Moms Demand Action Rally

Rep. Dan Frankel joins Moms Demand Action and CeaseFirePA to call for the passage of sensible gun legislation.

Hate Crimes Press Conference - April 24, 2023

Rep. Dan Frankel joined Sen. Democratic Leader Jay Costa and Rep. Napoleon Nelson, along with members of the Coalition Against Hate, to roll out an anti-hate crimes legislative package to update the commonwealth’s response to the growing scourge of hate violence.

March 29, 2023 - Expanding Reproductive Health Care

The Majority Policy Committee convened a hearing on the expansion of reproductive health care in Pennsylvania. Members heard testimony from Planned Parenthood officials and medical professionals. The hearing was hosted by Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler and Dan Frankel.

Highland II Reservoir Tour and Discussion

Reps. Dan Frankel, Sara Innamorato, Summer Lee, and Emily Kinkead get a tour and overview of the work being done to improve the Highland II Reservoir.

Bipartisan - Bicameral Summit Legislative Panel

Rep. Dan Frankel participates in the annual Disability and Mental Health Summit with a bipartisan, bicameral legislative panel gathering information from experts.

Bills Introduced To Keep PA Workplaces Smoke Free

Rep. Dan Frankel speaks at a press conference where he announced that he will be introducing legislation that would end smoking inside casinos and other Pennsylvania workplaces. Joining Rep. Frankel were: Senator Jay Costa, Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, Molly Pisciottano from the American Lung Association, and Nicole Gallagher, a former employee of Rivers Casino.

H.B. 2050

Sponsored by state Reps. Jake Wheatley and Dan Frankel, both D-Allegheny, House Bill 2050 would decriminalize, regulate and tax adult-use, recreational marijuana in Pennsylvania.

Frankel Unveils Vaccine Legislation 2021

Surrounded by fellow lawmakers, medical professionals, and parents, state Rep. Dan Frankel, the Democratic Chairman of the House Health Committee, unveils legislation that would give teens power over their own healthcare decisions and require vaccine-hesitant parents to receive vaccine resources and information on a yearly basis.

Prescription drug affordability press conference 2021

State Reps. Dan Frankel and Emily Kinkead, as well as said Patrick Keenan, policy director of the Pennsylvania Health Access Network, Bill Johnston-Walsh, director of AARP Pennsylvania, and Tracey DePasquale, director of the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA, attended a press conference Tuesday, July 13, 2021 in Harrisburg to introduce legislation to lower costs for prescription drugs and prevent surprise billing for “facility fees” to keep health care affordable and accessible for Pennsylvanians.

PA Fairness Act Press Conference 2021

Gov. Tom Wolf, and state Reps. Dan Frankel, Brian Sims, Malcolm Kenyatta, and Jessica Benham held a press conference on June 15th to unveil the PA Fairness Act

2021 Preemption legislation introductory press conference

On June 3, 2021, state Rep. Dan Frankel held a press conference to introduce legislation that would modify the state's preemption laws and allow local municipalities to enact rules concerning firearms.

Frankel introduces legislation to ensure doctor-patient trust

Surrounded by LGBTQ+ community members, medical professionals and fellow legislators, state Rep. Dan Frankel officially unveiled his “Protection of Patient Trust Act”, legislation that would ensure doctors cannot be forced to provide or withhold information or treatment in a way that is not evidence based or medically accurate.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Rep. Dan Frankel says as we learn history and condemn intolerance, we can make the promise of “never again” ring true.

2020 Clean Indoor Air Act press conference

In February state Rep. Dan Frankel and state Sen. Jay Costa held a press conference to announce the introduction of legislation that would extend the Clean Indoor Air Act.

2020 Prescription Drug Prices press conference

In January Reps. Dan Frankel and Austin Davis, both D-Allegheny, unveiled legislation to provide transparency in drug pricing and ensure Pennsylvanians can access affordable, life-saving medication.

2019 Women's Health Caucus Press Conference

Members of the House Women’s Health Caucus and other lawmakers called on Republican leaders to devote their time and energy toward legislation that would positively impact the lives of women and families in Pennsylvania.

2019 Hate Crimes Legislation Introduction Press Conference

On Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2019, Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, and other legislators gathered in Harrisburg to introduce legislation to prevent and address hate crimes across commonwealth.

2019 Public Hearing on gun violence

In September Rep. Dan Frankel hosted the House Democratic Policy Committee for a public hearing on gun violence as a public heath epidemic.

2019 Vaccination bill introductions

At an event in Pittsburgh Aug. 20, 2019, state Reps. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, and Bridget Kosierowski, D-Lackawanna, announced legislation to promote childhood immunizations and protect Pennsylvania residents from preventable diseases

2019 Civic Commemoration of the Holocaust

Rep. Dan Frankel joins Gov. Tom Wolf and other dignitaries and community members on May 1, 2019 to commemorate the Holocaust.

Tree of Life Joint Session

On April 10, 2019 the Pennsylvania Legislature held a rare joint legislative session to honor the victims of the October terror attack at the Tree of Life building.

UPMC Attorney General Press Conference February 2019

State Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, joined Attorney General Josh Shapiro at a news conference to announce the Attorney General’s Office was filing a petition asking the courts to modify and extend a consent decree requiring UPMC and Highmark to work together to ensure that patients can continue to access quality and affordable medical care.

Pittsburgh Press Event On Commonsense Gun Safety Measures

Rep. Dan Frankel is joined by state and local officials in calling for commonsense measures to stem gun violence.

Civic Commemoration of the Holocaust

Rep. Dan Frankel speaks at a Holocaust remembrance ceremony at the state Capitol to discuss how the U.S. turned away so many Jewish people who were trying to escape Nazi Germany and how we must avoid repeating that type of history.

PA SAFE Caucus Gun Safety Press Conference

Rep. Dan Frankel speaks at a PA SAFE Caucus press conference to outline commonsense gun safety legislation.

Health Insurance Open Enrollment News Conference - Oct. 30, 2017

News conference at Squirrel Hill Health Center

Call For Action On Hate-Crime Legislation

House Democratic Caucus Chairman Dan Frankel is joined by colleagues and faith leaders at a news conference at Freedom Corner to discuss the aftermath of the Charlottesville, Va., domestic terror attack and to call for action on hate-crimes legislation in Pennsylvania.

Affordable Care Act Repeal Hearing

Rep. Dan Frankel hosts a House Democratic Policy Committee public hearing to discuss the impacts of a possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion.