Pa. state representatives form Black-Jewish Caucus to promote shared goals for social justice

(May 08, 2023)

Citing a storied history of cooperation, and a shared desire to continue promoting social justice, members of the Pennsylvania State House are forming a Black-Jewish caucus. Read more


Testifiers detail challenges facing emergency management services in PA

(May 05, 2023)

The House Majority Policy Committee convened a hearing Friday morning in Delaware County to discuss emergency management services in Pennsylvania and the daily challenges facing these first responders. Read more


Lawmakers focus on growing local businesses and Main Streets across PA

(May 04, 2023)

The House Majority Policy Committee hosted a round table discussion with local businesses owners in Chester County Thursday afternoon before touring Main Street in Phoenixville to hear what members can do to grow downtown areas in Pennsylvania. Read more


House Democrats Advance Measures to Ensure Equality, Support Working Families

(May 04, 2023)

Democrats Deliver and Pennsylvanians Win Read more


Three Pisciottano bills pass through PA House

(May 04, 2023)

“I’m a firm believer that getting things done requires working across the aisle and am especially proud that all three of my bills passed this week received bipartisan support,” Pisciottano said. Read more


Fiedler co-hosts rally for after school programs

(May 04, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 4 – On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool Youth Development Network held an advocacy day at the state Capitol. State Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Doyle Heffley, R-Carbon, co-chairs of the PA House Afterschool Caucus, joined them on the Capitol steps to rally for afterschool programs in Pennsylvania. Speakers at the rally included: Contrell Armor, PSAYDN director. Lt. Gov. Austin Davis. State Sen. Lynda Schlegel-Culver, R-Columbia/Luzerne/Montour/Northumberland/Snyder. State Sen. Mike Regan, R-Cumberland/York. Youth Keynote, Neha Shukla, Flight Crew Million Girls Moonshot. Youth Speaker, Enjalai Baillie, Harrisburg High School, Sci-Tech and PFEW. Youth Speaker, Aliyah Webster, chief science officer, Minersville Area Jr./Sr. High School. Youth Speaker, Sean Jackson, Braddock Hills High School, Pittsburgh. Youth Co-Speakers, Aaron Pravs & Nasir Harrison, South Philadelphia High School. Provider Speaker; Amy Burrows, assistant director of Propel Afterschool Programs, 2022 PSAYDN Afterschool Champion for Outstanding Quality. State Rep. Michael Schlossberg, D-Lehigh. Fiedler stressed the importance of afterschool programs to mentor young people and prevent violence. “At a time when violence has been increasing, we need to invest in high quality out-of-school-time programs that provide kids with safe Read more


Fiedler, Pisciottano Right to Organize legislation passes House

(May 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 3 – Today, H.B. 950 , introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Nick Pisciottano, D-Allegheny, which would enshrine Pennsylvania workers’ right to organize in the state constitution passed the Pennsylvania House and now heads to the PA Senate for consideration. Currently, the Pennsylvania Constitution does not guarantee workers the right to organize and collectively bargain. This legislation proposes to amend Article I of the Pennsylvania Constitution to enshrine these rights for all workers in Pennsylvania. Additionally, the bill would prohibit any other laws that interfere with or diminish collective bargaining rights. Fiedler said that the passage of H.B. 950 by the House is a step in the right direction for Pennsylvania workers and expressed gratitude to her House colleagues who voted for the bill. “Workers fuel our economy. They are the mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles of our commonwealth. Workers deserve to be treated with respect and that’s exactly the goal of this legislation,” Fiedler said. “I am grateful to all my colleagues in the House who voted for the bill, and I now call on the Senate to show their support for Pennsylvania’s workers and move this amendment forward.” Pisciottano said it’s important everything possible be done to protect and support workers’ right to organize. Read more


Pa. House passes bills strengthening worker protections

(May 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 3 – The Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed five pieces of legislation this week that will strengthen worker protections and make the state a safer place to work. “It is time we put working families first. These bills we passed — with bipartisan support, I might add — are a step in that direction,” said House Labor and Industry Committee Majority Chairman Jason Dawkins, D-Phila. “For far too long, the Labor and Industry Committee was concerned with corporate interests and putting employers over employees. And for as long as I am chair of this committee, legislation that benefits workers and invests in good jobs and working families will be a priority.” The Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee reported all five bills out of committee before they were approved by the full House. The legislation is as follows below: H.B. 299 ; which would create the Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health Act to establish workplace safety standards for public sector employees that are consistent with federal OSHA requirements. H.B. 413 ; which would increase specifications for classifying employees as independent contractors in the construction industry. H.B. 760 ; which would allow workers' compensation claimants to receive benefits via direct deposit. H.B. 930 ; which would ensure that Read more


Gergely bill passes in the PA House

(May 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 3 – State Rep. Matthew R. Gergely, D-Allegheny, issued the following statement today after his first piece of legislation as a state representative, H.B. 829 , passed 199-2 in the House. The legislation would allow employees who work for distributors or importing distributors to also be allowed to work at other licensees’ establishments. “The COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on small business profits across the country, including those in the food and beverage industry. Bars, restaurants, and similar liquor license entities are also facing a worker shortage when it comes to hiring experienced and knowledgeable staff. Yet, the current law on the books exercises an exclusive grip and only allows these employees to work at one such establishment at a given time. “House Bill 829 releases those workers from that tight grip and fosters inclusivity among liquor license ventures. Larger and more experienced labor forces will contribute to these businesses turning a higher profit and strengthening local economies. Not only that, having extra money in their pockets will help these workers and their families afford daily necessities and benefit their overall well-being. “This bill is a win-win for Pennsylvania residents and businesses, and I want to thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for their collective confidence and support of my first bill. ” House Bill 829 now heads to the Senate for consideration. Read more


Smith-Wade-El celebrates House passage of the PA Fairness Act

(May 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 3 – State Rep. Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, praised yesterday’s passage in the House of the PA Fairness Act, which would outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. “I’m honored to be a co-prime sponsor of this important legislation—The PA Fairness Act,” Smith-Wade-El said. “This moment is 22 years and hundreds of elections in the making as Democrats have repeatedly tried to pass legislation that would make Pennsylvania a more equitable place to live and work for our LGBTQ+ community. During this time, many LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians have found themselves to be second-class citizens, at best, in the commonwealth—worried if they would lose housing or a job or their lives because of who they love or who they are. “Pennsylvania for too long has lagged behind other states in outlawing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. That must stop. Thanks to the Democratic majority in the House, we have been able to pass this historic legislation. We’ve got to keep fighting so this legislation passes the Senate. The Fairness Act gets Pennsylvania closer to a place where everyone's rights are protected, where citizens would be wrapped in freedom, equality, fairness and justice which is love spoken out loud. I look forward to that day when the Act is signed into law, and Read more


Pashinski, O’Mara, Comitta and advocates discuss Hospital Closure Reform

(May 03, 2023)

“When hospitals and health care facilities close or significantly reduce services, patients, doctors, nurses, staff and entire communities suffer,” Pashinski said. “These facilities need oversight because they are not like other businesses, they make the difference between life or death and improve the quality of life for local patients. Even the healthiest person will at some point need help – whether that’s a visit to the emergency room, care for mental health, preventative medicine, or treatment for cancer. House Bill 158 and Senate Bill 184 would ensure that patients, doctors, nurses, staff and their communities have a voice in any major decision to close or reduce services.” Read more


Kinsey advocates for child care workers

(May 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 3 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., hosted a news conference Tuesday in the Capitol Rotunda advocating for greater pay for Pennsylvania child care workers, who make an average of only $12.43 per hour. Kinsey, who has been a long-time advocate for child care workers said Pennsylvania must do better by them. “Child care workers provide such a crucial service to our state socially and economically, yet they’re paid in Pennsylvania’s bottom 2% of employees. That is embarrassing,” Kinsey said. “We must do better by our child care workers, and it begins with paying them a deserving wage. I have advocated for child care workers since before I was an elected official, and I stand committed in my advocacy for them to be paid and treated with the respect they deserve.” Kinsey was joined by many child care workers from First Up, including Director Tyrone Scott. First Up member Rosanna Matos told Kinsey that she would bring a bus full of child care workers to Harrisburg for the event, and she did. Legislative colleagues also joined Kinsey including state Reps. Donna Bullock, D-Phila., Gina H. Curry, D-Delaware, and Justin Fleming, D-Dauphin; and state Sens. Tim Kearney, D-Delaware, and Judy Schwank, D-Berks. Video from the event may be viewed here and photos may be seen here . Read more


Bill provides up to $8,000 a year in scholarships aid to aspiring teachers passes Pa. House

(May 03, 2023)

“We find ourselves in a serious teacher shortage in Pennsylvania and if we don’t quickly find solutions, this crisis will only worsen when more teachers leave and they are leaving,” said Rep. Mark Rozzi, D-Berks County, the bill’s sponsor. Read more


Pennsylvania lawmakers establish Black-Jewish caucus

(May 03, 2023)

State Reps. Jordan Harris and Jared Solomon, both Democrats from Philadelphia, said the new caucus will explore “the historic relationship between the two groups, reignite the current relationship, and work together to promote social justice.“ Read more


Rozzi legislation addressing statewide teacher shortage passes the House

(May 02, 2023)

“Educators are among the most qualified and credentialed professionals, yet they are also deeply burdened with loans stemming from higher education. We need to establish stronger incentives to attract professionals to the field and keep quality teachers here in Pennsylvania,” Rozzi said. Read more


House passes Harkins bill to bring OSHA safety protections to public workers

(May 02, 2023)

"Today, the House took a critical step toward better protecting hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania workers." Read more


Schweyer: House delivers bills to get – and keep – more teachers on the job

(May 02, 2023)

Pennsylvania has been facing a serious teacher shortage problem for many years now as high-caliber teachers are leaving early and districts have been struggling to recruit and retain the same quality teachers. With these measures moving to the Senate, we are now one step closer in helping to improve the quality of education for our children. Read more


PA state House passes Freeman tutoring legislation

(May 02, 2023)

“This proposal is a win-win situation for the students serving as tutors, as well as the students receiving the tutoring," Freeman said. Read more


Pashinski & Madden’s PA Preferred Organic trademark bill passes House

(May 02, 2023)

“Creating an easily identifiable PA Preferred Brand logo for PA-made organic products is a win for Pennsylvania’s farmers and producers as well as our consumers who know that label means their purchase was grown in PA, by PA Farmers, for PA families,” Pashinski said. Read more


Ciresi legislation to simplify unclaimed property claims for heirs passes House

(May 02, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 2 – The House yesterday passed state Rep. Joe Ciresi’s red-tape cutting legislation that would make it easier for relatives to claim a deceased person’s property being held by the state. According to Ciresi, the Pennsylvania treasury holds some $4 billion in unclaimed property, such as uncashed checks, lost stocks or bonds, or closed bank accounts. Due to an inconsistency in inheritance law, some categories of relatives have a harder time legitimately claiming that property on behalf of their deceased relatives. Under current law, surviving spouses, children, parents and siblings can file for unclaimed property using a notarized sworn relationship affidavit, saving them the effort and expense of having to open or re-open the deceased’s estate. But grandchildren, nephews, nieces and others cannot claim by affidavit even if they are the closest surviving relative. “My legislation would change Pennsylvania’s law for claiming unclaimed property to match the existing intestate succession law, making it easier for grandchildren and other relatives to claim money held in the name of their deceased relatives,” Ciresi, D-Montgomery, said “This would only apply to situations where an affidavit can already be used to claim: for properties under $11,000 and when no estate was ever opened or five years have passed since it was opened.” Ciresi learned about this issue from the work his staff was doing trying to Read more


Pa. state representatives form Black-Jewish Caucus to promote shared goals for social justice
May 08, 2023

Testifiers detail challenges facing emergency management services in PA
May 05, 2023

Lawmakers focus on growing local businesses and Main Streets across PA
May 04, 2023

House Democrats Advance Measures to Ensure Equality, Support Working Families
May 04, 2023

Three Pisciottano bills pass through PA House
May 04, 2023

Fiedler co-hosts rally for after school programs
May 04, 2023

Fiedler, Pisciottano Right to Organize legislation passes House
May 03, 2023

Pa. House passes bills strengthening worker protections
May 03, 2023

Gergely bill passes in the PA House
May 03, 2023

Smith-Wade-El celebrates House passage of the PA Fairness Act
May 03, 2023

Pashinski, O’Mara, Comitta and advocates discuss Hospital Closure Reform
May 03, 2023

Kinsey advocates for child care workers
May 03, 2023

Bill provides up to $8,000 a year in scholarships aid to aspiring teachers passes Pa. House
May 03, 2023

Pennsylvania lawmakers establish Black-Jewish caucus
May 03, 2023

Rozzi legislation addressing statewide teacher shortage passes the House
May 02, 2023

House passes Harkins bill to bring OSHA safety protections to public workers
May 02, 2023

Schweyer: House delivers bills to get – and keep – more teachers on the job
May 02, 2023

PA state House passes Freeman tutoring legislation
May 02, 2023

Pashinski & Madden’s PA Preferred Organic trademark bill passes House
May 02, 2023

Ciresi legislation to simplify unclaimed property claims for heirs passes House
May 02, 2023