Burns Hosts "Heroes" Kids Fair

(Aug 19, 2016)

Pa. state Rep. Frank Burns hosted a "Heroes" Kids Fair at Patton Park where children and their families got to meet local police officers, fire fighters and emergency responders. Read more


WWII veteran to be honored by Burns at Friday ceremony

(Aug 16, 2016)

EBENSBURG, Aug. 16 – In a ceremony organized by state Rep. Frank Burns, the family of a World War II Silver Star winner who died while serving with the U.S. Army in France will help dedicate the PFC Thomas A. Cooney Memorial Bridge at 11 a.m. Friday at Cresson American Legion Post 238. Burns sponsored H.B. 1260 to rename a bridge on a portion of Cooney Road spanning Route 22 in Munster Township in honor of Cooney, who was born April 28, 1917 and raised on a farm outside Lilly with his three brothers. While serving in the European Theater of Operation on Oct. 20, 1944, Cooney volunteered for a mine removal mission and continued in the face of enemy observation and direct hostile fire. He and his fellow Army engineers encountered heavy sniper and machine gun fire as they cleared mines along a strategically important road in France. Cooney was later killed in action along with three other engineers when a delayed-action mine detonated. Burns said his House bill to name the Cooney bridge was amended into a Senate bill (S.B. 1153) – a relatively common procedural occurrence – and was signed into law as Act 46 of 2016. The Cooney family includes his siblings Margaret, Charles, Edna, Thomas, James and Paul (and his wife Marcelle); nieces Joi, Patty, Cindy (deceased) and Joan Barret Garahan; nephew Tom Barret; and close family friend Carol Noon. Earlier this summer, Burns dedicated a bridge spanning U.S. 219 on Tower Road in Croyle Township as the Read more


Burns hosting free spaghetti lunch for veterans Aug. 28

(Aug 15, 2016)

EBENSBURG, Aug. 15 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is hosting a complimentary spaghetti lunch for veterans from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 28 at the Cresson Volunteer Fire Co., 223 Ashcroft Ave., Cresson 16630. Guests are welcome, but only veterans with a military ID qualify for the free lunch. Guests can eat for $5. To RSVP by Monday, Aug. 22, please call Burns’ Portage office at 814-736-7339. Burns has hosted the free meal for veterans in the past, as a way of showing appreciation for the sacrifices veterans have made in service to the country. “Once again, my staff and I have organized this event, and we’re encouraging all veterans who can make it to show up for food, camaraderie and recognition,” Burns said. “We’ll also be available to answer any questions veterans or their family members may have about state programs and services.” Read more


Police support Burns’ Blue Lives Matter legislation

(Aug 11, 2016)

The 40,000-strong Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police has thrown its support behind state Rep. Frank Burns’ bill that would make assaulting law enforcement officers a hate crime, an endorsement Burns hopes will help propel the legislation to swift passage. Read more


Police officers, firefighters, EMTs to be honored at Burns’ Kids Fair Aug. 18

(Aug 11, 2016)

EBENSBURG, Aug. 11 – State Rep. Frank Burns is hosting a “Heroes” Kids Fair from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 18 at the Patton Park, Beech and 1 st avenues, Patton 16668. Police officers, firefighters and EMTs will be on hand to be recognized for their service, and event highlights will include a landing by the MedStar emergency medical helicopter from Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center. The free event will also feature games, activities, prizes and healthy snacks for children – and valuable information for adults from state, county and private agencies. Burns and his staff will also be on hand to answer questions and provide help concerning any state-related program. “We encourage everyone with children to come out and enjoy the festivities, and to bring along any inquiries and feedback they may have,” Burns said. “It’s a fun and action-packed time for all.” Call Burns’ Ebensburg office at 814-472-8021 for more information. Read more


Pa. Fraternal Order of Police supports Burns’ Blue Lives Matter legislation

(Jul 27, 2016)

EBENSBURG, July 27 – The 40,000-strong Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police has thrown its support behind state Rep. Frank Burns’ bill that would make assaulting law enforcement officers a hate crime, an endorsement Burns hopes will help propel the legislation to swift passage. In a letter to Burns, Joseph Regan, legislative committee chairman of the FOP’s Pennsylvania State Lodge, wrote, “Law enforcement officers risk their lives daily so the people of this commonwealth can enjoy peace and security. They deserve the highest level of protection from targeted acts of violence the law can provide.” In addition to voicing appreciation for Burns’ H.B. 2261, Regan noted, “The legislation will give law enforcement officers, as well as corrections officers at state or county institutions, additional protections under the state’s ‘hate crimes’ statute by raising the penalties for such heinous crimes.” Burns said he welcomes the unequivocal backing of the state FOP, a respected and bipartisan organization whose members deserve to have their employment status treated the same as ethnic intimidation. “This FOP support is a major boost for my bill, which is currently before the House Judiciary Committee,” Burns said. “We need to send a clear signal that assaults or attacks on law enforcement officers will draw the highest of penalties in Pennsylvania, and I’m Read more


Fraternal Order of Police letter of support for Blue Lives Matter bill

(Jul 27, 2016)

The 40,000-strong Pennsylvania State Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police has authored this letter of support for my Blue Lives Matter bill (H.B. 2261), which would make assault on a police officer a hate crime. Read more


Burns announces $2.75 million for Glendale Valley Municipal Authority

(Jul 20, 2016)

EBENSBURG, July 20 – Approximately 1,000 customers of the Glendale Valley Municipal Authority will receive new water meters thanks to a $2.75 million Pennvest loan announced today by state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria. Burns said the low-interest, 20-year loan will enable the authority to install the meters at the 1,000-acre Glendale Yearound resort community. The project will also entail splitting shared connections into discreet services, each with a shut-off, service connection and backflow preventer. “In addition to enabling the authority to ensure customer billing equity, this will also promote water conservation at the community, which adjoins Prince Gallitzin State Park,” Burns said. “The work is expected to begin late this year and end in December 2017.” Burns said the multi-million-dollar state investment will benefit a water customer service population area of 1,500, which is great news for the 72 nd Legislative District. “I’d like to thank the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority board for choosing to fund this project, which will have long-term benefits to the Glendale Yearound area,” Burns said. Read more


Burns renews call for swift passage of ‘Blue Lives Matter’ bill

(Jul 18, 2016)

EBENSBURG, July 18 – After another mass shooting of police officers – this time Sunday’s attack in Baton Rouge, La., that killed three and wounded three more – Rep. Frank Burns has renewed his call for swift passage of H.B. 2261, his bill to add assaults to law enforcement officers to Pennsylvania’s list of hate crimes. Burns said the spate of police officer shootings in other states reinforce the need to send a strong signal that the commonwealth will deal harshly with anyone who carries out any type of assault on police, corrections, probation or parole officers. "Like all Americans, I am again horrified and heartbroken at the news of yet another targeted attack on our police officers – this time in Baton Rouge, Louisiana – and I ask everyone to join me in holding the fallen officers, the wounded and their families in our thoughts and prayers,” said Burns, D-Cambria. “But, thoughts and prayers alone are not enough. I'm urging everyone to contact their local lawmakers and ask for immediate consideration and passage of my Blue Lives Matter law, House Bill 2261, and start treating these attacks as the hate crimes they are." Burns added that despite some pressure from outside his 72 nd Legislative District to stop referring to his legislation as a Blue Lives Matter bill, he will not drop that nomenclature. “The people who want me do to that should stop wasting their breath. This Read more


Police deserve protection

(Jul 15, 2016)

Thanks to the Altoona Mirror for this editorial voicing support for my Blue Lived Matter bill, and for pointing out that, "Burns' proposed legislation shouldn't become tied up in political partisanship, the fate of so many other issues in Harrisburg." Read more


Burns votes against billion-dollar tax hike

(Jul 13, 2016)

HARRISBURG, July 13 – Faulting its heavy use of back-door tax hikes on the likes of tobacco products, income tax on lottery winnings and downloaded internet data including apps to raise more than $1 billion, state Rep. Frank Burns voted "no" on today’s revenue bill. Burns, D-Cambria, issued the following statement explaining his position: "As a fiscally conservative Democrat, I cannot in good conscience vote ‘yes’ on a bill that amounts to a billion-dollar tax hike on certain groups like roll-your-own smokers, users of smokeless tobacco and those who download books, apps, music or movies from the internet. "Likewise, I have strong reservations about borrowing $200 million from other state funds in order to help balance the 2016-17 state budget. That’s a smoke-and-mirrors tactic, because sooner or later, the state’s going to have to repay that money. And it’s very likely another tax or taxes will be raised in order to do that. "Finally, imposing the state’s personal income tax on lottery winnings over $600 was something that never came up in any big way prior to approval of the new spending plan June 30. It’s just further proof that Pennsylvania has become a ‘spend first, tax later’ state, which is not sound budgeting and does a huge disservice to our residents. "We’ve got to stop playing ‘spin the wheel and see where it lands’ to come up with revenue Read more


Burns Stands Against Tax Hikes

(Jul 13, 2016)

Pa. state Rep. Frank Burns says he was putting Cambria County working families first by opposing a $1.3 billion tax increase that passed the House today to fund the state’s annual budget. Read more


Burns introduces bill to make assault on police a hate crime

(Jul 12, 2016)

HARRISBURG, July 12 – Buoyed by its swift netting of 11 co-sponsors in one day, state Rep. Frank Burns has introduced his Blue Lives Matter legislation to elevate assault on police, corrections, probation and parole officers to hate-crime status. In the works weeks before the tragic Dallas sniper attack that killed five police officers and wounded seven others, H.B. 2261 would fulfill Burns’ vision of creating added deterrence. It would put employment as a law enforcement officer on par with race, color, religion and national origin as covered classes under Pennsylvania’s hate crimes law. The legislation would make an attack against one of the listed law enforcement officers an offense one degree higher than it currently is; for example, a second-degree misdemeanor would become a first-degree misdemeanor. “I’ve already heard from a few outside of my district who aren’t happy with this legislation, but I believe it’s necessary to send a clear, unwavering signal of support for those who risk their lives to protect us,” Burns said. “Their job is dangerous enough as it is. If we expect police to go to work every day with an intentional target on their back, then it won’t be long before no one will want to be a police officer.” As there is nothing partisan about the goal of H.B. 2261, Burns said the bill has strong bipartisan support and deserves to move swiftly through the legislative committee approval Read more


Burns: Blue Lives Matter

(Jul 08, 2016)

After the tragic attacks on police in Texas, Pennsylvania state Rep. Frank Burns is introducing legislation to sharply increase penalties on anyone willfully choosing to commit a crime against a Law Enforcement Officer, treating such crimes as a Hate Crime under state law. Burns also plans to include Correctional Officers under his legislation. Burns says that we cannot have a civilized society without the “thin blue line” of law enforcement protecting citizens, and those officers deserve extra protection. Read more


Dedication of Trooper Herbert A. Wirfel Memorial Bridge

(Jul 08, 2016)

Rep. Burns organized and participated in a July 8 ceremony dedicating the Trooper Herbert A. Wirfel Memorial Bridge, honoring a fallen state trooper. Burns' legislation was responsible for the bridge naming. Read more


‘Blue Lives Matter’ legislation coming from Burns within days

(Jul 08, 2016)

EBENSBURG, July 8 – The sniper-induced deaths of five Dallas police officers underscore why state Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, will soon unveil “Blue Lives Matter” legislation designed to put attacks on police and corrections officers on par with ethnic hate crimes. Burns, whose legislation was already in the production pipeline, plans to introduce his bill and seek House co-sponsors as early as Monday. “I respect the difficult job police and corrections officers perform keeping us safe from criminals and I’m appalled that all too often, officers themselves are targeted for assault, ambush or – as we found out in Dallas – death,” Burns said. “If ever there was a group in need of being a protected class, it’s those who put their lives on the line every day to keep the rest of us safe from the criminal element.” Burns said cowardly acts like those perpetrated in Dallas against unsuspecting police officers warrant stiff punishment and a clear message needs to be sent that such targeting will not be legally tolerated. Burns’ bill seeks to give law enforcement officers of the commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions, as well as corrections officers at state or county institutions, protected status under the state’s ethnic intimidation law. As such, the legislation would give them the same treatment as race, color, religion or national origin when it comes to crimes motivated by Read more


House Archives paid internship program accepting applications through July 31st

(Jul 06, 2016)

Undergraduate seniors and juniors and graduate students interested in working alongside professional archivists and research staff should apply by July 31 st for the fall 2016 semester internship program of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Archives. This competitive, paid, 13-week internship offers a chance to work on special projects and programs – including, but not limited to, arranging, describing, preserving and making records available for research, as well as performing routine genealogical and legislative research. For additional information, list of requirements and a copy of the application, visit the House Archives’ website and click on the internship tab. Questions can be directed to Jesse Teitelbaum, associate archivist, at 717-783-3866 or jteitelbaum@pabmc.net . You may also contact my 72 nd Legislative District offices for help regarding this or any other state-related matter. Read more


Burns says ‘no’ vote on state budget based on revenue concerns

(Jul 01, 2016)

HARRISBURG, July 1 – State Rep. Frank Burns, one of nine House Democrats to oppose a 2016-17 state budget bill Thursday night, said its unraveling in the Senate today over how to raise more than $1 billion validates his position. Burns, D-Cambria, said he had grave concerns that the budget was heavily laden with back-door taxes on working families, levies that would take more money from those who heat with natural gas and who use smokeless tobacco. “It’s ludicrous that we would ask those folks to dig deeper into their wallets, while refusing to close the Delaware loophole that gives big corporations a huge tax break,” Burns said. “It also makes no sense to me to tax people who heat with natural gas, while Pennsylvania remains the only major gas-producing state without a severance tax. Talk about backward priorities.” Burns said he had deep reservations that the budget agreement was not based on any firm revenue footing and thus was susceptible to falling apart. “My suspicions appear to have been justified,” Burns said. “I sincerely hope that we can build something more solid in the days to come.” Read more


Burns announces $219,000 grant for Rock Run Recreation Area

(Jul 01, 2016)

HARRISBURG, July 1 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, is announcing the award of $219,000 to Rock Run Recreation Inc. of Patton to build a new tar-and-chip access road and 38 primitive campsites at its Chest Township property. Burns said the campsites will be sized to accommodate vehicles with ATV trailers, and other improvements include a shower house building with ADA-accessible parking, sanitary sewer infrastructure for recreational vehicles and an improved composting toilet restroom facility. “This state money will help speed along a big development project with a total price tag of $800,000,” Burns said. “Rock Run is a major outdoor attraction in the Patton area, and its further development will greatly aid the area’s tourism industry.” These projects were all funded via grants applied for by the local community agencies and disbursed via the Commonwealth Financing Authority, an independent agency of the Department of Community and Economic Development focused on fostering economic growth. Read more


Fallen state police trooper to be honored by Burns at July 8 ceremony

(Jun 30, 2016)

EBENSBURG, June 30 – In a July 8 ceremony organized by state Rep. Frank Burns, the family of a state police trooper killed in the line of duty in February 1982 will be recognized at a dedication for the Trooper Herbert A. Wirfel Memorial Bridge, which spans U.S. Route 219 on Tower Road in Croyle Township. The ceremony will take place 11 a.m. Friday, July 8 at New Germany Grove Hall, 1635 New Germany Road, Summerhill. Burns’ H.B. 1371, signed into law in June, was responsible for naming the bridge in honor of Wirfel, who was patrolling U.S. Route 22 in Cambria County when an unidentified vehicle ran through the radar zone at 72 mph. During a pursuit waged in unfavorable weather and road conditions, Wirfel’s vehicle struck a snow drift partially covering the passing lane and skidded off the highway into a frozen snow bank. The 20-year state police veteran was pronounced dead at the scene at age 45, leaving a wife and seven children. The national anthem will be sung by Bridget Anne Wirfel; speakers will include Allan Wirfel, state Sen. John Wozniak and state police Trooper Scott Urban; and a musical tribute will be performed by retired U.S. Navy musician Matthew Wirfel. The Pennsylvania State Police Ceremonial Unit will be on hand to present colors. Read more