Burns on the forefront of strong anti-bullying efforts

(Aug 19, 2019)

CRESSON, Aug. 19 – Building on his ground-breaking anti-bullying efforts from last year, state Rep. Frank Burns announced a two-pronged approach to curb bullying in schools during a news conference today at Penn Cambria High School. Burns, D-Cambria, laid out an aggressive package of legislation coupled with a pilot program that puts part of his anti-bullying plan into action in the real world. “With thousands of students in Cambria County heading back to school, I knew this was the time to redouble my efforts to address bullying,” Burns said. “Being taunted, tortured and terrorized by other students is far more prevalent than most people think. We cannot let another school year go by without addressing this epidemic.” Burns said he is reintroducing a bold proposal first put forth last year that would penalize the parents of habitual bullies with a fine of up to $750 and/or community service if the parents fail to do their part to stop their child’s destructive behavior. The measure garnered worldwide attention for its unusual approach: holding parents accountable for repeated acts of bullying. Additionally, Burns plans to introduce the Pennsylvania Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, modeled after a similar law in New Jersey. Burns’ bill lays out the rights of students, parents and schools as they relate to bullying and builds on the Safe2Say anonymous violence and bullying reporting program that was implemented in schools Read more


Letter to Corrections Secretary John Wetzel

(Aug 18, 2019)

With five recent parolees charged with six homicides, I've urged Corrections Secretary John Wetzel to support an outside review of PA's parole procedures and a halt to any new parole hearings. Read more


Burns meets with Amazon official at national summit, gets tour invite

(Aug 15, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Aug. 15 – Making inroads at the National Conference of State Legislatures’ annual summit, state Rep. Frank Burns got a firsthand look at Amazon’s distribution center process and an invite to tour one of the online retail giant’s Pennsylvania facilities. Once again, Republican Speaker of the House Mike Turzai appointed Burns to serve on the national Communication, Financial Services and Interstate Commerce Committee in Nashville. “I didn’t go to Tennessee to just whistle Dixie; I was a man on a mission to make contacts and learn all I could about helping Cambria County with job creation,” said Burns, D-Cambria. Burns met with Amazon’s regional public policy manager Anya Malkov and discussed his letters to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, informing him of the availability of a Keystone Opportunity Zone in Cambria County and touting the area’s workforce and willingness to welcome investors. “We also talked about how some Amazon distribution centers are located in small-sized cities like those in my district, as long as they are close to highways,” Burns said. “I view that as an extremely positive piece of information – and to all the people who say, ‘it’s never going to happen,’ – this is something for them to chew on.” Burns said Malkov, who attended Dickinson College in Carlisle, offered to help arrange a tour of one of the Read more


Burns: Latest anti-bullying efforts to be presented Monday, Aug. 19

(Aug 15, 2019)

As part of his effort to stamp out bullying, state Rep. Frank Burns and Penn Cambria School District will discuss a one-year pilot program using free software supplied by a Johnstown-based firm, at a 10 a.m. Monday, Aug. 19 news conference at the Penn Cambria High School library, 401 Linden Ave., Cresson. Read more


Burns: Vigilance needed to ensure Ebensburg State Center stays open

(Aug 14, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Aug. 14 – As the lead public figure in the 2017 fight to keep Ebensburg State Center from closure amid a huge public outcry, state Rep. Frank Burns is urging continued vigilance upon learning that the Wolf administration plans to shutter similar centers in Luzerne and Venango counties. Burns, D-Cambria, said after the effort two years ago to close the Ebensburg center – which was providing specialized care for nearly 225 severely mentally and physically disabled adults, along with 700 jobs – Gov. Tom Wolf gave assurances that he wouldn’t close the facility through the 2018-19 fiscal year, which has now expired. “My radar screen has lit up like a pinball machine now that the plan to close Polk State Center in Venango County and White Haven State Center in Luzerne County has been revealed,” Burns said. “It’s an early warning system for those of us who were – and would again be – deeply disturbed at the prospect of losing the Ebensburg State Center forever.” Burns said closing such a vital facility would make no sense, given the upheaval it would cause in the lives of patients, families and employees. He also questioned why it would be necessary, given that the state just closed the books on a 2018-19 fiscal year with hundreds of millions of dollars in surplus. “If the state just got done stashing away $800 million in June, it doesn’t make sense to Read more


Three fire companies in 72nd Legislative District receive funding for training, equipment related to fighting forest, brush fires

(Aug 09, 2019)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 9 – Continuing his commitment to helping struggling local fire departments, state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, announced that three fire companies in the 72 nd Legislative District have been selected to receive state grants to help fund training and equipment related to fighting brush and forest fires. Burns noted that he and state Fire Commissioner Bruce Trego heard first-hand from Cambria County firefighters about the challenges their departments face during a town hall meeting in May. “Firefighters answer the call in our communities when no one else will. Instead of running from danger, they run toward it without hesitation. We need to do as much as possible to ensure they have the resources to remain safe and adequately respond to emergencies, and these grants will do just that,” Burns said. Burns said Middle Taylor Township Vol. Fire Co. received $1,772; Portage Vol. Fire Co. No. 1 received $2,878; and Reade Township Vol. Fire Co. was awarded $4,000. The grant program, offered through the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, is for training and equipment purchases directly related to fighting brush and forest fires. Grants may be used for purchasing mobile or portable radios; installing water supply equipment; wildfire prevention and mitigation work; training wildfire fighters; or converting and maintaining federal excess vehicles. Burns said he also wanted to remind local fire Read more


Grant to boost Cambria County tourism, outdoor opportunities

(Aug 09, 2019)

State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, was proud to help Rock Run Recreation secure a $53,800 state grant to help maintain its 140-mile outdoor recreation trail system. Read more


Burns: $500,000 grant boosts Saint Francis University’s health sciences program

(Aug 01, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Aug. 1 – Two floors that include digitally equipped classrooms will be added to Saint Francis University’s Sullivan Hall with help from a $500,000 state grant announced today by state Rep. Frank Burns. The renovation and expansion of the 55-year-old building will boost the university’s health service program, which will also benefit from seminar rooms for small-scale, interactive work, Burns said. “These are the types of investments our state can – and should – make,” said Burns, D-Cambria. “As a result of this funding, students in Saint Francis University’s health sciences program will have the most up-to-date technology and resources available, which helps prepare them for successful careers in health care.” The grant was awarded from the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program, which is administered by the Office of the Budget for the acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational, and historical improvement projects. Funded projects under the program have a regional or multi-jurisdictional impact; they also generate substantial increases or maintain current levels of employment, tax revenues, or other measures of economic activity. Read more


Burns touts road repairs completed with $70,000 in state grants

(Aug 01, 2019)

EBENSBURG, Aug. 1 – In keeping with his ongoing commitment to bringing state dollars back to the district, state Rep. Frank Burns praised the use of $70,687 in grant funds to maintain and improve two roadways in Croyle Township, Cambria County. Burns, D-Cambria, said the funds were used for improvement and maintenance projects this spring on Plummer Road and Betz Road come from the state Department of Agriculture’s Dirt and Gravel Road Maintenance Program. A total of $34,761 was awarded for the Plummer Road project, and $35,926 was awarded for the Betz Road project. “Investments in our infrastructure are a tangible way to see our tax dollars at work,” Burns said. Burns added that any entity within the 72 nd Legislative District that needs information on grants or assistance in applying for a grant can contact his Portage office at 814-736-7339 and ask for Brittany Blackham, who serves as an in-house grant writer/assistant. For more information on the DGRMP, please visit: https://www.agriculture.pa.gov/Plants_Land_Water/StateConservationCommission/DGRMP/Pages/default.aspx Read more


Burns: Grant opportunity available to farmers, small businesses

(Jul 31, 2019)

EBENSBURG, July 31 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is urging small businesses and farmers to apply for grant funding for pollution prevention, energy efficiency and natural resource protection projects. Eligible projects can include HVAC and boiler upgrades, installation of solar-powered or high-efficiency lighting, solvent recovery and waste recycling systems, and auxiliary power units deployed as anti-idling technology for trucks. Natural resource protection projects can include streambank fencing to keep livestock out of streams and agricultural stormwater systems to reduce sediment in waterways. “These grants are a great way to help farmers and small business owners make the improvements they need to boost efficiency and reduce costs,” Burns said. “I encourage anyone interested in applying to contact Brittany Blackham in my office to provide assistance in completing the grant application.” Burns encouraged applicants to file sooner rather than later, as applications are considered on a first-come basis and will be accepted until fiscal year 2019-20 funds are exhausted or April 12, whichever occurs first. The complete grant application package, which includes step-by-step instructions for completing the online application, as well as all related forms, is available by visiting the DEP Small Business Ombudsman’s Office website at https://bit.ly/2JQp9be . Burns’ office can be Read more


Burns: Cambria hardest-hit by opioid pill dumping, deserves fair restitution

(Jul 29, 2019)

EBENSBURG, July 29 – Acting on recently released federal data confirming Cambria County as opioid pill manufacturers’ favorite dumping ground , state Rep. Frank Burns wants state Attorney General Josh Shapiro to make sure the county is also number one with restitution from Big Pharma. Burns, D-Cambria, today sent Shapiro a letter noting that in the six-year period between 2006 and 2012, nearly 3.1 billion opioid painkiller pills were shipped to Pennsylvania – with Cambria being the most saturated county in Pennsylvania. “Sadly, and of particular outrage to me, Cambria County received the highest per-capita rate of pills at 61.5 pills per resident annually,” Burns wrote. “Given the depth and magnitude of the prescription abuse here, I hope that you will ensure any restitution obtained from Big Pharma lawsuits flows proportionately to Cambria County.” Burns, who has long supported holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for overzealous marketing of opioids, urged the state to file such lawsuits two years ago, a move since undertaken by Shapiro. Burns now wants to make sure that if Pennsylvania succeeds in wresting financial damages from the big pharmaceutical companies, a fair share of the money flows to hard-hit rural areas instead of it all being funneled to big cities. “As the county with the highest number of pills shipped per capita, we are in the greatest need of financial resources to reverse this trend and Read more


(INVALID) Letter to attorney general seeking restitution for Cambria County from Big Pharma lawsuits

(Jul 29, 2019)

Cambria County suffered from having the greatest number of opioid pills shipped per person, so Rep. Burns wrote this letter to Attorney General Josh Shapiro asking that any Big Pharma restitution follow the same pattern. Read more


Letter to attorney general seeking restitution for Cambria County from Big Pharma lawsuits

(Jul 29, 2019)

Cambria County suffered from having the greatest number of opioid pills shipped per person, so Rep. Burns wrote this letter to Attorney General Josh Shapiro asking that any Big Pharma restitution follow the same pattern. Read more


Burns prevails in government transparency effort

(Jul 26, 2019)

EBENSBURG, July 26 – The state Office of Open Records has sided with state Rep. Frank Burns in his quest to obtain the number of liquor licenses available for auction in each county, issuing a ruling that debunks every argument put forth by the state Liquor Control Board on why it should be allowed to keep those numbers secret. Burns, D-Cambria, hailed the Office of Open Records decision as a victory for government transparency – but lamented that the LCB denied his initial request for information that should be readily shared with any member of the public. “If I’m a state representative and they wouldn’t give information to me, it makes me wonder how the person who isn’t a state representative is being treated,” Burns said. “I appealed the LCB’s denial to the Office of Open Records because I knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do, for me and for the public.” The Office of Open Records’ final determination said the LCB “is required to provide” Burns with the information within 30 days, unless it chooses to appeal to Commonwealth Court – a move Burns said would constitute another stalling tactic and one he hopes the LCB doesn’t take. “The Office of Open Records basically shot down all of the reasons the LCB trotted out to deny my information request, and I see no reason the courts would rule any differently,” Burns said. “The LCB is a state agency, Read more


Burns: Forest Hills Municipal Authority receives $4.5 million for sewer upgrades

(Jul 19, 2019)

EBENSBURG, July 19 – Nearly $4.5 million in state funding will help to restore reliable sewer service to residents in Adams Township, Cambria County, state Rep. Frank Burns announced today. The Forest Hills Municipal Authority received the $4.467 million loan from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority to address ongoing issues with a malfunctioning sewer system, eliminating significant impacts on local streams and drinking water wells, said Burns, D-Cambria. Specifically, the loan will allow the authority to: Extend 23,000 feet of gravity sewers; Extend 1,900 feet of force main; and Improve manholes and a pump station to provide service to residents in the Luther/Salix Airport area of the township. “This loan provides critical funding for the reliable wastewater treatment our residents deserve, while helping to keep utility bills from skyrocketing,” Burns said. “These are the types of state investments in our communities I’m proud to fight for in Harrisburg.” The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority, commonly known as Pennvest, offers low-cost loans and grants throughout the state to fund sewer, storm water and drinking water maintenance and improvement projects. Read more


Burns informs Amazon CEO of Cambria County KOZ

(Jul 18, 2019)

EBENSBURG, July 18 – Weeks after working collaboratively to bring a first-of-its-kind Keystone Opportunity Zone to Cambria County, state Rep. Frank Burns has followed up on a prior effort by reminding Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos of the tax incentives the KOZ provides in exchange for job creation. Burns, D-Cambria, initially contacted Bezos in February, urging Amazon to consider Cambria County as an expansion location after New York City officials rejected the firm’s 25,000 jobs that sport a $150,000 average annual salary. With the KOZ added to the county’s economic development arsenal, Burns believes Cambria County offers an even stronger investment opportunity and reached out to notify Bezos of the new program’s existence. “As a follow-up to my February letter inviting you to consider Cambria County, Pa., as an Amazon expansion location, I wanted you to be among the first to know of a powerful economic development tool that makes our county even more attractive to new businesses,” Burns recently wrote . “Pennsylvania recently designated up to 375 acres in Cambria County as a Keystone Opportunity Zone – meaning we now can offer substantial state and local tax incentives for companies interested in creating jobs in our area.” Burns said with all the efforts he marshalled into obtaining the KOZ, which included bipartisan support and a boost from House Democratic Leader Frank Dermody, who Read more


Burns encourages victim service providers, child advocacy centers to apply for funding opportunity

(Jul 18, 2019)

EBENSBURG, July 18 – State Rep. Frank Burns said he wants to alert victim service providers and child advocacy centers of a grant opportunity to support their efforts in meeting the needs of children who are victims of physical or sexual abuse. Burns said the funding originates from Act 1 of 2013 , also known as the “Endowment Act,” which directs the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to expand the monetary penalty imposed on the Pennsylvania State University by the National Collegiate Athletic Association to aid victims of child sexual abuse in the commonwealth. Approximately $500,000 in funds is available and a total of 10 grants, with a maximum amount of $50,000, are anticipated to be funded through this initiative. "This funding can go a long way to assist local victim service providers who are helping children who suffered such abuse get the services and support they need and deserve to help to heal,” Burns said. Applicants for these grants must visit the following link and choose “Endowment Act-CACs & Victim Service Providers: https://www.pccdegrants.pa.gov/Egrants/Public/OpenAnnouncements.aspx . The application deadline to apply is Aug. 16 . Approved applications will be one-year projects and have a beginning date of Jan. 1, 2020, and an end date of Dec. 31, 2020. Child advocacy centers and sexual abuse victim service providers that do not currently have a grant under this Read more


Grants totaling $138,000 will provide fresh fruits and vegetables in Cambria County schools

(Jul 17, 2019)

EBENSBURG, July 17 – Conemaugh Valley Elementary School is one of several schools in Cambria County to receive a grant designed to encourage healthy eating choices during the school day, state Rep. Frank Burns announced today. Burns, D-Cambria, said the elementary school will receive a $24,380 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. The program aims to positively impact students’ present and future health by expanding the variety of fruits and vegetables available in schools. In total, Cambria County schools received $114,265.50 in FFVP funds. “When children make healthy, nutritious food choices, they are better prepared to learn and succeed in school and their overall health improves,” Burns said. “This program is vital in providing students with better food choices and leading them toward a healthier lifestyle as they head into adulthood.” Additional Cambria County schools that received funds through the program include: Ferndale Elementary School (Ferndale School District) – $21,332.50 Greater Johnstown Elementary School (Greater Johnstown School District) – $65,620.50 Greater Johnstown Middle School (Greater Johnstown School District) – $27,312.50 The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program began in Pennsylvania in 2004 and is now in every state. Fifty percent or more of a schools’ student population must be eligible for free or reduced meals for the Read more


Burns issues warning about threatening, harassing tactics used by electricity telemarketers

(Jul 16, 2019)

EBENSBURG, July 16 – State Rep. Frank Burns wants to ensure utility customers are aware of recent activity involving unscrupulous tactics used by some electricity telemarketers in an effort to get people to switch power suppliers. Burns, D-Cambria, said the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has reported an increase in the number of complaints regarding telemarketers who are using harassing and intimidating tactics. One common tactic involves telemarketers informing consumers that their current electricity supplier is going out of business, and they need to switch suppliers if they want to avoid having their power shut off. “If you – or someone you know – has received a threatening or aggressive telemarketing call or visit to their home that made them feel harassed, I urge you to call the PUC’s Bureau of Consumer Services toll-free at 1-800-692-7380 and also alert your current utility and electricity supplier,” Burns said. “While you have the right to choose your own electric supplier in Pennsylvania, you should never be forced, harassed or threatened to do so.” Burns says since utility deregulation was enacted in 2010, the PUC regularly cracks down on competitive electrical suppliers who fail to follow the rules, including “slamming” customers by switching their supplier without their authorization. Consumers should never share their utility account number or other related Read more


Burns and McNeill introduce bills to mandate death reporting requirements

(Jul 15, 2019)

HARRISBURG, July 15 – Nursing home and other adult care facilities would be held accountable for all resident deaths under legislation introduced this week by state Reps. Frank Burns and Jeanne McNeill. House Bills 1713 and 1714 would increase oversight of nursing homes, assisting living residences and personal care homes by requiring them to report all deaths – regardless of cause – to the county coroner. The coroner would then determine, based on interviews with the facility and a review of the deceased resident’s medical history, if a formal investigation is warranted. If it is, the legislation would ensure coroners have access to the information they need to do their jobs. “Far too many times, we see the disturbing headlines of an older adult who died at a nursing home or other senior care residence, due to neglect or abuse,” Burns said. “Currently, these facilities only have to report a death if staff deem it suspicious, such as a homicide or accident. Allowing administrators to police themselves opens the door for unscrupulous owners or staff to hide signs of inadequate care that could have led to that senior’s death.” "This oversight is truly needed in these facilities to ensure our vulnerable older aduluts are protected and being provided the best care possible," McNeill said. "Our seniors deserve dignity and respect, and our legislation will provide a crucial layer of protection and Read more


Burns on the forefront of strong anti-bullying efforts
Aug 19, 2019

Letter to Corrections Secretary John Wetzel
Aug 18, 2019

Burns meets with Amazon official at national summit, gets tour invite
Aug 15, 2019

Burns: Latest anti-bullying efforts to be presented Monday, Aug. 19
Aug 15, 2019

Burns: Vigilance needed to ensure Ebensburg State Center stays open
Aug 14, 2019

Three fire companies in 72nd Legislative District receive funding for training, equipment related to fighting forest, brush fires
Aug 09, 2019

Grant to boost Cambria County tourism, outdoor opportunities
Aug 09, 2019

Burns: $500,000 grant boosts Saint Francis University’s health sciences program
Aug 01, 2019

Burns touts road repairs completed with $70,000 in state grants
Aug 01, 2019

Burns: Grant opportunity available to farmers, small businesses
Jul 31, 2019

Burns: Cambria hardest-hit by opioid pill dumping, deserves fair restitution
Jul 29, 2019

(INVALID) Letter to attorney general seeking restitution for Cambria County from Big Pharma lawsuits
Jul 29, 2019

Letter to attorney general seeking restitution for Cambria County from Big Pharma lawsuits
Jul 29, 2019

Burns prevails in government transparency effort
Jul 26, 2019

Burns: Forest Hills Municipal Authority receives $4.5 million for sewer upgrades
Jul 19, 2019

Burns informs Amazon CEO of Cambria County KOZ
Jul 18, 2019

Burns encourages victim service providers, child advocacy centers to apply for funding opportunity
Jul 18, 2019

Grants totaling $138,000 will provide fresh fruits and vegetables in Cambria County schools
Jul 17, 2019

Burns issues warning about threatening, harassing tactics used by electricity telemarketers
Jul 16, 2019

Burns and McNeill introduce bills to mandate death reporting requirements
Jul 15, 2019