Burns: Small, rural communities eligible for fire department grants

(Feb 19, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Feb. 19 – Rural or volunteer fire departments serving communities with fewer than 10,000 people should consider applying for state grants with an application window that runs from Feb. 26 through May 2, said state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria. “As these grants are designed to help unprotected or inadequately protected rural areas, this program is a natural fit for many of our communities,” Burns said. “It should be of particular interest to our small and rural areas – and my office stands ready to help with applications.” The Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants, awarded through the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, are for a maximum $10,000 and can be used for: Purchasing wildfire suppression equipment. Wildfire protective gear. Mobile or portable radios. Installing dry hydrants. Wildfire prevention and mitigation. Wildfire training. Certain projects involving converting and maintaining federal excess vehicles received from the DCNR Bureau of Forestry and used for fire suppression. Burns said a priority will be placed on projects that include purchasing wildland fire suppression equipment and wildland fire protective gear. Priority also will be given to fire companies which have established goals and objectives, and have developed plans to meet them. Brittany Blackham, who is available in Burns’ Portage office at (814) 736-7339, serves as an in-house grant writer and can Read more


Burns: Liquor Control Board offering alcohol education grants

(Feb 13, 2019)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 13 – The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board is accepting applications through March 15 to fund programs aimed at promoting responsible – and legal – alcohol consumption, announced state Rep. Frank Burns. A member of the House Liquor Control Committee, Burns, D-Cambria, said school districts, institutions of higher education, police departments and municipalities are eligible to apply, as are nonprofit and for-profit organizations. “Nearly $1 million of these alcohol education grants were awarded in the last cycle of funding, so I once again urge eligible entities in our district to apply,” Burns said. “Anything that promotes safe and responsible drinking by those of legal age, while hopefully discouraging and reducing underage drinking, is a positive for us all.” The current grant cycle is for one year, from July 2019 through June 2020. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis with a maximum award of $20,000. Applications will be received and evaluated by the PLCB’s Bureau of Alcohol Education. The grant application and related information can be found at https://www.lcb.pa.gov/Education/Programs/Pages/Grants.aspx . For additional assistance, contact Burn’s Portage office at (814) 736-7339 and ask for grant writer Britany Blackham. Read more


Burns: Fresh round of grant opportunities have March, April deadlines

(Feb 11, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Feb. 11 – Municipalities and organizations may want to take note of several varied competitive state grant programs with open application windows that close in the next month or so, according to state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria. “I urge anyone and everyone who thinks they may be eligible to make application, because you’ll never know unless you try,” Burns said. “That’s why I’ve consistently touted these grant opportunities as a way to have more of your tax dollars returned to our communities.” For the past several years, Burns has made a priority of informing and encouraging government, nonprofit and other eligible entities to apply for available grants – and has offered the assistance of his own in-house grant writer. Burns said Brittany Blackham, who fills that role, can be reached in his Portage office at (814) 736-7339 to provide information or help with the following grant applications: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission: Keystone Historic Preservation Eligibility: Municipalities and nonprofit organizations. Use: Community preservation projects or construction grants for publicly accessible, government/nonprofit-owned historic buildings. Application Deadline: March 1 More Information: https://www.phmc.pa.gov/Preservation/Grants-Funding/Pages/Planning-Projects.aspx or Read more


Burns: Apply for variety of state grants by May 31

(Feb 06, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Feb. 6 – Urging counties and municipalities to potentially avail themselves of gas well impact fee monies, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is announcing that the Commonwealth Financing Authority is accepting grant applications today through May 31. Burns said numerous grants, sourced through the Marcellus Legacy Fund known as Act 13, will be awarded later this year for projects such as: abandoned mine drainage abatement; abandoned well plugging; sewage treatment; greenways, trails and recreation; baseline water quality data; watershed restoration; and flood control. “As in years past, I wholeheartedly encourage anyone who is eligible to apply,” Burns said. “My office can help, either by providing information and guidance, or assistance in helping prepare and submit your grant application.” Burns’ in-house grant writer/assistance is Brittany Blackham, who is available in his Portage office at (814) 736-7339. The CFA grants can be applied for in these categories: Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement and Treatment Program – Grants for abatement of AMD and/or treatment of AMD through treatment facility system construction. Grants may also be awarded for treatment system repair, upgrade or operation and maintenance of existing passive and active treatment systems. Baseline Water Quality Data Program – Grants to fund statewide initiatives to establish baseline water quality Read more


Burns issues statement regarding Gov. Tom Wolf’s state budget address

(Feb 05, 2019)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 5 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today issued the following statement regarding Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget address: “After years of the governor pushing different tax schemes, I’m pleased that he has proposed a no-new-taxes budget. As a fiscally conservative Democrat, I have consistently opposed tax hikes and will do so again, if needed. I look forward to working with leaders of both parties, in a bipartisan manner, to ensure we have an on-time budget. “During budget negotiations, I will insist the families in my district are heard. It’s time for everyone to put party affiliation aside and focus on what’s really important: investing in our children, taking care of the seniors of our community, fighting for working families and honoring the veterans who fought for this country.” Read more


Burns urges a stop to medical transport changes

(Feb 04, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Feb. 4 – Supporting local transit agencies and their riders, state Rep. Frank Burns is co-sponsoring legislation to delay potentially costly and disruptive changes to the state’s Medical Assistance Transportation Program. The program – which offers shared rides to medical appointments for Medical Assistance recipients when other means are unavailable – currently operates at a local level that takes account of each region’s geographic needs. A new law requires the state Department of Human Services to move to a statewide or three-region system. Burns joined a bipartisan group of lawmakers in supporting a bill that would require DHS to study the issue further before making changes to the program. “We cannot allow the state to dismantle a system that works simply because some bureaucrats claim they could save money when they haven’t looked at the true cost to our communities,” said Burns, D-Cambria. “Before any contracts are issued, DHS needs to bring local transit agencies to the table to negotiate the best way to provide Medical Assistance transportation moving forward.” Burns, chairman of the Northwest Democratic Caucus, said he’s heard from CamTran and other transit agencies that losing the ability to provide the Medical Assistance trips could lead to cutbacks in service areas and hours, as well as steep fare hikes. Moved by their concerns, Burns wrote a Read more


Burns promotes competitive state funding for violence prevention initiatives

(Feb 01, 2019)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 1 – State Rep. Frank Burns said he wants to alert municipalities, institutions of higher education, counties and community-based organizations of a grant opportunity to help them implement violence-prevention initiatives. "This funding can help ensure our schools and the communities that surround them are safe places,” Burns said. “Public safety should be a priority, and I encourage those who are eligible to apply for this funding." Applicants for 2019 Community Violence Prevention Grants may submit proposals for up to two-year projects designed to reduce community violence, and may request up to $350,000. All applications must be submitted by Feb. 7 to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Awards will be approved and announced at the public meeting of the School Safety and Security Committee in April. Those interested in applying must visit https://www.pccdegrants.pa.gov/Egrants/Public/OpenAnnouncements.aspx . Interested applicants that are not already registered in PCCD’s E-grants system must register here before applying: https://www.pccd.pa.gov/Funding/Pages/Egrants-Home.aspx . Additionally, school entities that applied for School Safety and Security Grant Program funding by Oct. 12, 2018, will be able to revise and resubmit their applications between Feb. 4 and 25. Those applications may be accessed through the E-grants system. The funding for these grants became available in 2018-19 under Act Read more


Burns: DCNR grants available for parks, recreation, conservation

(Jan 31, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Jan. 31 – In furtherance of his multi-year effort to maximize local participation in grant opportunities, state Rep. Frank Burns is touting the availability of funds to help with parks, recreation and conservation projects. Burns, D-Cambria, said the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is accepting grant applications through April 10 for its Community Conservation Partnership Program. “These grants can fund planning, acquisition and development of public parks; recreation areas; motorized and non-motorized trails; river conservation and access; and conservation of open spaces,” Burns said. “I urge interested municipalities and their agencies, nonprofit organizations, state heritage areas, prequalified land trusts and for-profit enterprises that might qualify to make application.” Burns said the projects require a 50-percent local match and more information is available at https://www.dcnr.pa.gov/Communities/Grants . In a service Burns provides free of charge, any 72 nd Legislative District entity seeking help with preparing a grant application can contact his Portage office at (814) 736-7339 and ask for Brittany Blackham, who serves as in-house grant writer/assistant. Read more


Burns reappointed to four House committees for 2019-20

(Jan 28, 2019)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 28 – On the heels of his re-election as Northwest Delegation chairman, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, has been reappointed to four House committees for the 2019-20 legislative session of the General Assembly. Burns will again serve on the Consumer Affairs, Liquor Control, Tourism and Recreational Development, and Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness committees, as announced by House Democratic Leader Frank Dermody. “Combined with my continued leadership of the House Democrats’ Northwest Delegation, I’m looking forward to building on my body of work on these four important committees,” Burns said. “They vet and approve all legislation that falls under their respective jurisdictions, before it moves to the full House for a vote. So the work is very important.” Burns offered the following encapsulation of his committees’ duties: Consumer Affairs – Reviews bills pertaining to issues such as vehicle lemon laws, consumer privacy and contract language; and has jurisdiction over the Public Utility Commission, as well as many consumer issues. Liquor Control – Reviews any bills which pertain to the sale or distribution of alcohol in Pennsylvania; and handles legislation dealing with the state’s Liquor Code and oversees the operations of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, as well as the control of liquor by slot machine operators under the Gaming Control Board. Tourism and Read more


Burns: PennDOT seeking full-time workers for seasonal summer jobs

(Jan 24, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Jan. 25 – PennDOT is recruiting applicants for its 2019 Summer Maintenance Program, said state Rep Frank Burns, where college students, highway maintenance workers and custodial workers earn $13.56 an hour. Burns said pay for these full-time positions, available from April through October, rises to $15.28 an hour for semi-skilled laborers and $19.84 hourly for tunnel maintainers and certain equipment operators. “With so many people looking for steady work, especially college students during the summer, I wanted to make everyone aware of these opportunities,” said Burns, D-Cambria. “In addition to getting steady income and additional work experience, it’s equally important to note that these seasonal openings also provide a gateway to potential promotion into a permanent position.” Burns said more details on the PennDOT jobs can be obtained by visiting www.employment.pa.gov , clicking through the “Open Jobs” icons and searching for “PennDOT Summer Maintenance Program 2019.” People can also apply for jobs by following the above computer protocol, Burns said. Burns also issued the caveat that not all jobs are available in all counties. Read more


Burns: Central Cambria, Penn Cambria school districts each awarded $35,000

(Jan 17, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Jan. 17 – In the first-ever state grants of their kind, state Rep. Frank Burns today announced a combined $70,000 is coming to the Central Cambria and Penn Cambria school districts to expand computer science classes and teacher training. Burns, D-Cambria, said each of the districts will receive $35,000 under the PAsmart initiative, which has made Pennsylvania No. 2 in the nation for investing in K-12 STEM and computer science education. “These targeted grants are designed to help schools significantly boost their computer science offerings through equipment purchases and staff development,” Burns said. “We all know that ever-changing technology is rapidly altering our economy at the local, state and national levels. Our students must be computer science-proficient in order to keep pace.” Burns said Central Cambria and Penn Cambria are among this round of targeted grant recipients, which include 221 school districts, two career and technical centers, 18 charter and cyber charter schools, and eight intermediate units – each of which are receiving $35,000 Read more


Burns re-elected leader of Northwest Delegation

(Jan 16, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Jan. 16 – Maintaining his House Democratic leadership role, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today was unanimously re-elected chairman of the Northwest Delegation. Burns’ peers in the region gave him a second term at the helm of the delegation, whose members coalesce around ideas, legislation and strategy of mutual benefit to them and the people they represent. “I am humbled and appreciative at the vote of confidence demonstrated by today’s action,” Burns said. “As a delegation, we’ve strived to present a united front on key issues. We’ll continue doing that, to amplify our voice in Harrisburg as we fight for issues of mutual importance.” Burns said he looks forward to cultivating a strong working relationship with the rest of the Northwest Delegation leadership team: Vice Chairman Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, Treasurer Rep. Robert Merski and Secretary Rep. Pat Harkins, all of whom are Democrats from Erie County. Read more


Burns: Scholarship available to graduating seniors

(Jan 11, 2019)

State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is reminding graduating high school seniors and their families about the availability of the 2019 Pennsylvania House of Representatives Scholarship, which awards a four-year scholarship to two students preparing to enter post-secondary education. Read more


Burns welcomes Appropriations Committee chairman to Cambria County

(Jan 10, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Jan. 10 – For the first time in recent history, the Democratic chairman of the influential House Appropriations Committee today visited state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, to gain a firsthand assessment of the 72 nd Legislative District and its most pressing needs. State Rep. Matt Bradford, from Montgomery County in eastern Pennsylvania, came to Burns’ district in one of his first official acts of 2019 since being elevated to the key committee chairmanship in November. “I cannot emphasize enough how much I appreciate Representative Bradford, a longtime House colleague of mine, coming to get a firsthand view of our district and its needs,” Burns said. “This is a first during my tenure as a state representative, and it’s an honor to welcome a House member of his stature who wants to help.” Burns said Bradford’s committee plays a pivotal role in forming recommendations for state budget and fiscal-related matters, and is integrally involved in the annual budget process. He said the committee also has jurisdiction over the state budget process, the offices of Auditor General and state Treasurer, and the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority. “We can’t forget about our small towns and rural districts across Pennsylvania, which is why coming to Representative Burns’ district was important to me. We’re committed to keeping their needs on the radar as our committee moves forward with Read more


Burns: Grant to fund Chest Creek stabilization

(Jan 10, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Jan. 10 – Patton Borough will benefit from a $21,260 state grant to stabilize an area of stream bank along Chest Creek, state Rep. Frank Burns announced today. Burns said the state Department of Environmental Protection’s Growing Greener program funding will help protect Patton Borough from future flooding – and will repair damage that followed unprecedented rain and flooding across Pennsylvania last year. “These state funds will repair and restore fish habitat and also prevent future erosion along Chest Creek,” said Burns, D-Cambria. “It’s a vital investment to protect and restore a substantial section of stream bank to ensure residents enjoy this area for recreational use and enjoyment for years to come.” Burns said the grant will stabilize 300 linear feet of stream bank and will assist the area in reducing and controlling storm water, and to rebuild from last year’s weather-related devastation. Read more


Burns: Cresson company receives $75,000 technology grant

(Jan 09, 2019)

Cresson-based Eternal Remembrance LLC was awarded a $75,000 grant from Ben Franklin Technology Partners, state Rep. Frank Burns announced today. Read more


Letter to the Greater Johnstown Water Authority regarding Competitive Power Ventures

(Jan 09, 2019)

Among other things, in this letter I invited key officials from the Greater Johnstown Water Authority to attend a meeting in my office to discuss ways to solve their funding challenges. Read more


Burns sworn in to sixth term as state representative

(Jan 01, 2019)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 1 – Looking forward to building on his reputation as a social and fiscal conservative willing to tackle important local issues, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, was sworn in today for a sixth term representing the 72nd Legislative District. Burns, D-Cambria, said he’ll remain vigilant about monitoring developments and speaking out to defend residents’ interests as the 2019-20 legislative session unfolds, whether it involves policies crafted in Harrisburg or district issues on which constituents seek out his help. “I’m honored that the people of Cambria County continue to place their faith and trust in me,” Burns said. “The residents of our community are strong, hardworking, decent people who deserve the very best the state can offer. Nothing is more important to me than protecting their interests – both here at home and in Harrisburg. Whether it’s restoring popular bus trips for our seniors or demanding answers about the controversial Laurel Ridge wind turbine project, I’ll continue fighting for what’s best for our residents.” At the same time, Burns said he’ll continue focusing on his priorities of protecting children from predatory sex abuse and bringing those perpetrators to justice, keeping neighborhoods crime-free, providing law enforcement with needed resources and legal protections, ensuring safe schools and a thriving workforce, and combatting the opioid crisis Read more


Burns: Stop congressional pay during government shutdown

(Dec 27, 2018)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 27 – In response to the ongoing government shutdown in Washington, D.C., state Rep. Frank Burns is calling for a halt in pay for members of Congress until the showdown is resolved. Currently, 800,000 federal workers across the country are going without paychecks, while elected members of the U.S. House and Senate continue to get paid. “You don’t get paid when you don’t do your job – so why should Congress?” Burns asked. “I’ve always tried to lead by example. That’s why I voluntarily refused my paycheck when Pennsylvania failed to pass an on-time budget. I join my former state House colleague, Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene DePasquale, in calling on Congress to do the same.” Burns has gone without a paycheck as long as the state budget is unfinished, notably during the nine-month impasse of 2015-16, because of a strong belief that legislators should set an example. “It is time for both Republicans and Democrats in Congress to come together on border security. Right now, the millionaires running the federal government are more concerned about one-upping each other and playing politics than considering the disastrous effects their actions have on workers and our nation’s economy. Pennsylvanians – and all Americans – deserve much better than this.” Read more


Letter urging halt to Laurel Ridge wind turbine project

(Dec 19, 2018)

On Tuesday, I sent this letter to the Greater Johnstown Water Authority and others – including the governor and a top CPV official – urging them to defer to public opinion and halt the proposed wind turbine farm on Laurel Ridge. I sincerely hope that they join me in listening to the will of the people. Read more