impasse of 2015-16, as well as donated his automatic COLA to local charities, because of a strong belief that legislators should set an example. “I have always worked to put taxpayers first,” Burns said. “The legislature has a lot more work to do in order to make the state more accountable to taxpayers. Donating this mandatory increase is the right thing to do.” Read more


Burns: Forest Hills, Central Cambria school districts to benefit from $100,000 in ‘Safe Schools’ Police/Resource Officer grants

(Nov 17, 2017)

EBENSBURG, Nov. 17 – The state Department of Education has notified state Rep. Frank Burns, D- Cambria, that $100,000 in grants for the training and compensation of school resource and police officers will assist the Forest Hills and Central Cambria school districts. Burns said $60,000 is being awarded to the Adams Township Police Department, on behalf of the Forest Hills School District, while $40,000 is headed to the Central Cambria School District. Burns said the official notifications are expected to be sent today. “These state grants will help make schools safer, while providing a cost savings to local taxpayers,” Burns said. “I thank the Department of Education for these awards, and congratulate the recipients.” The money is coming from the Safe Schools School Police/Resource Officer Grant program. Applicants are eligible for a maximum individual grant of $60,000 for a School Resource Officer and $40,000 for a School Police Officer and the maximum amount per individual targeted grant is $20,000. Local police agencies and municipalities can apply and receive a grant but they must have prior consent of the governing board of the school to place school resource officers on the school’s premises. Read more


Burns invites governor to join group of legislators on Friday, Nov. 17 tour of Ebensburg State Center

(Nov 13, 2017)

EBENSBURG, Nov. 13 – Remaining concerned about the facility’s future, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, has invited Gov. Tom Wolf to join a group of legislators on a tour of the Ebensburg State Center arranged by the Department of Human Services for 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 17. Several weeks ago, Burns made note of his prior visit to the facility when he vowed to fight proposed legislation that would close the center, which serves nearly 225 mentally and physically disabled adults and employs more than 700 caregivers. Burns said he was invited to participate in the Nov. 17 tour, which was arranged at the request of other legislators, since the facility is located in Burns’ 72 nd Legislative District. Burns said he plans to attend but thought it wise to invite the governor as well. Burns said he took this course of action because, “As I have recently discovered that legislation may not be required in order to close the Ebensburg State Center or other facilities like it, the last thing we want is to wake up one morning and be blindsided with news that it’s a done deal.” In his letter to Wolf, Burns said, “I believe this tour would provide you with valuable insights as to the special challenges faced by some of the commonwealth’s most vulnerable residents and their families … and I can assure you that getting a firsthand look at the needs of its residents and the dedication of its staff is a fundamental step any Read more


Letter inviting Gov. Wolf to join Nov. 17 tour of Ebensburg State Center

(Nov 13, 2017)

Here's the letter I sent Gov. Wolf, inviting him to join a tour of the Ebensburg State Center requested by other elected officials. Read more


Burns: Sign up by Dec. 1 for bus trip to Capitol on Dec. 12

(Nov 13, 2017)

EBENSBURG, Nov. 13 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is hosting a $45-per-person bus trip to the state Capitol on Tuesday, Dec. 12 that includes tours of the Capitol and nearby governor’s residence, along with a visit to Hollywood Casino. The bus will make pickups in Richland and Ebensburg before 9 a.m. and will leave Harrisburg for the return trip around 7:30 p.m. Burns said interested residents must call his Portage office at (814) 736-7339 to ensure that seats are still available and make a reservation. The $45 cost includes round-trip transportation, lunch, the three aforementioned destinations, and a $35 casino voucher. “Many 72 nd Legislative District residents have come to enjoy my yearly holiday bus trip to the Capitol, especially the splendidly decorated Capitol Christmas tree and governor’s residence,” Burns said. “It puts us in the Christmas mood and I look forward to experiencing this heartwarming event with them once again.” Read more


Burns fills three vehicles for annual food drive benefiting Dorothy Day Center

(Nov 06, 2017)

LORETTO, Nov. 6 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, collected donations for his annual food drive benefitting the Dorothy Day Center at St. Francis University. With the help of the community and the Penn Cambria School District, Burns filled two SUV’s and a van to capacity with donated food. “We started asking for donations last month,” Burns said. “People across the area really stepped up this year, including students and staff at Penn Cambria Middle and High Schools. We couldn’t have done it without them.” The Penn Cambria High School held a music concert last month and instead of asking for money at the door, they took food donations instead. The Dorothy Day Center explained how the organization relies on the kindness of others to help those in need, especially during the holiday season. “We have people who don’t make enough money to properly feed their family, and each year, we are so grateful to Representative Burns and his efforts to contribute to our cause,” said Dorothy Day Center Assistant Director Mary Adams. “Without his help with this food, we can’t do these special distributions.” Burns picked up donations at his offices in Ebensburg and Portage, as well as the Penn Cambria Middle School. “We like to do our part and make the holidays nice for everyone,” Burns said. Read more


Address Burns' bill promptly

(Nov 01, 2017)

The Altoona Mirror has endorsed passage of my bill that would stiffen penalties for fleeing the police whenever an officer or member of the public is killed or seriously injured. I thank them -- and agree with their position that, "Law-abiding state residents should demand nothing less." Read more


Burns votes against gaming expansion that favors big casinos over neighborhood clubs, bars

(Oct 26, 2017)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 26 – Citing its blatant favoritism toward big corporate casino interests, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today voted against a hotly debated, 939-page gaming expansion bill pushed through the Republican-majority House with little time for thorough scrutiny. Burns said H.B. 271 wasn’t given to House members until Wednesday evening, giving rank-and-file members scant opportunity to dissect its voluminous contents. But from what could be ascertained on short notice, Burns said the bill fell short of gaining his approval because it didn’t include video poker for bars and clubs. “Once again, the legislature has sold out to corporate interest by choosing big casinos as the winners, leaving hardworking, small, mom-and-pop tavern owners behind. It’s a disgrace,” Burns said. “Video poker machine profits would have stayed in Pennsylvania and been spent here, having a multiplying effect on the economy. But setting up casinos to make even more money sends those profits to some corporate office that’s not in Pennsylvania.” Burns said the bill’s authorization of interactive gaming – called iGaming for short – for casinos basically puts a slot machine in everyone’s pocket via their smartphone, which means they can gamble anytime, anywhere. “That isn’t a wise or prudent expansion of gaming, and I fear its potential to harm those who are lonely, elderly or both,” Read more


Tiffany Jones, Conner Hagins honored last night as 2017 Charlie Vizzini Volunteerism Award recipients

(Oct 20, 2017)

EBENSBURG, Oct. 20 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, presented the 2nd Annual Charlie Vizzini Volunteerism Award to co-recipients Tiffany A. Jones and Conner C. Hagins, both of Johnstown, at a banquet last night. “These two young people exemplify the community-minded spirit found throughout the 72nd Legislative District and Cambria County,” Burns said. “It is an honor to recognize the many good works they unselfishly have performed over the years. Our communities are better because of their efforts.” Jones has been especially active in St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, where as a member of its Youth Group she’s volunteered to help people with yard work, painting, odd jobs and other home-related projects they cannot physically perform or afford. Jones has traveled to a remote part of Peru to deliver toiletries and other items to a village where they conducted a Bible School for youngsters. Her other volunteer activities include Relay for Life to fight cancer, packing boxes for a food pantry, helping with volunteer fire company bingo, and becoming a Junior Firefighter and auxiliary member. Jones has completed Emergency Management Technician training and is waiting to take the written half of the certification, before starting classes at Penn Highlands Community College this fall. Hagins started Cuddles for Kids more than a decade ago, and the nonprofit charity has donated 107,000 items worth an estimated $500,000 to Read more


Burns a hearty ‘no’ vote on GOP revenue bill that would borrow $1.5 billion, increase taxes

(Oct 18, 2017)

EBENSBURG, Oct. 18 – Largely because of its heavy reliance on borrowing $1.5 billion against future tobacco settlement funds, state Rep. Frank Burns was a resounding “no” vote on Tuesday night’s revenue bill, which passed the House 102-88. Burns, D-Cambria, was one of 42 Democrats to vote against H.B. 542, citing his belief that large-scale borrowing, which has to be paid back with interest, doesn’t equate to sound fiscal management. “I don’t even own a credit card because I know the dangers in borrowing money to pay debt,” Burns said. “I’m in Harrisburg to represent the 72 nd Legislative District, and my constituents don’t want the state borrowing money that they, their children and their grandchildren will have to repay.” Further, Burns said the revenue bill – technically known as a tax code bill – also contains $85 million in tax hikes in obscure areas, such as fireworks sales and changes to the withholding of rent, royalty and other income paid to non-residents of Pennsylvania. “Even though Republicans handily control the legislature, with 121 votes in the House and 34 in the Senate, due to their own internal disagreements they have for months failed to deliver a plan to fund the budget they moved through the process back in June,” Burns said. “The Senate still needs to agree to what the House approved last night, which means it’s still not a done Read more


Cambria County awarded nearly $270,000 emergency grant
Jan 03, 2018

Burns announces $1 million in state funding for local projects
Dec 23, 2017

Burns: Capitol shooting spree against Harrisburg police just before Christmas proves need for Blue Lives Matter legislation
Dec 23, 2017

Burns: House leaders should accept auditor general’s offer to help end harassment payouts
Dec 21, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And remember to apply for a 2016 Property Tax/Rent Rebate by Jan. 2
Dec 20, 2017

2018 Capitol Scenes Calendar
Dec 15, 2017

Burns’ offices to be toy drop-off locations through Dec. 18
Dec 08, 2017

Pa. Outdoor Corps accepting applications for work, training programs; Young people sought to complete recreation, conservation projects
Nov 30, 2017

Burns offering reward for information related to office vandalism
Nov 30, 2017

Outdoor Corps accepting applications for work, training program
Nov 30, 2017

Burns to donate automatic COLA to local charities
Nov 27, 2017

Burns: Forest Hills, Central Cambria school districts to benefit from $100,000 in ‘Safe Schools’ Police/Resource Officer grants
Nov 17, 2017

Burns invites governor to join group of legislators on Friday, Nov. 17 tour of Ebensburg State Center
Nov 13, 2017

Letter inviting Gov. Wolf to join Nov. 17 tour of Ebensburg State Center
Nov 13, 2017

Burns: Sign up by Dec. 1 for bus trip to Capitol on Dec. 12
Nov 13, 2017

Burns fills three vehicles for annual food drive benefiting Dorothy Day Center
Nov 06, 2017

Address Burns' bill promptly
Nov 01, 2017

Burns votes against gaming expansion that favors big casinos over neighborhood clubs, bars
Oct 26, 2017

Tiffany Jones, Conner Hagins honored last night as 2017 Charlie Vizzini Volunteerism Award recipients
Oct 20, 2017

Burns a hearty ‘no’ vote on GOP revenue bill that would borrow $1.5 billion, increase taxes
Oct 18, 2017