Virtual event: Substance Use and the Pandemic

(May 14, 2021)

Join Rep. Miller and a panel of experts as they discuss how COVID-19 has impacted substance use Read more


PA Rescue Plan, $1.7 billion investment in workers’ focus of House Democratic leaders’ rally in State College Wednesday

(May 11, 2021)

STATE COLLEGE, May 11 – The workers who have been hit hardest by the pandemic need support. The PA House Democratic leadership team is hosting a rally Wednesday to make the case for workers’ rights to a fair wage, hazard pay and paid family and sick leave and how the PA Rescue plan would do just that. The rally will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 12 at The Borough Building, 243 S. Allen St., State College . The media is encouraged to attend. The PA Rescue Plan includes more than $1.5 billion for job training, hazard pay, wage boosts for direct-care workers and job creation efforts to kickstart the economy in communities across the state. The PRP aims to ensure federal American Rescue Plan funding is invested for immediate impact and long-term success. Additional information about the plan is available at . Read more


House Democrats touring the state to talk with the people about the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan

(May 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 5 – After weeks of gathering public support for the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan to invest federal dollars to do the most good for working families, the House Democratic Leadership team released the following statement on the next steps to discuss the plan and how it would help us recover, restore and reimagine a better future coming back from COVID-19. “Next week more than $7 billion is coming to the Keystone State as part of the American Rescue Plan, and we have to make sure that money is invested properly, not hidden away in a government vault for a rainy day – because it’s hard to imagine a storm that could hit harder than COVID-19. People need help now. “As USA TODAY network coverage noted, House Democrats have a plan that helps schools, workers, businesses, families, renters, landlords and more while Republicans have no plan to distribute the funds. We urge the majority party to get on board and do the right thing for people everywhere. “We’ve received an overwhelming response to the PA Rescue Plan so far, and next week we’ll be taking the plan to the people with a statewide tour – starting Monday in Philadelphia and Reading talking about investing in infrastructure and rebuilding our downtowns, continuing Tuesday in Pittsburgh and Erie discussing housing, Wednesday in Harrisburg and State College talking worker pay, and finishing up on Thursday in Scranton and Allentown to discuss helping Read more


Virtual event: The Intersection of Transportation, Labor and the Environment

(Apr 21, 2021)

On Thursday, April 29th, I hosted an event focused on “The Intersection of Transportation, Labor and the Environment” Read more


House Democratic Leadership continues to push Pennsylvania Rescue Plan to reimagine Pennsylvania’s recovery

(Apr 20, 2021)

Pennsylvanians looking for relief from the hardships of the past year can look to the House Democrats’ Pennsylvania Rescue Plan for solutions that do the most good for the most people. The House Democratic Leadership team released the following statement on how the plan would strengthen communities, help working people and support businesses and families: “We have a unique opportunity to drastically improve the lives of millions of Pennsylvanians with smart investments in people, businesses, health care and our workforce. The Pennsylvania Rescue Plan does just that by directing federal funds to help businesses get back on solid ground, invest in our frontline workers who were essential to getting us through the pandemic, repair our crumbling public schools so students can learn and teachers can teach in a non-toxic environment and strengthen our workforce through training tomorrow’s in-demand employees. Read more


Miller to host annual Disability & Mental Health Summit

(Mar 25, 2021)

Registration now open for event; largest of its kind in western PA Read more


House Democratic Leaders call on Republicans to honor promise to survivors of childhood sexual abuse

(Mar 19, 2021)

With time running out to provide a chance at justice for survivors of childhood sexual abuse through an emergency constitutional amendment, the House Democratic leadership team released the following statement calling on Republican leadership to commit to bringing the measure up for a vote on Monday:“In early February, Republican leadership made a public promise on the House floor to get an emergency constitutional amendment to the Senate and provide a chance at justice to the survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Due to their wavering and inaction this week, we’re now dangerously close to running out of time to get this in front of Pennsylvanians in the May Primary Election. Read more


Allegheny County rental relief program now accepting applications

(Mar 15, 2021)

HARRISBURG, March 15 – Financial assistance is now available to help Allegheny County residents struggling to pay rent or utilities during the COVID-19 pandemic as part of a program that is partially funded by legislation members of the Allegheny County Democratic Delegation helped to pass. The Allegheny County Emergency Rental Assistance program has a total of $79.9 million to distribute to eligible county residents. Of that funding, $43 million came from Act 1 of 2021, which Gov. Tom Wolf signed into law last month. Eligibility requirements for the program include: having at least one person who qualifies for unemployment, has lost income or suffered financially due to COVID-19. being at risk of experiencing homelessness. having a total income below 80% of the Area Median Income for Allegheny County. ACDD Chairman state Rep. Austin Davis, as well as state Reps. Jessica Benham, Dan Deasy, Tony DeLuca, Dan Frankel, Ed Gainey, Sara Innamorato, Emily Kinkead, Anita Kulik, Summer Lee, Brandon Markosek, Robert Matzie, Dan Miller, Nick Pisciottano and Jake Wheatley, issued the following statement: “People living in Allegheny County have been struggling for over a year during this pandemic. This program has been a long time coming and helps provide direct relief to those who’ve been scrambling to pay their rent and bills during this Read more


Local nonprofit groups receive grant money for security projects

(Mar 11, 2021)

Two nonprofit organizations in the 42nd Pa. House District are receiving money through a grant program passed by the legislature and implemented by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, according to state Rep. Dan Miller. Read more


Miller, Kim to introduce bill extending eligibility for special ed programs during pandemic

(Feb 22, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 22 – State Reps. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, and Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, are planning to introduce legislation that would extend special education eligibility for students with an IEP in relation to transition programming after the age of 18. It’s no secret the COVID-19 pandemic has had negative impacts on many students, but Miller said for many students who require Individualized Education Programs, the effects arguably have been even greater. There are approximately 1,300 students across Pennsylvania in their final year of eligibility for transition assistance. Without proper action, their eligibility would expire, and they would no longer be able to access these vital services. “Given the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it would be unconscionable to allow these students to age out of this program without full access to its benefits,” said Miller. “That is why we are introducing this bill, which will allow many to have a little more time due to COVID interruption. It would also permit students who were forced out to re-engage if they so desired.” Miller’s legislation would ensure no student enrolled in school with an active IEP when the governor first declared the COVID-19 state of emergency shall lose their eligibility for services until 12 months after the expiration of the emergency declaration. It would be up to the parents and students if they want to continue participating in the program after they turn Read more


Miller, Bullock bill would provide certificate for former inmates to re-enter the workforce

(Feb 12, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 12 – A bill authored by state Reps. Dan Miller and Donna Bullock to improve access to jobs for former inmates and reduce recidivism will soon be introduced in the PA House. The bill would require every person to receive a reentry certificate after leaving incarceration. The certificate would serve as proof to employers of the person’s achievements in skill development, rehabilitation, education and their readiness for safe reentry. “When a person pays their debt to society and simultaneously acquires or hones a skill to help them when they re-enter that society, we should provide them with every opportunity to do so,” said Bullock, D-Phila. “This is a bill that not only helps a person put their life back in order, but also provides employers with a workforce that is ready to go. It is a plus for everyone.” The legislation would also provide protections for employers in relation to negligence actions based solely on the hiring of a person with a criminal record. Applicants would still have to pass required clearances for employment. “This certificate would provide employers with one less reason not to take a chance on someone committed to bettering their future,” said Miller, D-Allegheny. “It helps ease the often-difficult transition back into the workforce and the community, as well as reduces the chances for a person to reoffend or return to prison.” Miller and Bullock are seeking Read more


Economic Development Roundtable

(Feb 11, 2021)

A live discussion with the business community Read more


Miller, Benham to introduce bill to create new Pa. Department of Accessibility and Inclusion

(Feb 10, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 10 – State Reps. Dan Miller and Jessica Benham, both D-Allegheny, are planning to introduce a bill that would create the Pennsylvania Department of Accessibility and Inclusion. “Nearly one in four Pennsylvanians have a disability, and despite the best intentions of many, most have only seen modest improvements in their lives and opportunities,” said Miller, a member of the House Autism and Intellectual Disabilities Caucus. “This department would be committed to providing government services and opportunities that are accessible to every Pennsylvanian.” Miller and Benham, who are both part of the Allegheny County House Democratic Delegation, said the bill would consolidate several existing programs under the new department. It would also create a cabinet-level secretary position in the governor’s administration. “Having a secretary dedicated to the needs of people with disabilities would go a long way in helping the governor’s office craft much-needed policies,” Benham said. “This is a way for Pennsylvania to make sure progress is made and that what matters to people with disabilities is considered.” Miller and Benham are seeking co-sponsors for their planned legislation. Read more


House Democrats demand accountability for Republican election lies

(Jan 13, 2021)

Citing the dangerous lies spread by some Republicans in the General Assembly regarding the 2020 election, House Democratic leaders today released the following statement demanding accountability and responsibility as the nation moves forward:“What we saw last week was nothing short of an attempted coup, instigated not only by the president of the United States but by Republican enablers at all levels of government. Words matter, and the falsehoods, misrepresentations and seditious rantings we’ve heard from some Republican members of the General Assembly can’t go unchallenged. Our nation can’t heal without consequences for the first invasion of the United States Capitol since the War of 1812. Read more


Miller, chairman of Democratic Caucus, sworn in for fifth term

(Jan 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 5 – On Tuesday, state Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, was sworn in for his fifth term as state representative of the 42 nd Legislative District. “As always I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my community, especially with so many key issues that still need to be addressed by the legislature,” Miller said. “Hope is -- God-willing -- on the horizon, but the inequities and challenges laid bare by COVID-19 are massive. We must work tirelessly to not only return more people to work and school as safely and quickly as possible, but we should strive to improve opportunity for everyone across the board.” Miller was unanimously elected by his colleagues to serve as Democratic Caucus chair for the 2021-22 legislative session. He previously served as chair of the Allegheny County House Democratic Delegation and as a member of the Education, Judiciary, Human Services, and Labor and Industry committees. The 42 nd Legislative District consists of Mt. Lebanon Township, Dormont Borough, Castle Shannon Borough, Baldwin Township, and parts of Pittsburgh and Scott Township. Miller will continue to maintain his constituent service office at 650 Washington Road Suite 102 in Mount Lebanon. The office may be reached at 412-343-3870. He also invites residents to visit his website – -- which has links to information on state services and includes a form that allows Read more


House Democrats pledge ‘People over Partisanship’ in 2021-22 session

(Jan 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 5 -- The PA House Democratic Caucus leadership team issued a joint statement today as state legislators formally began the 2021-22 Legislative Session: “With 202 members of the House of Representatives due to be sworn in, we celebrate the diversity of our great state and reflect on the shared values common to almost all Pennsylvanians. Yet we also mourn the tragic loss of Representative Mike Reese, whose sudden passing reminded all of us how precious life is. “The importance of the top priorities that House Democrats have consistently promoted -- good jobs with fair pay, quality schools, affordable housing, accessible health care, a safe environment and protection of democracy -- are being highlighted and tested in many ways during this devastating pandemic. “We see the beginning of this new legislative session as a chance to elevate people over partisanship and make gains toward these common goals in all of Pennsylvania’s unique communities – east and west, large and small, urban, suburban and rural. “Democrats in the House hope that our Republican partners will work with us to help people stay in jobs, get back to work and go to school safely; equip healthcare workers properly to battle this pandemic; ensure Pennsylvanians are not evicted from their homes in the middle of a public health crisis; and send targeted relief to the many businesses ravaged by this pandemic. Read more


Miller: Nearly $9 million awarded to entities in district for redevelopment projects

(Dec 23, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 23 – State Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, today announced nearly $9 million in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program funding that was awarded to two entities in the 42 nd Legislative District. Miller said the funding couldn’t come at a better time. “It’s been a tough year, especially with the financial strain placed on our communities due to COVID-19,” Miller said. “But even in the worst of times, it’s reassuring to see we can find some good in 2020, most notably during the holiday season. It’s my hope both entities are able to put this funding to good use, and that we see the benefits of these state grants in the near future.” Miller said Castle Shannon Borough was awarded $771,428 of the nearly $9 million in RACP funding for phase one of a streetscape project in the borough. Specifically, the funding will include the installation of 16,000 linear feet of new sidewalks; 15 new ADA-compliant curb cuts; 630 linear feet new curbing; 36 new electrical light poles; traffic maintenance plans; site grading; and a storm water management area. The remaining $8 million was awarded to St. Clair Memorial Hospital. Miller said the funding will be used for a proposed outpatient center, which will allow St. Clair Memorial Hospital to care for its patients more efficiently. The Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program is a grant program administered by the Office of the Read more


Miller elected House Democratic Caucus chairman

(Nov 16, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 16 – Last week at the reorganization of the House Democratic leadership, state Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, was elected House Democratic Caucus chairman. Miller, chairman of the Allegheny County House Democratic Delegation in the current legislative session, will serve a two-year term as Caucus chair, helping to coordinate Democratic legislative efforts. He was the only member from Allegheny County elected to House leadership. “While I am excited and honored to be chosen by my colleagues to serve them in leadership, we have a lot of work to do,” Miller said. “We are still struggling with COVID-19 and for the betterment of the state, Republicans and Democrats must work together better. But Democrats also plan on making sure our priorities are well represented. We still need to grow family sustaining jobs, improve education, and enhance access to health care. We must find a path to paid leave, a minimum wage increase, and to a cleaner environment. I hope to bring new energy to such discussions and still believe there is a lot we can and must do together.” Miller has been a member of the House of Representatives since 2013, serving Allegheny County in the 42nd Legislative District. Part of the House Democrats’ leadership reorganization also included the election of state Rep. Joanna McClinton, D-Phila., as House Democratic floor leader. She is the first woman in the General Assembly’s 244-year history Read more


House Democrats elect leaders for upcoming legislative session

(Nov 12, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 12 – The 90 members of the House Democratic Caucus who won election last week to serve during the 2021-22 session today chose their caucus leaders. Due to the high risk of Covid-19 transmission a number of lawmakers participated in the meeting virtually. Read more


Register NOW for our Nov. 19 drive-thru flu shot clinic!

(Oct 29, 2020)

State Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny, and state Sen. Pam Iovino are hosting a drive-thru flu shot clinic on Thursday, Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to noon, in the Mt. Lebanon United Lutheran Church parking lot, 975 Washington Road. Flu and Pneumonia shots (and other vaccinations, such as Shingles and TDAP) will be available with insurance coverage. Pre-registration is required by Nov. 16! Click here to register. Note: For our protection and yours, you must wear a mask - all staff and workers will also be wearing masks and gloves. Read more


Virtual event: Substance Use and the Pandemic
May 14, 2021

PA Rescue Plan, $1.7 billion investment in workers’ focus of House Democratic leaders’ rally in State College Wednesday
May 11, 2021

House Democrats touring the state to talk with the people about the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan
May 05, 2021

Virtual event: The Intersection of Transportation, Labor and the Environment
Apr 21, 2021

House Democratic Leadership continues to push Pennsylvania Rescue Plan to reimagine Pennsylvania’s recovery
Apr 20, 2021

Miller to host annual Disability & Mental Health Summit
Mar 25, 2021

House Democratic Leaders call on Republicans to honor promise to survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Mar 19, 2021

Allegheny County rental relief program now accepting applications
Mar 15, 2021

Local nonprofit groups receive grant money for security projects
Mar 11, 2021

Miller, Kim to introduce bill extending eligibility for special ed programs during pandemic
Feb 22, 2021

Miller, Bullock bill would provide certificate for former inmates to re-enter the workforce
Feb 12, 2021

Economic Development Roundtable
Feb 11, 2021

Miller, Benham to introduce bill to create new Pa. Department of Accessibility and Inclusion
Feb 10, 2021

House Democrats demand accountability for Republican election lies
Jan 13, 2021

Miller, chairman of Democratic Caucus, sworn in for fifth term
Jan 05, 2021

House Democrats pledge ‘People over Partisanship’ in 2021-22 session
Jan 05, 2021

Miller: Nearly $9 million awarded to entities in district for redevelopment projects
Dec 23, 2020

Miller elected House Democratic Caucus chairman
Nov 16, 2020

House Democrats elect leaders for upcoming legislative session
Nov 12, 2020

Register NOW for our Nov. 19 drive-thru flu shot clinic!
Oct 29, 2020