A list of grant opportunities available right now

(Jun 29, 2021)

From support for local businesses to job training, there are a number of grant funding opportunities in Pennsylvania. Here's a look at what's available right now. Read more


House Democrats: state budget full of missed opportunities

(Jun 25, 2021)

There are billions of dollars in surplus money that belongs to the people and should have been used to help fairly fund every school and maybe even cut property taxes for homeowners. I am determined to keep fighting to invest this funding into families across the commonwealth. Read more


Does the state have your unclaimed property? McClinton's office can help you find out!

(Jun 25, 2021)

House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton says there is more than $3.2 million of unclaimed property and money within the communities she serves. Read more


McClinton recognizes Latino Caucus in Pa. General Assembly

(Jun 22, 2021)

House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton is applauding the Latino Affairs Caucus, calling it a reflection of the diverse communities that make up Pennsylvania. “We’ve come so far since the first Puerto Rican members were sworn into the state House, dating back to German Quiles in 1969 and Ralph Acosta some 15 years later,” explained McClinton. “Today, I’m proud to see individuals like Rep. Danilo Burgos in Philadelphia, who is the first Dominican elected to serve in the Pennsylvania General Assembly, adding to the largest delegation to date of Latino members.” Led by state Rep. Angel Cruz, D-Phila., the Latino Affairs Caucus is the first formal bicameral and bipartisan caucus, focusing on issues and policies important to Latinx communities in the commonwealth. “As Pennsylvania’s Latino population has increased over the years, I’m excited to see the number of Latinx members has grown in the state legislature as well,” said Cruz, D-Phila. “Having lawmakers from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds helps strengthen our ability to ensure every voice is heard in Harrisburg.” Other members of the Latino Affairs Caucus include state Reps. Liz Hanbidge and Ben Sanchez, both D-Montgomery, and Manuel Guzman, D-Berks, who is a freshman legislator serving Reading, which is home to the largest community of Latinos in Pennsylvania. "This dedicated group Read more


Reducing gun violence requires a COVID-19 pandemic response

(Jun 17, 2021)

The same type of collaborative effort used to help stop the spread of COVID-19 is needed to combat gun violence. Read more


House & Senate Democrats join Gov. Wolf to call for investing in schools, delivering equity for all students

(Jun 08, 2021)

It’s impossible to calculate how much we have lost as a state, as a society, thanks to inequitable funding leaving kids behind instead of growing their unlimited potential. It’s time to make sure the playing field is level. It’s time to make sure a line drawn on a map decades ago isn’t a ticket to success for one child while being a ticket to struggle for another. We’ve had the tools, now we have the money. Let’s do this right.” Read more


McClinton commends awarding of $100,000 grant to repair historic buildings in Bartram’s Garden

(Jun 03, 2021)

House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton announced today that $100,000 in state funding is going to make critical repairs to two of Bartram’s Garden’s most historically significant buildings. McClinton said the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission awarded the Keystone Historic Preservation grant to the John Bartram Association to fix the roofs and masonry of the county’s oldest barn built in 1775 and the adjacent stable built in 1743. “Not only does Bartram’s Garden provide a safe outdoor space for our neighbors to enjoy, but it also attracts tens of thousands of visitors every year to southwest Philly,” said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. “It’s imperative we continue investing these types of dollars in protecting this historic landmark so our local economy and families near and far can benefit for generations to come.” The nonprofit John Bartram Association works to maintain and enhance the 45-acre National Historic Landmark Bartram's Garden and House, as well as inspire people of all ages to care for the natural world through gardening and art. Keystone Historic Preservation Grants provide funding to support projects that identify, preserve, promote and protect historic and archaeological resources in Pennsylvania for both the benefit of the Read more


House Democrats seek to prevent prison gerrymandering

(May 26, 2021)

“It’s better for the purposes of drawing our legislative districts, which are population-based, to count these individuals in the communities they call home. It will result in better, more even representation for all Pennsylvanians.” Read more


McClinton commends the more than $316,000 in state funding awarded to reduce blight in her West Philly and Delco communities

(May 26, 2021)

House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton is applauding $316,650 in state grants that will help to reduce blight in West Philadelphia and Darby Borough. McClinton said the funding was awarded through the Commonwealth Financing Authority’s Blight Remediation Program and will be dispersed as follows: $16,650 to the nonprofit organization ACHIEVEability to create a comprehensive plan to address blighted and vacant commercial properties affecting West Philadelphia business corridors – specifically focusing on 46 th to 63 rd Market Street as well as the 60 th Street Commercial Corridor. $300,000 will support Darby Borough’s remediation project, which involves acquiring and demolishing properties located at 621 Main St. and 304 Marks Ave. “Cleaning up our communities and investing in long-term improvements not only attracts new people and businesses to our neighborhoods but entices those already here to stay, which ultimately strengthens our local economy,” said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. “Blight has also been connected to higher crime rates. By securing these dollars, we help create a safer environment for our neighbors.” The Commonwealth Financing Authority is an independent agency of the Department of Community and Economic Development focused on fostering economic growth. More information about these grants can be found here . Read more


Rep. McClinton comments on Inspector General’s report

(May 26, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 26 – House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton made this statement after today’s release of a report by the state Inspector General about the Department of State’s failure to advertise a constitutional amendment in the summer of 2020 which halted a ballot question from being put to voters this year: “I want to thank the inspector general for this thorough and complete report. It answers the questions we had about what occurred and I applaud Governor Wolf for making sure it is public. “We were frankly surprised to learn that, throughout multiple administrations since the Pennsylvania Constitution outlined a process for amendments, it appears there were never any written procedures in place to ensure that amendments are advertised. I know the Wolf administration has already implemented policies and procedures to make sure that such an omission is never repeated. “As we are taking stock of this, I call on the Senate leadership to speedily bring up and pass House Bill 951 sponsored by Rep. Mark Rozzi. This is a statutory solution that will end the needless suffering still being endured by so many adult victims of childhood sexual abuse who are simply waiting to have their day in court.” Read more


PA Rescue Plan, $1.7 billion investment in workers’ focus of House Democratic leaders’ rally in State College Wednesday

(May 11, 2021)

STATE COLLEGE, May 11 – The workers who have been hit hardest by the pandemic need support. The PA House Democratic leadership team is hosting a rally Wednesday to make the case for workers’ rights to a fair wage, hazard pay and paid family and sick leave and how the PA Rescue plan would do just that. The rally will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 12 at The Borough Building, 243 S. Allen St., State College . The media is encouraged to attend. The PA Rescue Plan includes more than $1.5 billion for job training, hazard pay, wage boosts for direct-care workers and job creation efforts to kickstart the economy in communities across the state. The PRP aims to ensure federal American Rescue Plan funding is invested for immediate impact and long-term success. Additional information about the plan is available at www.pahouse.com/parescueplan . Read more


Green collar jobs and clean energy investments focus of PA Rescue Plan hearing

(May 10, 2021)

PHILADELPHIA, May 10 – House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton today hosted a public hearing highlighting her caucus’s proposal to invest federal funding to help Pennsylvania recover, restore and reimagine, starting with investments in green collar jobs. The House Democratic Policy Committee hearing, held at the Community College of Philadelphia, focused on investments in clean energy and how the proposed $50 million investment would get Pennsylvanians back to work in jobs that pay livable wages. The committee heard testimony from: Dr. Donald Guy Generals, president, Community College of Philadelphia; Michael Neill, apprentice training director, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 98; Brian Myers, assistant apprentice training director, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 98; and Anna Shipp, executive director, Green Stormwater Infrastructure Partners, Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia. “Green collar jobs are high-tech, high-wage and the fastest-growing career sector in any industry,” said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. “By investing in the clean energy industry and supporting job training to get workers on the job, the PA Rescue Plan is creating a greener future in more ways than one.” State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, chairman of the Policy Committee added, “The last year doesn’t have to cripple our future. We can use federal dollars to help make Pennsylvania a leader in creating Read more


Powering Green Collar Jobs focus of Monday hearing with Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton

(May 06, 2021)

PHILADELPHIA, May 6 – The Community College of Philadelphia will serve as the backdrop for a House Democratic Policy Committee hearing hosted by Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton on The PA Rescue Plan: Powering Green Collar Jobs. The hearing will be held at 9 a.m. Monday, May 10 at the Community College of Philadelphia, P avilion Building,-- located at 1700 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia . Press and attendees should enter in front of the building on 17th St. The PA Rescue Plan aims to ensure federal American Rescue Plan funding is invested for immediate impact and long-term success. Additional information about the plan is available at www.pahouse.com/parescueplan . Read more


House Democrats touring the state to talk with the people about the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan

(May 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 5 – After weeks of gathering public support for the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan to invest federal dollars to do the most good for working families, the House Democratic Leadership team released the following statement on the next steps to discuss the plan and how it would help us recover, restore and reimagine a better future coming back from COVID-19. “Next week more than $7 billion is coming to the Keystone State as part of the American Rescue Plan, and we have to make sure that money is invested properly, not hidden away in a government vault for a rainy day – because it’s hard to imagine a storm that could hit harder than COVID-19. People need help now. “As USA TODAY network coverage noted, House Democrats have a plan that helps schools, workers, businesses, families, renters, landlords and more while Republicans have no plan to distribute the funds. We urge the majority party to get on board and do the right thing for people everywhere. “We’ve received an overwhelming response to the PA Rescue Plan so far, and next week we’ll be taking the plan to the people with a statewide tour – starting Monday in Philadelphia and Reading talking about investing in infrastructure and rebuilding our downtowns, continuing Tuesday in Pittsburgh and Erie discussing housing, Wednesday in Harrisburg and State College talking worker pay, and finishing up on Thursday in Scranton and Allentown to discuss helping Read more


McClinton applauds the first COVID-19 vaccine clinic in southwest Philly

(May 04, 2021)

House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton is applauding the collaborative effort that brought the first COVID-19 vaccine clinic to southwest Philadelphia today. McClinton’s office joined the offices of state Sen. Anthony Williams and city Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson along with Congressman Dwight Evans and Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon at the New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, where Rite Aid administered the Moderna vaccine to roughly 55 people, adding to the more than 1.2 million doses that have been given in Philadelphia. “The COVID-19 vaccine is key to helping us build real immunity, protect each other from the virus and get on the pathway to normalcy. Today’s clinic was the latest effort to ensure our communities of color have access to this critical opportunity,” said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. “Our office is blessed to work with dedicated community partners and leaders who share our commitment to put the health of our neighbors first and make events like this possible.” Along with the vaccine, McClinton is also fighting to help her communities make it through the pandemic safely by pushing the House Democrats’ PA Rescue Plan that would ensure the more than $7 billion in federal funds allocated to the commonwealth through the American Rescue Plan gets to the people hardest hit by this health crisis. “Our initiative would invest in our local businesses, working families, schools Read more


Spring 2021 Newsletter!

(Apr 29, 2021)

From voting reminders and COVID-19 assistance to the latest happenings in Harrisburg and across the community, House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton's spring newsletter includes important resources for the people she serves. Readers can find the Philly version here and the Delco version here . As a reminder, if individuals have questions or concerns regarding a state-related matter, please contact McClinton’s office: (215) 748-6712. Read more


VIDEO: McClinton Stresses the Importance of the COVID-19 Vaccine

(Apr 29, 2021)

In her ongoing efforts to protect her communities during this health crisis, House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton is stressing how important the COVID-19 vaccine is to building real immunity to the virus and moving Pennsylvania past this pandemic safely. Read more


McClinton applauds nearly $171,000 in grant funding to improve local parks

(Apr 21, 2021)

In her ongoing effort to revitalize local outdoor spaces, state Rep. Joanna McClinton announced today that $170,947 in state grants is going to improve Cobbs Creek and Robert Wilson III parks in Philadelphia. McClinton said this funding is part of the Commonwealth Financing Authority’s Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program and will be distributed as follows: $85,000 to extend the Cobbs Creek Trail to connect Cobbs Creek Park at Woodland Avenue to Wheeler Street, which will ultimately connect several communities with the trail; an environmental center; a historic cemetery; a revolutionary era landmark; and eventually two more recreation centers and a national wildlife refuge. $85,947 to update Robert Wilson III Park, also known as 61 st and Baltimore Avenue Playground, which includes replacing the existing basketball court and player benches. “Investing in our community parks and green spaces is a key step in providing our neighbors with safe places to spend time with their family and friends,” said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. “These kinds of improvements will also offer our young people the incentive and opportunity to get outside and be productive as we head into the summer months.” The Commonwealth Financing Authority is an independent agency of the Department of Community and Economic Development focused on fostering economic growth. More information about these grants can be found on Read more


House Democratic Leadership continues to push Pennsylvania Rescue Plan to reimagine Pennsylvania’s recovery

(Apr 20, 2021)

Pennsylvanians looking for relief from the hardships of the past year can look to the House Democrats’ Pennsylvania Rescue Plan for solutions that do the most good for the most people. The House Democratic Leadership team released the following statement on how the plan would strengthen communities, help working people and support businesses and families: “We have a unique opportunity to drastically improve the lives of millions of Pennsylvanians with smart investments in people, businesses, health care and our workforce. The Pennsylvania Rescue Plan does just that by directing federal funds to help businesses get back on solid ground, invest in our frontline workers who were essential to getting us through the pandemic, repair our crumbling public schools so students can learn and teachers can teach in a non-toxic environment and strengthen our workforce through training tomorrow’s in-demand employees. Read more


McClinton pinpoints COVID-19 vaccine opportunities in Philly and Delco

(Apr 08, 2021)

In her ongoing effort to keep her communities informed during the pandemic, House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton and her staff are pinpointing where and how their neighbors can access the COVID-19 vaccine: Philadelphia City of Philadelphia Vaccine Interest Form Website: https://covid-vaccine-interest.phila.gov/ Phone Number: 311 or (215) 685-5488 Email: covid@phila.gov Neighborhood Pharmacy Location: 5701 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19139 Website: https://www.neighborhoodpharmacyrx.com Phone: (215) 307-3609 Sayre Health Center Location: Tabernacle Lutheran Church, located at 5843 Spruce St. Philadelphia, PA 19139. Main Phone: (215) 474-4444 University of Pennsylvania Vaccine Interest Form https://vax.pennmedicine.org/?_ga=2.31020216.681626253.1615385208-61616808.1613513487 Phone: 800-789-7366 Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium Website: https://blackdoctorsconsortium.com/free-covid-19-testing/ Location: Liacouras Center 1776 N Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19121 Oak Street Health – Cobbs Creek Office Website: https://www.oakstreethealth.com/covid-19-vaccine Phone: (844) 871-5651) Location: 6232 Market Street, Philadelphia PA 19139 Delaware County Public Drug Prescriptions Location: 6925 Ludlow Read more


A list of grant opportunities available right now
Jun 29, 2021

House Democrats: state budget full of missed opportunities
Jun 25, 2021

Does the state have your unclaimed property? McClinton's office can help you find out!
Jun 25, 2021

McClinton recognizes Latino Caucus in Pa. General Assembly
Jun 22, 2021

Reducing gun violence requires a COVID-19 pandemic response
Jun 17, 2021

House & Senate Democrats join Gov. Wolf to call for investing in schools, delivering equity for all students
Jun 08, 2021

McClinton commends awarding of $100,000 grant to repair historic buildings in Bartram’s Garden
Jun 03, 2021

House Democrats seek to prevent prison gerrymandering
May 26, 2021

McClinton commends the more than $316,000 in state funding awarded to reduce blight in her West Philly and Delco communities
May 26, 2021

Rep. McClinton comments on Inspector General’s report
May 26, 2021

PA Rescue Plan, $1.7 billion investment in workers’ focus of House Democratic leaders’ rally in State College Wednesday
May 11, 2021

Green collar jobs and clean energy investments focus of PA Rescue Plan hearing
May 10, 2021

Powering Green Collar Jobs focus of Monday hearing with Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton
May 06, 2021

House Democrats touring the state to talk with the people about the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan
May 05, 2021

McClinton applauds the first COVID-19 vaccine clinic in southwest Philly
May 04, 2021

Spring 2021 Newsletter!
Apr 29, 2021

VIDEO: McClinton Stresses the Importance of the COVID-19 Vaccine
Apr 29, 2021

McClinton applauds nearly $171,000 in grant funding to improve local parks
Apr 21, 2021

House Democratic Leadership continues to push Pennsylvania Rescue Plan to reimagine Pennsylvania’s recovery
Apr 20, 2021

McClinton pinpoints COVID-19 vaccine opportunities in Philly and Delco
Apr 08, 2021