Pre-register by Oct. 15 for our Thursday, Oct. 22 Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic

(Sep 22, 2020)

On Thursday, Oct. 22, my office, in coordination with state Sen. Pam Iovino, will be hosting a drive-thru flu shot clinic. Please register by Oct 8! Read more


Miller: $200K awarded to Dormont Borough’s stormwater authority for rehabilitation projects

(Sep 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 15 – State Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, today announced that $200,000 was awarded to Dormont Borough’s stormwater authority for stormwater improvements within the borough. Miller said the funding was awarded through the Allegheny County Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund and approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority. “This is significant funding for much-needed renovations in Dormont,” Miller said. “The funding awarded today will help Dormont’s stormwater authority install a number of new storm sewers across the municipality, which has needed to be done for quite some time. I look forward to seeing the final product once these projects are complete.” Miller said the $200,000 will go toward the installation of seven new inlets and installation of 450 linear feet of new storm sewers on LaSalle and Louisiana avenues. The funds originate from the Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund Program – a program established to fund community and economic development projects in Allegheny County through revenues generated from all casinos. The funds are determined via a daily assessment of the licensed facility’s gross terminal revenue. The program provides grants for single-year and multi-year projects that promote development in Allegheny County, including economic, infrastructure and community improvements, job training, Read more


Miller, ACHDD to conduct virtual panels starting Thursday through Friday, Sept. 4

(Aug 26, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 26 – Starting Thursday, state Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, and the Allegheny County House Democratic Delegation will conclude their summer hearing outreach with five virtual public panel discussions. The virtual panels begin Thursday and run through Friday, Sept. 4. Panel dates and topics are: Health of our Hospitals: Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Co-chaired by state Rep. Anita Astorino Kulik Future of Work: Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Update on Police Reform: Wednesday, Sept. 2 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Co-chaired by state Reps. Ed Gainey and Summer Lee COVID and Worker Safety: Thursday, Sept. 3 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Co-chaired by state Rep. Rob Matzie Housing Crisis: Friday, Sept. 4 from 10:30 a.m. to noon Co-chaired by state Rep. Sara Innamorato Miller, chairman of ACHDD, invites the public and media to view the virtual panels by visiting . Questions can be submitted ahead of each panel at . Read more


Miller announces $345,900 in grants for water, sewer system improvements

(Aug 17, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 17 – State Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, announced the awarding of $345,900 in PA Small Water and Sewer grants to Castle Shannon for improvements and repairs to its water and sewer systems. “Infrastructure is a critical issue and I was very glad to support Castle Shannon’s efforts to improve their sewer system,” Miller said. “These grants will help ensure clean water and a safe, sanitary sewer system for the residents of Castle Shannon for years to come.” Castle Shannon will use the $45,900 grant to make improvements to its storm sewer system on Killarney Drive. Stormwater runoff from Armstrong Park in Baldwin Township is bypassing its intended inlet and instead ending up on the driveway and in the basement of a property on Killarney Drive. The borough will install two catch basins, 75 linear feet of 15-inch corrugated storm pipe, and road and curb restoration. The $300,000 grant will be used to repair 4,650 linear feet of sewer lines and replace two manholes to address defective sewer lines that have been identified. The repairs will include 4,350 linear feet of full liner trenchless sewer repair, 130 linear feet of spot liner sewer repairs, 170 linear feet of in-trench replacement and installing two manholes in the McCully Road and Connor Road areas. “I also salute the effort by Castle Shannon’s elected officials and staff for Read more


My letter to Chairman Curt Sonney

(Jul 16, 2020)

My letter to Chairman Curt Sonney Read more


Miller, Roebuck introduce online learning equity bill for students in acute poverty

(Jul 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 15 – COVID-19 resulted in the closing of schools statewide this past spring, a move that at the time had bipartisan support and echoed actions taken across our country, but it was one that also shined a bright line on the inequality embedded in many of our school districts across the state. This gross inequality allowed for more well-funded and financially supported districts to open online weeks if not almost two months ahead of neighboring districts that had less funding and less financial support. State Reps. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, and Jim Roebuck, D-Phila., on Thursday introduced legislation (H.B. 2705) that would offer a path forward to make sure school districts in the future are not delayed in opening online due to uncertainty of access to technology, and that every child who is from a home living in acute poverty has the necessary technology provided to them to make them ready for online learning from day one. “COVID-19 is an unprecedented emergency that no district, state, or likely, nation was prepared to address,” Miller said. “However, we must learn from our experience this spring and we must make sure that no child or school district will be delayed from accessing or providing online education in the future due to financial hardship. It is unjust that our wealthier school districts can be up and running, while our more economically challenged school districts have to go door-to-door, hat-in-hand for Read more


Miller introduces legislation that would require natural gas companies to disclose chemicals used in fracking

(Jul 14, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 14 – Seeking to put the health and well-being of Pennsylvanians first, state Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, on Tuesday introduced legislation that would require natural gas companies to disclose what chemicals are used in the fracking process. Miller said his legislation would amend the Oil and Gas Act by removing the current exceptions to disclosure that allow companies to hide the chemicals they use in the fracking process, and requiring disclosure of chemicals 14 days prior to use at any stage of the fracking process, drilling included. “The work of the attorney general and the grand jury report reminded all of us that there is still some important things that we don't know about our natural gas industry," Miller said. "It is not too much for us to demand that if you pump chemicals into our ground, we need to know what those chemicals are. It is past due that we have greater transparency and I thank the attorney general for his attention on this issue." Miller said that this bill is one of the recommendations from the 43 rd statewide grand jury, “requiring fracking companies to publicly disclose all chemicals used in drilling and hydraulic fracturing before they are used on-site.” Read more


Miller votes to freeze cost-of-living adjustments for public officials

(May 28, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 28 – Noting the economic fallout many families have experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, state Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, called his “yes” vote on Tuesday to freeze cost-of-living adjustments for public officials an easy decision. House Bill 2487 , which passed the House unanimously, would amend the Public Official Compensation Law to freeze COLAs for legislators through 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Despite increased federal and state assistance -- and further business re-openings here in western PA in particular -- many families are hurting,” Miller said. “While freezing COLAs is not going to close the budget, it simply is the right thing to do. I hope that this bill becomes law quickly.” In addition to all legislators, Miller said the measure would also freeze COLAs for the following offices and positions: governor, lieutenant governor, state auditor general, state attorney general, state treasurer, commissioners of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, and heads of state departments. House Bill 2487 now heads to the state Senate for consideration. Read more


Fill out the 2020 census!

(Mar 31, 2020)

Fill out the 2020 census! Read more


Democratic legislators applaud state Supreme Court decision to halt evictions

(Mar 18, 2020)

HARRISBURG, March 18 – Following the announcement that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would be halting all eviction notices, multiple House Democrats, who earlier in the day requested this halt, issued the following statement: “We’re extremely appreciative to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for showing judicious leadership in halting all evictions statewide through at least April 3 and possibly beyond depending on the COVID-19 pandemic. “As we continually urge Pennsylvanians to stay home out of great concern for their personal health as well as the health of their community, it’s unconscionable that they could still be evicted and thrown into a world of instability when stability is what they need most. This halting of evictions doesn’t only help the homeowner or lessee, it helps the entire community. “Far too many people are living paycheck to paycheck and now face the real situation of being out of work for an extended period of time. Ensuring they have a roof over their heads for the foreseeable future isn’t simply the right thing to do, it’s the moral thing to do.” The following House Democratic legislators signed on to a letter, which can be viewed here, requesting the Pennsylvania Supreme Court halt all eviction proceedings: Democratic Leader Frank Dermody, D-Allegheny. Democratic Whip Jordan Harris, D-Phila. State Rep. Mary Isaacson, D-Phila. State Read more


Allegheny County Democratic Delegation chair, legislators call on Gov. Tom Wolf to halt all public utility disconnections in wake of the COVID-19 virus

(Mar 13, 2020)

HARRISBURG, March 13 – State Rep. Dan Miller, chairman of the Allegheny County House Democratic Delegation, and fellow ACHDD members on Friday asked Gov. Tom Wolf to place a moratorium on the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission from further shutoffs for the foreseeable future for all Pennsylvanians in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The delegation’s call to action comes by way of support for the initial request issued early Thursday by members of the Philadelphia leadership team in the state House. Miller, as well as state Reps. Austin Davis, Dan Deasy, Tony DeLuca, House Democratic Leader Frank Dermody, Dan Frankel, Ed Gainey, Sara Innamorato, Bill Kortz, Anita Kulik, Summer Lee, Brandon Markosek, Robert Matzie, Adam Ravenstahl, Harry Readshaw and Jake Wheatley issued the following statement: “As we speak, we’re faced with an emergency, the COVID-19 pandemic, that many have never dealt with before here in Pennsylvania. Aside from the fear and anxiety this may be causing many state residents, we as lawmakers need to be sure we’re doing everything possible to make what could be a dire situation less extreme for those living with life-threatening illnesses or in low-income situations. One way we can do that is by ensuring that all residents have access to their electric utilities, especially those who rely on their electric to power their medical equipment. “Losing electricity would Read more


Miller calls for passage of Family Care Act amid COVID-19 outbreak

(Mar 12, 2020)

HARRISBURG, March 12 – With the possibility of schools and businesses having to shutter their doors due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, state Rep. Dan Miller is calling for the passage of H.B. 1739. The bipartisan legislation, also known as the Family Care Act, is a crucial bill that would provide a critical benefit to families forced to stay home during times of sickness or unexpected emergencies, such as the COVID-19 outbreak, Miller said. “This pandemic emphasizes why we need the Family Care Act. The majority of Pennsylvania workers do not have paid leave, and if businesses and schools are closed, many may struggle to pay the bills.” Miller said. “Obviously we hope that this current situation does not lead to such drastic closures statewide, but it might. And the reality is that there is no guarantee that this virus or one similar doesn’t continue to plague us for years. We need to offer greater security to our workers and families now.” Miller, who is a prime co-sponsor of H.B. 1739 , said the measure would establish a statewide Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program, which would call for all working individuals to make a small payroll contribution to support the initiative. Miller said by doing so, eligible employees would be able to care for themselves in the event of a serious health condition, care for a close family member with a serious health condition, or care for an aging parent or Read more


Miller: More than $230K award to multiple synagogues, church for safety and security enhancements

(Mar 11, 2020)

HARRISBURG, March 11 – Two synagogues and a church in the 42 nd Legislative District were awarded a combined total of $236,436 in state funding to use toward security and safety at their facilities, announced state Rep. Dan Miller. Miller, D-Allegheny, said the three entities were awarded the funds by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency at its quarterly commission meeting today. Beth El Congregation/United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism received $90,000; Temple Emanuel of South Hills was awarded $74,800; and Mt. Lebanon United Presbyterian Church received $71,636. “I am very pleased to announce these safety grants for these venerable institutions, which make up a big part of our community fabric. While it is unfortunate that these grants are necessary at all, we cannot ignore the times we live in and the challenges we face. There are no more welcoming spaces in our districts than our places of worship, and we must work together to keep it that way.” Miller said the grants are provided through PCCD’s Nonprofit Security Grant Fund Program following the passage of Act 83 of 2019 . The act directs PCCD to administer grants to nonprofit organizations who have been or who are likely to be targets for hate crimes. Priority consideration for funding was given to organizations that indicated they – or their membership – were victims of a hate crime or had a credible hate-crime threat. Read more


3/3/20 – Disability and Mental Health Policy Issues – Pittsburgh

(Mar 05, 2020)

Materials from a House Democratic Policy Committee public hearing hosted by State Rep. Dan Miller. Read more


Pa. Treasury could be holding your unclaimed property

(Jan 01, 2016)

Each year, the Pennsylvania Treasury receives millions of dollars of unclaimed property. It is estimated that roughly one in 10 Pennsylvanians has unclaimed property. Read more