Burns urges communities to apply for federal funds to prevent opioid abuse, addiction in youth

(Apr 01, 2019)

HARRISBURG, April 1 – School districts, nonprofit organizations and county officials are encouraged to apply for federal funds aimed at preventing youth substance abuse, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, announced today. The federal funds will be used to form a partnership with school districts, nonprofit service providers and counties to participate in a 5-year pilot program to reduce the risk factors that lead to substance abuse in youth, families and the community, Burns said. “We’ve seen first-hand how devastating – and deadly – substance abuse is in our communities,” said Burns. “If we can take steps to prevent addiction to these highly addictive drugs in the first place, imagine how many lives – and families – we can save from needless tragedy.” Eligible applicants for these funds include school districts, nonprofit service providers, and counties (either county commissioners or a single county authority). There must be a collaboration of the three entities, with school districts the preferred lead agency. The deadline to apply is April 16. More information can be found by clicking this link and choosing “Opioid Misuse Prevention Project Cohort 2:” https://www.pccdegrants.pa.gov/egrants/Public/OpenAnnouncements.aspx . Read more


Burns: Federal funds available to communities to reduce, prevent violent crimes

(Mar 28, 2019)

HARRISBURG, March 28 – Reducing violent crime through collaboration with law enforcement, local governments, and faith-based and nonprofit organizations is the goal behind a federal grant program that should be of local interest, state Rep. Frank Burns announced today. Burns, D-Cambria, is encouraging organizations to apply for nearly $302,000 in federal Project Safe Neighborhoods grant funds, available through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. These funds are specifically focused on creating and fostering safer neighborhoods through a sustained reduction in violent crime, Burns added. “One of the best ways we can keep our communities safe from crime is through collaboration with law enforcement and local groups that are focused on a common goal of public safety,” Burns said. “These grants can fund a variety of projects designed to curb crime, including the hiring of additional county prosecutors to thwart illegal gun and drug trafficking, launching outreach strategies to keep at-risk youth safe, and assessing current violence reduction efforts locally.” Burns added that priority for funding will be given to multi-organization collaborations across all levels of law enforcement. The deadline to apply is April 15. More information on the grant can be found by clicking on this link and choosing “Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN)–Western District”: Read more


Burns urges Turnpike Commission to consider Cambria County in Hyperloop feasibility study

(Mar 27, 2019)

HARRISBURG, March 27 – Saying it would position Cambria County to benefit from the “interstate of the future,” state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, has requested that the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission include a Hyperloop terminal in Cambria County as part of its feasibility study on utilizing the new technology for moving goods and people at ultra-fast speeds. Burns said he sent a letter to the Turnpike Commission making the request after he was briefed on the potential magnitude of the cross-state Hyperloop project at the commission’s headquarters in Harrisburg. Hyperloop is a new form of mass transit that uses pods to transport freight and passengers through specialized vacuum tubes at speeds of 600 to 700 mph. It provides the potential to move goods and people from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia in as little as 30 minutes, creating an opportunity for tremendous economic development in those areas. “Cambria County has always been limited by its lack of access to a major highway. With the Hyperloop considered the ‘interstate of the future,’ it has the potential to drastically change the economic outlook of our region,” Burns said. “Imagine traveling from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia in minutes – that ability would enable Cambria County to attract businesses, such as Amazon, that ship large amounts of freight. Plus, people could live here and work almost anywhere in Pennsylvania.” As the state Read more


Burns: $211,300 state grant will fix ‘structurally unsound’ Croyle Twp. bridge

(Mar 26, 2019)

EBENSBURG, March 26 – A structurally deficient Croyle Township bridge will soon be replaced, thanks to a $211,300 state grant announced today by state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria. Following an engineering firm inspection requested last year by township officials, the Oaks Road Bridge over Laurel Run was recommended for immediate closure to traffic due to significant public safety concerns, related to compromised structural stability. “When we drive over bridges in our communities, it shouldn’t be a concern as to whether or not they’re safe – we assume they are,” said Burns. “But when we find that they’re not, it is imperative these bridges are replaced or repaired immediately. I’m pleased this grant was approved for Croyle Township and a new bridge will soon be a reality.” The $211,300 grant, from the state’s Multimodal Transportation Fund program, provides funds to encourage economic development and ensure a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to all Pennsylvanians. The Department of Community and Economic Development grant was approved through the Commonwealth Financing Authority. Burns’ office assisted with the grant application, including the submission of a letter of support. Read more


Burns: Loretto dairy receives $427,000 grant to expand family business

(Mar 26, 2019)

EBENSBURG, March 26 – A Loretto dairy farm will be able to expand its business and product offerings, thanks in large part to a $500,000 state grant announced today by state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria. The grant will help Vale Wood Farms in Loretto, a PA Preferred member, expand its current facility to offer new products and make needed equipment upgrades. “I’m pleased that this grant will help support a local business and provide the resources to allow it to continue being successful in our community,” Burns said. “While our state’s dairy production is strong, many such facilities need equipment upgrades to meet industry and consumer demands. This investment will go a long way to support the industry, local jobs and the community as a whole.” Burns said the farm will use the funds to purchase a new freezer and equipment needed for cheese making, and expanded production lines for its milk, ice cream and yogurt products. Total project cost is approximately $1.95 million. The grant was awarded through the Pennsylvania Dairy Investment Program, which is managed by the Commonwealth Financing Authority. The program was established in 2018 for research and development, organic transition, value-added processing, and marketing in support of Pennsylvania’s dairy industry. Read more


Burns: St. Francis University Institute for Energy wins prestigious environmental excellence award for ‘Tiny Classroom’

(Mar 20, 2019)

EBENSBURG, March 20 – St. Francis University in Loretto has received an award for environmental excellence for its specially-created mobile laboratory focused on teaching people about efficient energy techniques and sustainability, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, announced today. Burns said the university’s Institute for Energy was chosen to receive the Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence from the state Department of Environmental Protection for its mobile educational laboratory, called the Tiny Classroom. This special mobile lab features a variety of energy-efficient techniques and sustainable building features, including solar panels. “The Tiny Classroom provides a wonderful opportunity to teach people in our communities about solar energy, biomass heating, energy efficient electronics and more,” said Burns. “I’m pleased that the university’s Institute for Energy has been recognized for their innovative educational approach to energy, including sustainable energy options.” St. Francis University’s Institute for Energy was among 18 winners for the annual award. Projects submitted for consideration were evaluated on several criteria, including innovation, partnership efforts, economic impact, consideration of climate change, and sustainability and results achieved. Read more


Burns vows to fight $10-a-year gun registry bill

(Mar 18, 2019)

HARRISBURG, March 18 – Saying it amounts to nothing more than gun control , state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, has come out swinging against a Philadelphia lawmaker’s bill that would charge gun owners a $10-per-year registration fee for each firearm they own. Burns, a member of the legislature’s Second Amendment Caucus, said the gun registry called for by H.B. 768 contains other provisions – such as universal fingerprinting and background checks – that put it squarely at odds with current state law and the Pennsylvania Constitution. “I took an oath as state representative to uphold the state constitution – not destroy it,” Burns said. “I see this bill as an attack on legal firearms ownership, and I will do everything in my power to defeat it.” Burns said the proposal also flies in the face of the U.S. Constitution and the Second Amendment, which clearly codify the right for law-abiding citizens to bear arms. “It is insulting to mandate that responsible, law-abiding Pennsylvanians be forced to register their firearms and pay yearly fees, just to exercise their constitutional right to own a gun,” Burns said. “I will fight this bill tooth-and-nail to ensure we don’t weaken or eliminate people’s ability to defend themselves. "If we want to send a clear message to criminals and those who would do others harm via gunfire, the legal system needs to enforce the laws already on Read more


Burns: State funding available for local governments, nonprofits for tree planting in urban areas, near waterways

(Mar 12, 2019)

EBENSBURG, March 12 – Municipalities and nonprofits are encouraged to apply for grants to plant trees in urban areas and along streams and waterways to beautify communities and improve water quality, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, announced today. Burns said letters of intent are now being accepted for the PA TreeVitalize program, a statewide nonprofit organization dedicating to nurturing forests throughout Pennsylvania’s urban landscapes. “Trees play a vital role in improving overall water quality, storm water management, and they also beautify our communities for generations to come,” Burns said. “They also help keep our air clean, acting as natural pollution filters, and also reduce sedimentation and fertilizer pollution.” Funding for the program is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. The deadline to submit letters of intent is May 1. For more information, please visit the following link: https://treepennsylvania.org/treevitalize-grants-program . If you are interested in applying, please contact Brittany E. Blackham, grants and development specialist, at Burns’ Portage office at (814) 736-7339 for assistance. Read more


Burns: State program available to farmers for reimbursement of soil, erosion management plans

(Mar 08, 2019)

EBENSBURG, March 8 – Over $620,000 in funding is available through a state program that reimburses farmers for costs related to erosion, sediment, and soil nutrient management, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, announced today. The state Department of Environmental Protection’s Agricultural Planning Reimbursement Program provides agricultural operators and landowners with up to $6,000 to reimburse them for fees they’ve paid to technical experts to create long-term management plans designed to improve soil and herd health and implement cost-effective uses of farm resources. “Agriculture is one of our state’s strongest industries, with more than 59,000 farm families across Pennsylvania,” said Burns. “This program can help farmers in Cambria County and statewide recoup the costs they’ve paid to implement plans to keep their land and herd stocks viable and productive for generations to come.” The deadline for farmers to register for the reimbursement program is April 1. More information is available at this link: http://files.dep.state.pa.us/Water/ChesapeakeBayOffice/Ag page/3020-FM-CBO0003a_APRP_Registration_Form_Cover_Sheet_2018_2019.pdf If you choose to apply, please contact Brittany E. Blackham, grants and development specialist, at Burns’ Portage office at (814) 736-7339 for proposal assistance. Read more


Burns appointed deputy caucus chairman for House Democrats

(Mar 07, 2019)

EBENSBURG, March 7 – Saying it strengthens his working relationships with members of the House Democratic Caucus to advance issues of common interest, such as helping working families, state Rep. Frank Burns, has begun serving in the newly created role of deputy caucus chairman. Burns, D-Cambria, said his selection as someone tasked with running caucus meetings in the absence of Democratic Caucus Chair Joanna McClinton, D-Phila., shows that House Democrats are interested in allowing a cross-section of viewpoints to be heard and given consideration in the crafting of policy and legislation. “As a Democrat who’s conservative on social and fiscal issues, I may not always be in lockstep with Representative McClinton and many others with whom I share the caucus meeting room,” Burns said. “But on the matters where we do agree – such as being pro-labor, pro-working families and pro-economic development – we can and should find common ground.” Burns said this new role fits squarely into his guiding principle as an elected official: that he’ll work with anyone, from either party, to advance initiatives that benefit working people in his district and across Pennsylvania. “We cannot allow narrow self-identities or political labels slapped on us by others to define who we are, as people or state representatives,” Burns said. “As a conservative voice, I’ll continue working Read more


Burns to host upcoming Property Tax/Rent Rebate event in Reade Township

(Mar 06, 2019)

EBENSBURG, March 6 – Residents who need help filing Property Tax/Rent Rebate applications are invited to attend a special outreach event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 13 at the Reade Township Fire Hall, located at 268 Reade St. in Blandburg, said state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria. “My staff will be available to guide seniors through the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program application process and assist them in completing the paperwork at no cost,” Burns said. “No appointment is necessary to attend this event. We are here to help seniors and other residents who may be unable to fill out the forms, or who may have questions.” Applicants must be 65 or older, widows and widowers 50 or older, or people with disabilities 18 or older. Residents should bring their 2018 income statements and their 2018 rent certificate or real estate tax receipt. For more information, residents may call Burns’ district office at 814-472-8021. Read more


Burns: Library grant opportunity available for improvements, upgrades to public library facilities

(Mar 04, 2019)

EBENSBURG, March 4 – Local public libraries are encouraged to apply for state grants to help them secure funding for vital facility improvements, including – but not limited to – handicap access upgrades, replacements of windows and doors and energy efficient upgrades, announced state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria. Burns said the Keystone Grants for Public Library Facilities, available through the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Office of Commonwealth Libraries, can help libraries secure funding for these projects. “Libraries are the cornerstone of our communities, offering free educational resources to everyone and opportunities to connect with others through job training, events for families and youngsters, and more,” Burns said. “These grants can provide the funding for necessary repairs or upgrades, ensuring they remain vital components of our towns and cities for years to come.” PDE will be accepting grant applications through April 26. Applicants must partner with a sponsoring municipality, and grants must be matched dollar-for-dollar. Matching funds may include cash and in-kind contributions, federal funds and other state funds. For the past several years, Burns has made a priority of informing and encouraging government, nonprofit and other eligible entities to apply for available grants – and has offered the assistance of his own in-house grant writer. Burns Read more


Burns: Apply for transportation grants now through July 31

(Mar 01, 2019)

EBENSBURG, March 1 – Municipalities, businesses, and economic development and public transportation agencies are among entities that state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is encouraging to apply for state grants related to improving transportation assets. Burns, who has made a priority of informing those eligible for grant opportunities, said grants from the CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund may be used for the development, rehabilitation and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities, streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development. Projects must have a total cost of $100,000 or more, Burns said, and the maximum grant cannot exceed $3 million for any single project. Applications are being accepted today through July 31. “The CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of the commonwealth,” said Burns, who noted that this program is separate from PennDOT’s similarly-named Multimodal Program. Complete guidelines as well as application instructions for the CFA grant program may be found here: http://dced.pa.gov/programs/multimodal-transportation-fund/#.WJDKm3kzW70 Additional assistance is available from Burns’ Portage office at (814) 736-7339. Ask for grant writer Read more


Burns: Veterans’ nonprofit receives $50,000 state grant

(Feb 28, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Feb. 28 – A nonprofit organization headquartered in Upper Yoder Township is receiving a $50,000 state grant to aid its rural veterans’ outreach project, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, announced today. Burns said Veteran Community Initiatives Inc., located at 727 Goucher St., has been selected by the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to get the grant through the Veterans Trust Fund – which is replenished by generous Pennsylvanians who make a voluntary $3 donation when applying for or renewing their driver’s license or photo ID, or renewing a vehicle registration. Other sources of funding, according to Burns, are the sale of the state’s “Honoring Our Veterans” license plates as well as some private donations. “Since its 1993 inception, Veterans Community Initiatives has been dedicated to assisting, caring and advocating for our area’s veterans, and helping their families,” Burns said. “I’m hopeful this state funding will enable them to maintain and expand that mission.” Burns noted that VCI received the maximum $50,000 under the grant program. Read more


Burns invites Amazon founder to consider Cambria County for jobs location

(Feb 27, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Feb. 27 – In the wake of Amazon being spurned by New York state and local officials, state Rep. Frank Burns has invited CEO Jeff Bezos to visit Cambria County to determine its unique suitability as a company headquarters. “Adding 25,000 jobs might not be a big deal in New York City, but I assure you that here in Pennsylvania, local and state officials will work with you in a positive and collaborative manner to create a win-win situation for everyone involved,” Burns wrote in a Feb. 22 letter to Bezos . Burns, D-Cambria, touted the area’s “work ethic that is second to none” and its surrounding “world-class universities” as reasons Bezos should consider it as a viable substitute location. “I realize Cambria County may not have had all of the aspects your company was looking for when it sought the perfect location for a new headquarters,” Burns wrote. “However, I believe Cambria County provides you with a unique marketing opportunity that will further cement your legacy.” Burns told Bezos that as the leader of one of the largest U.S. corporations, he has the power to “revitalize an entire region overnight” and could literally rebuild an area that has struggled to find an identity since the demise of steel mills, coal mines and factories. Burns, who has criticized U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other New York officials whose opposition to Amazon caused the company Read more


Letter inviting Amazon to locate headquarters in Cambria County

(Feb 27, 2019)

I've invited Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to visit and consider Cambria County as a company headquarters that would add 25,000 jobs. Read more


Burns: $50,000 state grant to enhance Ebensburg downtown district

(Feb 26, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Feb. 26 – A $50,000 state grant from the Keystone Communities program will improve and enhance the downtown area of the borough of Ebensburg, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, announced today. “One of the clearest signs of a thriving, successful community is the vibrancy of its downtown area, and this grant will help ensure that Ebensburg -- the county seat of Cambria County -- is attractive to visitors, residents and businesses alike,” Burns said. “Investments like these make our communities stronger and more connected and also encourage job growth and business development.” Burns added that the grant, which is administered by the state Department of Community and Economic Development through its Keystone Communities program, will provide Ebensburg the funds to implement a façade-improvement program in the downtown business district to enhance the appearance of the downtown area. The Keystone Communities program is designed to support local initiatives that grow and stabilize neighborhoods and communities, encourage the creation of partnerships between the public and private sectors in the community, and enhance the overall quality of life for residents. Read more


Burns to host upcoming Property Tax/Rent Rebate event in Gallitzin

(Feb 25, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Feb. 25 – Residents who need assistance in filling out their property tax or rent rebate applications are invited to attend a special outreach event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 4 at the Gallitzin Moose, located at 625 Main Street in Gallitzin, said Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria. “My staff will be on-hand to guide seniors through the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program application process and assist them in completing the paperwork at no cost,” Burns said. “No appointment is necessary to attend this event. We are here to help seniors who may be unable to fill out the forms, or who may have questions.” Applicants must be 65 or older, widows and widowers 50 or older, or people with disabilities 18 and older. Residents should bring their 2018 income statements and their 2018 rent certificate or real estate tax receipt. For more information, please call Burns’ district office at 814-472-8021. Read more


Burns: $500 donation boosts albino deer killing reward to $1,500

(Feb 21, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Feb. 21 – The generosity of an anonymous donor who contributed $500 has boosted to $1,500 the reward Cambria County Crime Stoppers is offering to catch anyone responsible for the pellet-gun killing of an albino deer, said state Rep. Frank Burns. Anyone with information on the incident – which was reported in the vicinity of Bates Drive in Westmont – is encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-548-7500. “This cowardly and illegal occurrence has shocked many residents of our community,” said Burns, D-Cambria. “Those of us involved in offering this reward hope that it encourages cooperation that leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.” Last week, Burns joined officials from Crime Stoppers, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and the West Hills and Upper Yoder Township police departments at a Hiram G. Andrews Center news conference to announce what was then a $1,000 reward. Read more


Burns supports welfare-to-work initiative

(Feb 21, 2019)

EBENSBURG , Feb. 21 – A longtime advocate of welfare reform, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, has signed on as an early supporter of legislation that would create a pilot program to move welfare recipients to full-time jobs in one year. Burns said he decided to sponsor the “welfare to work” bill because it would establish a public-private partnership designed to wean welfare recipients off the system, by letting them continue to collect benefits while gradually phasing in pay for their full-time work. During this transition, Burns said, employers would initially pay program participants for 20 hours per week, rising to 30 hours after six months and ending at 40 hours – at which point their cash benefits from the public dime would be cut off. “The vast majority of people in my district feel as I do, which is that people who can work should be working, not living off of the system in perpetuity,” Burns said. “I decided to co-sponsor this bill, which is a bipartisan move on my part, because it removes the excuse that, ‘If I get a job, I’ll actually lose money, because I can make more staying on welfare.’” Burns said an added bonus of the legislation is that it relies on the private sector, not government, to supply people with the path necessary to obtain gainful, full-time employment. “I’ll support any and all good ideas when it comes to welfare Read more


Burns urges communities to apply for federal funds to prevent opioid abuse, addiction in youth
Apr 01, 2019

Burns: Federal funds available to communities to reduce, prevent violent crimes
Mar 28, 2019

Burns urges Turnpike Commission to consider Cambria County in Hyperloop feasibility study
Mar 27, 2019

Burns: $211,300 state grant will fix ‘structurally unsound’ Croyle Twp. bridge
Mar 26, 2019

Burns: Loretto dairy receives $427,000 grant to expand family business
Mar 26, 2019

Burns: St. Francis University Institute for Energy wins prestigious environmental excellence award for ‘Tiny Classroom’
Mar 20, 2019

Burns vows to fight $10-a-year gun registry bill
Mar 18, 2019

Burns: State funding available for local governments, nonprofits for tree planting in urban areas, near waterways
Mar 12, 2019

Burns: State program available to farmers for reimbursement of soil, erosion management plans
Mar 08, 2019

Burns appointed deputy caucus chairman for House Democrats
Mar 07, 2019

Burns to host upcoming Property Tax/Rent Rebate event in Reade Township
Mar 06, 2019

Burns: Library grant opportunity available for improvements, upgrades to public library facilities
Mar 04, 2019

Burns: Apply for transportation grants now through July 31
Mar 01, 2019

Burns: Veterans’ nonprofit receives $50,000 state grant
Feb 28, 2019

Burns invites Amazon founder to consider Cambria County for jobs location
Feb 27, 2019

Letter inviting Amazon to locate headquarters in Cambria County
Feb 27, 2019

Burns: $50,000 state grant to enhance Ebensburg downtown district
Feb 26, 2019

Burns to host upcoming Property Tax/Rent Rebate event in Gallitzin
Feb 25, 2019

Burns: $500 donation boosts albino deer killing reward to $1,500
Feb 21, 2019

Burns supports welfare-to-work initiative
Feb 21, 2019