PA lawmakers form Progressive Caucus

(May 23, 2023)

Focusing on prioritizing people over profit, fighting social inequality Read more


Frankel, Bellmon applaud House passage of gun safety measures

(May 22, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 22 – Pennsylvania Safe Caucus Chairmen Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, and Anthony Bellmon, D-Phila., hailed the historic passage Monday of two bills that would meaningfully address the devastating epidemic of gun violence. “Today, for the first time in years, Pennsylvania House members were given the opportunity to take a position on legislation to protect Pennsylvanians from gun violence, and I am overjoyed to find that we have bipartisan support for serious, research-backed policy solutions that will save lives,” Frankel said. “Now, all eyes are on Senate leaders, who can choose to have a public debate and see where the votes are on basic firearm regulations, or choose to do nothing.” Bellmon, too, celebrated a milestone for two bills that will undoubtedly save lives once they become law. “With the current gun violence crisis taking place in Philadelphia and around the commonwealth, today’s passage of two bills out of the House is a step in the right direction to prevent future tragedies,” Bellmon said. “As co-chair of the PA Safe Caucus, I applaud my colleagues who voted to make the commonwealth a safer place.” The bills that passed are: H.B. 1018 to create Extreme Risk Protection Orders, passed 102-99. H.B. 714 to enact universal background checks, passed 109-92. The bills now head to the state Senate for consideration. Read more


O’Mara’s ‘red flag’ legislation passes House

(May 22, 2023)

“I introduced this bill because I lost my dad to gun suicide, and I want to do what I can to ensure no other family has to go through the tragedy that mine went through,” O’Mara said. Read more


Committee OKs Haddock bill to remember 9/11 in schools

(May 22, 2023)

“I introduced my bill to ensure future generations of Pennsylvanians understand the events of 9/11, as well as the impact it continues to have on the lives of all Americans," Haddock said. Read more


House Education Committee advances bills to help military families take next steps and plan their future

(May 22, 2023)

“The House Education Committee is committed to improving educational opportunities for all Pennsylvanians and efforts to deliver better schools for every student,” said Schweyer. Read more


House committee reports out Burns bill to ensure children of deployed military members retain in-state tuition

(May 22, 2023)

“The nature of military service requires them to go where and when they’re needed, so miltary parents can’t control where they’re sent,” Burns said. “That unpredictability shouldn’t penalize them or their children when it comes to their child’s higher education. My bill would make sure they aren’t.” Read more


Rabb, Friel Otten announce legislation instituting zero-emission standards for space and water heaters

(May 19, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 19 – State Reps. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., and Danielle Friel Otten, D-Chester, have introduced legislation that would adopt zero-emission standards for space and water heaters in Pennsylvania. “For Pennsylvania to be the climate leader we want it to be, and to meet our long-term climate goals, we need to take decarbonization seriously,” Rabb, a founding member of the PA Climate Caucus, said. “By reducing the amount of energy needed in buildings through energy efficiency upgrades, reducing carbon content of energy resources and appliances, and shifting energy usage with available technology, we can be one step closer to reaching our climate goals as well as saving money, improving both indoor and outdoor air quality, and reducing health risks associated with pollutants found in buildings.” This legislation would require that beginning Jan. 1, 2030, all new space and water heaters for new construction and replacement of worn-out equipment in existing buildings sold in the commonwealth meet the zero-emission standards. “Heating systems and water heaters have a long lifespan, so it’s important to plan now for the technology we’ll be living with seven, 10, or 25 years from now,” Friel Otten, chair of the PA Climate Caucus, said. “Energy-efficient, zero-emission systems may have a higher upfront price tag, but failing to adopt new standards would Read more


Rabb highlights election-related legislation following Tuesday’s special elections

(May 17, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 17 – State Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., is highlighting multiple election-related bills in the wake of Tuesday’s House of Representative special elections and municipal primary elections in Pennsylvania. “The special elections that occurred yesterday decided the fate of who will control the House of Representatives,” Rabb said. “The process by which we elect people in special elections is as important as regularly scheduled elections. That is why I have reintroduced legislation to modernize the process.” Rabb said his legislation to modernize the special election process would ensure special elections are timely, cost effective and accessible by requiring that special elections happen sooner when a seat becomes vacant more than 90 days before the next election; requiring automatic mail-in voting for all elections while providing county boards of election the option to establish satellite voting sites; subsidizing special elections from restitution paid by elected officials who have vacated their seats because of a felony conviction; and allowing candidates to electronically obtain nomination petition signatures. Rabb also has legislation in the works that would establish rotating ballot positions for candidates , requiring the randomization of each precinct’s list of candidates so that no individual precinct would reflect the same order on the ballot, Read more


PA House Democratic leadership issues statement on 2023 Primary Election results

(May 17, 2023)

House Democratic Leaders congratulate the two newest soon-to-be Members of the PA House. Read more


Harkins appointed to Veterans’ Home Advisory Council for Pennsylvania Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home

(May 17, 2023)

“Service and sacrifice are more than a calling for these residents – they are a way of life," Harkins said. "Now, as they enjoy their golden years, it’s incumbent on us to make sure they have the quality of life they deserve. I’m thrilled to be working with fellow council members and the home’s dedicated staff and administrators to keep that legacy of care and respect going.” Read more


Speaker of the House highlights Delco Health Department

(May 15, 2023)

EDDYSTONE, May 15 – Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton highlighted the positive contributions the Delaware County Health Department has accomplished and ways it has impacted the community just a year after being launched in April 2022. “From West Nile Virus to tracking Delco health trends, the Delaware County Health Department is laying the foundation for a healthier county” said Speaker McClinton, who represents portions of Delaware County and Philadelphia. “With new threats to public health emerging every day, I’m proud to support the work of the Health Department to identify, educate, and lead in protecting our community” said McClinton, who brought the House Majority Policy Committee in for a roundtable and tour Monday in Delaware County. During the first days of the pandemic in Pennsylvania, on March 6, 2020, the governor held a press conference to announce two confirmed presumptive COVID-19 cases – including one case in Delaware County. The county had not yet developed its own health department, and it relied on neighboring Chester County to help inform citizens. It exposed a weakness in Delco and for many of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. Before it created its own health department, Delco was the largest county – by population – without its own health department. Even after its creation, only Bucks, Chester, Montgomery and Philadelphia run their own county-wide health departments. Other counties Read more


Salisbury’s first bill introduced in the House

(May 15, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 15 – State Rep. Abigail Salisbury, D-Allegheny, formally introduced her first bill today as a Pennsylvania state representative, legislation that would help communities address the problem of blighted and abandoned properties. The legislation ( H.B. 1163 ) would update current property law to allow communities to make blighted or abandoned properties subject to potential acquisition by land banks. Owners of such properties would be granted a set amount of time to make the repairs needed to reverse the designation and could appeal the designation. "In my five years as a borough council member, I saw firsthand how these neglected properties can become safety hazards and sources of frustration for communities. As a council member, however, my ability to help neighbors deal with problem properties was often limited by what the law allowed,” Salisbury said. “My goal with this legislation is to add another tool to local governments' toolboxes and help put properties back to productive use. My bill delivers a ‘use it or lose it’ message to urge property owners into action and improve communities' ability to address blight.” Salisbury said her legislation does not require land banks to acquire properties designated as abandoned and/or distressed. Read more


Dire situation: PA needs to expand access to contraceptives

(May 12, 2023)

“Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, states throughout the nation stripped the rights to access to reproductive health care and limited what had previously been readily available for nearly 50 years,” said Krueger, who represents portions of Delaware County and is a member of the House Majority Leadership Team, serving as the House Majority Caucus Administrator. “This decision not only threatens public health in states that limited access to reproductive health care, but it also threatens public health in states like Pennsylvania – where abortion is safe and legal – by overwhelming health systems with the increased demand coming from out of state to receive essential health care.” Read more


Neilson moves to free up more money to fix roads and bridges

(May 11, 2023)

The leader of the House Transportation Committee this week introduced a bill to ensure more of the tax revenue already collected to fund the construction and maintenance of Pennsylvania’s transportation infrastructure is used for its intended purpose. The committee’s majority chairman Ed Neilson, D-Phila., said the plan outlined in HB 1162, with bipartisan sponsorship, reflects the proposal made by Gov. Josh Shapiro to gradually reduce the portion of the state’s Motor License Fund being diverted to fund the State Police. “Drivers in Pennsylvania are keenly aware of the state tax they pay on the fuel they purchase,” Neilson said. “They’ve historically understood that this money goes for keeping roads and bridges in drivable condition. But in recent years a substantial part of that money has been going to the State Police, meaning fewer roads and bridges got the attention they need. “It’s time for the legislature to fix this and rededicate all of the gas tax money to our state’s transportation needs,” he said. The decades-old Motor License Fund is a dedicated state account consisting of gas tax revenue and money from other transportation-related license and vehicle fees. In recent years, increasing amounts were diverted from the fund annually to pay for State Police operations. The transfer peaked at over $800 million in the 2016-17 budget year but was gradually reduced by the General Assembly and Read more


Roundtable highlights work by Family Promise to support families

(May 10, 2023)

“The pandemic exposed some of the state’s most serious problems, including a lack of affordable housing and a lack of proper funding for numerous human services that are supposed to serve as safety nets on Pennsylvania’s worst days,” said Rep. Ben Sanchez, who co-hosted the event. “Fortunately, in Montgomery County we saw dedicated organizations, like Family Promise, help ensure that homelessness and hunger are rare and brief for many families and children.” Read more


Schweyer: Helping our heroes take the next step

(May 10, 2023)

House Democrats want to make sure we do our small part to repay the sacrifice of our servicemembers and their families. We can start by doing everything we can to make it easier for families of our men and women in uniform to afford the education they need for a better future. Read more


State House moves Brennan bills on workers’ compensation, ‘cop killer bullets’

(May 10, 2023)

“It's our job as state legislators to stand up for the rights of Pennsylvania’s working people. In our commonwealth, an employee cannot sue their employer regarding a workplace injury – the workers’ compensation system is their only relief if something horrible happens to them on the job,” Brennan said. Read more


Policy roundtable explores link between historical preservation and economic development

(May 09, 2023)

The House Majority Policy Committee convened a roundtable discussion in Montgomery County Tuesday morning to explore how historical preservation can increase tourism and drive economic development. Read more


Ciresi introduces legislation to pay down unfunded liabilities in state pension systems

(May 09, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 9 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, yesterday introduced legislation (H.B. 1137) to pay down the unfunded liabilities in the state and school employees’ pensions systems using state surplus funds to relieve tax burdens on local taxpayers and school districts. “While our teachers and state employees deserve the retirements they were promised, the unfunded liabilities in our state pension systems – accumulated years and decades ago – increases costs for our taxpayers and school districts as we work to pay that down,” Ciresi said. “My bill would help provide relief by using our state’s surplus funds to reduce these unfunded liabilities, saving taxpayers money in the long term and speeding up progress on addressing our public pensions.” According to Ciresi, the state pension systems— the Public School Employees’ Retirement System and the Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System —generate billions of dollars for the economy every year. In 2020 for example, PSERS and SERS supported about 55,000 jobs and provided about $1.2 billion in state tax revenue . Although the pension systems provide a yearly financial windfall, local taxpayers and school districts are required to pay down the pension systems’ unfunded liabilities. These payments significantly increased since pension reforms in 2010 which, in addition to reforming benefits, prompted expanded pension Read more


Policy hearing details need for cyber, charter school reform

(May 08, 2023)

“I have never been shy about saying exactly what is going on, and our current system is taxpayer thievery that has devastated homeowners and local businesses,” said hearing host Rep. Tarah Probst, who represents portions of Monroe and Pike counties. “In the past it has gone unnoticed, and we have had public officials blame increasing school budgets on teachers’ unions. In reality, the reimbursement formula – which isn’t based on actual costs – allows for overinflated tuition payments to cyber and charter schools and has driven school budget increases. We need to reform the law so all schools fall under the same rules.” Read more


PA lawmakers form Progressive Caucus
May 23, 2023

Frankel, Bellmon applaud House passage of gun safety measures
May 22, 2023

O’Mara’s ‘red flag’ legislation passes House
May 22, 2023

Committee OKs Haddock bill to remember 9/11 in schools
May 22, 2023

House Education Committee advances bills to help military families take next steps and plan their future
May 22, 2023

House committee reports out Burns bill to ensure children of deployed military members retain in-state tuition
May 22, 2023

Rabb, Friel Otten announce legislation instituting zero-emission standards for space and water heaters
May 19, 2023

Rabb highlights election-related legislation following Tuesday’s special elections
May 17, 2023

PA House Democratic leadership issues statement on 2023 Primary Election results
May 17, 2023

Harkins appointed to Veterans’ Home Advisory Council for Pennsylvania Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home
May 17, 2023

Speaker of the House highlights Delco Health Department
May 15, 2023

Salisbury’s first bill introduced in the House
May 15, 2023

Dire situation: PA needs to expand access to contraceptives
May 12, 2023

Neilson moves to free up more money to fix roads and bridges
May 11, 2023

Roundtable highlights work by Family Promise to support families
May 10, 2023

Schweyer: Helping our heroes take the next step
May 10, 2023

State House moves Brennan bills on workers’ compensation, ‘cop killer bullets’
May 10, 2023

Policy roundtable explores link between historical preservation and economic development
May 09, 2023

Ciresi introduces legislation to pay down unfunded liabilities in state pension systems
May 09, 2023

Policy hearing details need for cyber, charter school reform
May 08, 2023