Warren: State House passes gun background-check bill, red-flag legislation

(May 23, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 23 – The Pennsylvania House of Representatives on Monday passed historic legislation that would expand background checks for firearm purchases and provide emergency protection for gun owners who are at risk of harming themselves or others, said state Rep. Perry Warren, who sponsored the background-check bill. The bills, which are now with the Senate for consideration, are: H.B. 714 to enact universal background checks, passed 109-92. H.B. 1018 to create extreme risk protection orders, passed 102-99. “It has been a long time coming, but with a new direction in Harrisburg, we took two really big steps this week toward better protecting the public in the face of a growing gun violence epidemic,” said Warren, D-Bucks. “I’m proud to have sponsored the universal background check bill and happy to see it received bipartisan support in the House. We have a responsibility as representatives to do everything we can to make gun sales the safest and most comprehensive they can be in Pennsylvania." Federal and current state laws require checks for most sales by licensed gun dealers, but they do not cover all types of guns or those sold by unlicensed sellers, including online, at shows and to strangers. Warren’s bill would require checks on all avenues of sales and for long-barrel firearms, as well. “I hope that the Senate has the foresight to move this popular and much-needed Read more


Warren details 2 of his bills, another with his input, on the move in Harrisburg

(Apr 26, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 26 – Three important pieces of legislation sponsored by state Rep. Perry Warren were on the move today in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. The bills are at various points of passage in the Capitol, where Democrats hold a majority in the House. The House Judiciary Committee advanced Warren’s universal gun background check bill, H.B. 714 . This is the first time a gun safety bill advanced past committee in Pennsylvania in decades. It would require background checks for all firearms, regardless of barrel length. “This simple but effective change would ensure that the sale or transfer of any firearm is kept safe and legal, regardless of whether the firearm was purchased through a licensed retail seller, private transaction or at a gun show,” Warren said. House Bill 735 had second consideration today, which positions it for a final vote when the House returns to session next week. Warren authored the bill to establish the Flood Insurance Premium Assistance Task Force, which would explore how to combat high flood insurance premiums. “This is the third time my Flood Insurance Premium Task Force bill was reported out of the House Insurance Committee,” Warren said. “This time, I hope that once it reaches the Senate, they will vote on the bill and stand up for property owners and renters near Pennsylvania’s waterways. “Establishing a task force that will Read more


Warren details 2 of his bills, another with his input, on the move in Harrisburg

(Apr 26, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 26 – Three important pieces of legislation sponsored by state Rep. Perry Warren were on the move today in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. The bills are at various points of passage in the Capitol, where Democrats hold a majority in the House. The House Judiciary Committee advanced Warren’s universal gun background check bill, H.B. 714 . This is the first time a gun safety bill advanced past committee in Pennsylvania in decades. It would require background checks for all firearms, regardless of barrel length. “This simple but effective change would ensure that the sale or transfer of any firearm is kept safe and legal, regardless of whether the firearm was purchased through a licensed retail seller, private transaction or at a gun show,” Warren said. House Bill 735 had second consideration today, which positions it for a final vote when the House returns to session next week. Warren authored the bill to establish the Flood Insurance Premium Assistance Task Force, which would explore how to combat high flood insurance premiums. “This is the third time my Flood Insurance Premium Task Force bill was reported out of the House Insurance Committee,” Warren said. “This time, I hope that once it reaches the Senate, they will vote on the bill and stand up for property owners and renters near Pennsylvania’s waterways. “Establishing a task force that will Read more


PA House Insurance Committee votes three bills out of committee

(Apr 24, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 24 – Today, the Pennsylvania House Insurance Committee approved three bills that would give insurance consumers more rights and information, including a bill to expand coverage of breast cancer screening. House Bill 739 was introduced by Insurance Committee Chairman Kevin Boyle, D-Phila. This bill would require insurance companies and agents to develop cybersecurity policies and report cybersecurity events to the Insurance commissioner. Boyle said this bill ultimately aims to put policies in place that would make it very difficult for insurance consumers’ information to be breached or stolen, and make it easier to protect them if a breach occurs. “It’s important we make sure that insurance consumers are protected from scams and from having their electronic personal information stolen,” Boyle said. “Having cybersecurity policies in place and preventing breaches before they occur is a step in the right direction to ensure this for consumers. I am very pleased to see this bill voted out of committee and hope to see it signed into law to protect Pennsylvania insurance consumers.” House Bill 735 was introduced by state Rep. Perry Warren, D-Bucks. This legislation would establish the Flood Insurance Premium Assistance Task Force, which would explore how to combat high flood insurance premiums. “This is the third time my Flood Insurance Read more


Hearing House testimony, Warren introduces 3 commonsense gun safety bills

(Mar 30, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 30 – Following the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee hearing on gun safety last week, state Rep. Perry Warren reintroduced three bills directly addressing the gun safety concerns heard during testimony. The committee hearing, called by the new Democratic majority, included testimony relating to the pressing needs for safe-storage, lost-and-stolen, and background-check legislation. After the hearing, Warren promptly reintroduced bills he had introduced in the prior legislative session, each of which would address an aspect of the recommendations of the testifiers at the hearing. House Bills 712, 713 and 714 would address these widely supported measures, said Warren, D-Bucks. “Majority Chairman Tim Briggs organized this hearing as the first hearing of the House Judiciary Committee this session. Pennsylvanians support policies that will reduce violence and unnecessary loss of life involving guns,” he said. “Guns are involved in suicide, domestic violence, accidents, gang violence and mass shootings – and all signs point to these three basic policies as proven life savers.” Victims, second victims and advocates took turns Thursday outlining support for laws in Pennsylvania to ensure that stolen or missing guns are reported to law enforcement, guns in homes are safely stored and that long-gun sales at shows, stores or private sales are included in standard background checks. “The experts and advocates who Read more


Warren takes oath of office for state House, 207th legislative session

(Jan 05, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 4 – State Rep. Perry Warren, D-Bucks, took the oath of office Tuesday in the Capitol to begin his fourth two-year term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Court of Common Pleas Judge John McNally administered the oath of office. This year marks Pennsylvania’s 207 th legislative session. “I am excited for all the opportunities in this new session,” Warren said. “I look forward to advancing legislation that will improve the quality of life in our communities, including our schools, our economy and our environment.” Warren added that his district office can help with a variety of state-related services, including birth and death certificates, SEPTA senior passes, disability plates and placards, unemployment compensation issues and Property Tax/Rent Rebate assistance, in addition to being a guide on navigating state government issues. Residents are welcome to call, email or visit his district office at 509 Floral Vale Blvd. in Lower Makefield. The office is open weekdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will have an Open House from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Jan. 5. In addition to Lower Makefield Township, Warren represents Newtown Borough, Newtown Township, Upper Makefield Township and Yardley Borough. Residents can call his office at (215) 493-5420 or email RepWarren@pahouse.net . Read more


Warren invites 31st Legislative District residents to Open House Jan. 5

(Dec 28, 2022)

YARDLEY, Dec. 28 – State Rep. Perry Warren will hold an Open House from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 5 at his new district office, located at 509 Floral Vale Blvd. Residents of the new 31 st Legislative District are invited to meet him and staff, as well as take care of any state government related business they might have. “With the 2022 legislative redistricting, we welcome the residents of Upper Makefield Township to the 31st District,” said Warren, D-Bucks. “Upper Makefield joins Lower Makefield Township, Newtown Borough, Newtown Township and Yardley Borough to make up one of the most active, creative and vibrant districts in Pennsylvania.” The office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. Warren’s office can help with: SEPTA Senior Key Card applications (for those 65+). PennDOT problems or questions — including disability license plates and placards. Obtaining birth or death certificates. Voter registration forms and absentee ballot applications. Property Tax/Rent Rebate forms (for qualified seniors). PACE (pharmaceutical assistance for qualified senior citizens). Information regarding PHEAA (PA Higher Education Assistance Agency). Information on PA’s 529 College Savings Plans. CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program). Requests for state informational materials. Questions or problems with any state agency. Tours of the Read more


Fall 2022 Newsletter

(Nov 22, 2022)

As Fall rolls into Winter there will be a flurry of outdoor activities, with our annual holiday parades, tree lightings, Delaware River crossings and other holiday observances. The Fall has been full of events, including Veterans Day parades and ceremonies, street fairs and Halloween and harvest celebrations. As your state representative, it is a pleasure to attend and participate in these wonderful events, to meet friends and neighbors and to share in the life of our communities. Read more


2022 Summer Newsletter

(Sep 12, 2022)

Check out my 2022 Summer Newsletter for all of the latest news on what's happening at home and at the state Capitol! Read more


Warren: Upwards of $300K awarded to Lower Makefield Township for traffic signal upgrades

(Jul 18, 2022)

HARRISBURG, July 18 – State Rep. Perry Warren, D-Bucks, recently announced that Lower Makefield Township has been awarded more than $300,000 in state funding to help improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety. Warren said the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s “Green Light-Go” program will fund a total of $305,320 for upgrades to the traffic signal at Pine Grove Road and Big Oak Road. “It was less than two years ago that we came together and pushed to get Big Oak Road paved due to poor conditions,” Warren said. “Now, we have a large investment from the state Department of Transportation that will enhance safety features for our motorists on the very same route. As a member of the House Transportation Committee, I will continue to advocate for beautification and safety projects of this nature in our community, especially when it means safer transportation routes for residents.” Green Light-Go grants are provided as reimbursement?s to municipalities for updates to improve the efficiency and operation of existing traffic signals. Grant funding through the Green Light-Go program may be utilized for a range of operational improvements including, but not limited to?, LED technology installation, traffic signal retiming, developing special event plans and monitoring traffic signals, as well as upgrading traffic signals to the latest technologies. Read more


Warren moves House to vote on universal background checks

(Jun 22, 2022)

“This is a gun safety policy with tremendous support in Pennsylvania that has for years been stalled in the House Judiciary Committee,” Warren said. “This simple safety measure -- a background check on all firearm purchases -- respects the United States and Pennsylvania constitutions while protecting the lives of Pennsylvanians from gun violence.” Read more


Senator Santarsiero, Representative Warren Announces $873,000 for Newtown Township to Improve Sidewalks in Business Commons

(Apr 21, 2022)

"This project will improve pedestrian safety and expand connectivity in and between our communities. It will close existing trail and sidewalk gaps and will help residents and visitors experience all Newtown has to offer," said Rep. Warren. Read more


Reps. Davis, Warren urge passage of Kayden’s Law

(Mar 16, 2022)

“By its action, the U.S. Congress both recognized the critical need to reform child custody law and provided funding to support reform,” said Warren. “Kayden’s Law would protect children and ensure that the best interest of the child is the top priority in custody proceedings. This funding would help Pennsylvania courts implement Kayden’s Law and protect Pennsylvania children.” Read more


2022 Fishing Summary and Boating Handbook

(Feb 02, 2022)

Find the online version of the 2022 Fishing Summary/Boating Handbook by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission here. Read more


Winter Newsletter 2021-2022

(Jan 14, 2022)

Resources and reviewing 2021 Read more


Welcome newsletter for new residents

(Jan 11, 2022)

Welcome newsletter for new residents. Read more


Warren celebrates passage of parks volunteer protections bill

(Dec 15, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 15 – A bipartisan bill co-authored by state Rep. Perry Warren that would extend limited liability protections to land conservation volunteers has been unanimously passed by the House of Representatives. House Bill 1694 would amend the Recreational Use of Land and Water Act to give volunteers providing services to care for, enhance, preserve or maintain recreational spaces the same protections in lawsuits as the owners of that land. “Nonprofit volunteer organizations do great work in helping with the conservation and restoration of our shared green spaces,” said Warren, D-Bucks. “Extending liability protections to these groups would help them focus on the important work they do in keeping Pennsylvania beautiful.” Warren said two state parks in his district – Delaware Canal State Park and Tyler State Park – inspired him to act in protecting the organizations and individuals providing free services to upkeep the land. House Bill 1694 now moves to the state Senate for a vote. Read more


Warren, Santarsiero announce grants for substance abuse, mental health, police training resources in Bucks County

(Dec 09, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 8 – State Rep. Perry Warren and State Sen. Steve Santarsiero announced that the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency awarded grants to Bucks County and the Lower Makefield Township Police Department, totaling more than $300,000. PCCD allocated funds to the following: $150,000 – Bucks County Corrections Sharing Treatment and Recovery Together Program. $150,000 – Bucks County Co-Responder Expansion. $36,000 – Lower Makefield Township Police Department Training. Warren and Santarsiero, both D-Bucks, said the Bucks County START program will be developed using the awarded grant, creating a system of using cognitive behavioral treatment methods to supplement medication assisted treatments for inmates. The program aims to provide a therapeutic environment for treatment as well as give trainings to staff and those participating in the program. Bucks County’s Co-Responder program was awarded funds to add one co-responder position to provide a mental health and substance abuse disorder expert to be headquartered in a police department and respond to individuals experiencing a crisis. “So many people entering the criminal justice system or coming into contact with law enforcement find themselves battling substance abuse or mental health crises,” said Warren. “These Read more


Now open for applications: Substance use disorder treatment provider and veteran employment funding opportunities

(Nov 29, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Substance Use Disorder Provider Stabilization (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who Can Apply : Substance use disorder treatment providers. Use : Stabilization payments to substance use disorder treatment providers to assist with pandemic-related expenses. Funds : Up to $10 million will be awarded statewide. Application Deadline : December 8 More Information : Click on https://www.ddap.pa.gov/DDAPFunding/Pages/Funding-Opportunities.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry: Veterans Employment Program (Funding Source s : General Fund & Reemployment Fund) Who Can Apply : Local workforce development boards, non-profit and non-governmental entities, community-based organizations, education and post-secondary organizations, labor organizations, business associations, and economic development entities. There is a special emphasis on the following counties with the highest veteran unemployment rates: Beaver, Delaware, Fayette, Lackawanna, Clearfield, and Lycoming counties. Use : To implement a veterans employment program. Funds : Up to $200,000 each. $800,000 will be awarded statewide. Application Deadline : December 30 More Information : Click on Read more


Warren, Santarsiero announce more than $600,000 in state investments for Newtown, Yardley boroughs

(Nov 19, 2021)

BUCKS COUNTY, Nov. 19 – State Rep. Perry Warren, D-Bucks, and State Sen. Steve Santarsiero, D-Bucks, announced today that Newtown and Yardley boroughs have been awarded $75,000 and $573,689, respectively, for improvement projects. The project in Newtown to stabilize the banks of “Old Skunky”, a Newtown Creek tributary, will include regrading 220 feet of bank and planting native trees, shrubs and grasses. It is projected to take two years to complete. “I served on Newtown Borough Council for seven years. Maintaining water quality, sediment from Old Skunky and MS-4 funding and compliance are and were continual challenges,” said Rep. Warren. “Borough Council leaders pursued, and Newtown Borough was awarded, this Watershed Restoration Grant for Old Skunky Streambank Restoration. The project will enhance water quality, reduce erosion and save Newtown Borough residents money.” “Restoring the banks of Old Skunky is critical to keeping the Newtown Creek vibrant and healthy, which is why I was eager to secure these funds for Newtown Borough,” said Sen. Santarsiero. “The Newtown Creek restoration project, including the use of native plants, will provide environmental benefits to the area around the waterway.” Act 13 of 2012 established the Marcellus Legacy Fund and allocates funds to the Commonwealth Financing Authority for watershed Read more


Warren: State House passes gun background-check bill, red-flag legislation
May 23, 2023

Warren details 2 of his bills, another with his input, on the move in Harrisburg
Apr 26, 2023

Warren details 2 of his bills, another with his input, on the move in Harrisburg
Apr 26, 2023

PA House Insurance Committee votes three bills out of committee
Apr 24, 2023

Hearing House testimony, Warren introduces 3 commonsense gun safety bills
Mar 30, 2023

Warren takes oath of office for state House, 207th legislative session
Jan 05, 2023

Warren invites 31st Legislative District residents to Open House Jan. 5
Dec 28, 2022

Fall 2022 Newsletter
Nov 22, 2022

2022 Summer Newsletter
Sep 12, 2022

Warren: Upwards of $300K awarded to Lower Makefield Township for traffic signal upgrades
Jul 18, 2022

Warren moves House to vote on universal background checks
Jun 22, 2022

Senator Santarsiero, Representative Warren Announces $873,000 for Newtown Township to Improve Sidewalks in Business Commons
Apr 21, 2022

Reps. Davis, Warren urge passage of Kayden’s Law
Mar 16, 2022

2022 Fishing Summary and Boating Handbook
Feb 02, 2022

Winter Newsletter 2021-2022
Jan 14, 2022

Welcome newsletter for new residents
Jan 11, 2022

Warren celebrates passage of parks volunteer protections bill
Dec 15, 2021

Warren, Santarsiero announce grants for substance abuse, mental health, police training resources in Bucks County
Dec 09, 2021

Now open for applications: Substance use disorder treatment provider and veteran employment funding opportunities
Nov 29, 2021

Warren, Santarsiero announce more than $600,000 in state investments for Newtown, Yardley boroughs
Nov 19, 2021