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Summer 2022 Finance Committee Update

March 2022 Newsletter

(Mar 08, 2022)

March 2022 Newsletter Read more


Now open for applications: Substance abuse, arts, and career/technical training funding opportunities

(Nov 17, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Substance Use Disorder Drop-In Centers (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who Can Apply : Existing drop-in centers in Allegheny, Philadelphia, Bucks, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. Single County Authorities (SCAs) are not eligible to apply, nor are DDAP-licensed treatment providers. Use : To expand drop-in center services for individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) in areas of the commonwealth experiencing high overdose deaths. Funds : Approximately two to three grants up to $650,000 each will be awarded. Application Deadline : December 13 More Information : Click on https://www.ddap.pa.gov/DDAPFunding/Pages/Funding-Opportunities.aspx . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Pennsylvania Academic and Career/Technical Training (PACTT) Grants (Funding Source: General Fund) Who Can Apply : Residential facilities, community-based, and/or juvenile probation office providers that are PACTT Affiliates primarily serving adjudicated delinquent youth. Use : To advance academic and career/technical training among adjudicated youth receiving services while in residential facilities, from community-based providers, and through juvenile probation departments. Funds : Up to $75,000. Application Deadline : December 22 More Information Read more


Now open for applications: Workforce development, clean diesel, and DC fast charging funding opportunities

(Nov 01, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Labor & Industry: Digital Literacy and Workforce Development Grants (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Local workforce development boards, non-profit agencies (community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, etc.) or small businesses meeting certain criteria (see program guidelines). Uses : To provide digital literacy classes emphasizing career development skills, including digital fundamentals, digital job seeking, digital citizenship, and digital information. Funds : Grants of up to $45,000 each. Application Deadline : December 21 More Information : Click on https://www.dli.pa.gov/Businesses/Workforce-Development/grants/Pages/default.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: State Clean Diesel Grant Program (Funding Source: Federal Funding and State Mitigation Trust - Volkswagen Emissions Settlement) Who May Apply : Pennsylvania Businesses, Incorporated Nonprofits, State, Local, or Tribal Government Agencies, Air Quality or Transportation Organizations, Metropolitan or Rural/Regional Transportation Planning Organizations, and Federal Government Agencies. Uses : Diesel emission reduction projects, including, but not limited to: verified exhaust controls; engine upgrades and certified remanufacture systems; verified idle reduction technologies; certified engine Read more


LIHEAP: Expanded Home-Heating Assistance is Available to PA Renters, Homeowners

(Oct 21, 2021)

As winter approaches and we prepare to spend even more time indoors, utility bills are only going to get more expensive. Additionally, we know that the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn have made it difficult for many to keep up with home energy bills. No Pennsylvanian should ever have to worry that their heat will be shut off during the coldest and darkest months of the year. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program administered by the Department of Human Services (DHS) that provides assistance for home heating bills so Pennsylvanians can stay warm and safe during the winter months. Assistance is available for both renters and homeowners. LIHEAP helps some of the commonwealth’s most vulnerable citizens — children, older Pennsylvanians, people with disabilities, and low-income families — make ends meet. Anyone who may need help, or anyone who has loved ones or neighbors who could benefit from this program, is encouraged to apply for LIHEAP today. APPLY FOR LIHEAP LIHEAP FACTS How do I apply for LIHEAP? Depending on preference, different options are available to apply for LIHEAP: Apply online: Pennsylvanians can apply at www.compass.state.pa.us . Paper applications: Call the LIHEAP Helpline at 1-866-857-7095 to request a paper application. Paper applications can also be downloaded from the DHS LIHEAP web page . County Assistance Office (CAO) services are available if clients Read more


Now open for applications: Recycling, RACP, and disaster relief funding opportunities

(Oct 18, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Victims Rights Law Enforcement Video Project (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who Can Apply : Any entity that can provide this service. Use : To develop a 5-minute video that can be presented during the Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission (MPOETC) training. Funds : Up to $25,000. Application Deadline : October 26 More Information : Click on https://www.pccdegrants.pa.gov/Egrants/Public/OpenAnnouncements.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: Section 902 Recycling Implementation Grant ( Funding Source: Recycling Fund) Who May Apply : Counties, cities, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships, home rule municipalities, councils of governments, consortiums or similar entities established by two or more municipalities. Use : To fund costs associated with developing and implementing a recycling program. Funds : 90% funding of approved recycling program costs, up to $350,000. Financially distressed communities may receive up to 100% funding of approved costs, not to exceed $350,000. Application Deadline : October 29 (this program has re-opened for applications). More Information : Click on Read more


Now open for applications: Sexual assault, business education, and COVID relief payment funding opportunities

(Oct 10, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Education: It’s on Us (Funding Source: General Fund) Who Can Apply : Public and private colleges, universities, and other post-secondary institutions. Use : Programs and initiatives to increase awareness, education, and resources to combat sexual assault. Funds : Applicants may apply for up to $30,000 per institution. Application Deadline : October 20 More Information : Click on https://www.education.pa.gov/Postsecondary-Adult/Pages/Governor-Wolf's-It's-On-Us-PA-Grant-Program.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry: Business-Education Partnership Grants (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who Can Apply : Local Workforce Development Boards. Use : To connect businesses and school districts and to expand career awareness opportunities. Funds : Up to $150,000 per award. Application Deadline : November 18 More Information : Click on https://www.dli.pa.gov/Businesses/Workforce-Development/grants/Pages/default.aspx . FEDERAL PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Federal Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration: Provider Relief Fund Phase 4 (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who Can Apply : Read more


A list of grant opportunities available right now

(Jun 30, 2021)

From support for local businesses to job training, there are a number of grant funding opportunities in Pennsylvania. Here's a look at what's available right now: STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: Driving PA Forward Level 2 EV Charging Rebate Program (Funding Source: State Mitigation Trust - Volkswagen Emissions Settlement) Who May Apply : Business, charitable organizations, incorporated nonprofits, local government entities, school districts, and other entities. Use : Rebates for Level 2 EV charging equipment for public use at government owned property, public use at non-government owned property, non-public use at work places, non-public use at multi-unit dwellings. Funds : Maximum rebates of $4,000 per plug for full public access and networked charging projects, $3,500 per plug for multi-unit dwelling projects and $3,000 per plug for all other eligible projects, including workplace charging. Application Deadline : First come, first-served. More Information : Click on https://gis.dep.pa.gov/drivingpaforward/ . Pennsylvania Department of Human Services: Children’s Trust Fund (Funding Source: Children’s Trust Fund) Who May Apply : Any organization operating in Pennsylvania that provides direct services and meets the criteria in this Request for Applications (“RFA”) is eligible to apply. Use : To support community-based child abuse and neglect Read more


Now open for applications: Pregnancy support, career/technical training, museum, library and vaccine funding opportunities

(Jun 17, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol: Pregnancy Support Services (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Community service providers able to serve pregnant and postpartum women with stimulant or opioid misuse issues. Single County Authorities (county drug and alcohol offices) and Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) licensed treatment providers are not eligible to apply. Use : To provide pregnancy support services or make referrals to aid pregnant and postpartum women with opioid use disorder. Funds : Approximately 10 to 12 grants up to $600,000 each will be awarded for 18-month projects. Application Deadline : July 13 at 12 PM. More Information : Click on https://www.ddap.pa.gov/DDAPFunding/Pages/Funding-Opportunities.aspx . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency: 2021-22 PA Academic and Career/Technical Training (PACTT) Competitive Funding (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Privately operated residential facilities, community-based providers, and juvenile probation offices that are not currently PACTT Affiliates. Use : To develop programs in the following PACTT service areas that adhere to PACTT Standards in order to gain affiliate status: core programming; academic instruction; work related services; and job skills training. Funds : Grants of up to $20,000. No Read more


Now open for applications: Broadband and community project funding opportunities

(Jun 15, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Commonwealth Financing Authority: Unserved High-Speed Broadband Funding Program ( Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Any nongovernmental entity with the technical, managerial, and financial expertise to design, build and operate a high-speed broadband service infrastructure within Pennsylvania. Use : Acquisition, construction, equipment, and site preparation costs associated with the deployment of high-speed broadband infrastructure to unserved areas, which are geographic areas in which households or businesses do not have access to at least 25 megabits per second downstream speeds and 3 megabits per second upstream speeds. Funds : Grants up to $1 million or 75% of the total project costs, whichever is less. Applicant must commit its own private capital to fund at least 25% of the total project cost. Funding from other federal, state or local government grants or other subsidies can be used to finance the project but will not be considered to be part of the private capital requirement. Application Deadline : September 24 More Information : Click on https://dced.pa.gov/programs/unserved-high-speed-broadband-funding-program-uhsb/ . OTHER PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful/The GIANT Company: 2021 Healing the Planet Grant Program ( Funding Source: Private Funds) Read more


With no increase to Pa.’s minimum wage since 2009, Boyle reintroduces legislation to allow municipalities to raise their own minimum wage

(Mar 23, 2021)

HARRISBURG, March 23 – In an effort to work around lawmakers’ failure to enact a statewide minimum wage increase for more than a decade, state Rep. Kevin Boyle, D-Phila./Montgomery, has reintroduced a bill that would give municipalities the ability to raise their own minimum wage. “No one should be working 40 hours or more a week and still be unable to pay their bills, feed their family or make ends meet,” Boyle said. “But our failure to act in the legislature has put too many people who have a family to support in this predicament. “The impact of the coronavirus has only made matters worse,” Boyle continued. “It’s time that we give the hardworking people in Pennsylvania – like minimum wage earners who work in the hospitality industry and health care who were so important we deemed them ‘essential’ during this global pandemic – the dignity that comes with earning a living wage, and we can do that by giving municipalities the power to do what’s best for the people who live in their locale.” The 2006 amendment to Pennsylvania’s Minimum Wage Act prohibits individual municipalities from setting their own wages. Boyle said that prohibition is outdated and ignores the differences in the cost of living and other factors from one city or town to the next, and that’s why he has introduced this legislation to repeal that section of the 2006 act. “My legislation Read more


Boyle introduces resolution to condemn insurrection at U.S. Capitol and those who stoked it

(Jan 13, 2021)

State Rep. Kevin Boyle, D-Phila./Montgomery, wants state lawmakers to quickly act on an official rebuke of last week’s seditious insurrection against the United States and the people who worked for months to stoke it, including President Donald Trump, state and federal Republican lawmakers and leaders, and the right-wing media. Read more


House Democrats fight to increase transparency and accountability, make sure the people come first

(Jan 04, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 4 – A group of 10 House Democrats announced the introduction of changes to the Operating Rules of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to reduce the impact of partisan politics, make sure ideas with broad public support get a fair hearing, and restore the people’s faith in government after the damage done by extremists in Washington, D.C., and Harrisburg. The People Before Politics plan was crafted with this central idea: lawmakers work for the people, not the other way around. It focuses on openness, transparency and citizen control of the legislative process. The People Before Politics plan includes the following proposals: Amendment 1 – The Voice of the People, sponsored by Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila. This amendment would make sure each House member has an opportunity to speak at a designated time during the first full session day of the week on any topic, similar to how the U.S. House of Representatives allows members to speak. This change would end the requirement of “unanimous consent” so often abused by extremists to silence members and prevent legislative topics bottled up in committee from being heard by the people. Amendment 2 – Let the People See, sponsored by Rep. Jennifer O’Mara, D-Delaware . This amendment would restore the rule requiring a full 24 hours before final passage of any bill, including all bills amended in the House chamber or in committee, or sent over from the state Read more


Boyle: Let’s Not Steal Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

(Dec 29, 2020)

As Democratic Chairman of the Pa. House State Government Committee, Rep. Kevin Boyle spent much of 2020 fighting to keep the Commonwealth on a safe path to economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


Boyle Continues Fight for Fair Elections

(Dec 29, 2020)

As the Democratic Chairman of the Pa. House State Government Committee Rep. Kevin Boyle worked tirelessly in 2020 to make sure voters could cast their ballots in a safe and timely manner, despite the efforts of House Republicans to suppress those votes. Read more


Boyle: House GOP continues reckless attempt to undermine trust in elections with zero evidence of any impropriety, fraud

(Nov 23, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 23 – State Rep. Kevin Boyle, Democratic chairman of the House State Government Committee, again denounced the ongoing recklessness of House Republicans after they held yet another news conference Monday during which they called into question the integrity of the election process in Pennsylvania without evidence of any wrongdoing or impropriety.  Read more


Boyle Opposes Unnecessary Audit of 2020 Election

(Nov 20, 2020)

Democratic Chairman of the House State Government Committee Rep. Kevin Boyle spoke against a measure by Republicans, calling for an unnecessary audit of the 2020 election. He defended election officials who were successful in preventing voter fraud and ensuring every vote was counted. Read more


Boyle: House Republicans’ latest baseless attempt to sow doubt in the election process and delay certification of election results ‘shameful’

(Nov 10, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 10 – State Rep. Kevin Boyle, Democratic chairman of the House State Government Committee, denounced the partisan posturing House Republicans exhibited Tuesday morning when they called for an investigative committee with subpoena power to audit the election process in Pennsylvania, while admitting they have no evidence of any wrongdoing or impropriety. “If you want to ensure that the election process here in Pennsylvania is fair and free, you can start by not sowing doubt and discord without evidence of any wrongdoing,” Boyle said.  Read more


ICYMI: State Rep. Kevin Boyle featured in The New Yorker article about election concerns in Pennsylvania

(Oct 30, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 30 – In case you missed it, State Rep. Kevin Boyle, D-Phila./Montgomery, was featured in an article in The New Yorker magazine this week discussing his concerns about the upcoming election and the tactics Republicans might take to steer the results. In the article, Boyle spoke about the Select Committee on Election Integrity that House Republicans sought to create in recent weeks, before a Republican member of the State Government Committee tested positive for COVID-19, and House session was delayed. Boyle spoke about how Republicans had thwarted efforts by Democrats and a few Republicans to allow pre-canvassing by counties to begin ahead of the election, and he expressed his concern that House Republicans could reintroduce the legislation to create the Select Committee on Election Integrity immediately after Election Day, ultimately influencing the outcome of the election. “It’s pretty clear that Republicans are carrying Trump’s strategy to delay the vote count in Pennsylvania,” Boyle said in The New Yorker article. “This whole pre-canvassing thing is about creating doubt in the results so they can sell the override of the state popular vote.” The full article in The New Yorker can be read on The New Yorker’s website . Read more


In Pennsylvania, Republicans Might Only Need to Stall to Win

(Oct 30, 2020)

On September 10th, Kevin Boyle, a Democratic state representative in Pennsylvania, opened his e-mail to find an invitation to a Zoom call with several Democratic advocates and former politicians. They wanted to speak with him on behalf of Keep Our Republic, a nonpartisan civic-engagement group that formed this past summer, amid the pandemic, to investigate unconventional threats to the election. The call included high-powered figures such as Richard Gephardt, the former U.S. representative and Presidential candidate, and Tom Rogers, the founder of MSNBC and CNBC. Boyle, who is forty and has a thick beard, represents a working-class district in northeast Philadelphia. He wondered why they wanted to talk to him. “I’m not a big shot,” he told me recently. “I represent sixty-five thousand people.” Read more


Lawmakers discuss legislation to ensure equitable access to contraceptives

(Oct 28, 2020)

' HARRISBURG, Oct. 28 – State Reps. Leanne Krueger, Kevin Boyle and Tina Davis today discussed legislation to expand and protect access to contraceptives. Krueger, Boyle and Davis introduced H.B. 2813 following a U.S. Supreme Court decision that allows virtually any employer to opt out of the Affordable Care Act mandate to provide contraceptive coverage if they object to birth control on religious or moral grounds. The bill would protect access to this important form of health care by making sure insurers in Pennsylvania provide coverage for contraception. “Now more than ever, we need Pennsylvania to take action. Creating barriers to this basic preventative care puts the health and well-being of millions of Pennsylvania women at risk,” said Krueger, D-Delaware. “In addition to preventing unintended pregnancies, contraceptives are often used to address a variety of women’s health issues. This legislation would help make sure women are able to make their own medical decisions and receive quality care.” Boyle, D-Montgomery/Phila, said, "Birth control is health care, and health care should be accessible to everyone. With the recent decision by the Supreme Court potentially cutting off access to birth control for 2.5 million women, it's vital that we act to provide another option to ensure women have access to the health care they need." Davis, D-Bucks, added, “Contraception is a fundamental aspect of Read more


March 2022 Newsletter
Mar 08, 2022

Now open for applications: Substance abuse, arts, and career/technical training funding opportunities
Nov 17, 2021

Now open for applications: Workforce development, clean diesel, and DC fast charging funding opportunities
Nov 01, 2021

LIHEAP: Expanded Home-Heating Assistance is Available to PA Renters, Homeowners
Oct 21, 2021

Now open for applications: Recycling, RACP, and disaster relief funding opportunities
Oct 18, 2021

Now open for applications: Sexual assault, business education, and COVID relief payment funding opportunities
Oct 10, 2021

A list of grant opportunities available right now
Jun 30, 2021

Now open for applications: Pregnancy support, career/technical training, museum, library and vaccine funding opportunities
Jun 17, 2021

Now open for applications: Broadband and community project funding opportunities
Jun 15, 2021

With no increase to Pa.’s minimum wage since 2009, Boyle reintroduces legislation to allow municipalities to raise their own minimum wage
Mar 23, 2021

Boyle introduces resolution to condemn insurrection at U.S. Capitol and those who stoked it
Jan 13, 2021

House Democrats fight to increase transparency and accountability, make sure the people come first
Jan 04, 2021

Boyle: Let’s Not Steal Defeat from the Jaws of Victory
Dec 29, 2020

Boyle Continues Fight for Fair Elections
Dec 29, 2020

Boyle: House GOP continues reckless attempt to undermine trust in elections with zero evidence of any impropriety, fraud
Nov 23, 2020

Boyle Opposes Unnecessary Audit of 2020 Election
Nov 20, 2020

Boyle: House Republicans’ latest baseless attempt to sow doubt in the election process and delay certification of election results ‘shameful’
Nov 10, 2020

ICYMI: State Rep. Kevin Boyle featured in The New Yorker article about election concerns in Pennsylvania
Oct 30, 2020

In Pennsylvania, Republicans Might Only Need to Stall to Win
Oct 30, 2020

Lawmakers discuss legislation to ensure equitable access to contraceptives
Oct 28, 2020