Proud to Stand Union Strong with Teamsters

(Jul 26, 2023)

Congratulations Teamsters on your well-deserved success on safer working conditions and better wages for UPS workers. Last week I was proud to stand with my Democratic colleagues to support UPS union workers as they worked toward this goal. Read more


PA Budget Update

(Jul 20, 2023)

At this time, the PA Senate has not returned to Harrisburg to formally accept the 2023-2024 budget that was passed by the PA House of Representatives. Read more


Webster releases statement on state budget passage

(Jul 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 6 – State Rep. Joe Webster, D- Montgomery, issued the following statement regarding his vote on the 2023-24 state budget that is headed to the desk of Gov. Josh Shapiro. “The 2023/24 Budget is a compromise. As Democrats, we stood firm against school vouchers to prioritize the future of our public education system. However, it was disappointing to see valuable programs and line items sacrificed in order to eliminate vouchers and pass this budget without further delay. “While this budget doesn’t finish the job in addressing decades of underfunded public education, we’ve now come farther than ever before in closing the gap.” Webster said the four school districts in the 150th Legislative District will all see increases in their state funding. $11,297,268 for Methacton School District, a 7.3% increase from last year. $31,953,809 for Norristown Area School District, a 18.5% increase from last year. $ 11,148,153 for Perkiomen Valley School District, a 7.1% increase from last year. $16,800,385 for Spring-Ford Area School District, a 10.4% increase from last year. “The budget includes much-needed funding for other important programs, including the modernization of the Department of Revenue, workforce development grants, and the Whole Home Repairs program. These and other investments will improve daily life for Pennsylvanians. However, I am committed to advocating for continued improvements to Read more


PA House passes Webster bill to extend time limit for veterans' records not to be disclosed

(Jun 12, 2023)

HARRISBURG, JUNE 12 – Today, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives unanimously passed legislation authored by state Rep. Joe Webster, D-Montgomery, that would protect the identity and privacy of Pennsylvania’s veterans as they age. House Bill 269, Veterans’ Records of Discharge , would extend the time period from 75 to 85 years for a veteran’s records of discharge or separation to remain undisclosed other than to the veteran, immediate family or authorized representatives. “People are living longer, and we need to make sure our laws are keeping pace with this reality, especially to ensure that our veterans’ records are not being accessed for fraudulent purposes,” Wester said. “My bill would make DD-214 discharge papers inaccessible to anyone other than a veteran or an immediate family member or authorized agent of the veteran for 85 years, rather than the current 75 years. Genealogists may continue to request redacted copies of DD-214s through the federal Veterans Administration, if within that timeframe.” Currently, veterans may file their DD-214s with their county’s recorder of deeds to access an array of benefits through the county’s Veterans Affairs office. “Our veterans have served this country honorably, and whether their service was recent or decades ago, it is our responsibility to protect them after they have made sacrifices to protect us,” Webster said. “I’m Read more


Webster and local advocates promote riparian buffer legislation

(Jun 06, 2023)

COLLEGEVILLE, June 6 – State Rep. Joe Webster, D-Montgomery, held a news event at Evansburg State Park on Friday to discuss his recently introduced riparian buffer legislation (H.B. 1275) and the importance of storm water management throughout Pennsylvania. Joining him were environmental advocates and community members including: Delaware Riverkeeper Maya K. van Rossum. Ursinus College President Dr. Robin Hannigan. Cool Heron LLC Founder and Director Erin McCool. PennFuture Field Director Jess Cadorette. Also present were members of: Penn State Extension Master Watershed Stewards. West Norriton Township Environmental Advisory Council. Lower Providence Township Environmental Advisory Council. Upper Providence Township Supervisor Bill Starling. Lower Providence Township Supervisor Gary Neights. The riparian buffer legislation “would protect this space, left and right of the creek by about 100 ft,” Webster said, with a section of riparian buffer of the Skippack Creek as his backdrop. This bill protects riparian buffers from development, it protects them from impermeable kinds of parking spaces and black tops so that water seeps into the earth.” Webster’s bill also addresses measures such as tree cutting, tree planting, and the residential homes that already exist within the buffer. Read more


Collegeville Trappe Memorial Day Parade & Festivities

(Jun 01, 2023)

Collegeville Trappe Memorial Day Parade & Festivities Read more


Updates from Harrisburg

(May 24, 2023)

Updates from Harrisburg Read more


Legislative Town Hall is Tonight - See You There!

(May 17, 2023)

Tonight is my Legislative Town Hall! Please join me from 6:30 to 8:00 PM at Schellhase Commons, Ursinus College at 601 E. Main St., Collegeville, PA 19426. I will be discussing news from Harrisburg, passed and upcoming legislation, community projects, and more! Looking forward to seeing you tonight. Read more


Legislative Town Hall

(May 10, 2023)

Legislative Town Hall Read more


PA Fairness Act Passes House

(May 04, 2023)

PA Fairness Act Passes House Read more


Ciresi and Webster dedicate Trooper Branden T. Sisca Highway in Trappe

(Apr 28, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 28 – State Reps. Joe Ciresi and Joe Webster, both D-Montgomery, held a road dedication ceremony today in Trappe to unveil a memorial sign in honor of Trooper Branden T. Sisca, who was killed in the line of duty in 2022. “Branden Sisca dedicated his life to protecting others in service of the community he loved,” Ciresi said. “Although nothing can fill the void that Branden’s tragic passing left, Rep. Webster and I thought weaving Branden’s legacy into the fabric of the community through the road dedication would help us all heal. From this day forward, everyone traveling through Trappe will be reminded of Branden’s life of public service as a volunteer firefighter and Pennsylvania State Trooper. Thank you to everyone who worked tirelessly to make today’s ceremony a tremendous success.” The memorial sign designates a portion of State Route 4031 (Main Street) between Fifth Avenue and State Route 4048, also known as Seventh Avenue, in Trappe as the Trooper Branden T. Sisca Memorial Highway. “Today we honor the life and service of Trappe Fire Chief and PA State Trooper Branden Sisca who dedicated his life to public service and protection of our community,” Webster said. “This dedication stands as a show of our sincere gratitude for his service and our pledge to honor his memory and sacrifice. Thank you to everyone who ensured today’s ceremony was a fitting tribute.” Read more


PA Fairness Act

(Apr 26, 2023)

PA Fairness Act Read more


Spring 2023 Newsletter

(Apr 19, 2023)

Spring 2023 Newsletter Read more


Webster invites community to Spring Senior Fair

(Apr 14, 2023)

Senior Fair Read more


Senior Fair Next Week!

(Apr 13, 2023)

Senior Fair Next Week Read more


Budget Hearings Update

(Mar 29, 2023)

Budget Hearings Update Read more


2023-2024 Budget Hearings

(Mar 22, 2023)

2023-2024 Budget Hearings Read more


Update From Harrisburg and Around the Commonwealth

(Mar 17, 2023)

Update From Harrisburg and Around the Commonwealth Read more


Webster announces $362,820 in grant awards to boost Montgomery County stormwater drainage, enhance transportation safety

(Mar 16, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 16 – State Rep. Joe Webster, D-Montgomery, today announced the awarding of $362,820 in Local Share Account grants to Trappe Borough, Collegeville Borough, and Upper Providence Township to enhance stormwater drainage, transportation safety, and economic development. According to Webster, the funding was made available through the Commonwealth Financing Authority and wi ll be used to offset the costs of improving stormwater drainage at the playground behind the Trappe Borough Building, bolstering pedestrian and bicyclist safety along Route 29 and Arcola Road in Upper Providence Township, and propelling a comprehensive plan to spur new business development in Collegeville Borough. “Proactive, strategic investments that strengthen Montgomery County’s infrastructure is a good government initiative that appeals to everyone,” Webster said. “It is vital we continue exploring every available avenue that promulgates this underlying objective. “Montgomery County is a wonderful place to call home, and these grant dollars will make shared spaces we all use better, safer, and more accessible” he added. The three projects awarded grants today are: $182,620 for the stormwater drainage project in Trappe. $106,200 for the Route 29 and Arcola Road project in Upper Providence Township. Read more


Governor Josh Shapiro's Budget Address

(Mar 10, 2023)

Governor Josh Shapiro's Budget Address Read more