Burns highlights schools, business grant opportunities

(Jul 28, 2020)

Grants available for equipment, programs, school staff Read more


Delegation urges Wolf to reconsider restaurant restrictions

(Jul 28, 2020)

Letter to gov seeks to rescind 25% occupancy restriction Read more


Burns blasts LCB decision to appeal transparency case to Supreme Court

(Jul 22, 2020)

EBENSBURG, July 22 – Stunned at the sheer arrogance of the state Liquor Control Board , which has lost twice in its bid to keep public information secret, state Rep. Frank Burns is lambasting the state agency’s recent decision to further drag things out by appealing to the state Supreme Court. Burns, D-Cambria, has taken on the LCB – and by extension, Gov. Tom Wolf – in a fight to find out how many liquor licenses it has on hand to auction in each of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. Burns has scored resounding victories at the Office of Open Records and the Commonwealth Court levels, both of which agreed with him that the numbers should be released. But the LCB’s three-person governing board, casting aside solid legal rulings as well as common sense, decided on July 15 to continue its taxpayer-funded legal battle to maintain secrecy – a move Burns said should raise eyebrows across the Commonwealth. “All I’m asking for is a list with two columns: one showing each county in Pennsylvania, and the other showing the number of liquor licenses available for auction in each of those counties,” Burns said. “If the LCB believes that keeping this information shielded from the public is so important that it needs a Hail Mary from the state Supreme Court, I’m starting to wonder what they might be trying to hide.” Burns said the LCB’s contention Read more


Burns unveils ‘American Made Jobs Plan’ to bring back manufacturing

(Jul 20, 2020)

Game-changing legislation would induce rebound of ‘Made in USA’ goods Read more


Burns: New law adds economic development tools to municipal toolboxes

(Jul 15, 2020)

Burns-supported legislation will allow communities to create redevelopment authorities Read more


Burns: $318,678 awarded to CAP of Cambria to fight homelessness

(Jul 13, 2020)

EBENSBURG, July 13 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today announced that the Community Action Partnership of Cambria County has been awarded a $318,678 grant to combat homelessness in Cambria and Somerset counties. “So many of our families and individuals are struggling right now,” Burns said. “There are still economic hardships impacting our communities; people are still struggling to stay in their homes. I’ve fought and will continue to fight so as to ensure these dollars come home to put our people first.” Cambria County also will benefit from a share of $1.38 million in regional funding awarded to the Blair County Community Action Program, which will distribute funding to nine area counties, including Cambria. The Emergency Solutions Grant allocation is administered by the state’s Department of Community and Economic Development and is part of a larger award from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Funding can be used to support six program areas: rapid rehousing, homelessness prevention, street outreach, emergency shelter, homeless management information systems and administration. Read more


Burns urges fire departments, nonprofits to apply for grant programs

(Jul 13, 2020)

Lawmaker reminds groups his office can help with grant applications Read more


Burns votes to rein in governor’s executive action on energy regulation

(Jul 08, 2020)

Bill would require public, legislative input on RGGI carbon agreement Read more


Leading through the Pandemic - Summer 2020

(Jul 02, 2020)

Click to view my latest newsletter on leading through the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


Burns votes to protect gun rights amid pandemic

(Jun 25, 2020)

Bill would remove restrictions on firearms during emergency declarations Read more


Burns: $166,000 awarded to aid homeless in Cambria, Somerset

(Jun 23, 2020)

CAP of Cambria local entity awarded grant Read more


Burns: $150 million in federal recovery money available for schools

(Jun 18, 2020)

Urges local districts to apply before June 30 deadline Read more


Burns: Shale impact fee delivers $111,276 for Cambria County

(Jun 17, 2020)

Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today announced Cambria County will be receiving $111,276 in Marcellus Shale impact fees from 2019. Read more


Rep. Burns wins open records battle against PA Liquor Control Board

(Jun 16, 2020)

Commonwealth Court sides with Rep. Burns, rules liquor license records are public Read more


Burns: $96,000 to support law enforcement in Cambria County

(Jun 10, 2020)

Founder of ‘Blue Lives Matter Caucus’ remains committed to local responders Read more


Burns votes to end disaster resolution, get PA back to work

(Jun 09, 2020)

Burns has been the only Democrat who voted three times to end the shutdown Read more


Burns: Commandeering the House chamber is not the way to get issues addressed

(Jun 08, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 8 – State Rep. Frank Burns released the following statement today after several black House members took over the speaker’s podium in the House chamber in an effort to draw attention to stalled police reform legislation: “Insurrections in the House chamber are not something legislators expect or that the public accepts. This is not the type of behavior the people back home want to see. It only serves to further polarize things, which runs counter to my consistent attempts to work in a bipartisan fashion in the legislature. “I've never seen such an orchestrated maneuver in my time in the legislature, one which openly flaunts disrespect for House rules, civil discourse and decorum. It was a sad day for the institution and sets a bad precedent.” “Issuing ultimatums is neither democratic nor effective, and I fear that this is only going to drive a further wedge between the parties instead of moving them closer to working together. In PA, you simply cannot govern by attempting to hijack the political process in the House chamber. It's hard for a moderate like me, who isn't camped out in the far left or the far right, to see how this does anything but further inflame tensions on both extremes. “Every member has legislation that isn't being considered but that doesn't give them the right to overtake the speaker’s podium and refuse to leave until Read more


Burns: Grab-and-go meals for kids available during the summer

(Jun 08, 2020)

Free meals help youth stay healthy outside of school Read more


Burns offers assistance in applying for new $225 million small business grant program

(Jun 08, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 8 – State Rep. Frank Burns is offering the assistance of his office for small businesses interested in applying for a piece of the $225 million in grants being offered by the state to small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis and business closure order. “One of my jobs as your state representative is to make sure everyone is aware of state grant opportunities,” Burns said. “I also go above and beyond by offering free help with the application process through an experienced grant writer who is on staff. Simply contact my office for help.” The new program was created by Burns and the state legislature when it set aside that portion of federal stimulus funding for small business relief. Eligible businesses will be able to use the grants to cover operating expenses during the shutdown and transition to re-opening, and for technical assistance including training and guidance for business owners as they stabilize and relaunch their businesses. The funds will be available through three programs: $100 million for the Main Street Business Revitalization Program for small businesses that experienced loss as a result of the governor’s March 19 order relating to the closure of all non-life-sustaining businesses and have or will incur costs to adapt to new business operations related to COVID-19. $100 million for the Historically Disadvantaged Business Revitalization Program for small businesses that Read more


Fire companies, EMS eligible for state grant to respond to unconventional gas well incidents

(Jun 03, 2020)

EBENSBURG, June 3 – State Rep. Frank Burns said applications are being accepted for state grants to help fire companies, rescue companies and emergency medical services be equipped and prepared to handle incidents related to unconventional gas wells. The 2020 Unconventional Gas Well Fund Grant is open through July 31 for such projects as development, delivery and sustainment of training, professional certification or purchasing specialized equipment for emergency responses to natural gas production. “This is just one of the many grant opportunities available to organizations in Cambria County,” said Burns, D-Cambria. “I make it one of my top priorities to ensure that firefighters, EMS and other community organizations, including nonprofits and local governments, know about grant opportunities. My office also is available to help those interested apply.” An unconventional gas well is a well that uses fracking to obtain natural gas from an unconventional formation, such as the Marcellus or Utica shales. For more information about the program and instructions on how to apply is available at www.osfc.pa.gov , the Office of State Fire Commissioner’s website. For help with the online application, contact Burns’ office at 814-472-8021. Last year Burns secured more than $22 million in state and federal grants for Cambria County, including grants for local fire companies, Read more


Burns highlights schools, business grant opportunities
Jul 28, 2020

Delegation urges Wolf to reconsider restaurant restrictions
Jul 28, 2020

Burns blasts LCB decision to appeal transparency case to Supreme Court
Jul 22, 2020

Burns unveils ‘American Made Jobs Plan’ to bring back manufacturing
Jul 20, 2020

Burns: New law adds economic development tools to municipal toolboxes
Jul 15, 2020

Burns: $318,678 awarded to CAP of Cambria to fight homelessness
Jul 13, 2020

Burns urges fire departments, nonprofits to apply for grant programs
Jul 13, 2020

Burns votes to rein in governor’s executive action on energy regulation
Jul 08, 2020

Leading through the Pandemic - Summer 2020
Jul 02, 2020

Burns votes to protect gun rights amid pandemic
Jun 25, 2020

Burns: $166,000 awarded to aid homeless in Cambria, Somerset
Jun 23, 2020

Burns: $150 million in federal recovery money available for schools
Jun 18, 2020

Burns: Shale impact fee delivers $111,276 for Cambria County
Jun 17, 2020

Rep. Burns wins open records battle against PA Liquor Control Board
Jun 16, 2020

Burns: $96,000 to support law enforcement in Cambria County
Jun 10, 2020

Burns votes to end disaster resolution, get PA back to work
Jun 09, 2020

Burns: Commandeering the House chamber is not the way to get issues addressed
Jun 08, 2020

Burns: Grab-and-go meals for kids available during the summer
Jun 08, 2020

Burns offers assistance in applying for new $225 million small business grant program
Jun 08, 2020

Fire companies, EMS eligible for state grant to respond to unconventional gas well incidents
Jun 03, 2020