Pennsylvania Commissions Issue Joint Statement Calling for Meaningful Gun Safety Legislation

(May 26, 2022)

“The ongoing mass gun violence in the United States shows that our policies are ineffective and cannot be tolerated. This violence impacts us all. It does not discriminate by community and is absolutely senseless.” Read more


Otten, House Democrats call for legislative action on gun safety

(May 26, 2022)

“The Pennsylvania legislature has not done its job. We did nothing after Sandy Hook, Parkland, or even Tree of Life Synagogue, right here in Pennsylvania,” Otten said. “What is it going to take before we finally decide to protect our children in schools, or worshipers in their places of worship, or seniors at the grocery store?" Read more


Kinsey comments on recent mass shootings in Uvalde and Buffalo

(May 25, 2022)

“Let me be clear, no one is trying to take away anybody’s Second Amendment rights. We just want to make sure guns are not getting into the wrong hands and that our constituents are safe and don’t have to worry about being shot or killed.” Read more


Frankel joins Democratic leaders in push to move gun safety bills

(May 25, 2022)

Democratic lawmakers file petitions to force votes on gun bills despite entrenched Republican obstructionism Read more


Rep. Kenyatta issues statement on recent shootings

(May 25, 2022)

HARRISBURG, May 25 – Following yesterday’s mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, state Rep. Kenyatta, D-Phila., today released a statement reminding Pennsylvanians that elected officials can take steps to make a difference. “In Harrisburg, we could pass meaningful gun reform, if we had enough elected leaders who actually gave a damn,” Kenyatta said. The shooting by an assailant with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle left 19 young children and two teachers dead. “Twenty-one lives lost and counting,” Kenyatta pointed out. “It all adds up to too many families who have had their lives shattered forever.” Kenyatta also underscored his own three-point plan to addressing gun violence in Pennsylvania: Declaring a state of emergency. Passing stalled gun safety legislation. Addressing root causes of violence and investing in the youth. Read more


Statement on behalf of PA House Philadelphia Delegation on mass shooting in Texas

(May 25, 2022)

Let us be very clear: the senseless violence we have seen unfold in Texas and Buffalo is the direct result of years of inaction by the government when it comes to commonsense gun reform. While mass shootings are occurring at an extremely alarming rate, some of those in government continue to prevent any gun reform legislation from seeing the light of day. How many families need to be destroyed, how many children’s bodies do we have to step over to see gun reform happen? Representative Rob Kauffman, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, has flat-out stated that if he is in charge, the gun laws in Pennsylvania will never change. Our question for Representative Kauffman is: Why are we as Americans so afraid of having to submit to a background check? Does the right to own a gun trump the right for our children to live happy and safe lives? At what point do we say enough is enough? Read more


Brown: We Need Real Solutions

(May 25, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Amen Brown has two young children in elementary school, and today parents asked him what he was going to do to protect their children. He is asking his colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together to solve these problems. Read more


Burgos: We Took An Oath to Protect and Serve

(May 25, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Danilo Burgos does not understand the lack of empathy and inaction of the Pa. House Republican Caucus. Read more


Hanbidge: Thoughts and Prayers Mean Nothing

(May 25, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Liz Hanbidge challenges the Pa. House GOP to step forward with House Democrats to protect every single life in every community. Read more


Parker: Do Something NOW!

(May 25, 2022)

In the wake of Tuesday’s mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Texas, Pa. state Rep. Darisha Parker is frustrated with the lack of action by the legislature when it comes to moving bills that would address the growing #GunViolence in Philadelphia and other communities across the Commonwealth. Read more


Harris: Act Now on Gun Violence

(May 25, 2022)

Pa. House Democratic Whip Jordan Harris has seen too many folks lose their lives to senseless gun violence across this state and in others. He is asking the Pa. House GOP to work together with Pa. House Democrats on commonsense measures. Read more


Isaacson: We Have Solutions, Work with Us

(May 25, 2022)

Isaacson is working to pass commonsense gun laws, like locking up guns in your home when they are not in use. Read more


Otten: Ban Future Assault Weapon Sales

(May 25, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Danielle Friel Otten motions for the Pa. House to act on commonsense gun laws in the wake of the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Texas. Read more


What Pennsylvania voters think about gun control, according to polls

(May 25, 2022)

“The vast majority of Pennsylvanians of all political persuasions support gun safety,” said Adam Garber, executive director of the nonprofit advocacy group CeaseFire PA. Read more


Pa House Dems push gun reform on House floor

(May 25, 2022)

“There’s nothing more pro life than working collaboratively on humane, pragmatic, sensible solutions to our nation's tragic unique crisis of gun violence,” said Rep. Maureen Madden, (D) Monroe County. Read more


Bullock: Investments to Reduce Gun Violence

(May 25, 2022)

Chair of the Pa. Legislative Black Caucus state Rep. Donna Bullock rose to speak on behalf of Black Pennsylvanians. After another mass shooting, this time in Texas, she is asking everyone to recognize that her children and many in her community are dealing with shootings every single day. She is working to address the underfunding of schools, social services and more that has led to this gun violence. Bullock relates that we are all going through the same storm, but experiencing it very differently as we are not in the same boat. Read more


Frankel applauds new multi-state effort to reduce gun violence

(Oct 07, 2021)

State Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, and co-chair of the PA SAFE Caucus, praised Gov. Tom Wolf’s Thursday announcement that Pennsylvania has joined a new multistate effort to prevent gun violence and increase public safety. Read more


Daley joins SAFE Caucus to discuss rising gun violence instances

(Jul 22, 2021)

Daley and other members of the caucus believe that all types of violence can be reduced through adequate funding for mental health services, stronger tools for law enforcement, resources to curb the effects of addiction and illegal drugs, and other solutions that promote public safety. Read more


Frankel: Legislature must stop stonewalling and empower local communities to protect people

(Jun 03, 2021)

Legislation would allow communities to respond to shootings, violence by ending state preemption Read more


Let’s support these three, commonsense gun violence measures | Opinion

(Mar 25, 2021)

To be a lawful, responsible gun owner does not mean carrying allegiance to any political party. It means caring about your community. It means wanting to keep your children, family and neighbors safe. Read more