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Madden, McNeill re-elected to Northeast Delegation leadership; Kosierowski added to leadership team

Bill seeking to fill teacher shortage through a grow-your-own program passes Pa. House

(May 01, 2023)

“We’re not generating enough teachers that come from our various communities, whether from a rural part of the commonwealth, suburban part of the commonwealth or an urban area like the city of Allentown,” said House Education Committee Chairman Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh County, in support of the Rep. Schlossberg bill. Read more


Schweyer Fights to Allow DACA Recipients to Get Educational Certification

(Apr 27, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer joined Senator Judy Schwank to promote legislation they are sponsoring that would allow DACA recipients to become certified teachers. With teacher shortages on the rise, it only make sense to help schools and the Pennsylvania economy by allowing DACA recipients to become certified. Read more


PA House Passes Bill to Require Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Child Care Centers

(Apr 27, 2023)

The Pennsylvania House has passed a bill proposed by Rep. Jeanne McNeill which aims to protect children from carbon monoxide poisoning. Read more


Pa. Democratic lawmakers renew push to expand teacher certification and in-state tuition for DACA recipients

(Apr 27, 2023)

Rep. Peter Schweyer (D-Lehigh), Majority Chair of the House Education Committee, said he plans to consider the bills. Read more


Schweyer Promotes Early Literacy

(Apr 26, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer, Chairman of the House Education Committee, speaks at a Capitol press conference on the importance of literacy in Pa., particularly with children. Read more


General Assembly passes historic breast cancer screening bill

(Apr 26, 2023)

State Rep. Jeanne McNeill today cast her vote in support of historic legislation that would eliminate out-of-pocket costs for certain breast cancer-related medical screenings. Read more


Rozzi: Victims Deserve to Have Their Day

(Apr 26, 2023)

Before the passage of HB1 on the House Floor Tuesday, state Rep. Mark Rozzi again pleaded with the Senate to pass any of the four pieces of legislation that would finally give truth and justice to victims of childhood sexual abuse by reforming Pennsylvania's statute of limitations. After Democrats and Republicans in the House again worked together to provide justice, it's time, Rozzi said, for the Senate to act and give victims their days in court. Read more


Rozzi’s teacher scholarship bill clears House Education Committee

(Apr 26, 2023)

“We desperately need more educators in every region of Pennsylvania so the legislature should be doing everything it can to attract qualified professionals to the field.” Read more


Bill to protect children from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning passes House

(Apr 26, 2023)

“Given that carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas, it’s difficult to know if you’ve been exposed to it, and since the symptoms of exposure are similar to other common illnesses, carbon monoxide poisoning wouldn’t be the first ailment to come to mind at a daycare,” said McNeill, D-Lehigh. “That’s why it is absolutely essential that childcare centers are equipped with these detectors.” Read more


Pa. lawmaker proposes new way of determining how much you pay in property taxes

(Apr 26, 2023)

Rep. Bob Freeman asks: What if your property taxes were based on how much you make, instead of what your property is worth? Read more


CO detector bill, inspired by Allentown daycare poisoning, passes state House

(Apr 26, 2023)

“It is absolutely essential that childcare centers are equipped with these detectors,” the bill’s lead sponsor, state Rep. Jeanne McNeal, D-Lehigh, wrote in a statement Wednesday. Read more


Pa. House passes bill requiring carbon monoxide detectors in child care centers

(Apr 26, 2023)

The state House of Representatives passed H.B. 494 on Wednesday, said state Rep. Jeanne McNeill, who crafted the bill. Read more


Lehigh Valley lawmaker’s bill to require carbon monoxide detectors in day cares passes Pa. House

(Apr 26, 2023)

Rep. Jeanne McNeill introduced her bill last year, shortly after more than two dozen children and adults were sickened in October at an Allentown day care center by carbon monoxide poisoning. Read more


Lawmakers and Advocates Hold Rally for DACA Teacher Certifications, In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students

(Apr 26, 2023)

“Pennsylvania’s teacher shortage is worsening, and qualified immigrants can help with this teaching crisis." Read more


House Education Committee advances bills to address teacher shortages & student protections

(Apr 26, 2023)

These measures would help school districts recruit and maintain the high-caliber teachers that are needed and also help students to achieve the best possible pathway to success. Read more


Property tax circuit breaker that would provide property tax relief and fairness proposed by Freeman

(Apr 25, 2023)

“This proposal would offer Pennsylvania homeowners needed property tax relief and build fairness into the property tax system by capping property taxes to reflect household income,” Freeman said. Read more


Local lawmaker introduces bill aimed at getting more teachers in the classroom in Pa.

(Apr 25, 2023)

House Democratic Caucus Chair Mike Schlossberg's bill "Grow our Own Educators" passed out of committee. It's aimed at getting more teachers in the classroom. Read more


Rozzi urges Pa. Senate to pass standalone survivors’ amendment

(Apr 25, 2023)

“Republicans and Democrats together, we’ve always come through for victims. Now it’s time that the Senate comes through and moves one of these four pieces of legislation that they will have to give victims their day in court,” Rozzi said. Read more


Pa. House passes fourth bill on child sex abuse lawsuit window

(Apr 25, 2023)

“Today we pass House Bill 1, sending the fourth piece of legislation over to the Senate to give victims what they’ve always wanted,” Rep. Mark Rozzi, D-Berks, the bill’s prime sponsor, said during floor remarks Tuesday. Read more


Pa. House panel advances bill to ease teacher shortage

(Apr 25, 2023)

The House Education Committee voted 12-9 on Monday to approve legislation sponsored by Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh, that would encourage paraprofessionals and other school support to go back to college to obtain their teaching credentials. Read more


Bill seeking to fill teacher shortage through a grow-your-own program passes Pa. House
May 01, 2023

Schweyer Fights to Allow DACA Recipients to Get Educational Certification
Apr 27, 2023

PA House Passes Bill to Require Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Child Care Centers
Apr 27, 2023

Pa. Democratic lawmakers renew push to expand teacher certification and in-state tuition for DACA recipients
Apr 27, 2023

Schweyer Promotes Early Literacy
Apr 26, 2023

General Assembly passes historic breast cancer screening bill
Apr 26, 2023

Rozzi: Victims Deserve to Have Their Day
Apr 26, 2023

Rozzi’s teacher scholarship bill clears House Education Committee
Apr 26, 2023

Bill to protect children from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning passes House
Apr 26, 2023

Pa. lawmaker proposes new way of determining how much you pay in property taxes
Apr 26, 2023

CO detector bill, inspired by Allentown daycare poisoning, passes state House
Apr 26, 2023

Pa. House passes bill requiring carbon monoxide detectors in child care centers
Apr 26, 2023

Lehigh Valley lawmaker’s bill to require carbon monoxide detectors in day cares passes Pa. House
Apr 26, 2023

Lawmakers and Advocates Hold Rally for DACA Teacher Certifications, In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students
Apr 26, 2023

House Education Committee advances bills to address teacher shortages & student protections
Apr 26, 2023

Property tax circuit breaker that would provide property tax relief and fairness proposed by Freeman
Apr 25, 2023

Local lawmaker introduces bill aimed at getting more teachers in the classroom in Pa.
Apr 25, 2023

Rozzi urges Pa. Senate to pass standalone survivors’ amendment
Apr 25, 2023

Pa. House passes fourth bill on child sex abuse lawsuit window
Apr 25, 2023

Pa. House panel advances bill to ease teacher shortage
Apr 25, 2023