Around the 95th Legislative District

(Sep 09, 2022)

I want to share with you a great group of organizations that are coming together to continue the efforts I have been leading to help bring awareness to diaper needs in Pennsylvania. Here in the district, The Movement, Chrystal’s Place, Salem Square Connects, York City Health Bureau’s Healthy Moms/Healthy Babies, and The Well Food Pantry will be assisting in the September month-long drive and receiving all collections that the York community can give Read more


Wolf Administration Announces $7 Million in Funding to Provide Free Healthy Snacks in PA Schools

(Aug 31, 2022)

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) announced that 266 elementary schools will receive $7 million in grant funding to provide students with fresh fruit and vegetable snacks during the school day. The funding was awarded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). Read more


Hill-Evans to host event to kick off Diaper Needs Awareness Month

(Aug 25, 2022)

“I am glad that we have organizations willing to work together to address this issue in York,” Hill-Evans said. “Communities thrive when we collaborate. We want to keep the donations localized so that they are most accessible to families within walking distance around the district. Having more recipient organizations gives us an opportunity to accept more donations.” Read more


Property Tax and Rent Rebate Applicants Will Get Bonus from Budget

(Aug 03, 2022)

On Tuesday, August 2, the state Department of Revenue announced it anticipates the extra rebates will begin being mailed or sent via direct deposit to those who received their original rebates in early September. They do not need to re-apply or take any further action. Read more


Learn more: Pennsylvania's Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion, and Small Business Opportunities

(Jul 21, 2022)

Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion, and Small Business Opportunities seeks to educate and advocate for the small businesses of the commonwealth. As an advocate, BDISBO seeks to influence policy, programs, and legislation to meet the needs of the small business community. Their primary mission is to actively, equitably, and successfully engage small businesses in the Commonwealth’s public procurement process as one of the ways to fuel our economy. For more information, visit the BDISBO website . Read more


Democratic lawmakers introducing bill to prevent out-of-state abortion investigations

(Jul 11, 2022)

HARRISBURG, June 14 – As states begin to impose abortion restrictions in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned, Reps. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, Chris Rabb, D-Phila., and Emily Kinkead, D-Allegheny, are working to ensure Pennsylvania remains a safe haven for people seeking abortions. “It is bad enough that people have to travel hundreds of miles to receive medical care, but the thought that they may be harassed and charged with felonies, it’s outrageous,” Hill-Evans said. “It is not the duty of people on the state payroll to investigate personal health matters; Pennsylvania officials have no business harassing pregnant people on the taxpayer’s dime.” “The Dobbs decision is an assault on bodily autonomy and the half-century during which abortion was constitutionally protected,” said Rabb. “Now that this ruling defers to the states on how to proceed, our legislature should act to prohibit cooperation of state and local government officials with out-of-state investigators regarding the healthcare choices of women and birthing people across our commonwealth.” The legislation they are proposing would prohibit all law enforcement officers, state government departments and their employees, and local government entities and their employees from cooperating with out-of-state investigations into abortions legally obtained in Pennsylvania. The Read more


Hill-Evans announces PHARE funding of more than $1M for York housing

(Jun 14, 2022)

HARRISBURG, June 14 – State funding totaling $1,068,000 from the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement fund has been awarded to various entities in York to help create new mixed use residential properties, state Rep. Carol Hill-Evans announced today. “All Pennsylvanians should have a safe place to call home, and with this funding comes the promise of hundreds of more people in our region having that comfort. This funding also supports programs and services that help those who need it most,” Hill-Evans, D-York, said. The following projects in the 95 th Legislative District received funding: Doctors Row Apartments, RB Development LLC, $200,000. Doctor's Row Apartments will create 20 efficiency units of affordable and mixed-income housing for York seniors, with enhanced services. The project is being developed by RB Development and Hunter Cottage LLC, two local minority developers. Enhanced services will include a commissary/community room with one hot meal per day, on site medical, transportation assistance and mental health services. Property Acquisition and Rehabilitation, York Area Development Corporation, $500,000. Affordable Housing will utilize PHARE funding to acquire and rehabilitate property for the purpose of providing quality affordable housing to households with a current Housing Choice Voucher. West End Community Read more


Hill-Evans announces $612K in grants awarded to York County organizations

(Jun 09, 2022)

YORK, June 9 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, announced that two York County organizations have been awarded $612,297 for child abuse services, education for second graders about appropriate relationships, and substance abuse and education programs by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. “Our service organizations really help hold our community together, providing critical education and services to at-risk or abused populations, increasing community safety and providing support for those in treatment programs,” Hill-Evans said. “I am a huge admirer of the York County Children’s Advocacy Center for their clinical care for sexually abused children and educational programs to teach our second graders about appropriate relationships and am very pleased to see their efforts will be supported and expanded by these grants. “This grant money supports people’s engagement with substance abuse treatment programs.” The York County Children's Advocacy Center has received three grants . The center will use its $99,996 grant to continue to fund the position of Intake Coordinator. Thanks to the Intake Coordinator, the CAC has been able to rapidly intake a diverse and growing number of referrals of child victims and their caregivers. As CAC receives approximately 5 to 10 referrals a day, the Intake Coordinator has significantly enhanced the agency’s Read more


Hill-Evans to hold free spring shred event Saturday, May 7

(Apr 29, 2022)

HARRISBURG, April 29 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, will host her free spring shred event on Saturday, May 7. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the York City Hall parking lot, 101 N. George St., York 17401. “I’m very glad to be able to offer to my constituents this free and safe way to dispose of personal documents to help protect them from identity theft,” Hill-Evans said. Common types of unwanted items for shredding include credit card statements or applications, bank and investment statements, canceled checks, income tax information, insurance and health records, and retirement or pension fund information. The York County Food Bank will no longer be attending shredding events for donations to fight Hunger in York County, or diaper needs. Hill-Evans added that her office has display boxes to the right of her district office filled with resources. One of them is used for sharing books between members of the public. “I encourage anyone who wants to share used or new books to fill the free exchange library outside of my office at 53 East North Street any time,” Hill-Evans said. Read more


Hill-Evans announces $14 million in state grants for York County

(Apr 26, 2022)

HARRISBURG, April 26 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today announced that 6 projects in York County will receive a total of $14 million in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grants. “This $14 million in RACP funding will help improve quality of life in York County, from preserving and protecting our environment to helping to alleviate food insecurity to constructing a community center,” Hill-Evans said. “We will all benefit from the state’s support of these critical community projects in our beloved York County.” The following is the listing of the organizations’ projects and their grant award amounts: York County Economic Alliance -- $5 million to assist in the current phase of the Codorus Greenway, which will build upon the previous phase to make improvements to the section of the Codorus Creek from the rail bridge north of Philadelphia Street in the city of York to the Army Corps of Engineers access point downstream of North George Street in the city of York. Construction will include repair and reconstruction of flood walls to expand the capacity of the levee system and create riparian buffer areas adjacent to the creek and allow for an ADA compliant access point; remediation of contaminated soil; and in-channel improvements that enhance water quality and mitigate flooding. The York County Industrial Development Authority -- $2 million for its Ballpark Commons Northern Read more


Legislative Update 4-1-2022

(Apr 01, 2022)

To keep you informed, I am highlighting recently introduced bills that I will be following closely. I broke them down into categories so you can find your specific interests. The short descriptions beside each bill are what the bill's sponsor has claimed. If you click on the link for the bill number, you can find out more information about the bill. If you would like to advocate for the bill, follow the link, then click on the link for which committee the bill has been assigned to. This will bring up information about the chairs and other members of that committee, who you can contact and advocate for or against the bill. Business HB2319 would establish a forgivable loan program to strengthen local businesses in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods throughout Pennsylvania. Forgivable loans, available to local businesses in an eligible commercial corridor, will range from $25,000 to $50,000 and may be used to make systems and building improvements essential to growing and maintaining the business. Local Government HB2321 would allow counties, municipalities, and councils of governments to apply for grants to develop and maintain community buildings that are powered by and store green energy. Grants of up to $250,000 would be issued to create emergency systems and centers, sustainably and reliably backed up by renewable energy, that would be there for our communities in their time of need. HB2329 Read more



(Mar 24, 2022)

Mobile Mammography Read more


Free Community Shredding Event

(Mar 22, 2022)

Free Community Shredding Event Read more


Legislative Update

(Feb 14, 2022)

Legislative Update To keep you informed, I am highlighting recently introduced bills that I will be following closely. I broke them down into categories so you can find your specific interests. The short descriptions beside each bill are what the bill's sponsor has claimed. If you click on the link for the bill number, you can find out more information about the bill. If you would like to advocate for the bill, follow the link, then click on the link for which committee the bill has been assigned to. This will bring up information about the chairs and other members of that committee, who you can contact and advocate for or against the bill. Consumer Protection HB2257 would ensure Pennsylvanians have the right to request that a company confirm that it is processing a consumer’s personal data and allow the consumer to access the data, correct inaccuracies, delete personal data, and receive a copy of that personal data. require companies to establish, implement, and maintain reasonable administrative, technical and physical storage data security practices to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of personal data. provide an accessible, clear and meaningful privacy notice that not only discloses what, if any, categories of personal data is shared with third parties, but also a consumer’s the right to opt out. require any company that discloses Read more


PA House of Representatives Scholarship

(Jan 18, 2022)

PA House of Representatives Scholarship Read more


Legislative Update

(Jan 14, 2022)

To keep you informed, I am highlighting recently introduced bills that I will be following closely. I broke them down into categories so you can find your specific interests. The short descriptions beside each bill are what the bill's sponsor has claimed. If you click on the link for the bill number, you can find out more information about the bill. If you would like to advocate for the bill, follow the link, then click on the link for which committee the bill has been assigned to. This will bring up information about the chairs and other members of that committee, who you can contact and advocate for or against the bill. First, I want to highlight bills I have co-sponsored which have passed the House recently and are now in the Senate. Passed House HB293 would require the medical assistance program to pay for approved anti-obesity medication. HB2045 would create a statewide early literacy program focused on the science of reading. Introduced Transportation HB2244 would provide that every qualified health care facility may distribute handicap placards upon application to do so, as well as expand the definition of “health care providers” to include licensed occupational and physical therapists. This way, more specialists can certify an individual’s disability so that they may qualify for a placard. This legislation is designed to cut down on bureaucratic delays. Read more


Hill-Evans announces $62,500 in grants for York County

(Dec 21, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 21 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today announced two important sets of grants have been awarded to develop the area’s infrastructure and talent. The grants include a Keystone Communities Program grant of $ 12,500 to plan for the re-establishment of an Enterprise Zone in West York and North York boroughs and Spring Garden and West Manchester townships, and a competitive C areer and Technical Education Equipment Grant program award of $50,000 to the York County School of Technology from the Pennsylvania Department of Education to purchase new equipment aligned to training students in high-demand occupations. Hill-Evans said, “I was proud to support this grant application as this money will help economically develop an Enterprise Zone in West York and North York boroughs and Spring Garden and West Manchester townships. This money will bring economic opportunity and revitalization and strengthen the quality of life in these areas.” The Keystone Communities Program is designed to encourage the creation of partnerships between the public and private sectors to jointly support local initiatives such as the growth and stability of neighborhoods and communities, social and economic diversity, and a strong and secure quality of life. The program allows communities to tailor the assistance to meet the needs of their specific revitalization effort. Hill-Evans Read more


Hill-Evans announces nearly $337K in grants for children’s advocacy, safe neighborhoods and mental health programs in York County

(Dec 09, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 9 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today announced that the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency awarded grants to York County Children’s Advocacy Center and the York County Commissioners for children’s advocacy, safe neighborhood and mental health programs, totaling more than $336,828. $46,999 to the York County Children’s Advocacy Center to support the salary of a forensic interviewer to help meet the increased referrals of clients, including Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children victims, children who witness domestic violence, and drug-endangered children as a result of the opioid crisis. $139,829 to the York County Commissioners, 2022 SAUSA for Research and Community Engagement will be used to support personnel, employee benefits, travel to the PSN Conference, and the York College Research team. The program seeks to reduce violent crime by employing a research-driven and strategic problem-solving approach focusing on enforcement, prosecution, deterrence, BJA community engagement, and intervention and prevention. $150,000 to the York County Commissioners to support the York County for Co-Responder Expansion Partnership’s expansion of its co-responder program by hiring a program specialist to serve as a co-responder, provide strategic leadership for the co-responder program, and engage with county and community stakeholders to Read more


Legislative Update

(Nov 18, 2021)

To keep you informed, I am highlighting recently introduced bills that I will be following closely. I broke them down into categories so you can find your specific interests. The short descriptions beside each bill are what the bill's sponsor has claimed. If you click on the link for the bill number, you can find out more information about the bill. If you would like to advocate for the bill, follow the link, then click on the link for which committee the bill has been assigned to. This will bring up information about the chairs and other members of that committee, who you can contact and advocate for or against the bill. Education HB1948 would permit a school nurse to act as a secondary caregiver for a child, which will allow the school nurse to administer medical marijuana to the child. The legislation also waives the $50 caregiver fee for school nurses. Currently a parent, guardian or caregiver is permitted to administer medical marijuana to their child on school grounds and must remove any excess medical marijuana from the school premises after administration. HB726 would provide for disability inclusive curriculum in the public-school code. HB1954 would provide menstrual hygiene products, at no cost, in each bathroom of public schools serving students in grades 6 through 12. HB1982 w ould create grants to help both public and nonpublic schools purchase additional personal protective Read more


Hill-Evans encourages grant funding applications to connect veterans with job opportunities

(Nov 16, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 16 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today announced the availability of $800,000 in grant funding through the Veterans Employment Program administered by the state Department of Labor and Industry. Hill-Evans encourages eligible workforce development entities across the commonwealth to apply for this funding. “Supporting our veterans by connecting them with careers tailored to their skill set will establish a foundation of success upon completion of their selfless service to our nation,” Hill-Evans said. “Encouraging eligible entities to utilize this funding will lead to a more streamlined approach in ensuring our veterans have the support mechanisms they deserve as they transition in their career.” The $800,000 provided by the PA Industry Partnership Heroes Path funds and reemployment funds will allow the Department of Labor and Industry to support four workforce development projects. The successful applicants will use this funding as a tool to address barriers to employment that our veterans often face while they transition back to civilian life. Additional details and the grant applications can be found here . The deadline to apply is Dec. 30, 2021. Eligible applicants include local workforce development boards, nonprofit and non-governmental entities, community-based organizations, education and post-secondary organizations, labor organizations, business associations and Read more