Schweyer: Majority party tactics on gun bills are shameful, dangerous

(Jun 22, 2022)

“It has become quite clear with this week’s move and previous procedures earlier this month with other commonsense gun legislation that the Republican majority cares more about the gun lobby than saving Pennsylvania lives." Read more


Schweyer Frustrated with Lack of Gun Safety Reform

(Jun 21, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer is frustrated with the way his GOP colleagues are choosing to ignore the public’s call for sensible gun safety reform. Most notably, his legislation which would have raised the legal age to purchase an assault riffle from 18 to 21 was gutted by the House Judiciary Committee. The entire language of House Bill 717 was replaced with unrelated language that would remove some existing requirements for handgun background checks. Read more


Judiciary committee deletes age restrictions for assault weapon ownership

(Jun 21, 2022)

The House Judiciary Committee voted along party lines to amend Rep. Peter Schweyer’s, D-Lehigh, bill that would have prevented anyone under 21 from obtaining the types of weapons used in school shootings in Uvalde, Texas; Newtown, Conn.; and elsewhere. Read more


Lehigh Valley lawmaker pushes bill for Pa. under-21 assault weapons ban as ‘cultural divide’ stalls gun law debate

(Jun 17, 2022)

Schweyer filed a new resolution to force action on his long-stalled bill to outlaw possession of assault weapons by people under 21. Read more


As a gun owner, I know we need more regulation. I saw that at the gun show: Opinion

(Jun 15, 2022)

As I wandered the aisles and saw firsthand how Pennsylvania laws enable would-be criminals to get their hands on firearms, it was crystal clear that ghost guns need to be treated like firearms: parts serialized, background checks required. Read more


Briggs: Pennsylvanians’ Lives are Valuable

(Jun 14, 2022)

Pennsylvania House Judiciary Chairman Tim Briggs said that it’s clear that the Judiciary Committee’s majority chairman remains indifferent to the trauma caused by the gun violence that is impacting communities around the commonwealth. The Committee’s action today to “punt” on real consideration of meaningful gun safety reform is consistent with the chairman’s longstanding pledge to obstruct any effort to stem gun violence in Pennsylvania or act on gun safety legislation. Families and communities will continue to suffer until the Republican majority decides Pennsylvanian lives are more valuable than the support and praise from the gun lobby. Read more


Sales of body armor are on the rise. Who's buying and why?

(Jun 14, 2022)

Customers are buying items such as covert bulletproof T-shirts and backpacks as well as standard bulletproof vests of various strengths. Read more


House Gun Violence Bills Returned to Committee

(Jun 14, 2022)

“Lawmakers have an opportunity to take commonsense steps, which the majority of Pennsylvanians support." Read more


GOP majorities stymie Dems’ push to debate gun laws in PA House, Senate

(Jun 13, 2022)

“These bills should be up for debate on the floor of this House, they should not be buried in another committee,” House Minority Leader Joanna McClinton, D-Philadelphia. Read more


This Week In Pennsylvania: Mike Schlossberg, Gilbert Ambler

(Jun 12, 2022)

State Rep. Mike Schlossberg joins host Dennis Owens to discuss gun rights. Read more


Gun-control advocates rally in Scranton

(Jun 11, 2022)

Drew Popish, an aide to state Rep. Bridget Kosierowski, D-114, Waverly Twp., read a statement from her supporting gun-control efforts before launching into a passionate, personal plea for new gun-control laws. Read more


‘Enough is enough:’ About 1,000 gather in Bethlehem to demand action on gun violence

(Jun 11, 2022)

The March for Our Lives-Lehigh Valley mirrored hundreds of other marches that took place across the country Saturday, prompted by a new surge in mass shootings. Read more


Your View: Pa. lawmakers have duty to prevent gun violence

(Jun 09, 2022)

As Americans, we cannot turn a blind eye to gun violence. We must address this crisis of gun violence that has destroyed so many innocent lives by comprehensively addressing the issue and enacting common sense gun safety measures. Read more


Sen. Santarsiero introduces bill that would ban assault rifles in Pa.

(Jun 09, 2022)

Surrounded by supporters, Sen. Santarsiero announced Senate Bill 1300, a ban on assault rifles and high capacity magazines in Pennsylvania. Read more


Madden: Americans Support Responsible Firearms Ownership

(Jun 08, 2022)

How much more violence, heartbreak and death must we suffer before enough is enough, she asks? Pa. Democrats, Madden said, have a vision, a plan and the legislation to make a difference and strengthen the safety of our schools and our communities. Read more


Don’t use mental health to deflect conversations from gun reform | Expert Opinion

(Jun 07, 2022)

As mental health experts, we believe the answer to preventing mass shootings is not mental health reform. It is gun reform. Read more


A mass shooting in Philly: Lead or get out of the way

(Jun 06, 2022)

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania’s Republican-controlled Legislature, which returns to session this week for the start of budget season, hasn’t even bothered to pretend that it’s going to do something — even after Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf, surrounded by advocates, issued yet another call to action late last month. Read more


A look at Lehigh Valley lawmakers and their positions on gun legislation

(Jun 06, 2022)

Armchair Lehigh Valley looked at votes and legislation sponsorships by Lehigh Valley lawmakers. Read more


Calls for action on gun control grow after wave of mass shootings

(Jun 06, 2022)

"We can't get our arms around something that is literally killing America's children on a daily and weekly basis. It is shameful. It is the great shame of our generation," said Rep. Schweyer. Read more


Can Pennsylvania Pass Significant Gun Reform?

(Jun 06, 2022)

It is estimated that there are 70 bills or co-sponsorship memos about gun control from Pennsylvania House Democrats in this session. Read more


Schweyer: Majority party tactics on gun bills are shameful, dangerous
Jun 22, 2022

Schweyer Frustrated with Lack of Gun Safety Reform
Jun 21, 2022

Judiciary committee deletes age restrictions for assault weapon ownership
Jun 21, 2022

Lehigh Valley lawmaker pushes bill for Pa. under-21 assault weapons ban as ‘cultural divide’ stalls gun law debate
Jun 17, 2022

As a gun owner, I know we need more regulation. I saw that at the gun show: Opinion
Jun 15, 2022

Briggs: Pennsylvanians’ Lives are Valuable
Jun 14, 2022

Sales of body armor are on the rise. Who's buying and why?
Jun 14, 2022

House Gun Violence Bills Returned to Committee
Jun 14, 2022

GOP majorities stymie Dems’ push to debate gun laws in PA House, Senate
Jun 13, 2022

This Week In Pennsylvania: Mike Schlossberg, Gilbert Ambler
Jun 12, 2022

Gun-control advocates rally in Scranton
Jun 11, 2022

‘Enough is enough:’ About 1,000 gather in Bethlehem to demand action on gun violence
Jun 11, 2022

Your View: Pa. lawmakers have duty to prevent gun violence
Jun 09, 2022

Sen. Santarsiero introduces bill that would ban assault rifles in Pa.
Jun 09, 2022

Madden: Americans Support Responsible Firearms Ownership
Jun 08, 2022

Don’t use mental health to deflect conversations from gun reform | Expert Opinion
Jun 07, 2022

A mass shooting in Philly: Lead or get out of the way
Jun 06, 2022

A look at Lehigh Valley lawmakers and their positions on gun legislation
Jun 06, 2022

Calls for action on gun control grow after wave of mass shootings
Jun 06, 2022

Can Pennsylvania Pass Significant Gun Reform?
Jun 06, 2022