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Summer 2022 Finance Committee Update

Boyle, Kenyatta to introduce legislation to ensure democracy isn't compromised in the November election

(Sep 28, 2020)

Just weeks before the general election, state Reps. Kevin Boyle and Malcolm Kenyatta are introducing legislation to strengthen Pennsylvania's election laws and help ensure democracy isn't compromised in November. "It's no secret that this president will go to great lengths to ensure victory, no matter what the American people want," said House State Government Committee Democratic Chairman Boyle, D-Phila./Montgomery. "With Pennsylvania being a key battleground state, we have a responsibility in the state legislature to close unnecessary loopholes and make sure everyone's vote counts." Boyle said today their proposal would crackdown on so-called faithless electors by amending Pennsylvania's Election Code to require presidential electors to vote for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates who received the highest number of votes in the commonwealth during the general election. Under this plan, which is similar to Colorado and Oklahoma's law, faithless electors who vote against the candidates they vowed to support, would: Face a misdemeanor punishable by fine. Have their vote invalidated. Be replaced. “Faithless electors disregard the will of the people and ultimately tarnish the integrity of our democracy,” Kenyatta Read more


Boyle joins Wolf in calling for swift passage of legislation to ensure counties are prepared ahead of Nov. 3 general election

(Sep 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 15 – State Rep. Kevin Boyle, D-Phila./Montgomery, today joined Gov. Tom Wolf in urging swift action on legislation that would provide the support county election officials need to make sure Pennsylvanians can vote safely and have their ballots timely counted. Boyle, Wolf and other public officials met in York today to outline the legislation the General Assembly should pass this month to improve the mail-in ballot process ahead of the Nov. 3 general election and give county officials the time they need to count ballots and return election results quickly. “The House State Government Committee is planning to meet this Wednesday to discuss legislation related to the election code. We have an opportunity in committee this week to make vital, time sensitive changes to allow counties more time to pre-canvass mail ballots so they can return election results timely on Election Day,” said Boyle, who serves as Democratic chairman of the committee. “Immediate action is needed to address the enormous volume of mail-in ballots expected to be cast. We need to ensure that Pennsylvania does not become a national embarrassment on Election Day. “To that end, I am introducing several amendments this week during committee, to expand counties’ ability to pre-canvass mail-in ballots, and to expand county residents’ eligibility to serve as poll workers.” Boyle said the committee is Read more


House State Government Committee Update

(Sep 10, 2020)

The abrupt entrance of COVID-19 and the movement to guarantee voting rights and access has resulted in an even greater need to put the House State Government Committee to work. This newsletter details some of the legislation the committee, of which I am the Democratic chairman, has worked on over the past year and a half. Read more


Boyle Expresses Confidence in Vote-By-Mail Security, USPS

(Aug 11, 2020)

Democratic Chairman of the State Government Committee Rep. Kevin Boyle reaffirmed his confidence in Pennsylvania’s new mail-in voting laws. Boyle went on to challenge President Trump’s claim that expanded mail-in voting is part of a Democratic plot to rig the 2020 election pointing out that 105 of 107 Republicans in the Pa. House voted for the new election code. Read more


Boyle seeks attorney general investigation into House COVID-19 case kept secret

(May 28, 2020)

State Rep. Kevin Boyle is appealing to Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro to investigate the actions of House Republican lawmakers and leaders and any House officials who failed to duly notify lawmakers and staff of a House lawmaker's COVID-19 positive test as required by the Department of Health and CDC. Read more


Boyle, State Government Committee Democrats: GOP leadership must strike reprehensible comments from the record

(May 04, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, May 4 – Today, House State Government Committee Chairman Kevin Boyle, D-Phila., and other members of the committee released the following statements in response to Rep. Chris Dush’s comments today in committee: "Comparing Governor Wolf’s Administration’s policies in relation to his response to this pandemic to the Nazi Party of 1930s and 40s Germany is incomprehensible and evil. I was very disappointed no Republican member of the State Government Committee joined me in condemning these comments. I call upon GOP leadership to repudiate these disturbing comments made by Representative Dush and strike them from the record.” A video clip of Boyle’s full statement today in committee is available to watch here. Read more


Boyle Opposes School Layoff Bill

(Apr 28, 2020)

Chairman of the Pa. House State Government Committee, state Rep. Kevin Boyle strongly opposed legislation that would ultimately lead to massive layoffs in schools across Pennsylvania. During a hearing in Harrisburg, he explained the negative impact this bill would have on students in a post COVID-19 world. Read more


Boyle Supports Recognition of Ramadan

(Apr 28, 2020)

As chairman of the Pa. House State Government Committee, state Rep. Kevin Boyle supported a resolution to recognize the observance of the Holy Month of Ramadan in Pennsylvania. Read more


Boyle, Solomon team up to deliver PPE to Jeanes Hospital in Northeast Philadelphia

(Apr 24, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, April 24 – State Rep. Kevin J. Boyle was joined by state Rep. Jared Solomon, both D-Phila., on Thursday to deliver personal protective equipment to Jeanes Hospital, located in Boyle’s 172 nd Legislative District. “Northeast Philadelphia has been among the areas with the highest reported cases of COVID-19 in the city, leaving Jeanes Hospital staff scrambling to treat residents suffering from this virus and doing so without the proper protections,” Boyle said. “I was honored to help deliver these donations because we must do all we can to protect those on the frontlines working hard to protect us despite the risks.” Solomon concurred, saying, “There has been a nationwide shortage of PPE for medical workers on the frontlines, but we’ve been fortunate to be able provide these donations to keep our nurses, doctors and hospital staff safe. I am incredibly grateful to these medical professionals on the frontlines and was humbled to be able to thank them personally with this donation.” The Northeast Philadelphia lawmaker duo coordinated the drop-off with PPE donated by the American Chinese United Association, headed by chairman Jason Lam. The association has been providing donations to hospitals, nursing homes and churches across Philadelphia. Read more


Boyle: I Stand with Unions in Opposing this Legislation

(Apr 22, 2020)

State Rep. Kevin Boyle spoke out against legislation that would create unnecessary risks for construction workers by allowing them to return to the job too soon amid the COVID-19 public health crisis. Read more


Boyle: We Can't Ignore the Warnings from Health Care Experts

(Apr 22, 2020)

Citing warnings from health experts, State Rep. Kevin Boyle opposed legislation that would move to reopen the economy too soon and create unnecessary risks for Pennsylvanians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


Boyle: Republican Car Sales Bill is Unnecessary, Irresponsible

(Apr 13, 2020)

Pa. House State Government Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Boyle explains why proposed legislation to reopen car sales in the Commonwealth is irresponsible and unnecessary. Read more


Moving Primary Election Date Doesn't Go Far Enough

(Mar 25, 2020)

Pa. state Rep. Kevin Boyle discussed legislation to move Pennsylvania's Primary Election to June 2nd amid concerns over the COVID-19 coronavirus. He explained why this proposal doesn't go far enough to ensure voters can get to the polls safely to cast their ballot. Read more


Boyle Works for Voter Safety, Accessibility

(Mar 24, 2020)

Pa. state Rep. Kevin Boyle spoke to colleagues in the House Chamber and those voting remotely to emphasize the importance of moving Pennsylvania’s primary Election Day to June 2nd at a minimum due to the impact of the Coronavirus. Read more


Philadelphia House leadership, legislators, call on Governor Tom Wolf to halt all Public Utility Commission utility disconnections in wake of the COVID-19 virus

(Mar 12, 2020)

Members of Philadelphia leadership team in the state House were joined by fellow Philadelphia legislators in asking Gov. Tom Wolf to place a moratorium on the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission from further utility shutoffs for the foreseeable future for all Pennsylvanians in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


Boyle Investigating Use of Taxpayer Money

(Feb 25, 2020)

During state budget hearings with the House Appropriations Committee, Pa. state Rep. Kevin Boyle questions the Department of General Services about their good business practices that save taxpayers' money. Read more


Rep. Kevin Boyle: Some voting changes as primary election nears

(Feb 24, 2020)

As Democratic chairperson of the House State Government Committee, I’d like to walk you through some voting basics, including some recent changes to our election laws made when Act 77 of 2019 passed the State Government Committee, the House of Representatives and was subsequently signed into law on Oct. 31, 2019. Read more


Boyle to host labor fair Feb. 11 at George Washington High School

(Feb 03, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 3 – State Rep. Kevin Boyle, D-Phila., will host a labor fair for George Washington High School students on Tuesday, Feb. 11 focused on informing students and their families about working in a trade and being a part of a union. “Union laborers are an essential part of our workforce,” Boyle said. “Trades are vital to our society – as anyone who has ever needed a plumber, an electrician or a contractor can tell you. While our students are getting an excellent education in order to contribute their considerable skill to our communities, they also need to learn how to market themselves and understand what being a member of a union is all about. That’s what I hope to accomplish with this labor fair.” The event, for George Washington High School students, will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the high school, 10175 Bustleton Ave., 19116. Various unions will be in attendance to meet with students and their families and to answer any questions they may have. ### Read more


Pa. Treasury could be holding your unclaimed property

(Jan 01, 2016)

Each year, the Pennsylvania Treasury receives millions of dollars of unclaimed property. It is estimated that roughly one in 10 Pennsylvanians has unclaimed property. Read more


Boyle, Kenyatta to introduce legislation to ensure democracy isn't compromised in the November election
Sep 28, 2020

Boyle joins Wolf in calling for swift passage of legislation to ensure counties are prepared ahead of Nov. 3 general election
Sep 15, 2020

House State Government Committee Update
Sep 10, 2020

Boyle Expresses Confidence in Vote-By-Mail Security, USPS
Aug 11, 2020

Boyle seeks attorney general investigation into House COVID-19 case kept secret
May 28, 2020

Boyle, State Government Committee Democrats: GOP leadership must strike reprehensible comments from the record
May 04, 2020

Boyle Opposes School Layoff Bill
Apr 28, 2020

Boyle Supports Recognition of Ramadan
Apr 28, 2020

Boyle, Solomon team up to deliver PPE to Jeanes Hospital in Northeast Philadelphia
Apr 24, 2020

Boyle: I Stand with Unions in Opposing this Legislation
Apr 22, 2020

Boyle: We Can't Ignore the Warnings from Health Care Experts
Apr 22, 2020

Boyle: Republican Car Sales Bill is Unnecessary, Irresponsible
Apr 13, 2020

Moving Primary Election Date Doesn't Go Far Enough
Mar 25, 2020

Boyle Works for Voter Safety, Accessibility
Mar 24, 2020

Philadelphia House leadership, legislators, call on Governor Tom Wolf to halt all Public Utility Commission utility disconnections in wake of the COVID-19 virus
Mar 12, 2020

Boyle Investigating Use of Taxpayer Money
Feb 25, 2020

Rep. Kevin Boyle: Some voting changes as primary election nears
Feb 24, 2020

Boyle to host labor fair Feb. 11 at George Washington High School
Feb 03, 2020

Pa. Treasury could be holding your unclaimed property
Jan 01, 2016