Now open for applications: Veteran and substance abuse funding opportunities

(Dec 21, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs: Veterans’ Trust Fund (Funding Source: Veterans’ Trust Fund) Who Can Apply : Non-profit organizations, veteran service organizations and county directors of veteran affairs across the state. Use : Programs and services benefiting Pennsylvania veterans. Funds : Up to a total of $200,000 in grant funding is available to county directors of veterans affairs or the Pennsylvania Association of County Directors of Veterans Affairs. Up to $800,000 in VTF funding is available to veteran service organizations with 501(c)(19) status and non-profit organizations. Application Deadline : January 19, 2022 More Information : Click on'%20Trust%20Fund/Veterans-Trust-Fund.aspx . FEDERAL PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: US Department of Health & Human Services SAMHSA: Harm Reduction Grant Program (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who Can Apply : States; local, Tribal, and territorial governments; Tribal organizations; non-profit community-based organizations; and primary and behavioral health organizations. Use : To support community-based overdose prevention programs, syringe services programs, and other harm reduction services. Funds : Up to Read more


E-BLAST: Staying Healthy for the Holidays, Closing the Digital Divide, DELCO Emergency Rental Assistance and more

(Dec 15, 2021)

I'm in Harrisburg this week for the last scheduled voting session days of 2021 and it's been lovely to see holiday decorations back in the Capitol. Read more


Now open for applications: Child abuse and neglect prevention funding and business site development opportunities

(Dec 14, 2021)

Read about the latest state grant programs open for applications. Read more


E-BLAST: State Funding for 911 System, Charity Scams, COVID-19 Taskforce Update and more

(Dec 07, 2021)

I am thrilled to announce a $4,561,000 Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program award to improve Delaware County’s aging 911 system. Read more


E-BLAST: COVID-19 webinar, broadband survey, holiday events and more

(Nov 30, 2021)

Dear Neighbor, The World Health Organization has identified a new variant of COVID-19 called Omicron. So far, there have been no cases of this variant identified in the U.S. Read more


Now open for applications: Substance use disorder treatment provider and veteran employment funding opportunities

(Nov 29, 2021)

Read the about the latest state grant opportunities. Read more


E-BLAST: COVID-19 boosters, help with medicare and more

(Nov 23, 2021)

Last Friday, the CDC updated their guidelines, and all adults are now eligible to get a COIVD-19 vaccine booster. Read more


Krueger announces grants for Aston Valley Baseball League and Nether Providence Township

(Nov 19, 2021)

“Both of these projects have great importance to our community – enhancing recreation options that are so important for our kids and increasing safety by investing in improvements to a busy road,” said Krueger, D-Delaware. Read more


Now open for applications: Substance abuse, arts, and career/technical training funding opportunities

(Nov 17, 2021)

Read about the latest grant opportunities open for applications. Read more


E-BLAST: Legislative updates, COVID-19 vaccine information, and more

(Nov 16, 2021)

I’m in Harrisburg for legislative session this week, and this is the second evening in a row that we've been in long debates on the floor. Read more


E-BLAST: COVID-19 updates and more news

(Nov 09, 2021)

More than 72% of Pennsylvanians 18 or older are now fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Read more


Now open for applications: Workforce development, clean diesel, and DC fast charging funding opportunities

(Nov 01, 2021)

Read about state and other grant opportunities that are taking applications. Read more


E-BLAST: Fire company grant, election day resources, and more

(Nov 01, 2021)

I’m happy to have some good news to share for our community – South Media Fire Company has been awarded a $125,000 grant to help replace its roof and install a new generator. Read more


Krueger announces grant for South Media Fire Co.

(Nov 01, 2021)

The funding comes through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. Read more


Fighting to save CWA, COVID-19 updates and more news

(Oct 26, 2021)

Today, I held a news conference with state Rep. John Lawrence to discuss our bipartisan legislation to protect Chester Water Authority customers. A group of CWA workers and supporters from Delaware County made the trip to the Capitol to join us, including some of our neighbors from Brookhaven. Read more


Lawmakers, activists discuss bill to protect Chester Water Authority customers

(Oct 26, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 26 – State Reps. Leanne Krueger and John Lawrence were joined by local activists and union representatives at a news conference Tuesday at the state Capitol, where they discussed legislation to protect the customers of municipal and authority-owned water or wastewater systems in the acquisition process. Krueger, D-Delaware, and Lawrence, R-Chester/Lancaster, have introduced legislation ( H.B. 1936 ) to amend Section 1329 of the Public Utilities Law to prohibit the use of that section for the sale of municipal or authority-owned water or wastewater systems to private companies using the valuation procedure outlined there unless the system is in financial and/or operational distress. Chester Water Authority is a financially stable utility being pursued by Aqua Pennsylvania for acquisition. “Sales through Section 1329 always drive up rates for customers, so those sales should be limited to distressed systems that truly need assistance,” said Krueger. “Chester Water Authority is not in financial or operational distress. If passed, this bill would prevent Aqua from marking up an offer price to take over CWA and passing those costs on to ratepayers. I will continue fighting to protect CWA customers.” “Chester Water Authority’s Board unanimously rejected a buyout offer,” said Lawrence. “Thousands of CWA ratepayers have spoken out against a Read more


Krueger: Time for legislature to act on supporting workers

(Oct 22, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 22 – State Rep. Leanne Krueger delivered the following remarks during a news conference today with Gov. Tom Wolf and Department of Labor and Industry Secretary Jennifer Berrier regarding the governor’s plans for supporting workers : “I want to thank Governor Wolf and Secretary Berrier for making the trip to Delaware County today. As the Democratic secretary of the Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee, I can tell you that my colleagues and I have been working hard to advance good bills to support working families. I am grateful for the Governor’s executive actions to support workers, but there is much left to be done. There are many actions that are outside of what the Governor has the power to do through executive orders. It is time for the legislature to take action too. “So far this year, my colleagues have introduced 50 pro-worker bills that have been referred to the House Labor and Industry Committee. Fifty separate bills. We have introduced bills to fix the problems with the Unemployment Compensation system and to address worker misclassification, which impacts people working in the building trades. We have introduced bills to raise the minimum wage, multiples bills to address equal pay for women, and bills to support parental leave and paid family leave and paid sick leave. We have introduced bills to support teachers and nurses and farmworkers and low-wage workers and nursing mothers. Not one of these Read more


E-BLAST: RSVP for veterans lunch, plus COVID-19, election updates

(Oct 19, 2021)

I want to thank veterans for their service and make sure they have access to the benefits and support they are entitled to. Read more


Krueger to host virtual expungement clinic

(Oct 18, 2021)

The event, in partnership with Legal Aid of Southeastern PA and NAACP Media Area Branch, will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 9 via Zoom. Read more


Now open for applications: Sexual assault, business education, and COVID relief payment funding opportunities

(Oct 13, 2021)

Read about state and other grant opportunities now open for applications. Read more


Now open for applications: Veteran and substance abuse funding opportunities
Dec 21, 2021

E-BLAST: Staying Healthy for the Holidays, Closing the Digital Divide, DELCO Emergency Rental Assistance and more
Dec 15, 2021

Now open for applications: Child abuse and neglect prevention funding and business site development opportunities
Dec 14, 2021

E-BLAST: State Funding for 911 System, Charity Scams, COVID-19 Taskforce Update and more
Dec 07, 2021

E-BLAST: COVID-19 webinar, broadband survey, holiday events and more
Nov 30, 2021

Now open for applications: Substance use disorder treatment provider and veteran employment funding opportunities
Nov 29, 2021

E-BLAST: COVID-19 boosters, help with medicare and more
Nov 23, 2021

Krueger announces grants for Aston Valley Baseball League and Nether Providence Township
Nov 19, 2021

Now open for applications: Substance abuse, arts, and career/technical training funding opportunities
Nov 17, 2021

E-BLAST: Legislative updates, COVID-19 vaccine information, and more
Nov 16, 2021

E-BLAST: COVID-19 updates and more news
Nov 09, 2021

Now open for applications: Workforce development, clean diesel, and DC fast charging funding opportunities
Nov 01, 2021

E-BLAST: Fire company grant, election day resources, and more
Nov 01, 2021

Krueger announces grant for South Media Fire Co.
Nov 01, 2021

Fighting to save CWA, COVID-19 updates and more news
Oct 26, 2021

Lawmakers, activists discuss bill to protect Chester Water Authority customers
Oct 26, 2021

Krueger: Time for legislature to act on supporting workers
Oct 22, 2021

E-BLAST: RSVP for veterans lunch, plus COVID-19, election updates
Oct 19, 2021

Krueger to host virtual expungement clinic
Oct 18, 2021

Now open for applications: Sexual assault, business education, and COVID relief payment funding opportunities
Oct 13, 2021