Featured News

Madden, McNeill re-elected to Northeast Delegation leadership; Kosierowski added to leadership team

Wolf admin. celebrates launch of 988 helpline, says there’s more work to be done

(Jul 20, 2022)

“I want everyone listening to this right now to think about the destigmatizing effects that this project is going to have,” Schlossberg said. “By creating a 9-8-8 hotline, we’re saying to individuals that your problems are not only real but that we believe you are worth treatment and recovering, and living a good life.” Read more


Housing, Public Health Infrastructure, and Clean Energy Funding Opportunities

(Jul 18, 2022)

Check out the latest state programs now open for applications. Read more


Schlossberg bill to give municipalities tools to analyze the regional significance and impact of real estate development projects

(Jul 14, 2022)

Schlossberg said that mega-real estate developers are turning agricultural and open spaces into road-clogging warehouses and other uses that hurt taxpayers through costly infrastructure nightmares, not to mention their quality of life related to more traffic, higher pollution levels and land deterioration. Read more


Madden: Women Must Keep the Right to Choose

(Jul 08, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden speaks against a Pa. Republican attempt to amend the state Constitution to remove a woman's right to choose a safe, legal abortion. Madden says this is not the battle we wanted, but she is confident the voters of Pennsylvania will rise to the occasion and vote down this dangerous reversal of well established precedent. Read more


Schweyer: Pa. Senate GOP are Cowards

(Jul 08, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Pete Schweyer says that he will never vote to take away women of their rights. Last night, while many people were getting ready to go to bed, the Pa. Senate Republicans passed a proposed Constitutional amendment that would deprive women of their right to choose and to healthcare access. He says they did this in the middle of the night because they're cowards, but he is standing up now in the light of day to say they will not get away with this. Read more


Schlossberg opposes un-American, extreme Pa. constitutional amendments

(Jul 08, 2022)

“After repeatedly failing to get their way, extremist Republicans cannot accept reality and instead try to change the rules of the game to increase the odds that they get their way." Read more


Schweyer: This Budget is a Win

(Jul 07, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Pete Schweyer has been in the legislature for eight years, but this is the first time a budget has invested in schools in such a meaningful way. He says this budget is a historic win for kids, and older adults by giving more affordable housing options and lowering property taxes. As a result of this budget, he feels the Allentown area will be stronger and safer than ever. Read more


Kosierowski supports investments in long-term care, education

(Jul 07, 2022)

“The budget isn’t perfect, but seldom would a spending plan with so many moving pieces be what everyone would like. That’s why legislating requires compromise, and it’s an important aspect of getting things done for the people we represent,” Kosierowski said. Read more


Schweyer applauds state budget deal

(Jul 07, 2022)

“As the parent of two ASD students, I know firsthand what these additional dollars will mean to the students and families in Allentown and I'm so very excited what our district can do with this historic investment." Read more


Schlossberg supports budget with millions more for education, mental health

(Jul 07, 2022)

The $42 billion plan includes a basic education funding increase of almost $750 million ($525 million through the Fair Funding Formula and $225 million for Level Up funding to the state’s poorest school districts). It also includes a special education funding increase of almost $100 million. Read more


Changes to rein in abusive use of fireworks head to governor

(Jul 01, 2022)

“While I would have preferred a ban on consumer fireworks, this bill is better than current law. It addresses some of the concerns that have been raised in communities across Pennsylvania,” said state Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh. “I encourage anyone who uses fireworks to do so safely and follow state guidelines.” Read more


Bipartisan bills to improve mental health treatment headed to governor

(Jun 30, 2022)

"When somebody has a challenge with mental health, it likely has an effect on physical health. Likewise, when somebody has a physical health challenge, it can have an effect on mental health. It’s time we stop treating physical health and mental health separately and integrate treatments,” Rep. Mike Schlossberg said. Read more


Pashinski: We Must Protect the Right to Choose

(Jun 27, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski believes that the government has no right to obligate women to adopt and live under the ideals of others, especially when it’s in a way that strips them of their personal rights. He says that a woman’s body is her business and only she knows what is best for her health and her family. Read more


Madden: SCOTUS Has Become Far Too Political

(Jun 27, 2022)

After standing with Democratic colleagues from the PA House and Senate at a rally Monday decrying the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, state Rep. Maureen Madden, D-Monroe, expressed frustration that the branch of government that's supposed to be the least political — the judicial — has instead become the most political. Justices who voted to overturn Roe, she said, perjured themselves, and Madden promised that the fight to protect women's reproductive healthcare, including abortion access, is only beginning. Read more


Schweyer: Protect the Right to Choose

(Jun 27, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer believes that the government has no right in come between an individual and their personal health choices. He firmly stands as pro-choice and vows to fight back against any attempt to remove a person’s right to choose. Read more


Madden responds to Supreme Court abortion ruling

(Jun 24, 2022)

"I am mad now, and I promise you that rage I feel – that rage YOU feel – will help strengthen our resolve. The fight continues. And I am here for it. Stay strong, everybody. We need you now more than ever." Read more


Schlossberg responds to Supreme Court abortion ruling

(Jun 24, 2022)

“I will not pretend to know the pain of women who have legally lost a part of their bodily autonomy. But a lack of understanding does not result in a lack of empathy. My job – as an elected official and a person who cares deeply about others – is to fight for them. I will do just that." Read more


Roots Radio Episode 7 - Representative Kyle Mullins

(Jun 24, 2022)

An incredible conversation with Pennsylvania State Representative Kyle Mullins conversation about ALS, about advocacy, about family, and about this club that we never wanted to be in, but are grateful for. Read more


Kosierowski responds to Supreme Court abortion ruling

(Jun 24, 2022)

"The most personal medical decision a woman makes should be between herself and her doctor, not between a legislature or even a Supreme Court. With this decision to overturn, I much fear what rights will be on the chopping block next. Access to contraception? Marriage equality? Interracial marriage? It is a dark day in America when a gun has more rights than a woman.” Read more


Mullins: Help Struggling Pennsylvanians with Budget Surplus

(Jun 23, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Kyle Mullins says we should be helping Pennsylvanians who are struggling with high gas prices and grocery bills, not hoarding a massive budget surplus in Harrisburg. Mullins says investing in people and supporting our communities is the responsible thing to do as we wrap up this state budget, we just need the GOP majority to finally agree to these priorities as well. Read more