Rep. Hill-Evans supported 47 bills signed into PA law in 2019-20 Legislative Session

(Dec 01, 2020)

Rep. Hill-Evans supported some 50 bills signed into PA law in 2019-20 Legislative Session Read more


Hill-Evans: Safe Schools Grants Awarded for York County School Districts

(Nov 16, 2020)

More than $7 million in state Safe School grants were announced today. A total of $70,989 is headed to help schools in York County. The Pennsylvania Department of Education awards the competitive grants to prevent and reduce violent incidents, to purchase safety and security-related equipment and to provide for training and compensation of school resource and police officers. Local recipients include: Christian School of York, $3,229 for equipment and $19,650 for programs. Grace Words Christian Academy, $25,000 for equipment. York County Day School, $23,110 for equipment. Read more


Hill-Evans to host diaper drive results news conference

(Sep 22, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 22 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, will hold a news conference at 9 a.m. Monday, Sept. 28 at the York County Food Bank’s Emergency Food Hub, located at 1094 Haines Road, York . Hill-Evans will discuss the results of this year’s diaper drive and speak on the need for diapers and adult incontinence products, as well as related legislation. Her partners will speak briefly about their community engagement efforts and why they chose this drive. The York County Food Bank will provide information on how best to support food banks at this time. “Normally for this event we would be collecting in the Capitol Complex,” Hill-Evans said. “However due to a much lighter public presence at the Capitol, there will be no public collection there this year. Instead, I am asking all members of the General Assembly to purchase products and donate to their local diaper bank, daycare, food bank or senior center.” Collections for the diaper drive are still being collected and can be dropped off during business hours until Friday, Sept. 25, at either Hill-Evans’ district office located at 53 E. North St., Suite 3 in York, or Stauffer Biscuit Co. at 360 S. Belmont St. in York (attention Shanelle Hackman). Donations received in York will be donated to the local food bank. For more information, contact Hill-Evans’ district office at (717) 848-9595. Media coverage is invited. Read more


Leigslative Update: Labor

(Sep 10, 2020)

As we have celebrated Labor Day this week, I never want us to forget how precious our workforce is. There are so many pieces of legislation that provide for employees and the self-employed. These include legislation on certifications, continued education, workforce development, military and veteran employees, public employees and their retirement system, and wages & benefits. Here is a highlight of workforce rights in accordance to the tenants of Labor Day. Under each category of rights, I have included the committee chair’s contact links. If you support a bill, please contact them to advise you want to see the bill move forward before it dies at the end of the term in December. Employment Contracts and Classifications Labor and Industry: Representatives Jim Cox and Patrick Harkins HB171 would deem non-compete language in employment agreements to be against public policy. This legislation provides Pennsylvania businesses with the ability to seek out and hire the best and brightest candidates. Many businesses find it difficult to attract highly qualified employees who are not restricted by a non-compete agreement. HB173 would amend the Construction Workplace Misclassification Act, which regulates businesses that intentionally misclassify workers to gain a financial advantage by shortchanging the worker’s or unemployment compensation systems. For example, a business classifies workers as common laborers Read more


House Democrats fight to keep renters, homeowners Safe at Home

(Aug 31, 2020)

The House Democratic Housing Working Group announced a package of bills to protect people across Pennsylvania as the state’s moratorium on evictions and foreclosures expires Read more


Hill-Evans announces diaper drive for National Diaper Needs Awareness Week

(Aug 28, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 28 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, announced today she will be working with state Rep. Rosita Youngblood, D-Phila., to collect disposable diapers, adult incontinence products and wipes during National Diaper Needs Awareness Week. “Diapers are essential to having a healthy and happy baby,” Hill-Evans said. “One in three American families is currently wondering where their next meal might be coming from, how their family will pay for heat in the winter, or how they can possibly afford diapers for their child. No family should have to make these hard decisions. That is why these diaper drives are so important to me. Our mothers are in need more than ever -- not to mention those facing incontinence issues for other health reasons. Let us help them together.” Collections for the diaper drive can be dropped off during business hours from Monday, Sept. 21 to Sunday, Sept. 27 at the East Wing Rotunda of the Harrisburg Capitol Complex, Hill-Evans’ district office located at 53 E. North St., Suite 3 in York, and Stauffer Biscuit Co. at 360 S. Belmont St. in York. Donations received in York will be donated to the local food bank. Donations received in Harrisburg will be donated to the regional diaper bank. In 2018, 11 of Pennsylvania’s National Diaper Bank Network members distributed 2.98 million diapers to local communities in need. There is no state or federal child safety-net program that Read more


Focus on Education: Week Two

(Aug 28, 2020)

Once again this week I encourage you to contact the House Education Committee Chairs, Representatives Curtis Sonney and James Roebuck Jr , if you feel any of these bills should be moved forward before expiring in December at the end of the term. HB2307 is intended to alleviate the challenges of unaccompanied homeless youth and foster youth to keep them on track to attain a high school diploma and position them for success in the future. Homeless and foster youths who change schools face unique challenges. This legislation designates a point person to ease the transition into the new school by determining appropriate class placement and to develop a plan for graduation, among other things. HB113 would require postsecondary colleges to adopt policies that would allow existing documentation in an IEP, 504 plan, or a record of a disability from another institution of higher education, or documentation provided from the military to be accepted as proof of a disability. Additionally, our institutions of higher education will be required to adopt policies that are transparent and easily accessible for students and their families to understand what disability-related accommodations and supports are available. The bill also seeks to strengthen transition planning in Pennsylvania. Currently, PA requires transition planning for students with disabilities to begin at age 14, a stronger requirement than what is prescribed by federal law. This bill Read more


Hill-Evans announces more than $159K in funding for William Penn Senior High School

(Aug 26, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 26 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, announced today that William Penn Senior High School will be receiving a total of $159,501 in Governor’s Emergency Education Relief funds. The funding is aimed at improving educational services for approximately 180,000 students at schools designated for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act authorizes governors to determine the educational use of governors' GEER Funds. “Education funding needs to remain a priority in the face of this pandemic,” Hill-Evans said. “If children are expected to return to school in person, or learn from home, we need to have the tools in place to keep them safe and secure while providing them with a nurturing learning environment. Every child is dealing with their own unique set of challenges. This money is a good step in the right direction and we need to invest further in our students and our schools.” Grants were calculated based on elements of the federal Title I, Part A formula, including the number of economically disadvantaged students and other school enrollment data. More information on the grants is available here . ### Read more


Focus on Education: Week One

(Aug 21, 2020)

Unlike in past weeks, there is just one committee you will need to contact if you support any of the following legislation. These bills are all in the House Education Committee. Contact Representatives Curt Sonney and James Roebuck Jr and advise them it is time to put these bills up for a vote. Charter Schools/Cyber Charter Schools Legislation Highlight HB894 would prohibit public school entities from advertising “free” tuition or transportation, stipulating they must disclose that instructional and transportation costs are paid for by tax dollars. Some schools -- particularly cyber charter schools -- are referring to those services and programs in their advertising as “free". HB1329 includes language from previous bills aimed at protecting taxpayers by leveling the playing field between public school districts and public charter schools by requiring them to adhere to the same unassigned fund balance requirements. HB1396 would require that 80% of teachers working in a charter school or cyber charter school hold state certification. HB1449 would enact a moratorium on the creation of any new cyber schools in Pennsylvania until we have sufficiently reviewed their funding, operations, and performance. As many cyber charter schools are run by for-profit management companies, money that should be directed to our public school system instead lands in the hands of Read more


Hill-Evans announces virtual grant writing seminar

(Aug 21, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 19 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, announced today her office will be holding a virtual grant writing and funding opportunities seminar for local nonprofits, and local and county government. “This seminar is the direct result of constituents coming to us and asking for a way to learn the essentials and basics of how to apply for high demand grant opportunities,” Hill-Evans said. “We want our organizations to be able to apply with confidence. This seminar will include how to write and apply for grants and funding, as well as where to find this funding. I look forward to working directly with our neighbors to help them meet their financial needs.” Registration is required to attend at . To watch the livestream, visit the web address above from 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 25. Employees, volunteers and board members of local nonprofits are encouraged to sign up. Representatives of local and county government in York are also invited to participate. Part Two of the seminar will be scheduled once opportunities are more normalized. For more information, contact Hill-Evans office at (717) 848-9595. ### Read more


Hill-Evans announces over $125k for specials needs children in York County schools

(Aug 20, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 20 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, announced today that several York County charter schools and school districts would be the recipients of $125,819.58 in Governor’s Emergency Education Relief funds and Pennsylvania Department of Education federal funding through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. “Let’s face it, we are already underfunded when dealing with children with special needs and the pandemic has only put more strains on our special needs students,” Hill-Evans said. “Whatever form our schools choose in the coming weeks, they need to have the funds to put a plan into place and take action to meet the needs of these students. They deserve just as much help as any other student as we work to stop the spread of this virus and still deliver a quality education. There is more to be done, but this is a great step in the right direction.” The grants will be distributed as follows: Crispus Attucks Charter School: $1,000. York Academy Regional Charter School: $1,000. Lincoln Charter School: $3,008. York Suburban School District: $16,844. West York Area School District: $25,360. York City School District: $78,608. These funds are to be used for: Providing enhanced real-time instruction to bolster remote services and supports for students with complex needs. Providing services and supports to students with Read more


Hill-Evans announces over $4.5M in state and federal funding for low-income housing initiatives and domestic violence shelters

(Aug 17, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 17 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, announced $4,553,479 in total funding initiatives through the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency that would go towards local homeless prevention, low incoming housing, and domestic violence shelters. Funding was awarded through the PHFA board in cooperation with Low Income Housing Tax Credits and Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement. “This amount of money will lead to a huge development project that will ultimately create low-income housing that our homeless population has a better chance of affording when they do start to get back on their feet,” Hill-Evans said. “We have seen during this pandemic just how critical these resources are, and I’m happy to see such an investment to improve the lives of some of the less fortunate in our district. In addition to this, funding will go to services to help our seniors stay in their homes, as well funding for the YWCA of York, which is the only provider of free services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking in York County. These funds are crucial to keep these nonprofit services running and to keep up with demand during these difficult times.” The funding is awarded as follows: Homes at Thackston Park II: $1.25M in tax credits, $1.7M awarded from PennHOMES, and $1.1M in PHARE/HTF funding. This would go towards the new Read more


Legislative Update: Housing Highlights

(Aug 13, 2020)

Not just in this time when incomes have been hit hard for individuals and our economy has slumped, but always my constituents need assurances in the housing market and between them and their landlords. Our homeless populations also need a helping hand. There are bills in the state legislature to fulfill our promises as lawmakers to our constituents whether home buyers, homeowners, renters, landlords, or homeless. Read more


Legislative Update: Human Services

(Aug 06, 2020)

As you in the 95th legislative district get back on your feet, maintain your small businesses, transition back to work, and possibly enter into a different phase of life for your family security, I hope you know the legislature does have bills to uplift, catch, and protect you in times of need. We need your advocacy to get these bills put up for vote before the end of the term. If you are interested in the Human Services Sector, please help us advocate for these bills. Read more


House Democratic Policy Committee-PA Legislative Black Caucus to hold third hearing on Police Reform Wednesday in Capitol

(Aug 03, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 3 – State Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, and state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., announced today that the House Democratic Policy Committee and the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus will hold its third hearing on police reform. The hearing will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 6 in Room G-50 Irvis Office Building in the Capitol Complex. The media and public are invited to watch the livestream at . Requested by state Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, HDPC Chair Sturla and PLBC Chair Kinsey said this hearing will focus on the York region. Testifiers and members will participate in person and remotely. Testifiers will include: Police Commissioner Osborne (Moe) Robinson , City of York Police Department. Police Chief Timothy Damon , York Area Regional Police Department and president of York County Chief of Police Association. Bishop Carl Scott , Bible Tabernacle Christian Center and former president of Black Ministers Association of York County. Pastor Dr. Ramona Kinard , Wheatfield Church of the Living God and BMAYC vice president. Senior Pastor Bill Kerney , Covenant Family Ministries and BMAYC president. Rev. Aaron Anderson , CEO of Logos Academy and BMAYC member. Following the hearing, testimonies and full hearing video will be posted at . ### Read more


Legislative Update: Clean and Green Legislation

(Jul 24, 2020)

Starting this week for the next several weeks, I will be highlighting legislation that is introduced, sitting in committee, and at risk of not being taken up for a vote without your advocacy. This week I will be highlighting Clean and Green Legislation . I know that my vote on a recent bill has upset some environmental advocates that stand with me, so I want to start out by giving those that support our environment the opportunity to advocate first. After looking at these bills, if you support the legislation please contact the committee chairs by clicking on their names and urging them to put the bill up for vote in their committee. The House Consumer Affairs Committee holds the following bills. It is chaired by Representatives Brad Roae and Robert Matzie . HB531 would allow for community solar incentives. Participants could subscribe to a portion of an offsite solar project and receive credit on their electricity bill for the power produced, just as if the panels were on their roof. Currently many constituents lack the ability to participate in Pennsylvania’s growing solar economy, including: Renters, those in an apartment building, have a shaded or otherwise inappropriate roof for solar, property owners who are uncertain of their length of tenure. This bill removes an existing policy and market barrier, allowing for much greater participation. HB1195 would modernize Read more


Presented by PHEAA: Covering the Gap: Pieces of the Puzzle to Help Pay Your Education Bill

(Jul 20, 2020)

Since this is the season when families focus on how they will cover education costs, they may be looking for additional information. PHEAA, represented by Linda Pacewicz and Daniel Wray of PA Forward, is offering a series of one-hour webinars on the topic of Covering the Gap. These webinars emphasize best practices (such as seeking grants and scholarships first), reminds families about additional resources (such as payment plans), and touch on private/alternative loans as a last resort. The discussion will also include the basics of credit: what is a credit score, what factors impact a credit score, how can a credit score be improved, etc. Please register below for one or more of these informative presentations and have your questions answered. Date/Time: July 21st Tuesday, 6:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time Invitation and registration link: 7/21 Tuesday 6:30 pm webinar or Call-in Toll Number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3207 Access code: 127 090 4408 Password 1234 Date/Time: July 28th Tuesday, 6:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time Invitation and registration link: 7/28 Tuesday 6:30pm webinar or Call-in Toll Number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3207 Access code: 127 734 7232 Password 1234 Date/Time: July 29th Wednesday, 12:00 PM/Noon Eastern Daylight Time Invitation and registration link: 7/29 Wednesday, 12:Noon webinar or Call-in Toll Number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3207 Access code: 127 434 1185 Password 1234 Date/Time: August 4th Tuesday, Read more


RACP Application Window is Now Open

(Jul 13, 2020)

Today, the Governor’s Budget Office opened the application window for the 2020 Round 1 Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP). The application window will remain open until Wednesday, August 12, 2020. As a reminder, RACP is a two-step application process . The first step is to be authorized in a Capital Budget Itemization Act, like the one that was just enacted on July 1 (SB905). Only projects that have been authorized in the most recent Capital Budget Itemization Act or in any other Capital Budget Itemization Act from the past 10 years may apply for RACP funding. A list of projects for which an application may be submitted can be found here: Itemized Project Eligible for Funding (Excel). The second step in the process is to apply to the Governor’s Office of Budget when an application window opens, like the one that opened today. If an entity applied to the RACP program in the past, the entity must still submit a new application in order to be eligible for this round. Applications do not rollover to future rounds. After the Office of Budget reviews the applications, the governor will make the final determination of which projects will receive RACP funds. Please note that RACP is a highly competitive grant program. Inclusion in a Capital Budget Itemization Act does not guarantee the project will be funded, nor at the amount requested. All projects must go through this competitive application process. To apply during the Read more


Hill-Evans applauds adoption of police reform bills in House Judiciary Committee

(Jun 16, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 16 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today applauded the adoption of two police reform bills by the PA House Judiciary Committee, H.B. 1841 and H.B. 1910. “When we took the rostrum last week in Harrisburg, we were saying enough is enough,” Hill-Evans said, referring to a protest by PA Legislative Black Caucus members and other legislators last week that halted the House’s regular voting session. “Because we spoke up, change is happening. It pains me that it takes the death of so many innocents in order to enact change, but my hope is that their deaths will continue to inspire us to keep doing work that protects the people of the commonwealth. We keep hearing that these are examples of a ‘few bad apples’ in our police force. What people don’t seem to remember is the full saying, ‘a few bad apples spoil the barrel’. In our law enforcement, there is no room for error. Not when it results in the loss of innocent life.” An amended, H.B. 1910 would require the training of police officers to identify and report suspected child abuse to also include a provision addressing the use of deadly force. A change to the bill that won support was to require the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission to develop in-service training, including annual instruction on the use of force, de-escalation, and harm-reduction techniques and biennial instruction Read more


Hill-Evans celebrates Supreme Court decision on LGBTQ+ discrimination

(Jun 16, 2020)

YORK, June 16 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today applauded the United States Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Bostock v. Clayton County in support of LGBTQ+ workplace protections. “This decision reaffirms what we’ve all known for a long time: that discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation is wrong,” Hill-Evans said. “Now, we have the legal standing to prove and enforce it. By deciding that civil rights law barring sex discrimination in the workplace applies to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, millions of Americans can live freely and feel better protected in the workplace. We must do everything we can to help our family, friends and neighbors in the LGBTQ+ community feel welcomed in the workplace.” In a 6-3 decision, United States Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote: “Congress adopted broad language making it illegal for an employer to rely on an employee’s sex when deciding to fire that employee. We do not hesitate to recognize today a necessary consequence of that legislative choice: An employer who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender defies the law.” For more information, contact Hill-Evans’ office at (717) 848-9595. ### Read more


Rep. Hill-Evans supported 47 bills signed into PA law in 2019-20 Legislative Session
Dec 01, 2020

Hill-Evans: Safe Schools Grants Awarded for York County School Districts
Nov 16, 2020

Hill-Evans to host diaper drive results news conference
Sep 22, 2020

Leigslative Update: Labor
Sep 10, 2020

House Democrats fight to keep renters, homeowners Safe at Home
Aug 31, 2020

Hill-Evans announces diaper drive for National Diaper Needs Awareness Week
Aug 28, 2020

Focus on Education: Week Two
Aug 28, 2020

Hill-Evans announces more than $159K in funding for William Penn Senior High School
Aug 26, 2020

Focus on Education: Week One
Aug 21, 2020

Hill-Evans announces virtual grant writing seminar
Aug 21, 2020

Hill-Evans announces over $125k for specials needs children in York County schools
Aug 20, 2020

Hill-Evans announces over $4.5M in state and federal funding for low-income housing initiatives and domestic violence shelters
Aug 17, 2020

Legislative Update: Housing Highlights
Aug 13, 2020

Legislative Update: Human Services
Aug 06, 2020

House Democratic Policy Committee-PA Legislative Black Caucus to hold third hearing on Police Reform Wednesday in Capitol
Aug 03, 2020

Legislative Update: Clean and Green Legislation
Jul 24, 2020

Presented by PHEAA: Covering the Gap: Pieces of the Puzzle to Help Pay Your Education Bill
Jul 20, 2020

RACP Application Window is Now Open
Jul 13, 2020

Hill-Evans applauds adoption of police reform bills in House Judiciary Committee
Jun 16, 2020

Hill-Evans celebrates Supreme Court decision on LGBTQ+ discrimination
Jun 16, 2020