Harkins, Merski: Nearly $220,000 in funding to help food banks meet greater demand

(May 21, 2020)

ERIE, May 21 – State grants totaling $219,243 will help three Erie food banks serve the greater numbers of residents impacted by food insecurity because of the COVID-19 pandemic, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. “Our local food banks have always played a key role in helping low-income families combat food insecurity,” Harkins said. “But when the pandemic hit, it drove up demand, bringing logistical challenges. “Banks are partnering with new providers, such as farms, to meet the increased demand, but preparing, storing and transporting larger amounts of food requires additional resources. This funding is going to provide those resources so our local food banks can meet the needs of more families quickly and efficiently.” The representatives said the funding is going to help these important community providers connect more people with food and help them combat food insecurity. Merski said, “Fast, safe and efficient food distribution depends on the right equipment and transportation. This funding is going to help our local food banks purchase the additional equipment they need – such as refrigerated trucks and vehicles – to ensure that food gets to a broader sector of the community.” The grants were awarded under the Food Recovery Infrastructure Grant Program and include $95,000 to Emmaus Ministries. $70,902 to Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest Read more


Harkins, Merski: More than $1 million to help Erie child care providers safely reopen

(May 20, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 20 – Erie County child care providers will receive more than $1 million in federal CARES Act funding to help them safely reopen their doors, state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said the funding will ensure these businesses are able to resume operations while providing the safest possible environment. “As residents return to work and the economy reopens, it’s critical for families to be able to rely on good child care,” Merski said. “But it’s equally important for parents to have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their children are returning to a safe, sanitary environment. This funding is going to help providers restore services, while also providing new protections.” Harkins said, “Our child care providers are so much more than a place for parents to bring their children for safekeeping. They stimulate our kids’ minds and provide a place for early learning and first friendships. That said, safety is still priority No. 1, and the pandemic has created a brand-new set of challenges. Thanks to this funding, our providers will have the resources needed to meet those challenges.” The funding is part of an initial $51 million round of funding that will go to nearly 7,000 child care centers statewide preparing to reopen. In all, Pennsylvania will receive a total of $106 million in funding to Read more


Harkins, Merski: New law will bring earlier tax, rent rebates

(May 19, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 19 – Seniors and other Erie residents approved for property tax or rent rebates will no longer have to wait for July to receive their payments, thanks to a new law authorizing the state to process and distribute those rebates on a first-in-first-out basis, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. “The pandemic has created insecurity and strained budgets all around, but those problems are intensified for vulnerable, low-income seniors who are living on fixed incomes and possibly struggling with food insecurity,” Harkins said. “I supported this law because it gets rebate money into the hands of eligible seniors at a time when the funds are most needed to bring a greater measure of security. I’m urging residents who have not already done so to apply now so they can receive their rebates as soon as possible.” Merski said, “In previous years, residents had to wait until July for rebates to be distributed. The new law means that homeowners and renters who apply will be able to get their rebates much earlier. It’s a smart improvement to an important law, and one that is especially helpful right now, as residents deal with the challenges the pandemic brings.” The state will begin issuing rebates under the new law as early as tomorrow. More information about the law is available here. Read more


Harkins, Merski: Nearly $8.7 million to Erie schools to support continued learning during pandemic

(May 07, 2020)

ERIE, May 7 – Area school districts will receive approximately $8.68 million in federal funding under the CARES Act to ensure students have the resources they need to continue learning during the pandemic, state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said the funding to five school districts and their schools will be key to helping develop and deliver ongoing education and supports. “Like every aspect of life, our kids’ education came to a standstill during pandemic,” Merski said. “It was reassuring to see our dedicated teachers return to the job eager to provide online and remote lessons. But revamping the system to offer the maximum benefit requires planning, purchasing, student supports and a host of other resources. “Securing this funding will not only help get the framework in place, it will ensure that our Erie students have the resources they need to continue learning and thriving in this new environment, now and into the future.” Harkins said, “Although remote learning can’t take the place of the rich classroom experience students receive with peers, it’s an essential substitute for times like these, when safety requires distancing. The funding on the way will ensure that our students remain safe and have the equipment and other resources they need to succeed, regardless of household income.” The lawmakers Read more


Gaming Committee approves bill to keep service clubs afloat

(May 06, 2020)

ERIE, May 6 – A bill approved yesterday by the House Gaming Oversight Committee would help bolster local service clubs that have been forced to close their doors during the pandemic by allowing them to tap into a greater share of gaming revenue to fund operating expenses, state Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, announced. Merski, a committee member who joined in the unanimous vote, said H.B. 777 would allow service organizations that raise money for charity to use 100% of the revenue they receive from small games of chance to fund operating expenses during an emergency disaster. Under current law, 60% of that revenue goes to charity, and the other 40% remains with the clubs. “These service clubs reflect the heart of our community – they’re gathering spots for our veterans and places for residents to connect and raise money for charity and community projects,” Merski said. “But when the pandemic struck and forced them to close their doors, they lost the revenue they need to survive. “I supported this bill because it would throw these organizations a lifeline by allowing them to keep all the revenue they raise during times of emergency and use it for operating expenses such as rent, payroll and utilities. That way, when our local businesses reopen and activities resume, these vital clubs that do so much for our community will come back to life, as well.” The bill next heads to the House for Read more


Harkins, Merski vote for comprehensive COVID-19 testing

(May 05, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 5 – Pennsylvania moved one step closer to providing residents with meaningful COVID-19 testing Monday after the House voted to develop and implement a testing plan, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski announced. Harkins and Merski, both D-Erie, said H.B. 2455 would require the state to first develop and then fund a comprehensive testing plan. Funding would include resources for development and manufacturing of testing equipment and supplies, contact tracing and other measures. Health care and other essential workers would be given testing priority once the plan was activated. “Like other communities on the verge of reopening, our residents and small-business owners welcome these first steps on the path back to normal,” Harkins said. “But without adequate testing, we’re flying blind because we can’t fully assess the nature of the risk. This legislation would do something to address this very real problem by getting a testing plan in the works.” Merski said: “We have some excellent safety protocols in place, but it isn’t practical or realistic to assume those blanket efforts will protect us in the long haul, after we’ve opened up our communities. We can’t fight what we can’t identify, and we need to pinpoint who is at risk so we can target our efforts, learn who is or is not at risk, and act accordingly. I’m glad the bill passed Read more


Merski: $100,000 loan will help longstanding Erie employer power back up

(May 05, 2020)

ERIE, May 5 – A $100,000 loan will help a longstanding area employer get back to full-speed operations as Erie’s economy begins reopening, state Rep. Bob Merski announced today. Merski, D-Erie, said the loan to Hoffman Industrial Co. under the COVID-19 Working Capital Access Program will provide key assistance to the Erie-based rigging and machinery-moving company. “The pandemic brought so many of our local businesses to a grinding halt,” Merski said. “With construction returning throughout the state, those companies are eagerly resuming operations, but it isn’t as simple as flipping a switch. “Companies like Hoffman need access to working capital to cover operating expenses and power back up smoothly. This loan is going to help make that happen and provide a boost to an important area employer.” The loan to Hoffman Industries is part of a package of third-round funding under the CWCA program, which provides loans of up to $100,000 for businesses with 100 or fewer employees that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest round of funding includes $14 million in loans to 173 companies in 39 counties. In addition to businesses like Hoffman, the latest round also supports restaurants, wellness centers, wineries and breweries, consulting firms, and salons and spas. The complete list of funded projects is available Read more


Harkins, Merski: House unanimously passes bill to prevent state, local taxation of stimulus payments

(May 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 4 – Pennsylvanians would not have to surrender any portion of their federal stimulus checks to state or local taxes under a bill the House passed unanimously today, announced state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie. Merski and Harkins said they voted for H.B. 2408 – which would exempt cash payments to individuals and couples under the CARES Act from state and local taxation – to ensure residents receive the maximum benefit from the emergency federal funding. “The pandemic dealt a huge blow to working families that no one could have expected or prepared for,” Merski said. “It was a tidal wave, and it wiped out household budgets that were already stretched to the limit. Now, Erie families need every single dollar to help them get back on their feet. I’m glad we’re one step to closer to ensuring that happens.” Harkins agreed, saying: “The CARES Act was meant to help residents hurt by the pandemic, not to supplement the state treasury. The dollars it authorizes are intended to keep food on the table and make sure families can purchase prescriptions and pay rent. Taxing any part of that is taking away money Erie residents need to survive. I’m encouraged that this bill passed unanimously today.” CARES Act stimulus payments to individuals and couples are not subject to federal taxation. The bill Read more


Harkins, Merski support expansion of allowable business activities for real estate

(Apr 28, 2020)

HARRISBURG, April 28 – State Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, expressed their support for newly released state guidance authorizing certain in-person activities related to real estate transactions. The lawmakers said the guidance – which allows resumption of certain activities by appraisers, notaries, home inspectors and title companies – are positive steps that can be accomplished without compromising public safety. “The guidance issued today allows these professionals to resume their work, provided they follow safety guidance from Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” Harkins said. “The move fits with our state strategy of opening up PA business in a safe, deliberate way that benefits our workers while also protecting the public safety.” Merski agreed, noting that residents also stand to benefit from the new guidance. “The guidance is one more step toward getting us back to business,” Merski said. “When the pandemic swept in, it brought so much of daily life to a standstill. Real estate has been one of the many sectors affected, which has made it extremely difficult for Pennsylvanians with ongoing transactions to complete them. The guidance announced today makes sense and will allow us to start opening the door for those sales.” More information on the updated guidance for real estate industry professionals can be Read more


Merski: Reopen of golf courses, marinas, private campgrounds more steps in the right direction

(Apr 28, 2020)

ERIE, April 28 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, praised Gov. Tom Wolf’s decision Monday to permit golf courses, private campgrounds and marinas to reopen and guided fishing trips to resume May 1. “I supported legislation to permit these businesses to reopen with safety guidelines because I believe the move will help rejuvenate our economy while benefiting residents,” Merski said. “I’m so glad the governor heard us and developed a plan to open these businesses safely.” Merski said the news, together with last week’s announcement that construction may resume May 1, shows that efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19 are working. “Erie residents have diligently abided by stay-at-home orders, social distancing and other restrictions, and those measures are working,” he said. “But everyone is feeling the effects of confinement and the tension of uncertainty the pandemic has brought. This latest move to reopen these outdoor businesses brings hope that signs of life will continue returning to the economy while giving residents more opportunities to get out in the sunshine and get some stress-relieving exercise." Merski emphasized that businesses must abide by updated life-sustaining business guidance , and residents must follow CDC guidance for visiting parks and recreational facilities , including practicing social distancing and good hygiene, staying Read more


Merski supporting ‘PA HEALS’ legislation

(Apr 27, 2020)

ERIE, April 27 – Calling it a good way to power up small, locally owned businesses that have been failed by rapidly depleted loan programs, state Rep. Bob Merski is supporting “PA HEALS” – a package of bills aimed at creating new funding opportunities for the small businesses that create jobs and drive the local economy. Merski, D-Erie, said he is co-sponsoring PA HEALS to ensure the neighborhood businesses key to Erie’s vitality are there when the economy reopens. “Small businesses truly are the heart of our local economy and benefit our community in unique ways large, big-box stores can’t. Studies show neighborhood businesses circulate more money back into the local economy; employ more people per unit of sales; retain more employees during economic downturns; and are associated with higher community income and lower poverty levels,” Merski said. “For these reasons, it’s obvious that getting our small businesses back up and running as soon as the economy reopens benefits our entire community. Unfortunately, our small business owners have been trying to tap into funding streams that run dry before they even get to the well. The PA HEALS package of bills proposes innovative funding solutions to revive our small businesses and nonprofits now, so they’ll be back to benefit the community when the economy reopens.” Merski said the bill Read more


Merski: Governor’s job reopen announcement a step in the right direction

(Apr 21, 2020)

ERIE, April 20 – Calling it a hopeful first step for many of Erie’s workers and small businesses, state Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, praised Gov. Tom Wolf’s announcement today that the state will reopen online auto sales with the signing of legislation today and will allow limited construction activity beginning May 8. “Our workers and small business owners have been frustrated,” Merski said. “While they understand the need for safety, they have been waiting to return to work, to being productive and to providing for their families. “The governor’s announcement today makes the health and safety of the public the priority. It removes a barrier for some workers while ensuring that they will be returning to safe work environments – solitary jobs or those that can be performed safely with masks and social distancing. “It’s the right decision to support our workers and get our economy back on track.” Read more


Merski urging residents to turn on their porch lights for ‘Light Up Erie’

(Apr 14, 2020)

ERIE, April 14 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, is encouraging residents to turn on their porch lights at 8 p.m. Friday, April 17 to show their support and appreciation for Erie’s medical community and other essential frontline workers. Merski is teaming up with Erie News Now, the city and the county to sponsor “Light Up Erie,” an event recognizing the lifesaving and life-sustaining efforts of those who continue working during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our frontline workers have always been there for us – real-world heroes like the police, firefighters and emergency medical workers who risk their lives to keep us safe,” Merski said. “Now, COVID-19 is creating new heroes on the front lines. They’re the medical professionals and health care workers who battle the virus every day at their own peril to save lives. They’re also the workers who show up and work extended hours to keep our grocery shelves stocked, our medications available and our deliveries coming. “By providing a lifeline to essential services and goods, these heroes are making it possible for us to carry on in these challenging times. 'Light Up Erie' is a great opportunity to thank them and let them know how much we appreciate them – even when we can’t tell them to their faces. I encourage everyone in our community to participate – it’s a small act that will send a powerful message.” Read more


Merski calls on community for strong U.S. Census response

(Apr 01, 2020)

ERIE, April 1 – Calling it essential to Erie’s ongoing access to federally funded programs and services, state Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, called on everyone in the community to respond to the U.S. census. “It’s hard to overestimate how important our community’s response is,” Merski said. “The federal government uses the census count information it receives every 10 years to determine how to allocate billions in funding – money for schools, roads, hospitals and more. Based on the last census, Pennsylvania receives nearly $27 billion annually for critical programs and services. “The count also determines the number of U.S. representatives we’re allotted, so it affects the strength of our voice in the halls of Congress. “Now, it’s time for everyone to be counted again, and today – on Census Day – I’m asking everyone to do their part. If we all get counted, we end up stronger because of it.” Merski emphasized that because census answers can’t be used against an individual, and data security is managed by security experts operating at the highest levels, residents should not be concerned about safety or security. Moreover, the law prohibits the U.S. Census Bureau from releasing any information that identifies individuals, under penalty of large fines and possible prison time. He added that although Read more


Fill out the 2020 census!

(Mar 30, 2020)

In Pennsylvania, everyone counts and April 1 is National Census Day! If you haven’t already, don't forget to fill out your census form. Our population count determines our voice in government and how much federal funding we’ll receive for education, health care, transportation and more. Whether you respond online, mail or by phone , participate and help shape PA’s future. Your responses are anonymous and protected by law. To learn more, visit pa.gov/census #PAcounts #2020Census Read more


Merski, Harkins: House unanimously passes COVID-19 response bills

(Mar 25, 2020)

ERIE, March 25 – The House today unanimously passed bills that would temporarily change the way students learn and Pennsylvanians vote during the COVID-19 epidemic, state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie, announced. Merski said he and Harkins both supported the amended S.B. 751 – which eliminates the 180-day requirement for all the commonwealth’s schools and authorizes the state Education secretary to keep schools closed until after the COVID-19 epidemic is over. “Difficult times call for creative solutions,” Merski said. “Pennsylvania’s incredibly dedicated teachers are ready to rise to that challenge by providing online lessons and resources to keep our kids learning and let them understand that although their routines may have changed, their education is still the No. 1 priority. “This bill would provide the flexibility for that to happen, while also ensuring that these teachers and other school workers are continued to be paid for their work.” Harkins and Merski also supported S.B. 422 , which would postpone the state primary to June 2 to give counties extra time to make adjustments and allow polling places to be consolidated and moved out of high-risk areas, among other things. “The COVID-19 crisis has changed nearly every aspect of daily life, and voting is no exception,” Harkins said. Read more


Check out my Community Resource Guide

(Mar 25, 2020)

The following is a link to local resources for Erie residents. Read more


Merski, Harkins support COVID-19 bill package

(Mar 19, 2020)

ERIE, March 19 – State Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie, are supporting a package of bills that will help Pennsylvanians navigate financial challenges resulting from the COVID-19 epidemic. “State efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19 have dramatically changed so many aspects of our daily lives,” Merski said. “From businesses being forced to close their doors to workers being told not to come in, the impact is being felt across the state. “As lawmakers, it’s incumbent on us to be proactive and take steps that will lessen the impact on residents. That’s why I’m joining with fellow legislators to support a package of bills that will better prepare residents to meet financial challenges caused by this public health emergency.” Harkins agreed, adding, "We Pennsylvanians are strong, and our communities are caring in times of crisis. This package of bills will help ensure that, as we work our way through this unfamiliar territory, we all make it through together and with as little impact as possible." The lawmakers said the bill package includes measures that would: provide a 60-day extension for filing state income tax returns due to an emergency declaration over COVID-19. extend the application deadline of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program until all funds are expended. provide funding for all voters to vote by Read more


COVID-19 Helpful Resources

(Mar 19, 2020)

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic affecting Pennsylvania, we wanted to provide you with the following resources and information to help you and your family in the days ahead. Please note that this webpage will be updated as needed with additional information and resources. State Services and Resources The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has created a COVID-19 guide to assist everyone. It includes information on social distancing, mental health resources, unemployment, food assistance, changes from PennDOT and resources for small business: https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-covid-19/ For individuals : https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-covid-19/#ForIndividuals For families : https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-covid-19/#ForFamilies For businesses : https://dced.pa.gov/resources COVID Support for PA Businesses : The following provides information and and links to federal, state, local and private resources. https://www.pahouse.com/News/?id=113388 **Self-employed, independent contractors, gig economy workers: Apply here for federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits .** https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-covid-19/#ForBusinessesUtilities Information from the PA Dept. of Labor and Industry on the federal CARES Act: https://www.uc.pa.gov/COVID-19/CARES-Act/Pages/default.aspx The following link provides you with Read more


Harkins, Merski: $5,000 grant to fund census outreach

(Mar 18, 2020)

ERIE, March 18 – A $5,000 state grant will fund efforts to promote awareness of and participation in the U.S. Census, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. The grant to Culture, Arts, Festivals and Events of Erie, funded by the Department of Community and Economic Development, will fund outreach efforts “Census response is critical, because it ensures that our community gets its share of resources for infrastructure, schools, hospitals and other essential resources,” Harkins said. “That only happens if folks do their part and respond, and we need to spread the word about that.” Merski agreed, noting: “This grant will fund outreach to raise awareness about the census and about how important participation is. We need to bring federal dollars back to Erie, where they can go to work for the people.” The grant was awarded under the Census 2020 Outreach Grant Program, a tool to support grassroots efforts promoting awareness and participation in the 2020 Census across Pennsylvania. The program focuses on supporting efforts that target hard-to-count populations including, but not limited to, those who do not speak English as their primary language; ethnic minority, immigrant, and rural communities; children; the elderly; the LGBTQ population; and people experiencing homelessness. Read more


Harkins, Merski: Nearly $220,000 in funding to help food banks meet greater demand
May 21, 2020

Harkins, Merski: More than $1 million to help Erie child care providers safely reopen
May 20, 2020

Harkins, Merski: New law will bring earlier tax, rent rebates
May 19, 2020

Harkins, Merski: Nearly $8.7 million to Erie schools to support continued learning during pandemic
May 07, 2020

Gaming Committee approves bill to keep service clubs afloat
May 06, 2020

Harkins, Merski vote for comprehensive COVID-19 testing
May 05, 2020

Merski: $100,000 loan will help longstanding Erie employer power back up
May 05, 2020

Harkins, Merski: House unanimously passes bill to prevent state, local taxation of stimulus payments
May 04, 2020

Harkins, Merski support expansion of allowable business activities for real estate
Apr 28, 2020

Merski: Reopen of golf courses, marinas, private campgrounds more steps in the right direction
Apr 28, 2020

Merski supporting ‘PA HEALS’ legislation
Apr 27, 2020

Merski: Governor’s job reopen announcement a step in the right direction
Apr 21, 2020

Merski urging residents to turn on their porch lights for ‘Light Up Erie’
Apr 14, 2020

Merski calls on community for strong U.S. Census response
Apr 01, 2020

Fill out the 2020 census!
Mar 30, 2020

Merski, Harkins: House unanimously passes COVID-19 response bills
Mar 25, 2020

Check out my Community Resource Guide
Mar 25, 2020

Merski, Harkins support COVID-19 bill package
Mar 19, 2020

COVID-19 Helpful Resources
Mar 19, 2020

Harkins, Merski: $5,000 grant to fund census outreach
Mar 18, 2020