Democratic and Republican lawmakers unify to form bipartisan legislative caucus

(Dec 03, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 3 – Democratic state Rep. Stephen Kinsey and Republican state Rep. Greg Rothman have joined forces to form a first-of-its-kind bipartisan caucus for the upcoming 2021-22 legislative session. The newly formed legislative body – which has a growing number of lawmakers pledging membership from both sides of the political aisle – is meant to serve as a medium for Democrats and Republicans to come together through open dialogue with the goal of enacting meaningful policy that centers helping the people of Pennsylvania. “Our caucus aims to buck this undercurrent of centering party matters in legislative matters, which sometimes deters members on both sides of the aisle from collaborating with each other. As lawmakers, working toward a better and more equitable commonwealth for all should be our top priority, and legislating with a focus on party is a direct detriment to this goal,” said Kinsey, D-Phila. “Representative Rothman is a dependable ally, and I am honored to call him my friend. He has never let partisanship impede the goal of doing what’s right for the people of this commonwealth. He possesses the drive needed to spearhead and make this caucus successful. I look forward to what we can accomplish together.” Reciprocating those sentiments, Rothman, R-Cumberland, said that he too has found friendship in Kinsey, and called for civility among lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. “Democracy Read more


Kinsey congratulates Bullock for being elected to chair Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus

(Nov 13, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 13 – Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus Chairman Rep. Stephen Kinsey congratulated his successor state Rep. Donna Bullock for being elected to head the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus for the 2021-22 legislative session. Bullock, who currently serves as vice chair of the PLBC and will be the third woman to chair the caucus in its 47-year history, was elected by returning and new members of the 27-member bicameral caucus during caucus-wide leadership elections on Tuesday. PLBC members also elected Rep. Summer Lee, D-Allegheny, as vice chair, while Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, will retain her role as secretary, and Rep.-Elect Manny Guzman, D-Berks, will serve as treasurer. “Representative Bullock has been an outstanding vice chair of the PLBC, and I’m thrilled to see manifestations of her dedication in ensuring communities of color are uplifted and recognized in the legislative fabric of our commonwealth,” said Kinsey, D-Phila. “I also want to congratulate other members for being elected to serve in their respective leadership roles. Each of these members has been championing equality and justice as activists and now as lawmakers. It’s solid track records like these that continue to propel the mission of this esteemed caucus forward.” In the current legislative session, Kinsey and the PLBC unveiled a platform that focused on investing in schools and educational opportunity, reforming a criminal Read more


Kinsey, PLBC congratulate McClinton on historic leap for women in Pa. legislature

(Nov 13, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 13 – Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus Chairman Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., is congratulating state Rep. Joanna McClinton for winning the role of House Democratic Leader for the 2021-22 legislative session. McClinton was elected to lead the Democrats in the next term during the caucus’ leadership elections held on Thursday. She becomes the first woman and woman of color to be elected floor leader in the Pennsylvania House. “Representative McClinton has been breaking barriers for women and women of color throughout her life,” Kinsey said. “She was the first African-American woman to be elected to serve the 191 st Legislative District in Philadelphia County when she won her special election in 2015. From that time on she has worked hard and with purpose to win the respect of her peers and to help move the Democratic agenda of people first to the forefront of public policy. “I not only congratulate my good friend for this well-deserved recognition of her talents and ability to bring people together on behalf of the people we serve, but I also congratulate the Pennsylvania House institution as a whole for ushering in a new era of leadership where women and girls, and especially women and girls of color, can rise to the top and assume roles once reserved for men only. “I look forward to working with Leader-elect McClinton and the entire House Democratic Leadership team in helping to enact an Read more


The Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus congratulates Biden and Harris on historic win

(Nov 09, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 9 – Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus Chairman Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila, along with PLBC members, issued this statement congratulating President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris: “I am thrilled to soon call Joe Biden and Kamala Harris president and vice president. Their presence in the White House will restore intelligence and dignity to these esteemed offices, and a sense of pride in the American people. It is refreshing to see concrete, well-crafted strategies to move our nation forward, and I look forward to seeing manifestations of this progress,” Kinsey said on behalf of the PLBC. “Breaking through the monotony of 231 years and 48 white men vice presidents, our nation elected its first woman and woman of color vice president, making this victory nothing short of historic. I am especially in awe that a HBCU graduate and a fellow member of a Divine 9 will soon serve as America’s vice president. Reveling in this moment means so much to me as a father of Black daughters, with Vice president- elect Harris shattering a glass ceiling, ultimately becoming a beacon of inspiration for every girl of color who can now walk through this world with the confidence in knowing that their big dreams can also become reality. “We can’t celebrate this victory in, as President-elect Biden said, ‘the battle for the soul of this nation,’ without first acknowledging the warriors of this Read more


PLBC, Philadelphia House Delegation, and Police Reform Working Group members demand justice after Black man is killed by police

(Oct 27, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 27 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, along with its members and members of the Pennsylvania Police Reform Working Group and the Philadelphia House Delegation, are demanding justice for West Philadelphia resident Walter Wallace Jr., a 27-year-old Black man, who was killed by police on Monday afternoon in the Cobbs Creek section of the city. Members of these respective legislative bodies also called on the legislature to expeditiously pass the multiple pieces of police reform legislation languishing without action, some of which address procedures on non-lethal de-escalation methods and would instill policies for safer police interactions with residents experiencing mental health crises. “A mother watched her son, suffering from mental illness, be met with a barrage of bullets before her eyes, and a neighborhood saw the same. A mother and father lost their son, and children have lost their father--generations of one family and an entire community are now forced to bear that trauma for the rest of their lives,” said Kinsey, D-Phila. “Indeed, it’s trauma that we are all forced to bear as we have yet to receive justice for the countless other Black lives killed with impunity at the hands of police. Furthermore, during a time when seeking mental health resources is strongly encouraged, this tragedy reveals that living with mental illness while Black, however, and crying for help is Read more


Stephen Kinsey: How video gambling companies profit off communities of color

(Oct 23, 2020)

We need to stand against these types of policies that prey on communities or color and force on us additional social issues that negatively impact our economic opportunities. Read more


Stephen Kinsey: How video gambling companies profit off communities of color

(Oct 23, 2020)

We need to stand against these types of policies that prey on communities or color and force on us additional social issues that negatively impact our economic opportunities. Read more


How video gambling companies profit off communities of color

(Oct 09, 2020)

As community activists and public officials call for a change in how resources are provided to communities of color throughout the Commonwealth, some members of the state legislature are still looking into policies that exploit low-income and minority neighborhoods. The most recent example is the fast-tracking of legislation that would create thousands of mini casinos and slots parlors on every street corner in cities across the state. This is simply a proliferation of gambling that historically targets poor and largely minority communities. My colleagues and I on both sides of the political aisle are working hard to address policies that rethink how we fund and operate policing in our communities and how we can better reinvest public tax dollars back into programs that lift up minority neighborhoods. This includes investments in public education, economic development and health care. But, as the General Assembly finally begins to address the systemic issues and inequities that plague communities of color, some in the legislature are pushing for expanded gambling that will have major consequences in our neighborhoods. Even as the eyes of the world have been opened to the injustices and inequities facing people of color, a coalition of out-of-sate video gambling companies are looking to expand their predatory practices and bring tens of thousands of video gambling devices into bars, restaurants and grocery stores. These machines Read more


State lawmakers representing Philadelphia welcome lawsuit against commonwealth, legislature for restricting gun-safety measures

(Oct 07, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7 – State House lawmakers representing the House Philadelphia Delegation and Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus today pledged their full weight behind major legal action being taken against the commonwealth for preventing local governments from enacting their own gun-safety laws. The lawsuit filed by the city and private law firms on behalf of Pennsylvanians who have been impacted by gun violence was announced at a news conference in Philadelphia today. Philadelphia Delegation Chairman Jason Dawkins and PLBC Chairman Stephen Kinsey said it was long past time for the many people who have been impacted by gun violence to receive true acknowledgement and justice for their pain. They said the delegations they lead have worked for years to enact sensible gun-safety measures in the state but have been hampered by a Republican majority legislature determined to give no one in the state the ability to reduce gun violence and save lives. “Philadelphia and municipalities across the state took action tragedy after tragedy on behalf of the residents they serve when the state would not, only to be met with callous laws specifically designed to prevent them from doing so,” Dawkins said. “I am equally tired of the hallow promises to help reduce gun violence being made by the Republican majority following each tragedy. They hold the power to move the commonsense gun safety legislation we put forward. Yet, they continue to deny Read more


Kinsey announces $16K preservation grant for historical Wyck House

(Oct 05, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 5 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., today announced that a $16,000 state grant was awarded to the Wyck Association to help with ongoing preservation efforts of the historical Wyck House in the Germantown neighborhood of the 201 st Legislative District. The grant, Kinsey said, will be used to repair the north and south facades of the 18 th century Quaker mansion—that once was home to nine generations of Philadelphia’s Haines family—that have since reached a critical point of deterioration. “The Wyck house served as the home of the influential Haines family and was also once a brewery. However, it is not only a historian’s dreamscape, but also a horticulturalist’s and maybe even a herpetologist’s dream as the grounds around the home contain upwards of 30 variations of roses. The home is also the discovery location of the Queen snake,” Kinsey said. “There’s a lot of history that spans across multiple fields of interest here, and I’m thrilled to see this grant help further preserve this historical powerhouse for generations to come.” Funding for the grant was awarded through the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Society's Cultural and Historical Support Grant Program, which provides general operating support to Pennsylvania museums and official county historic societies. Read more


The Pa. Legislative Black Caucus condemns grand jury decision in slaying of Breonna Taylor, continues fight for police reform

(Sep 28, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 28 – Days after a Kentucky grand jury’s failure to indict one of the three police officers involved in the shooting death of Breonna Taylor on charges related to her killing, state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, along with PLBC members, said the decision is a grim reminder of how Black lives — more specifically Black women’s lives — are devalued. However, in the spirit of the esteemed PLBC’s core mission of dismantling systemic racism across the commonwealth, the caucus of legislators collectively vowed to use this pain to fuel their ongoing fight for racial justice and meaningful police reform. Kinsey, D-Phila., a father of four Black daughters, expressed that he is especially saddened. He also dissipated the attempts to vilify her memory by reflecting on Breonna’s life and her dedication to public service as a first responder on the frontlines of this pandemic. “I am a father of four Black daughters and my heart is breaking for Breonna and her family as she reflects my own girls. I see their brilliance, their strengths, and their vulnerabilities. It pains me to know that Black girls and women are denied protection and the privilege of being viewed as whole,” the chairman said. “I want to buck that narrative: Breonna was a caring young woman who had a bright future. She effortlessly juggled enjoying life and a Read more


Kinsey: Fresh Food Financing Initiative grants awarded

(Sep 17, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 17 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey announced today that Fresh Food Financing Initiative grants have been approved for over 100 projects that improve access to food in low-income communities across the commonwealth. “Especially during a pandemic, it’s vital that people have access to fresh, healthy food,” said Kinsey, D-Phila. “These grants will help community markets continue to serve people throughout these difficult times.” The FFFI was funded at $10 million through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act and opened in July to for-profit, nonprofit, or cooperative entities including grocery stores, corner stores, convenience stores, neighborhood markets, bodegas, food hubs, mobile markets, farmers markets, on-farm markets, urban farms, and food aggregation centers with a direct connection to direct-to-consumer retail outlets. In 2019, Kinsey introduced H.B. 1814 along with Rep. Morgan Cephas and Rep. Danilo Burgos, both D-Phila., to reintroduce the program, which ran from 2004-2010. It would provide grants and low-interest loans for the construction, rehabilitation, or expansion of grocery stores, farmers markets, and other healthy food retail establishments in low- to moderate-income areas in need and other underserved communities. Read more


Police Reform Working Group issues statement on House Republican Policy hearing on law enforcement; calls for further legislative action

(Aug 27, 2020)

The Police Reform Working Group, a collection of local and state elected officials and advocates, issued the following statement in response to a Pennsylvania House Republican Policy Committee hearing on law enforcement interactions with the community:“We appreciate the House Republican Policy Committee shining a light on how law enforcement interacts with communities around the state. This is a necessary discussion that is long overdue and it’s encouraging to hear presenters today acknowledge that police reform is necessary. Read more


Kinsey announces $130,514 in grants to help local schools during COVID-19 pandemic

(Aug 26, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 26 – Ahead of the upcoming school year, state Rep. Stephen Kinsey announced today $130,514 in grant funding will help local schools improve educational services for students during the coronavirus pandemic. Theodore Middle School - $59,870 Imhotep Institute Charter High School - $70,644 "During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the safety and well-being of our communities, our children and students especially, is a top priority," Kinsey said. "This funding will help schools in our district adapt to new challenges created by this public health crisis and ensure quality learning is continued while prioritizing the health and well-being of students, teachers and our community." According to Kinsey, these state resources are part of Governor's Emergency Education Relief Funds aimed at assisting schools and other educational agencies that are designated for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, passed by Congress, authorizes governors to determine the appropriate educational use of GEER Funds. Read more


Kinsey, Webster and PLBC members amplify call to remove Montco Commissioner Joe Gale

(Aug 13, 2020)

JEFFERSONVILLE, Aug. 13 – State Reps. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus; and Joe Webster, D-Montgomery, along with PLBC members state Reps. Margo Davidson, D-Delaware, and Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, today participated in a “Free from Hate” news conference led by PA Women Rise at the West Norriton Municipal Center. The group’s “Free from Hate” platform was centered around increased demands for the ousting of Montgomery County Commissioner Joseph Gale for his comments earlier this summer referring to people involved in the Black Lives Matter movement as terrorists. To further amplify their demands, the state legislators unveiled Webster’s H.R. 920 , which would impeach Gale and which Webster introduced in response to the offensive statement. “In our quest to free our communities of hate, we must condemn actors like Commissioner Gale who used his official capacity to perpetuate hate by vilifying residents’ calls for equality and justice,” Kinsey said. “Instead of being an active agent of change in upholding those calls, Gale chose to side with the powers of oppression. His actions demonstrate his complacency with injustice, making him unfit to serve the public, and for that, Gale must be removed immediately.” Concurring with Kinsey, Webster acknowledged the solidarity among lawmakers and community members, and also Read more


Schweyer holds joint PA Legislative Black Caucus/House Democratic Policy Committee hearing on police reform

(Jul 28, 2020)

Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh requested the House Democratic Policy Committee hearing on police reform to discuss police reforms that can apply to smaller cities like Allentown in addition to those being considered for larger metropolitan regions. Schweyer was joined by state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila, and chairman of the PA Legislative Black Caucus, state legislators from across the state and several local community leaders. Read more


Kinsey, PLBC denounce racism and bigotry in all forms

(Jul 27, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, July 27 -- State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, today called for unity in working to eliminate all forms of racism and prejudice in Pennsylvania and beyond. “At a time when our fellow Americans – of all races, nationalities and religions – are marching together and demonstrating for equal treatment and the end of systemic racism against Black communities and people of color, the PLBC stands firm in its position that racism and bigotry should not be tolerated in any form, including anti-Semitism,” said Kinsey, D-Phila. “Our society includes people of all races and religions, so we must work together to understand one another’s history and struggles and stand together against those who spew their hate and engage in harassment. Unintentional racism and bigotry due to ignorance of one another is part of the problem. I and the PLBC are committed to working together to ensure equality and an end to hate and prejudice in all its ugly forms.” Read more


House Democratic Policy Committee/PA Legislative Black Caucus to hold second hearing on Police Reform Tuesday in Capitol

(Jul 24, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 24 –State Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, and state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila, announced today that the House Democratic Policy Committee and the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus will hold a second hearing on police reform. Requested by state Rep. Pete Schweyer, D-Lehigh, HDPC Chair Sturla and PLBC Chair Kinsey said this hearing will focus on the Allentown region. The hearing will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 28 in Room G-50 Irvis Office Building in Harrisburg. The media and public are urged to watch the livestream at . Testifiers will participate remotely while members participate in-person and remotely. Testifiers will include: Chief Glenn Grantiz, Jr., Allentown Police Department Justan Parker, founder, Black Lives Matter to the Lehigh Valley Maegen Lierena, executive director, Make The Road Pennsylvania Nasheera Brown, student, Louise E. Dieruff High School Adrian Shanker, founder and executve director, Bradbury-Sullivan LBGT Community Center Following the hearing, testimonies and full hearing video will be posted at . Read more


House members to introduce resolution honoring Congressman John Lewis

(Jul 23, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 23 – This week, state Reps. Stephen Kinsey, Jordan Harris, and Malcolm Kenyatta, all D-Phila., announced they will be introducing a resolution honoring Congressman John Lewis, who died on July 17. “Congressman Lewis was an integral part of the Civil Rights movement and a leading voice in the advancement of economic and social justice. His life was devoted to activism and advocacy for equal justice in America, and his actions have inspired so many today,” Kinsey said. “The next generation of leaders will continue to follow his legacy and help us achieve the equality that Congressman Lewis pictured.” “Congressman John Lewis was truly a giant of the Civil Rights movement and, beyond that, a moral compass in the United States House of Representatives,” Harris said. “Few have been able to have such a profound effect on the centuries-long struggle for equality and dignity for our Black and brown communities, but Congressman Lewis was a beacon of hope and righteousness that shined through very dark clouds in our nation’s history. It’s an honor to be fraternity brothers with Congressman Lewis in Phi Beta Sigma, and we will ensure his legacy will not be forgotten and, instead, will continue to energize and mobilize generation after generation that will carry on the mantle of this fight.” "The life and service of John Lewis was immensely influential in my own Read more


House Democratic Policy Committee-PA Legislative Black Caucus start series of joint hearings on Police Reform Tuesday in Capitol

(Jul 20, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 20 –State Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, and State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila, announced today that the House Democratic Policy Committee and the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus will start a series of hearings to build on the success of recent police reform laws. HDPC Chair Sturla and PLBC Chair Kinsey said each hearing will focus on a region of the state to collect input on additional reform ideas from local stakeholders via virtual testimony. The first hearing will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 21 in Room G-50 Irvis Office Building in Harrisburg. The media and public are urged to watch the livestream at . Focusing on the Philadelphia region, testifiers will include: Danielle Outlaw , commissioner, Philadelphia Police Department Marcel Pratt , Philadelphia City solicitor Keir Bradford-Grey , chief public defender, Defender Association of Philadelphia Katherine Gilmore Richardson , Philadelphia City councilwoman at-large Zion Brooks , member, Philadelphia Student Union Rev. Mark Tyler , community activist, POWER Kevin Harden, Jr , attorney Alphonse Gerhardstein , board member, National Police Accountability Project The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office and the Philadelphia Police Advisory Commission have also been invited to testify. Following the hearing, Read more


Democratic and Republican lawmakers unify to form bipartisan legislative caucus
Dec 03, 2020

Kinsey congratulates Bullock for being elected to chair Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus
Nov 13, 2020

Kinsey, PLBC congratulate McClinton on historic leap for women in Pa. legislature
Nov 13, 2020

The Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus congratulates Biden and Harris on historic win
Nov 09, 2020

PLBC, Philadelphia House Delegation, and Police Reform Working Group members demand justice after Black man is killed by police
Oct 27, 2020

Stephen Kinsey: How video gambling companies profit off communities of color
Oct 23, 2020

Stephen Kinsey: How video gambling companies profit off communities of color
Oct 23, 2020

How video gambling companies profit off communities of color
Oct 09, 2020

State lawmakers representing Philadelphia welcome lawsuit against commonwealth, legislature for restricting gun-safety measures
Oct 07, 2020

Kinsey announces $16K preservation grant for historical Wyck House
Oct 05, 2020

The Pa. Legislative Black Caucus condemns grand jury decision in slaying of Breonna Taylor, continues fight for police reform
Sep 28, 2020

Kinsey: Fresh Food Financing Initiative grants awarded
Sep 17, 2020

Police Reform Working Group issues statement on House Republican Policy hearing on law enforcement; calls for further legislative action
Aug 27, 2020

Kinsey announces $130,514 in grants to help local schools during COVID-19 pandemic
Aug 26, 2020

Kinsey, Webster and PLBC members amplify call to remove Montco Commissioner Joe Gale
Aug 13, 2020

Schweyer holds joint PA Legislative Black Caucus/House Democratic Policy Committee hearing on police reform
Jul 28, 2020

Kinsey, PLBC denounce racism and bigotry in all forms
Jul 27, 2020

House Democratic Policy Committee/PA Legislative Black Caucus to hold second hearing on Police Reform Tuesday in Capitol
Jul 24, 2020

House members to introduce resolution honoring Congressman John Lewis
Jul 23, 2020

House Democratic Policy Committee-PA Legislative Black Caucus start series of joint hearings on Police Reform Tuesday in Capitol
Jul 20, 2020