PLBC condemns S.B. 1166

(Jul 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 15 -- Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., and members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus condemned the House majority’s decision yesterday to push forward a proposed amendment to the state constitution while blocking discussion on further amendments. A total of 63 amendments had been filed by representatives from both parties. “It is inconceivable that a bill of this size would be pushed through without the proper time to debate and discuss other amendments,” said Kinsey, chairman of the PLBC. “To amend the state constitution without a public hearing or discussion is unacceptable.” “Now is the time to break down barriers and make resources accessible during emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic, not create more challenges that ultimately put Pennsylvania lives at risk,” said Rep. Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. “This legislation is just the latest attempt by the majority party to reopen the commonwealth irresponsibly and tie the hands of those who have the power to effectively protect our most vulnerable neighbors from the coronavirus and any future health crises.” “An amendment to the state constitution needs ample time to be properly considered before it gets rushed though in this way,” said Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila. “As legislators, we can’t do our due diligence and go over every bill thoughtfully when we’re precluded from Read more


PLBC condemns Montgomery County commissioner’s comments on Black Lives Matter

(Jul 14, 2020)

Montgomery County, July 14 - Today, state Reps. Stephen Kinsey, chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, and Joe Webster, D-Montgomery, condemned Montgomery County Commissioner Joseph Gale for calling those involved in the Black Lives Matter movement terrorists. “It is reprehensible that an elected official would call peaceful protestors terrorists and promote violence in our communities,” Kinsey said. “This completely shatters the trust that Montgomery County residents will have with this office, and that is a great disservice to everyone.” "On June 1, Montgomery County Commissioner Joseph C. Gale issued a press statement under the Seal of the County of Montgomery in which he, without coordination with his fellow commissioners, without proper authority, and without evidence, declared that the Black Lives Matter movement are 'terrorists' seeking to 'justify the lawless destruction of our cities and surrounding communities,'" Webster said. "We have not forgotten that Gale peddles in racist conspiracy theories. We have not forgotten this egregious misuse of his official authority. And, because we are the constituents of Montgomery County he had sworn to serve, we continue our call for him to resign or be impeached." Webster introduced H.R. 920 calling for Gale’s impeachment. Read more


Police Reform Working Group issues statement on Vice President Pence’s visit with the Fraternal Order of Police

(Jul 09, 2020)

In response to Vice President Mike Pence visiting with the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 5, the Police Reform Working Group, made up of state and county elected officials and advocates, released the following statement:“As members of the Police Reform Working Group, we believe that the path to achieving community safety and racial justice in Pennsylvania must be two-fold. First, we must improve our current system of policing through accountability, oversight, and tangible policy changes that will diminish instances of police brutality against all citizens, but especially against the Black community. Second, we must work with communities to transform and re-envision policing itself through bold systemic changes that center around those most impacted by police violence and structural racism. Read more


PLBC commends unanimous affirmative vote for police reform legislation

(Jun 24, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 24 – Today, members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus expressed tremendous gratitude to the House for their unanimous support of H.B. 1841 and H.B. 1910, which would improve police training and accountability. Rep. Harry Readshaw, D-Allegheny, introduced H.B. 1841, which would require employers to disclose employment information to a law enforcement agency that is conducting a background investigation of an applicant, and to permit a court to compel the release of such employment information if the employer fails to comply. The bill would also free the applicant’s previous employers from civil liability for sharing employment information in good faith with a police department looking to hire a new officer. It also includes an amendment introduced by state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., to require law enforcement agencies to keep detailed personnel records that include all substantiated criminal, civil and ethics complaints, as well as the reason and circumstances surrounding the separation of each officer. Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, introduced H.B. 1910, which would require police officers to receive training to recognize the signs of child abuse and childhood trauma. It includes an amendment containing Rep. Jason Dawkins’ own legislation that would require officers to undergo PTSD training after incidents involving deadly force. It would also allow commanding officers to request Read more


PLBC mourns Dominique Fells

(Jun 12, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, June 12 – Members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus today mourned the death of Dominque Fells, a Black trans woman who was murdered in Philadelphia this week, and called for greater emphasis on addressing the growing crisis of violence against Black transgender people. “The transgender community has faced unspeakable violence for too long. Their stories have been silenced and overlooked,” said state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila. and PLBC chairman. “We will continue to say Dominique’s name, as well as the names of so many other transgender people who were killed for simply being themselves. When we say Black Lives Matter, we mean Black trans lives too.” "What was done to Dominique Fells is horrific, and those responsible must be held accountable," state Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Phila. and PLBC vice chairwoman, said. "Dominique was a beautiful Black woman. Her life mattered. "The brutalizing of Black people must stop," Bullock continued. "Black trans women are Black women. They are our sisters. And yet we see them killed and assaulted at an even higher rate than other groups of people. They deserve the dignity and security that every woman, every person deserves." The lawmakers said they want to open a dialogue with the community, advocates, law enforcement and others to address the crisis and to identify solutions Read more


Kinsey, Dawkins to introduce bipartisan legislation outlawing use of chokeholds by law enforcement

(Jun 11, 2020)

In light of the death of George Floyd, another unarmed African American killed by a police officer – in this case, by one who applied unwarranted pressure to the victim’s airway for over eight minutes – Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus Chairman state Rep. Stephen Kinsey and Philadelphia House Delegation Chairman state Rep. Jason Dawkins are introducing legislation to ban the use of chokeholds or any maneuver that could lead to asphyxia. Read more


Police Reform Working Group looks forward to working with Mayor Kenney

(Jun 09, 2020)

The Police Reform Working Group, a collection of elected officials and advocates working to bring accountability and transparency reforms to law enforcement, released the following statement in response to Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney’s commitment to police reform: “To bring about true and meaningful law enforcement reform, we must work together with leaders at all levels of government so the voices of those we represent can be heard and forward-thinking change achieved. We’ve already had several conversations with Mayor Kenney’s administration and those discussions have been promising. We appreciate the mayor’s willingness to listen and believe that his announcement today is the first step in what will be a long, but productive, journey to reform. Read more


Police Reform Working Group releases statement on progress toward reform

(Jun 04, 2020)

The Police Reform Working Group, a collection of elected officials and advocates working to bring accountability and transparency reforms to law enforcement, released the following statement on Gov. Tom Wolf’s adoption today of their request for a state-level deputy inspector general aimed at improving law enforcement conduct, as well as Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s, along with the Fraternal Order of Police’s, support of a confidential database to track complaints against police officers: Read more


Philadelphia elected officials call for state, local reform of community-police relationships

(Jun 02, 2020)

In the midst of civil unrest across Pennsylvania ignited by the murder of George Floyd, elected officials from Philadelphia introduced a series of much-needed reforms aimed at improving community/police relationships. Read more


Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus calls for peaceful protests and justice in George Floyd case

(May 31, 2020)

On behalf of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus (PLBC), Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., Chairman of the PLBC, issued the following statement on the ongoing protests in Philadelphia: “George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Antwon Rose. Eric Garner. Michael Brown, Jr. Tamir Rice. Walter Scott. Alton Sterling. Philando Castile. The list of black and brown mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, and children who have needlessly lost their lives at the hands of police officers is not a new trend, but in America, it is a consistent trend with roots as old as our nation. Read more


Philadelphia House leaders applaud passage of $2.6 billion in CARES funding

(May 29, 2020)

House leaders from the Philadelphia Delegation led by Democratic Whip Jordan Harris, Democratic Chairwoman Joanna McClinton, Philadelphia Delegation Chairman Jason Dawkins, and Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus Chairman Stephen Kinsey, today applauded the passage of legislation that would deliver $2.6 billion of federal coronavirus aid to Pennsylvania’s hardest hit communities and help small businesses, schools and seniors. Read more


Kinsey: We cannot allow separate justice for black Americans to continue

(May 28, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, May 28 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., today issued a statement in response to the recent death of George Floyd, who was killed by a Minneapolis police officer kneeling on his neck. “It’s heartbreaking that even during a pandemic, when we should be coming together as a community to support and uplift one another, black Americans are facing violence. We should be ensuring the health, safety and welfare of everyone,” Kinsey said. “Black skin should not lead to an automatic death sentence. We cannot allow for separate justice for black and white Americans any longer. “The four officers were fired, but every elected official and legislator needs to be prudent with the power we yield. We must make sure that our justice system is not letting this behavior routinely slip through the cracks. We need to pass laws that protect our citizens equally. We have to do more.” Read more


Philadelphia House leaders secure 100,000 face masks for Philadelphians working on the front lines of COVID-19 pandemic

(May 14, 2020)

Calling it an example of working together for the greater good of Philadelphia, House leaders from the Philadelphia Delegation led by Democratic Whip Jordan Harris, Democratic Chairwoman Joanna McClinton, Philadelphia Delegation Chairman Jason Dawkins, and Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus Chairman Stephen Kinsey, announced today a partnership with Lowe’s that has delivered 100,000 essential face masks to frontline workers in Philadelphia. Read more


PLBC says state should prioritize COVID-19 focus and funding on longstanding racial and economic divide in communities of color

(May 08, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, May 7 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., and members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, today encouraged Gov. Tom Wolf and his administration to not only recognize racial and ethnic groups in coronavirus data but also prioritize funding for black, brown and poor communities hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. Kinsey, who is chairman of the PLBC, said members of his caucus are increasingly discouraged by the disproportionate number of coronavirus cases and deaths affecting people of color. He said while there have been longstanding racial and economic disparities in health, education and economic development, the COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated the danger to communities of color worldwide. Pennsylvania, Kinsey said, has the power to do something about it. In a letter to Wolf, PLBC members highlighted the $3.9 billon the commonwealth is expected to receive from the federal government and urged him to ensure a prioritized portion of the money is invested to address racial disparities in business development, education, health care, housing and environmental remediation made worse by COVID-19. "Minority owned businesses are suffering to survive, let alone thrive; our schools are struggling to ensure that children have the proper equipment and resources for them to continue learning; and African Americans are dying at a disproportionately higher rate than any other racial or ethnic group due to complications of the Read more


Kinsey commends PECO for keeping service on throughout pandemic

(Apr 28, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, April 28 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., issued the following statement commending PECO following the announcement that it is extending its support policies, which include suspending service disconnections, waiving new late fees and reconnecting customers who were previously disconnected, through at least June 1. “In times like these, we have a responsibility to look out for each other as a community. People need access to electricity right now so they can keep themselves and their families healthy and safe. Staying home, and doing so comfortably, is very important to help slow the spread of Covid-19. “PECO’s decision to suspend service disconnections and waive new late payment charges for its customers will help ease the anxiety that families are facing as well as save lives. These policies, along with the $1.1 million that PECO and the Exelon Foundation have committed toward coronavirus relief, will go a long way to help keep Philadelphians safe throughout this state of emergency.” Read more


Kinsey, PLBC applaud Wolf on calling for race and data with COVID-19 tests

(Apr 27, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, April 27 – In a statement released today, state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, along with its members, commended Gov. Tom Wolf for calling for more free and accessible testing, and for health care providers and medical facilities to follow the Department of Health’s mandate to include race and ethnicity data in demographics provided to the department with COVID-19 test results. “Race and ethnicity have long been factors that essentially predestine a person’s quality of life, and in the wake of a pandemic, these factors have determined the accessibility of tests, the level of care, and overall survival outcomes. It’s a reality that’s all too familiar for people of color,” Kinsey said. “I commend Governor Wolf for his efforts in addressing these deep-rooted systemic ills by pushing Pennsylvania to be among the few states to collect this critical piece of data, which will help our commonwealth to be able to better identify contraction points and mitigate spread in these communities, ultimately saving lives.” The chairman added, “The data collected surrounding this widespread event will be incredibly valuable for our ongoing efforts in the dismantling these disparities moving forward.” Read more


PLBC commends Gov Wolf's new Health Disparity task force

(Apr 17, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, April 16 - Yesterday, state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., and the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus released the following statement commending Gov. Tom Wolf and Lt. Gov. John Fetterman for the newly announced COVID-19 Response Task Force for Health Disparity that will help to identify how the pandemic is impacting communities of color: “Governor Wolf has done a tremendous job tackling the Covid-19 pandemic so far, and his mitigation measures have helped ease some of the stress caused by this unexpected situation,” Kinsey said. “I am in full support of these additional steps that will hopefully reduce the outsized impact that Covid-19 is having on people of color.” "Anyone who has been paying attention knows that there are vast disparities in health care for people of color," state Rep. Donna Bullock, PLBC vice chairwoman, said. "That isn't new, but in the midst of a global pandemic that has upended life for all of us, the disparities in health care for people of color are magnified. I'm grateful that Governor Wolf is prioritizing this issue. I look forward to helping in the effort any way that I can." “I’m grateful that Governor Wolf and Lieutenant Governor Fetterman have decided to take on this challenge,” state Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, PLBC secretary, said. “We cannot pretend that there are no disparities in Read more


Community presents NW Philly Police District with 1400 face masks

(Apr 16, 2020)

State Rep. Stephen Kinsey (D-201) and community partners presented 1400 face masks to the Philadelphia Police Department’s Northwest division on Tuesday afternoon. Read more


Funding Relief for Faith & Nonprofit Community

(Apr 15, 2020)

The Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus presented a webinar to help nonprofit and faith-based organizations find funding relief through the Small Business Administration and other organizations. White House Policy Advisor and SBA Regional Administrator Ashley Bell was a featured speaker, in addition to other advocates and members of the PLBC. Read more


COVID-19 Resources and Information

(Mar 21, 2020)

** Below is a list of informational links for resources in and around Philadelphia related to COVID-19. This will be updated as more/new information becomes available ** The latest info on COVID-19 cases and other data statewide from the Pennsylvania Department of Health : The latest information on COVID-19 cases and other data in Philadelphia from the City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health : The Philadelphia Department of Public Health has activated a Greater Philadelphia Coronavirus Helpline . It’s available 24/7. If you have questions about symptoms and risk factors, what to do if you think you may have been exposed, testing resources, or recommendations for social distancing, you can contact the helpline at 1-800-722-7112. More info: List of essential Philadelphia services and how to access them: . Information about how SEPTA is operating: Information about how Amtrak is Read more


PLBC condemns S.B. 1166
Jul 15, 2020

PLBC condemns Montgomery County commissioner’s comments on Black Lives Matter
Jul 14, 2020

Police Reform Working Group issues statement on Vice President Pence’s visit with the Fraternal Order of Police
Jul 09, 2020

PLBC commends unanimous affirmative vote for police reform legislation
Jun 24, 2020

PLBC mourns Dominique Fells
Jun 12, 2020

Kinsey, Dawkins to introduce bipartisan legislation outlawing use of chokeholds by law enforcement
Jun 11, 2020

Police Reform Working Group looks forward to working with Mayor Kenney
Jun 09, 2020

Police Reform Working Group releases statement on progress toward reform
Jun 04, 2020

Philadelphia elected officials call for state, local reform of community-police relationships
Jun 02, 2020

Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus calls for peaceful protests and justice in George Floyd case
May 31, 2020

Philadelphia House leaders applaud passage of $2.6 billion in CARES funding
May 29, 2020

Kinsey: We cannot allow separate justice for black Americans to continue
May 28, 2020

Philadelphia House leaders secure 100,000 face masks for Philadelphians working on the front lines of COVID-19 pandemic
May 14, 2020

PLBC says state should prioritize COVID-19 focus and funding on longstanding racial and economic divide in communities of color
May 08, 2020

Kinsey commends PECO for keeping service on throughout pandemic
Apr 28, 2020

Kinsey, PLBC applaud Wolf on calling for race and data with COVID-19 tests
Apr 27, 2020

PLBC commends Gov Wolf's new Health Disparity task force
Apr 17, 2020

Community presents NW Philly Police District with 1400 face masks
Apr 16, 2020

Funding Relief for Faith & Nonprofit Community
Apr 15, 2020

COVID-19 Resources and Information
Mar 21, 2020