Featured News

Madden, McNeill re-elected to Northeast Delegation leadership; Kosierowski added to leadership team

Siegel: Election Workers Need Time to Prepare Ballots for Counting

(Apr 24, 2023)

At a Pa. House State Government Committee meeting, state Rep. Josh Siegel says giving election workers time to prepare ballots for counting on election night is critical to ensure we don't lose our most seasoned election workers to burnout. Organizations like the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania have been raising the alarm and it's time to take action. Read more


House Education Committee approves Freeman tutoring legislation

(Apr 24, 2023)

“Tutoring can increase good study habits, improve academic performance, boost self-esteem and put students in charge of their own learning process as they pass that knowledge onto other students," Freeman said. Read more


Sex abuse survivor bill back in the State House… again

(Apr 24, 2023)

“Victims have waited long enough. The gamesmanship, the playing politics has got to stop,” said Rep. Mark Rozzi (D-Berks County). Read more


Pittston Memorial Library receives citation observing National Library Week

(Apr 24, 2023)

“It is an honor and privilege to welcome Representative Haddock to the library as we celebrate all that we do here for the Greater Pittston area as a community center during National Library Week,” library Director Jessica Lane said. Read more


Measures would reform Pennsylvania’s hospital closure process

(Apr 22, 2023)

Our bill would take significant steps to reform Pennsylvania’s hospital closure process: strengthening accountability and transparency without disrupting access to care. Read more


Sen. Saval, Rep. Siegel join Lehigh Valley community in call for permanent funding for Whole-Home Repairs

(Apr 19, 2023)

“There is no issue more endemic to our time than housing insecurity, and no moral imperative more urgent than taking meaningful action to end it." Read more


Lawmakers acknowledge esports as part of equitable solution

(Apr 19, 2023)

“At first glance, esports might look like only video games, but one of the greatest aspects of extracurricular activities is to create an atmosphere where students build friendships and learn outside a classroom,” said Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh. Read more


Holocaust remembrance event in Capitol warns against rising tide of hate

(Apr 18, 2023)

“It can be a tremendous burden. You live knowing that your family lived,” while many others did not, said Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh, the grandson of Holocaust survivors. Read more


West Reading officials honor 60+ first responders for R.M. Palmer explosion response

(Apr 18, 2023)

State Representative Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz also presented Citations to Council, Mayor, Borough staff, in addition to the police and fire departments. Read more


5 ways educators think lawmakers could help fix Pa.’s K-12 staffing crisis

(Apr 17, 2023)

State Reps. Mark Rozzi, D-Berks, and Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh, are among the lawmakers seeking legislative solutions. Read more


Work on trail connecting College Hill to downtown Easton set to be done in August

(Apr 17, 2023)

A trail linking College Hill to Downtown Easton is an idea that came to state Rep. Robert Freeman years ago, on his morning walks through Lafayette's campus. Read more


Schweyer Education Committee Recap

(Apr 14, 2023)

Pa. House Education Committee Chair state Rep. Peter Schweyer speaks about the bills and issues that were highlighted in the first committee meeting of the legislative session. Read more


Guzman: Translation and Bilingual Support for Documentation

(Apr 13, 2023)

Speaking at a House Appropriations Committee budget hearing, Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman asks Department of Labor and Industry Secretary Nancy Walker about how they can make it easier for Pennsylvanian’s who don’t speak English to fill out essential documents and forms. Read more


Kosierowski Promotes Pa. Tourism

(Apr 13, 2023)

At a Pa. House Appropriations Committee budget hearing in Harrisburg, state Rep. Bridget M. Kosierowski asked the Department of Community and Economic Development about their efforts to promote and prepare for the upcoming celebration of our country's 250th anniversary. Read more


Workforce Development, Infrastructure, and Housing Funding Opportunities

(Apr 13, 2023)

Here are some of the latest state programs now open for applications. Read more


House Education Committee approves McNeill bill to protect students caught in school district residency disputes

(Apr 13, 2023)

“Every Pennsylvania child deserves a quality education and when a residency dispute arises between a child’s parents or caregivers and the school district, the child should not be punished while the two sides resolve the issue,” said McNeill, D-Lehigh. Read more


Legislation to help grandparents raising grandchildren access legal help introduced by Pashinski

(Apr 13, 2023)

“Many kinship families are low-income households already facing complex issues and aren’t equipped to navigate the complicated legal process on their own. This assistance will help at-risk children to stay in stable family environments, relieving excessive pressure on the foster care system,” said Pashinski. Read more


Kenyatta introduces Teacher Retention and Recruitment Tax Credit legislation

(Apr 12, 2023)

This legislation builds on Gov. Josh Shapiro’s plan to address teacher shortages, which included the Personal Income Tax credit of up to $2,500 every year for up to three years for any newly certified teacher. Read more


Kosierowski: Mental Health Crisis In Pa.

(Apr 12, 2023)

Speaking at a House Appropriations Committee budget hearing, Pa. state Rep. Bridget M. Kosierowski asks Department of Human Services Secretary Dr. Val Arkoosh what her department and the legislature can do to help patients who go to hospital emergency rooms seeking mental health treatment. Read more


Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis tours Reading to boost new incentives for Latino small businesses

(Apr 12, 2023)

Davis, chaperoned by State Representatives Manny Guzmán and newly-elected Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz, met with small businesses in Reading “for an open conversation” about how the administration can effectively fund and support current and emerging business owners in a rapidly changing region. Read more


Siegel: Election Workers Need Time to Prepare Ballots for Counting
Apr 24, 2023

House Education Committee approves Freeman tutoring legislation
Apr 24, 2023

Sex abuse survivor bill back in the State House… again
Apr 24, 2023

Pittston Memorial Library receives citation observing National Library Week
Apr 24, 2023

Measures would reform Pennsylvania’s hospital closure process
Apr 22, 2023

Sen. Saval, Rep. Siegel join Lehigh Valley community in call for permanent funding for Whole-Home Repairs
Apr 19, 2023

Lawmakers acknowledge esports as part of equitable solution
Apr 19, 2023

Holocaust remembrance event in Capitol warns against rising tide of hate
Apr 18, 2023

West Reading officials honor 60+ first responders for R.M. Palmer explosion response
Apr 18, 2023

5 ways educators think lawmakers could help fix Pa.’s K-12 staffing crisis
Apr 17, 2023

Work on trail connecting College Hill to downtown Easton set to be done in August
Apr 17, 2023

Schweyer Education Committee Recap
Apr 14, 2023

Guzman: Translation and Bilingual Support for Documentation
Apr 13, 2023

Kosierowski Promotes Pa. Tourism
Apr 13, 2023

Workforce Development, Infrastructure, and Housing Funding Opportunities
Apr 13, 2023

House Education Committee approves McNeill bill to protect students caught in school district residency disputes
Apr 13, 2023

Legislation to help grandparents raising grandchildren access legal help introduced by Pashinski
Apr 13, 2023

Kenyatta introduces Teacher Retention and Recruitment Tax Credit legislation
Apr 12, 2023

Kosierowski: Mental Health Crisis In Pa.
Apr 12, 2023

Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis tours Reading to boost new incentives for Latino small businesses
Apr 12, 2023