Bizzarro, Harkins, Merski: More than $90,000 awarded to provide paid internships for area students, young adults

(Mar 05, 2020)

ERIE, March 5 – Area students and young job seekers will benefit from new internship opportunities, thanks to a $90,189 grant from the state Department of Labor and Industry, state Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, all D-Erie, announced today. The grant to the Northwest Workforce Development Board will fund summer internships that pay a minimum of $10.35 an hour for students and young adults from 16 to 24. “Internships provide a perfect way for students and young adults to get a jump on career readiness by giving them an early, real-world look into the modern workplace,” Bizzarro said. “Those experiences can go a long way toward building confidence in young job seekers, familiarizing them with new technology and making the modern work setting seem more familiar and less daunting.” Harkins agreed, noting, “No amount of classroom training can substitute for actual workplace experience. Summer internships open so many doors: they help young job seekers understand whether their skills are a good match for a given field, they introduce them to the climate and expectations of a modern workplace, and they provide real-time exposure to the latest technology and techniques in rapidly changing modern job settings.” Merski added that the benefits flow both ways, helping employers, as well. “In addition to exposing young job seekers to new skills and learning experiences, Read more


Bizzarro, Harkins, Merski: Nearly $20,000 in grants awarded to fund historical society, children’s museum

(Mar 04, 2020)

ERIE, Mar. 4 – Two state grants totaling $19,528 will benefit the Erie County Historical Society and the expERIEnce Children’s Museum, state Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, all D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said that the Pennsylvania Museum and Historical Society grants include $12,029 to the historical society and $7,499 to the museum. “Securing this funding for the Erie County Historical Society is so important because it’s an investment in preserving our shared history,” Bizzarro said. “With these resources, our region’s dedicated historians can continue preserving the documents, artifacts, structures and other historical items that keep Erie’s unique history alive for future generations.” Harkins said that he agreed and added, “Our historical society’s invaluable work preserving the past gives us insight into how our community has changed and evolved over time. It also gives us a way to pass that history and shared knowledge on from generation to generation so that we don’t lose touch with our past.” Merski added that the funding will bring educational benefits, as well. “Keeping the link to our past alive through physical exhibits is critically important from a learning perspective because real-life objects that can be seen and touched form an impression on kids in ways that textbooks can’t,” he said. “In much the same way, the Read more


Merski to host second ‘Modernizing the Vote’ session March 5

(Mar 03, 2020)

ERIE, Mar. 3 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, is partnering with the Erie County Board of Elections to host a second “Modernizing the Vote” session on Thursday, March 5, in Summit Township. The event will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Summit Township Municipal Building, 1230 Townhall Road West, 16509. “It was encouraging to see a strong turnout at our previous ‘Modernizing the Vote’ event in February because it shows that residents care about staying informed and keeping abreast of the changes to our voting laws,” Merski said. “We’re hosting a second event for people who were unable to make it in February. “Like our prior event, the one Thursday will inform voters about exciting changes, such as no-excuse, mail-in voting, an extended voting period and extended deadlines. It will also feature interactive, hands-on demonstrations of the new voting machines. I’m encouraging everyone to come by and get caught up on the latest changes coming to the Pennsylvania ballot.” Merski said residents wishing to learn more about the “Modernizing the Vote” event should call his office at 814-455-6319. Read more


Merski: More than $586,000 in grants to benefit community, school safety

(Feb 26, 2020)

ERIE, Feb. 26 – Three state grants totaling $586,009 will address community violence and bolster school safety in Erie, state Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, announced today. Merski said the grants – administered by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency – will fund the Community Violence Reduction Project, as well as equipment- and personnel-based resources for Erie County Technical School and Erie Rise Leadership Academy Charter School. “As a parent and former teacher, nothing is more important to me than the security of our kids,” Merski said. “Obtaining this funding will allow our schools to implement equipment-based measures such as new lighting, locks, security cameras and staff to help keep buildings and grounds brighter, safer and more secure. “Equally important, the funding will work to reduce community violence so residents of all ages have a safe place to call home.” Merski said the funding under the School Safety and Security Grant Program includes the following: $300,000 to the City of Erie Community Violence Reduction project. $262,239 to Erie County Technical School for concrete traffic barriers, lockdown kits, a vestibule, a security resource officer and emergency kits. $23,770 to Erie Rise Leadership Academy for lighting, security cameras and biometric locks. The School Safety and Read more


Merski hosting Senior Caregiving Seminar Feb. 26

(Feb 19, 2020)

ERIE, Feb. 19 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, is encouraging seniors, their caregivers and anyone interested in entering this field to attend his Senior Caregiving Seminar on Wednesday, Feb. 26. The event will be held from 4-7 p.m. in the Community Room at 100 State St., Erie, 16507. “Responsibilities of senior caregivers can be as varied and unique as the seniors they serve,” Merski said. “What’s more, as seniors are living longer and opting to stay in their own homes, demand is only growing for responsible, dedicated adults who can be there to assist and support seniors and help them thrive. “My seminar will offer information on all aspects of senior caregiving, from who can be paid to be a caregiver and how to become licensed to how established caregivers can get valuable assistance from the state’s caregiver support program.” Merski added that he is partnering with the Greater Erie Community Action Committee – Erie’s Area Agency on Aging – to ensure participants receive the most accurate, up-to-date information. Those wishing to learn more about the event should call Merski’s district office at 814-455-6319. Read more


Rep. Merski's Winter 2020 Newsletter

(Feb 13, 2020)

As my staff and I enter our second year serving the 2nd Legislative District, I am very proud of our commitment to the people of Erie. Read more


Merski to host ‘Modernizing the Vote’ sessions Feb. 18

(Feb 10, 2020)

ERIE, Feb. 10 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, is partnering with the Erie County Board of Elections to host “Modernizing the Vote” – a Feb. 18 event to educate voters about changes to Pennsylvania’s voting laws. The event will offer two identical sessions: the first from 10 a.m. to noon and the second from 4 to 6 p.m. Both will be held in the H.O. Hirt Auditorium of the Blasco Library, 160 Blasco St. “The new voting laws are bringing exciting changes, and they’ll be taking effect starting with the April 28 primary election,” Merski said. “Some of the changes include no-excuse mail-in voting, an annual mail-in ballot request list, extended deadlines for returning a mail-in or absentee ballot and more time to register to vote. “In addition, residents will see new machines that add protection from hackers by creating a paper trail. The new laws will make voting more convenient, more accessible and more secure, so I’m urging everyone to attend one of my sessions and learn what they need to know now, before it’s time to cast a vote.” Merski said residents wishing to learn more about the “Modernizing the Vote” event should call his office at 814-455-6319. Read more


Merski supports proposed budget’s investments in education, career training, healthy schools

(Feb 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 4 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, released the following statement today in reaction to Gov. Tom Wolf’s 2020-21 budget address: “How we spend our state resources determines the direction our state takes. When we invest in our people – from our students to our seniors – we all move forward. After hearing the governor’s proposed budget plan for the year ahead, I’m encouraged that it’s a plan that can move us in the right direction – without adding any new tax burden to residents. “I’m especially encouraged by the plan’s focus on education, including an additional $30 million to fund high-quality pre-K. As a teacher for many years, I know that a quality education is the starting point that lays the groundwork for all successes that flow later. When kids are given the right start, they achieve and succeed – and our entire state grows and prospers based on those successes. “Equally important to classroom learning is a healthy school environment. I strongly support the governor’s proposed funding to address lead and asbestos hazards in our schools; the health of our students is paramount, and they can’t learn and thrive in a toxic environment. “I’m encouraged that in addition to strong educational funding, the budget plan proposes strong continued investments in workforce development. Career and technical training Read more