Miller: Agency With Choice is Not a Choice

(Jun 23, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Dan Miller spoke at the Our Lives, Our Services, Our Agencies, Our Choice rally at the state Capitol in Harrisburg. Miller is concerned people with disabilities who use in-home care may get stuck with the Agency With Choice model of service, which utilizes the single-vendor method and doesn't give recipients any choice of caregivers. Read more



(Jun 13, 2022)

Click here to view Rep. Miller's May 2022 expenses. Read more


Miller: Let's Support Families Now

(Jun 09, 2022)

Pa. House Democratic Caucus Chair Dan Miller is calling on the Pa. House Republicans to vote on bills that will bring real change to Pennsylvanians. With the extra money available for the state budget, Miller says the time is now to pass bills that address child care, paid leave and keeping families out of poverty. Read more


Miller: Keep Promises to Direct Care Workers

(Jun 01, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Dan Miller joined direct care workers to call on the state legislature to adequately fund the workers who care for people with disabilities. With the state coffers in excess, Miller says now is the time to make good on the promises made to invest in the programs for care that people with disabilities depend on. Read more



(May 12, 2022)

Click here to view Rep. Miller's April expenses. Read more


Miller, Fontana to host free Expungement Clinic April 30

(Apr 27, 2022)

"Even a minor criminal offense can create barriers for people long after they have completed their court-ordered obligations," Miller said. "This clinic is designed to help them navigate the expungement process and then, hopefully, find greater employment opportunities and economic success." Read more


Expungement Clinic Saturday, April 30

(Apr 19, 2022)

Consider attending this Expungement Clinic to find out what you need to do to get a Clean Slate! Read more



(Apr 06, 2022)

Click here to view Rep. Miller's expenses. Read more


Legislative Panel for Disability and Mental Health Summit

(Mar 09, 2022)

See the participants in the Disability and Mental Health Summit's Legislative Panel. Read more



(Mar 09, 2022)

To view Rep. Miller's latest expenses, click here. Read more


Disability Summit Session Day 1

(Mar 09, 2022)

Click here to learn more about what's planned on the first session day of the Mental Health and Disability Summit. Read more


Miller to kick off annual Disability Summit with bipartisan, bicameral legislative panel

(Mar 04, 2022)

Panel will hear from experts on disability, mental health issues Read more


Electric Vehicles: How to Plug In

(Mar 03, 2022)

Click here to learn more about Rep. Miller's Earth Day event on April 24. Read more


Trans Children Need Support not Suppression

(Mar 01, 2022)

Here in Pennsylvania it is long past time that elected officials stop using their power to attack trans youth and instead choose to make our commonwealth safe—no matter one’s age, race, ability or gender Read more


Miller named to state Employment First Oversight Commission

(Feb 18, 2022)

Commission to promote employment, competitive wages for people with disabilities Read more



(Feb 15, 2022)

To view Rep. Miller's latest expenses, click here. Read more


Legislating by Constitutional Amendment is Not Legislating

(Jan 27, 2022)

The legislative majority in Harrisburg risks transforming our state constitution into a mere collection of failed statutory schemes, while blatantly abandoning the legislative norms of statesmanship and compromise Read more


Social Media Safety Event

(Jan 14, 2022)

Join Rep. Dan Miller at a Social Media Safety Event hosted in partnership with Mt. Lebanon City Council of PTAs and a special presentation by the Attorney General’s Office -- 7 p.m. Feb. 16. Read more


Smart Homes and Data Privacy Protection Virtual Event

(Jan 05, 2022)

Join Rep. Miller and a panel of experts in the discussion. Read more