Burns issues statement on grand jury report detailing widespread Catholic Church child sex abuse

(Aug 14, 2018)

EBENSBURG, Aug. 14 – In response to state Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s release today of a statewide grand jury report on child sexual abuse and related cover-ups in an additional six Roman Catholic Church dioceses in Pennsylvania, state Rep. Frank Burns issued the following statement: “After a separate grand jury report in 2016 that detailed widespread but equally appalling conduct in the Altoona-Johnstown Roman Catholic Diocese, I became a staunch advocate for lengthening the statute of limitations for such crimes – and now I am even more angry and determined to see that the law is changed so victims can get the closure they deserve. “For more than two years I’ve stood with allies, such as state Representative Mark Rozzi of Berks County – himself a victim of sex abuse at the hands of a priest – and my longtime friend Shaun Dougherty, who was similarly abused starting at age 10, to keep this issue front and center in the body politic. “Now that this type of heinous and damaging behavior has been documented in the rest of Pennsylvania, perhaps we’ll have the critical mass needed in the legislature to advance the changes that Representative Rozzi, my good friend Shaun, I and many others know are needed to help victims find closure. “We now know that these abuses were not confined to one region, but took place in six additional dioceses that cover 54 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. And in each one Read more


Seniors Newsletter 2018

(Aug 08, 2018)

Fighting to restore popular bus service destinations for seniors and a reminder to attend my Sept. 14 Senior Fair in Ebensburg are two highlights of this newsletter devoted to senior issues. Read more


State Rep. Frank Burns hosting spaghetti lunch for veterans

(Aug 07, 2018)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 7 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is hosting a complimentary spaghetti lunch for veterans from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 26 at the Cresson Volunteer Fire Co., 223 Ashcroft Ave., Cresson 16630. Guests are welcome, but only veterans with a military ID qualify for the free lunch. Guests can eat for $5. To RSVP by Friday, Aug. 17, please call Burns’ Portage office at 814-736-7339. Burns has hosted the free meal for veterans in the past, as a way of showing appreciation for the sacrifices veterans have made in service to the country. “My staff and I love hosting this event for our veterans,” Burns said. “It’s the least we can do to honor their service and thank them for dedicating their lives to our safety.” Veterans will also have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about state programs and services. Read more


Prisons and Law Enforcement Newsletter 2018

(Aug 06, 2018)

My success in getting the state to confiscate Timberland work boots from prisoners, after that footwear was used in the beating and kicking death of a corrections officer, is detailed in this newsletter. Read more


Veterans Newsletter 2018

(Aug 06, 2018)

An invitation for veterans to attend my free spaghetti luncheon on Aug. 26 and my bridge namings in honor of three veterans and one state policeman are featured in my latest Veterans Newsletter. Read more


Summer 2018 Newsletter

(Aug 06, 2018)

My continued support of child sex abuse victims and my call for welfare reform highlight my Summer 2018 newsletter. Read more


2017 Year in Review

(Aug 06, 2018)

Bringing an additional $15 million to the 72nd Legislative District and welcoming Attorney General Josh Shapiro to our "Push Out the Pusher" campaign are highlights of my 2017 Year in Review newsletter. Read more


Burns: Transit authority, county should restore bus service to destinations popular with seniors

(Jul 26, 2018)

EBENSBURG, July 26 – Peppered with complaints from seniors upset that shared ride bus routes were cut to several popular spots July 1, state Rep. Frank Burns has moved front and center to lobby for restoration of those services. Burns, D-Cambria, has written the Cambria County Transportation Authority, which made the decision, and the Cambria County commissioners, urging reversal of the locally made decision. “It has come to my attention that CamTran has drastically cut bus services for seniors by limiting the shared ride program’s destinations. I am requesting that CamTran fully restore these bus services for seniors immediately,” Burns wrote in both letters. “By eliminating travel to and from several very popular locations that seniors have enjoyed visiting – such as the Flight 93 National Memorial – you are hampering the quality of life for seniors in Cambria County.” Burns also penned an open letter to his 72 nd Legislative District constituents, explaining the situation and advising them to direct their complaints to the local decision-makers, CamTran at 814-471-6601 or the county commissioners at 814-472-1600. “Please be advised that neither my office nor the state Department of Transportation was involved in this decision,” Burns wrote. “Although CamTran receives state funding to defray the cost of this shared ride program, my office confirmed with PennDOT that CamTran made the decision on its Read more


Letters to constituents, the Cambria County Transit Authority and the Cambria County commissioners regarding CamTran bus service cuts for seniors

(Jul 26, 2018)

Neither my office nor PennDOT had anything to do with CamTran cutting bus service for seniors to several popular destinations. I've written these letters to explain the situation and urge decision-makers to restore those routes. Read more


Burns: Environmental grant opportunity available to small businesses and farmers

(Jul 24, 2018)

EBENSBURG, July 24 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is urging 72 nd Legislative District entities to apply for grant funding available to farmers and small businesses for pollution prevention, energy efficiency and natural resource protection projects through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Small Business Advantage program. “Everyone who thinks they may be eligible should consider applying, and should contact my offices for help or clarification if they need it,” Burns said. “Brittany Blackham in my office is able to act as an on-staff grant writer for those who need assistance.” Examples of eligible projects are HVAC and boiler upgrades, high-efficiency lighting, solvent recovery and waste recycling systems, and auxiliary power units deployed as anti-idling technology for trucks. Last year, 150 small businesses were awarded more than $953,000 in grants for these types of projects. Pennsylvania-based small-business owners with 100 or fewer full-time employees are eligible. Projects must save the business a minimum of $500 and 25 percent annually in energy consumption or pollution-related expenses. Businesses can apply for 50-percent matching funds of up to $9,500 to adopt or acquire energy-efficient or pollution prevention equipment or processes. Only costs incurred between July 20, 2018 and June 30, 2019 are eligible. Applications will be considered on a first-come basis, and will be accepted until Read more


Burns: ‘Push out the Pusher’ yard signs available at district offices

(Jun 07, 2018)

EBENSBURG, June 7 – Noting that the program has resulted in almost 500 arrests since its inception four years ago, state Rep. Frank Burns is offering free “Push out the Pusher” yard signs at each of his district offices. Burns, D-Cambria, said the campaign to eradicate illegal drugs – notably heroin and other opioids – is driven by the ability to remain anonymous by calling a toll-free tip line and the possibility of a reward of up to $8,000. “If you’re fed up with drug dealers pushing their poison on kids, then get involved in the fight by displaying a yard sign and reporting what you see to police,” said Burns of the program that also involves Cambria County Crime Stoppers. “We need the public’s help to combat this opioid crisis, so let’s all band together, fight back and let these drug dealers know the 72 nd Legislative District is not an easy place to set up shop.” Burns, who has stood with law enforcement agency representatives and the Cambria County district attorney at prior “Push out the Pusher” events, said the actual reward amounts are determined by police and the county’s drug task force. Burns said citizens can report illegal drug activity by calling 1-800-548-7500, or by calling their local police department. “"The program’s been effective in helping get heroin and other dangerous illegal drugs off our streets,” Burns said, noting that at Read more


Burns: Youth Fairs present anti-drug message throughout June, July

(May 30, 2018)

EBENSBURG, May 30 – As a longstanding partner with Cambria County Crime Stoppers in its “Push out the Pusher” campaign, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, said numerous Youth Fairs featuring an anti-drug use message are scheduled throughout the 72 nd Legislative District this summer. The Cambria County Courts and judges, and the county’s Drug Task Force, are important partners in these Youth Fairs, and Burns’ office is also on hand to talk about state programs to deter kids and young adults from drug use. “This is an important message to reinforce, so I encourage parents to consider having their children attend these events, all of which run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.,” Burns said. “We’re having 14 of them throughout the district, so there’s bound to be one close by.” The 2018 Youth Fair schedule is: June 8 – Patton Park June 13 – Chest Springs Baseball Field June 15 – Revloc Park June 19 -- Veterans Park, Cresson June 20 – The Mound Playground, Westmont June 22 – American Legion Park, Carrolltown June 26 – Summerhill Fire Hall June 27 – Franklin Street Baseball Field, Gallitzin June 29 – Crichton McCormick Park, Portage July 3 – Inside Campground/Beach, Prince Gallitzin July 11 – War Memorial Field, Lilly July 13 – Memorial Field, Ebensburg July 17 – VFW Baseball Field, Sankertown July 27 – Colver Park Read more


Burns soliciting nominations for annual volunteerism award

(May 17, 2018)

EBENSBURG, May 17 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is accepting applications from June 1 through 20 at his Ebensburg office for the third annual Charlie Vizzini Volunteerism Award, which will honor an outstanding volunteer in the 72 nd Legislative District. Burns presented the annual award last year to co-recipients Tiffany A. Jones of Jackson Township and Conner C. Hagins of Upper Yoder Township. Burns started the award in 2016 in honor of its initial recipient Charlie Vizzini, who has amassed more than 9,200 hours by volunteering in Burns’ legislative office – fielding more than 1,400 constituent service matters and saving taxpayers an estimated $95,000. “This is a wonderful opportunity to honor someone from the district who gives and volunteers to make our community a better place,” Burns said. “Please consider submitting a nomination if you are – or know someone who is – one of those people who should be celebrated for their efforts in improve the lives of others in our community.” To be eligible, one must: Be a resident living within Burns’ 72 nd Legislative District; Regularly volunteer to make the community a better place to live; and Be able to verify any stated volunteerism. Written nominations should include: The name and contact information of the person making the nomination, and the name and contact information for the person being nominated. An essay of no Read more


June 19th bus trip to Capitol

(May 16, 2018)

RSVP by June 11 for my June 19 bus trip to the Capitol. Read more


Burns: Cambria County Historical Society receives $4,000 grant

(May 11, 2018)

EBENSBURG, May 11 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today announced the award of a $4,000 grant from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission to the Cambria County Historical Society. Burns said the Cultural and Historical Support Grant comes from a program designed to strengthen Pennsylvania’s museum community, by supporting general operations of eligible museums and official county historical societies not supported by other state agency funding programs. “These state funds will assist with the operation of the county’s historical society, which is a fixture in the fabric of our community,” Burns said. “I’m pleased to see them receiving a share of the monies earmarked statewide for this important purpose.” Award amounts are determined using an equation based on a percentage of the eligible museum’s previous year’s operating budget, and the maximum any museum could receive is $50,000, Burns said. Statewide, the PHMC awarded almost $2 million in grants to 142 eligible museums and official county historical societies from 55 counties. Read more


Burns: Mount Aloysius College awarded $666,026 transportation grant

(May 08, 2018)

EBENSBURG, May 8 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today announced a $666,026 state grant to Mount Aloysius College to construct a sidewalk from its premises to the Cresson Business District, a high-priority project in the Admiral Peary Corridor as defined by the Cambria County Planning Commission. “This important project is one of 82 statewide selected for funding as a means to improve transportation alternatives, and to enhance mobility and public access,” Burns said. “As state representative for the 72 nd Legislative District, I’ve made a priority of encouraging eligible entities to apply for state grants, and have hired a legislative assistant with a grant writing background, so these success stories come as no surprise.” This project was awarded funding by the state Department of Transportation through the Surface Transportation Block Grant program Set-Aside or Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside. The transportation alternatives program provides funding for such projects as community improvement activities, safe routes to school and trails that serve a transportation purpose. Read more


Burns: State inmates must dispose of hard-soled boots by Friday

(May 08, 2018)

EBENSBURG, May 8 – State prison inmates have until Friday to turn in or mail home their hard-soled work boots, according to state Rep. Frank Burns, who called for a total ban after Timberland-style footwear was used to kick a corrections officer to death in February. Burns, D-Cambria, who attended the funeral service for SCI-Somerset corrections officer Sgt. Mark Baserman, wrote letters to the governor and state Department of Corrections demanding that in addition to suspending new sales through prison commissaries, all boots already in prisoner possession be confiscated. Burns said the Department of Corrections, in the latest newsletter published on its state website, announced that inmates were advised in April that they have until May 11 to get rid of their boots – by shipping them home, sending them home with a visitor, turning them in without reimbursement or donating them to a local organization. “Like many others, I was shocked to find out that inmates were allowed to purchase boots that could be used as weapons in the first place, so I’m ecstatic to read that – and I quote – “Inmates were advised to arrange to get rid of their boots,’” Burns said. “The DOC decision to remove hard-soled boots, although tucked away on page 36 of a 55-page online newsletter, was the right one.” As he launched his own fact-gathering effort in the wake of Baserman’s death, Burns said he was provided Read more


Department of Corrections notice banning hard-soled boots

(May 08, 2018)

Here's page 36 of the latest DOC newsletter, detailing how inmates must get rid of their heavy-soled boots. Read more


Burns: Lobbying reform bill blocked by partisan GOP chairman

(May 07, 2018)

EBENSBURG, May 7 – Baffled over why his good-government bill -- which would double the length of time former state officials and employees must wait to become lobbyists -- has been stalled in committee for 15 months, state Rep. Frank Burns says a recent admission points to blatant partisanship as the reason. Burns said his H.B. 68 , which he views as an extremely good piece of legislation with strong public support, was referred to the House State Government Committee on Jan. 23, 2017, where it’s been bottled up ever since. “I’ve been perplexed about this inertia for nearly a year-and-a-half, but now we all know the answer as to why we’re not increasing from one to two years the amount of time former officials must wait before cashing in as lobbyists,” Burns said. “And that answer is purposeful stalling by a powerful Republican.” Burns said nothing moves through the State Government Committee without the blessing of its Majority Chairman Daryl Metcalfe, a Republican from Butler County, who recently admitted to purposely blocking all bills put forth by Burns and other members of the minority Democratic Party. Burns said that Metcalfe recently posted on Facebook, “I block all substantive Democrat legislation sent to my committee,” and at a recent town meeting said, “I don’t move anything substantive that’s Democrat legislation.” This type of one-sided political posturing, Burns Read more


Burns resolution designates ‘National Police Week’ in Pa.

(May 02, 2018)

HARRISBURG, May 2 – State Rep. Frank Burns’ resolution designating May 13 through 19 as “National Police Week” and May 15 as “Police Officers Memorial Day” in Pennsylvania was unanimously adopted by the House today. Burns, D-Cambria, said he introduced H.R. 850 to remind all Pennsylvanians of the critical role police officers perform in keeping order in a nation governed by laws. “The jobs they perform are increasingly fraught with danger and disrespect, to the point where every day bodily injury or death is a real concern,” said Burns, chairman of the legislature’s Blue Lives Matter Caucus. “I believe most law-abiding citizens – and there are many – truly appreciate the professionalism and braveness of the vast majority of police officers.” Burns said the roots of his resolution trace to 1962, when President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15 as “Peace Officers Memorial Day” and the week on which that date fell as “Police Week.” In 2018, Burns said tens of thousands of law enforcement officers from around the world will participate in numerous events to honor those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice while in police service. Also, continuing a tradition that began in 1982, Burns said a memorial service will be held in Senate Park in Washington, D.C. Burns said it is important for all citizens to be aware of the duties, responsibilities, Read more