Matzie: New budget holds the line on taxes, makes important investments

(Jul 08, 2022)

HARRISBURG, July 8 -- State Rep. Rob Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, issued the following statement after casting a “yes” vote for the state budget bill: “Budgets are never easy. We live in a big Commonwealth with many diverse needs. Finding common ground is often difficult. But there were numerous positives, especially to Beaver County, that made it easy to support. “Substantial increases for schools, libraries and community colleges stand out, along with fulfilling our commitments to our state and state-related universities. “Two important areas of particular concern – school safety and mental health awareness/treatment – received large increases, which should help make our schools and communities a bit safer. “Further, my legislation requiring the full use of LIHEAP funding was passed as part of the overall budget package, which will authorize the release of tens of millions of additional dollars to help people pay their utility bills this winter. “At the end of the day, this budget makes a substantial investment in our children and workforce, helps struggling families and funds the core functions of state government, all without raising a tax or fee. For me, that’s always a win, and an easy ‘yes’ vote.” The bill has passed the General Assembly and is now headed for the governor’s desk. Read more


Matzie Pushes for Changes to the LIHEAP Program

(Jun 30, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Rob Matzie addresses proposed changes to the LIHEAP Program. Read more


Matzie Delivers Opening Prayer

(Jun 28, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Robert Matzie gave the opening prayer before legislative business on June 28, 2022. He asked for guidance as lawmakers make decisions on behalf of the Commonwealth Read more


LIHEAP is already a big help, but could be so much more

(Jun 27, 2022)

It’s hard to imagine living without heat in the winter in Pennsylvania. If your furnace has ever died or if you’ve lost power in January, you know what a challenge those few days or even a few hours can be like. For those struggling to make ends meet, this is a very real concern. Thankfully there is a long-running, successful program to help with this issue and it’s called the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or simply, LIHEAP. Read more


Matzie introduces bills to strengthen state’s home energy assistance program

(Jun 20, 2022)

HARRISBURG, June 20 – State Rep. Rob Matzie today introduced a package of bills to ensure that more Pennsylvanians benefit from the state’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, including a bill that would require the state to distribute all the annual federal funding it receives for the program and a measure that would implement the program year-round. As Democratic chairman of the House Consumer Affairs Committee, Matzie said he introduced the legislation to end the state’s harmful practice of withholding some of the annual federal funding it receives – a practice that has kept tens of millions of dollars from getting to families needing it. “These are federal tax dollars coming back home to Pennsylvania,” Matzie said. “We should use every penny. This program has never not been funded – it’s one of the few policy areas in D.C. that has consistently been supported by both sides of the aisle. People are struggling and the electric bill just went up. Something needs done to help families. This can help.” Matzie said his legislation would also broaden LIHEAP to provide year-round assistance. “As the last few years have shown us, cooling in the summer is as important as heat in the winter. People need help year round,” he said. The five bills in Matzie’s package include: H.B. 2691 – would require the state Department of Human Services to expend all of the money it Read more


State Rep. Matzie Holds Hearing on Retail Energy Competition/Consumer Choice

(Jun 15, 2022)

As Chairman of the Pa. House Consumer Affairs Committee, state Rep. Robert Matzie held a public hearing on Retail Energy Competition/Consumer Choice. Matzie believes policy makers need to look into the actual savings these programs can have and who patronizes them. Read more


Matzie: Nearly $600,000 secured for Beaver County housing programs

(Jun 10, 2022)

AMBRIDGE, June 10 – Beaver County housing assistance programs are receiving nearly $600,000 from the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund, state Rep. Rob Matzie announced today. Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, said the funding will expand housing-related services at a critical time. “Everyone needs a safe place to call home, but the pandemic has driven up the need for emergency housing while reducing the out-of-county shelter options that previously filled that need,” Matzie said. “Part of the funding secured today is going to support construction of a new men’s emergency shelter. Other funding will expand rapid rehousing, rent and utility assistance, and home modification programs. All of these dollars will work to bring greater stability to families needing it most.” Matzie said the funding to Beaver County includes: $200,000 to The Cornerstone of Beaver County for shelter operations. $175,000 to The Salvation Army for a rapid rehousing program. $100,000 to the Beaver County Commissioners for a home modification program. $50,000 to Community Development Program of Beaver County for rent/utility assistance. $50,000 to Housing Opportunities of Beaver County, Inc. for reverse mortgage counseling. In addition, Matzie said organization in Allegheny County will receive $600,000 for housing Read more


Matzie: Nearly $400,000 awarded to improve Beaver County probation services, support rehabilitation, reduce recidivism

(Jun 08, 2022)

AMBRIDGE, June 8 – Beaver County is receiving more than $396,000 to strengthen probation services and fund efforts to help non-violent offenders return to the community through restrictive supervision and substance use treatment, state Rep. Rob Matzie announced today. Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, said the funding from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency will improve outcomes while saving taxpayer dollars. “In addition to improving traditional probation and parole services, part of the funding awarded today is going to support the county’s program to divert non-violent offenders away from incarceration and into highly supervised drug and alcohol treatment programs,” Matzie said. “Programs like these save taxpayer dollars on incarceration, while giving people a second chance to overcome substance use disorders, return to their families, and rejoin the community.” Matzie said the funding includes: $282,501 in Continuing County Adult Probation and Parole Grant funds to improve delivery of probation and parole services. $94,967 in Intermediate Punishment Treatment Funds to Beaver County commissioners for County Probation with Restrictive Sanctions for fiscal year 2022-23. $18,600 in unexpended County Intermediate Punishment funds. Matzie said that in addition to the funding to Beaver County, Allegheny County Read more


Matzie Questions Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

(Jun 07, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Robert Matzie learned a great deal about the infrastructure plans in place for EVs or Electric Vehicles during a House Democratic Policy Committee public hearing. In the next ten to 15 years, he says EVs could be the only type of new car people buy. He wants to use skilled labor unions and workers to build up to 4,300 fast-charging stations across the state by 2026, putting the infrastructure in place to provide accessibility to everyone who needs it. At the hearing, Matzie asked about electric vehicle infrastructure across the Commonwealth. As Democratic Chairman of the House Consumer Affairs Committee, Matzie is concerned about consumers taking on the cost of charging stations that they may never use. Matzie also asked about the skilled workforce needed to install electric vehicle infrastructure across Pa. and how this would affect the current electrical grid. Read more


Matzie bills would modernize state’s home energy assistance program

(May 26, 2022)

HARRISBURG, May 26 – State Rep. Rob Matzie announced today that he will be introducing a package of bills to strengthen the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, including a bill to ensure the state fully distributes the annual federal funding it receives to residents in need. Matzie, who is Democratic chairman of the PA House Consumer Affairs Committee, said he is introducing the legislation to end an arbitrary state practice that is hurting low-income families. “Every year, Pennsylvania receives federal funding for home energy assistance, and even though that funding arrives annually, the state makes a policy decision not to use all of it, but to hold some of it back for the following year,” Matzie said. “Some years, the unused portion is $10 million, but this year, it’s estimated to be between $50 million and $100 million. “This funding helps hundreds of thousands of people with a real and immediate need – paying the gas, oil and electric bill. That need doesn’t disappear after the state arbitrarily ends funding for the year. We need to do a better job of driving out those federal dollars – particularly now, with rising inflation and gas prices leaving more families struggling.” Matzie said his five bills would: Require the state Department of Human Services to expend all the federal money it receives annually from the federal government. Create the Retail Electric and Gas Customer Read more


Matzie: Nearly $440,000 awarded for Beaver County recycling programs

(Apr 29, 2022)

AMBRIDGE, April 29 – Three grants totaling nearly $440,000 will help Beaver County communities continue successful recycling programs, state Rep. Rob Matzie announced this week. Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, said the Recycling Development and Implementation grants include $350,000 to Beaver County, $70,000 to Aliquippa City, and nearly $20,000 to Rochester Township. “Recycling programs are energy-savers, job-creators and sensible ways to preserve the resources we hold dear,” Matzie said. “Securing this funding is going to keep these programs running for the residents and small businesses that benefit from them.” Communities can use the funding for projects including operating leaf compost facilities, developing web-based programs on recycling for consumers, expanding recycling processing facilities, installing data-collection systems on recycling vehicles, continuing and creating curbside recycling programs, and developing educational materials to encourage residents to properly recycle. Through the grant program, municipalities and counties in Pennsylvania are eligible for up to 90% funding of approved recycling program costs. Municipalities that are designated financially distressed under the Financial Distressed Communities Act are eligible to receive funding for an additional 10% of approved costs. Grants were also awarded based on programs designed to meet current market demands for recyclable Read more


Matzie praises Biden program to streamline U.S. entry for Ukrainian refugees

(Apr 21, 2022)

AMBRIDGE, April 21 – State Rep. Rob Matzie issued the following statement after President Joe Biden announced the rollout of “Uniting for Ukraine” – a new, streamlined process that allows Ukrainian refugees quick entry into the United States based on humanitarian grounds. “This is the right move by the President,” Matzie said. “Our friends and neighbors, especially those of Ukrainian heritage, continue to look for ways to help. This program expands and streamlines the already secure process of welcoming those seeking safe refuge in our communities.” Matzie and state Rep. Kevin Boyle, D-Philadelphia/Montgomery, are preparing to introduce legislation that would invest $2 million to help Ukrainian refugees arriving in Pennsylvania as a way to speed aid to thousands needing it immediately. Read more


Matzie Offers Opening Prayer

(Apr 13, 2022)

In the last meeting of legislators before the Easter holiday, Pa. state Rep. Rob Matzie gave the opening prayer before House business on April 13, 2022. Matzie spoke about the spirit of Easter and how it offers hope, love and joyful living. He also offered peace and healing by reciting the Prayer of St. Francis. Read more


Matzie lauds pharmacy vaccination efforts, supports legislation to make temporary vaccine authority permanent

(Apr 12, 2022)

HARRISBURG, April 12 – At a Pharmacy Day rally today in Harrisburg, state Rep. Rob Matzie expressed gratitude to Pennsylvania’s pharmacy workers – who administered millions of children’s vaccines during the pandemic under a temporary authorization – and pledged support for legislation that would permanently authorize pharmacists, pharmacy interns and pharmacy technicians to provide childhood immunizations. Matzie – who is co-chair of the bicameral, bipartisan Pharmacy Caucus – called the workers a “literal lifeline” and praised their commitment throughout the pandemic. “All across Pennsylvania, and especially in the southwest, pharmacies are often the only in-person resource for critical healthcare services,” Matzie told the workers gathered on the Capitol steps.“ You are vital to your patients and their health. This has always been true, but never more so than during the pandemic. When crisis came, when times were dark, you stepped up. You stayed open and never closed.” Matzie also said he would work to pass H.B. 1535 – legislation that would allow pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy interns to continue administering any immunization to children 3 or older after obtaining parental consent and completing specific training and education requirements. “We all know – as you’ve proven time and time again – our Read more


Matzie: Pharmacists are a Literal Lifeline

(Apr 12, 2022)

As co-chair of the bicameral bipartisan Pharmacy Caucus, Pa. state Rep. Rob Matzie joined pharmacists and students from across the commonwealth at the state Capitol building to support legislation that would give pharmacists the permanent ability to provide vaccines to all Pennsylvanians. Otherwise, that ability will go away when the public health emergency ends. Read more


Matzie urges DEP to deny new PennEnergy petition to withdraw water from Big Sewickley Creek

(Apr 08, 2022)

AMBRIDGE, April 8 – Responding to PennEnergy’s renewed request to withdraw millions of gallons of water per day from the Big Sewickley Creek in Economy Borough, state Rep. Rob Matzie is calling on the Department of Environmental Protection to deny the company’s petition for a second time. In a letter this week to DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell, Matzie restated concerns over lasting environmental damage and the loss of recreational opportunities and said nothing has changed to warrant a reversal of the agency’s previous denial. “When I wrote to you in July of last year, I listed a variety of reasons why this is a bad idea,” Matzie wrote in the letter. “Nothing contained in the new application changes that; fishing will still be impacted, wildlife species will still be threatened, and summer drought conditions will still be exacerbated.” PennEnergy is seeking to withdraw the creek water for use in natural gas extraction – a practice Matzie supports provided there are strong environmental protections in place and local input. “In most cases, I believe we can have a strong, diverse energy portfolio and maintain a clean, healthy environment,” Matzie wrote in the letter. “But not in this case, not from this waterway, and not with this application.” Matzie said that in denying PennEnergy’s 2021 petition last October, DEP cited seven serious Read more


Matzie: Area child care providers receiving nearly $2.9 million to stabilize operations

(Apr 07, 2022)

AMBRIDGE, April 7 – Nearly $2.9 million in federal funding will help 33 child care providers in the 16 th Legislative District rebuild from the damaging effects of the pandemic, state Rep. Rob Matzie announced today. Matzie said the American Rescue Plan Act funding includes grants ranging from approximately $10,000 to $287,000 to help businesses with key expenses. “Extended closures, dwindling enrollment and other pandemic-related problems hit child care providers hard, and many are still struggling to come back,” Matzie said. “This funding, which can be used for operations and personnel costs, supplies and equipment, and a range of other expenses, is going to help them rebound. More centers reopening their doors means more working parents returning to the workplace.” According to the state Department of Human Services, which administers the funding, providers will receive the funding in six monthly installments and must use it within nine months after their applications were approved. Centers also must report to DHS on how the funding is spent. A list of providers receiving the funding is available here: . The American Rescue Plan Act provided $24 billion to states nationwide to stabilize the child care sector. The grants to centers in the 16th Legislative District are part of a package of $628.5 million in approved ARPA funding to child care Read more


Let’s Help Ukrainians Transition to Security in PA

(Apr 04, 2022)

People seeking refuge from hostility or persecution have always found a home in Pennsylvania - welcoming them is in our DNA. After all, our commonwealth was born of William Penn’s great “experiment” to establish a community where religious tolerance – an unusual idea at the time- was the guiding principle. Since then, Pennsylvania has greeted refugees from every corner of the globe, escaping every kind of oppression. Pennsylvania grew to embody its 1980’s tagline: You’ve Got a Friend in Pennsylvania. Now, as we watch in disbelief and sadness at the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, it is time to again open our communities’ doors and hearts to welcome newcomers to our beautiful commonwealth. This is not some crisis affecting strangers on the nightly news. These are our neighbors’ families. This is local. This is real. This is touching our communities. From Philadelphia to Ambridge, and in communities in between, more than 122,000 Ukrainians already call Pennsylvania “home,” the second highest number of any state in the nation. And we want to assure those seeking refuge in our state now due to the current hostility, that they are welcome too. That is why we’ve proposed the creation of the New Neighbors Fund, that would authorize up to $2 million to support services for refugees from Ukraine. The New Neighbors Fund would supplement existing federal investments, and would create a Read more


Matzie: More than $227,000 awarded to upgrade Laughlin Memorial Library

(Mar 09, 2022)

AMBRIDGE, March 9 – The Laughlin Memorial Library in Ambridge will be receiving a roof replacement and other needed upgrades, thanks to $227,336 in newly awarded funding, state Rep. Rob Matzie announced today. Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, said the grant from the state Department of Education, awarded under the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, will help finance critical repairs to the nearly 100-year-old building. “The library, which first opened in 1929, has served our community for nearly a century, providing rich resources and lending special character to our landscape – but updates are desperately needed,” Matzie said. “Securing this funding is going to help finance replacing the roof, which has been leaking; upgrading outdoor security lighting and cameras; cleaning the exterior; and new accent lighting to highlight the library’s unique architecture.” Matzie said grant will fund half the total project cost of $454,600. Read more


Matzie: New budget holds the line on taxes, makes important investments
Jul 08, 2022

Matzie Pushes for Changes to the LIHEAP Program
Jun 30, 2022

Matzie Delivers Opening Prayer
Jun 28, 2022

LIHEAP is already a big help, but could be so much more
Jun 27, 2022

Matzie introduces bills to strengthen state’s home energy assistance program
Jun 20, 2022

State Rep. Matzie Holds Hearing on Retail Energy Competition/Consumer Choice
Jun 15, 2022

Matzie: Nearly $600,000 secured for Beaver County housing programs
Jun 10, 2022

Matzie: Nearly $400,000 awarded to improve Beaver County probation services, support rehabilitation, reduce recidivism
Jun 08, 2022

Matzie Questions Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Jun 07, 2022

Matzie bills would modernize state’s home energy assistance program
May 26, 2022

State Rep. Rob Matzie holds hearing on legislation to protect consumer privacy
May 25, 2022

Matzie: Nearly $440,000 awarded for Beaver County recycling programs
Apr 29, 2022

Matzie praises Biden program to streamline U.S. entry for Ukrainian refugees
Apr 21, 2022

Matzie Offers Opening Prayer
Apr 13, 2022

Matzie lauds pharmacy vaccination efforts, supports legislation to make temporary vaccine authority permanent
Apr 12, 2022

Matzie: Pharmacists are a Literal Lifeline
Apr 12, 2022

Matzie urges DEP to deny new PennEnergy petition to withdraw water from Big Sewickley Creek
Apr 08, 2022

Matzie: Area child care providers receiving nearly $2.9 million to stabilize operations
Apr 07, 2022

Let’s Help Ukrainians Transition to Security in PA
Apr 04, 2022

Matzie: More than $227,000 awarded to upgrade Laughlin Memorial Library
Mar 09, 2022