Legislative Update May 17, 2021

(May 17, 2021)

To keep you informed, I am highlighting recently introduced bills this term that I will be following closely. I broke them down into categories so you can find your specific interests and provided short descriptions that the bill’s sponsor has claimed. If you click on the link for the bill number, you can find out more information about the bill. If you would like to advocate for the bill, follow the link, then click on the link for what committee the bill has been assigned to. This will bring up information about the chairs and other members of that committee who you can contact and advocate for or against the bill. Education HB1330 would increase online learning resources for our school entities by requiring the PA Department of Education (PDE) to establish a central repository of online courses accessible to all public schools, nonpublic schools, home education programs, and the public. HB1363 would establish a grant program for higher education institutions that take certain actions to eliminate hunger on their campus, including providing a food pantry and establishing a hunger task force. As tuition for American colleges and universities continues to rise and financial aid fails to keep up, many students are forced to ignore their basic needs. The sponsor of this bill claims between one-third and one-half of college students struggle to find enough to eat. Health Care HB1030 Read more


Now open for applications: Services for mental health and substance use disorder, boating infrastructure

(May 13, 2021)

Information on state and other grant programs that are open for applications. Read more


Hill-Evans announces $15,000 grant for York Fresh Food Farms

(May 10, 2021)

YORK, May 10 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans announced that York Fresh Food Farms has been awarded $15,000 through a state grant program aimed at improving urban agriculture infrastructure in Pennsylvania. “York Fresh Food Farms grows fresh, healthy produce right here in the city and makes it available for our neighbors. Making nutritious foods accessible is vitally important for the health of our community, and I’m pleased to see this state grant awarded to support this valuable work,” said Hill-Evans, D-York. York Fresh Food Farms was awarded a $15,000 grant for two high tunnels and for replacing plastic drip-tape irrigation lines with permanent PVC or orchard tubing hardware. The grant comes through the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s Urban Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Program, which aims to help build out urban agriculture infrastructure by investing in the system, filling gaps, encouraging entities to work together, finding ways to bring operations to a greater scale, overcoming food deserts, and opening opportunities for people to become social entrepreneurs. More information about the grant program is available here . Read more


Legislative Update April 28, 2021

(Apr 28, 2021)

I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight legislation that I cosponsored and is on the move through the legislature. These bills and resolution either recently passed their committees, awaiting a floor vote or passed the House and are in the Senate now. Local Government Committee HB221 w ould permit local government units, that impose a dedicated real estate tax or earned income tax for the preservation and maintenance of land for open space uses, to use a portion of the tax revenue generated for the maintenance of open space lands acquired by other means. The purpose of this bill is to allow communities to better maintain municipal owned lands used for parks and recreation purposes for residents. Education Committee HB358 would allow charter schools to enter into agreements with postsecondary institutions to allow charter students to attend and earn credits at post-secondary institutions through a dual enrollment program. A dual enrollment program allows high school students to enroll in concurrent college courses through an institution of higher education. Under state law, only school districts are currently permitted to enter into concurrent enrollment agreements and offer dual enrollment programs to their students. Increasing participation in "advanced coursework, such as dual enrollment" is part of Pennsylvania's Every student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Consolidated State Plan, which Read more


Shuttered Venue Operators Grant portal reopens Saturday, April 24th

(Apr 23, 2021)

This is a grant program established by the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act, and amended by the American Rescue Plan Act. The program includes over $16 billion in grants to shuttered venues, and is administered by SBA’s Office of Disaster Assistance. Read more


Community update: Programs that help residents during uncertain times

(Apr 19, 2021)

Find the latest updates on COVID-19 vaccine information and programs that can help residents. Read more


Now open for applications: Farm Vitality, Communities That Care, substance abuse, and recycling grant programs

(Apr 19, 2021)

Here are the latest state grant programs that recently opened for applications, as well as a federally funded American Rescue Plan grant opportunity available to humanities organizations. Read more


Legislative update: Review recently introduced legislation

(Apr 19, 2021)

To keep you informed, I am highlighting recently introduced bills that I will be following closely. I broke them down into categories so you can find your specific interests and provided short descriptions that the bill’s sponsor has claimed. Read more


April 12 update: Grant programs now open for applications

(Apr 12, 2021)

Here are the latest state grant programs that recently opened for applications, as well as a federally funded American Rescue Plan grant opportunity available to humanities organizations. Read more


Join me for my upcoming events in April, May

(Apr 07, 2021)

In this week's community update: Watch my comments on the COVID-19 vaccine and learn details on my Neighborhood Beautification in April and my Shred Event in May. Read more


Hill-Evans to host Neighborhood Beautification Workshop Saturday, April 24

(Apr 05, 2021)

YORK, April 5 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, will host a Neighborhood Beautification Workshop from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 24. Participation in the event is limited. To reserve a spot, call 717-848-9595. “I am thrilled to host this event,” Hill-Evans said. “We will clean up the community in the morning, and in the afternoon we will look forward to learning new ways to beautify our neighborhood at the gardening workshop hosted by a master gardener from Penn State.” Masks will be supplied and social distancing will be practiced during the event. People signing up for the event will meet at the Hope Street Gardens, 446 W. Hope St., where clean-up supplies and instructions will be provided. The group will then gather in the afternoon for the workshop. Call Hill-Evans’ office in York at 717-848-9595 to learn more about the event. Read more


Legislative update: Review recently introduced legislation

(Mar 18, 2021)

To keep you informed, I am highlighting recently introduced bills that I will be following closely. I broke them down into categories so you can find your specific interests and provided short descriptions that the bill’s sponsor has claimed. Read more


Community Update: News on Vaccines, Legislation and Grant Programs

(Mar 11, 2021)

In my weekly community update, find out the latest on recently introduced legislation and more. Read more


Arts funding and PEMA Nonprofit Security grant programs now open for applications

(Mar 09, 2021)

The following state grants are open for applications. Updated on March 8. Read more


Legislative update: Review recently introduced legislation

(Mar 09, 2021)

To keep you informed, I am highlighting recently introduced bills that I will be following closely. I broke them down into categories so you can find your specific interests and provided short descriptions that the bill’s sponsor has claimed. Read more


Community update: Governor revises orders on gatherings, travel

(Mar 02, 2021)

This week, the governor revised orders on gatherings and travel. Find important programs and links to state grants now open for applications in this week's update. Read more


State Grant Programs Now Open for Applications: March 1 Update

(Mar 01, 2021)

Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Professional Development Training Grant (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : State aided public libraries and academic libraries. If the library is not fiscally independent, the application must come from the library’s parent entity. Use : Grants to bring virtual training to your organization or for individual library workers to attend virtual professional development training in principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in practices and work functions performed by library staff and experienced by library customers. Funds : Up to $6,000 per organization to bring virtual training to your organization and up to $1,000 for individuals to attend virtual professional development. Application Deadline : Applications accepted until funds are depleted. First weekly award announcement is March 15. More Information : Contact Stacey Mulligan, smulligan@pa.gov or 717-783-5744, Library Development Advisor in the Bureau of Library Development. Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency/Pennsylvania Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs: 2021 SBIRT Projects in Postsecondary Institutions (Funding Source: F ederal Funding ) Who May Apply : Public or nonprofit postsecondary institutions, including two and four-year colleges and universities, that also Read more


Legislative update: Review recently introduced legislation

(Mar 01, 2021)

To keep you informed, I am highlighting recently introduced bills that I will be following closely. I broke them down into categories so you can find your specific interests and provided short descriptions that the bill’s sponsor has claimed. Read more


Community update: Learn more on Pennie, legislation and state grants

(Feb 24, 2021)

Find out the latest on the special enrollment period for Pennie and more. Read more


Legislative update: Review recently introduced legislation

(Feb 19, 2021)

To keep you informed, I am highlighting recently introduced bills that I will be following closely. I broke them down into categories so you can find your specific interests and provided short descriptions that the bill’s sponsor has claimed. Read more


Legislative Update May 17, 2021
May 17, 2021

Now open for applications: Services for mental health and substance use disorder, boating infrastructure
May 13, 2021

Hill-Evans announces $15,000 grant for York Fresh Food Farms
May 10, 2021

Legislative Update April 28, 2021
Apr 28, 2021

Shuttered Venue Operators Grant portal reopens Saturday, April 24th
Apr 23, 2021

Community update: Programs that help residents during uncertain times
Apr 19, 2021

Now open for applications: Farm Vitality, Communities That Care, substance abuse, and recycling grant programs
Apr 19, 2021

Legislative update: Review recently introduced legislation
Apr 19, 2021

April 12 update: Grant programs now open for applications
Apr 12, 2021

Join me for my upcoming events in April, May
Apr 07, 2021

Hill-Evans to host Neighborhood Beautification Workshop Saturday, April 24
Apr 05, 2021

Legislative update: Review recently introduced legislation
Mar 18, 2021

Community Update: News on Vaccines, Legislation and Grant Programs
Mar 11, 2021

Arts funding and PEMA Nonprofit Security grant programs now open for applications
Mar 09, 2021

Legislative update: Review recently introduced legislation
Mar 09, 2021

Community update: Governor revises orders on gatherings, travel
Mar 02, 2021

State Grant Programs Now Open for Applications: March 1 Update
Mar 01, 2021

Legislative update: Review recently introduced legislation
Mar 01, 2021

Community update: Learn more on Pennie, legislation and state grants
Feb 24, 2021

Legislative update: Review recently introduced legislation
Feb 19, 2021