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State Reps. Kenyatta, Bullock and Burgos introduce legislation to increase state oversight of Temple University

(Apr 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 3 – State Reps. Malcolm Kenyatta, Donna Bullock and Danilo Burgos, all D-Phila., are introducing legislation to increase state oversight of Temple University to help address violence near the campus. In the last four years, the number of shootings within the Temple campus patrol area nearly tripled, going from 11 in 2018 to 26 in 2022. This year, 2023, there have already been multiple shootings, including one that killed Temple police officer Christopher Fitzgerald. In addition to this, Temple’s enrollment has declined 16.5% since 2017. Recently, Temple University President Jason Wingard resigned from his position, causing an upheaval in the school’s leadership. To combat the issues Temple faces, the lawmakers are introducing legislation to increase the number of state-appointed board members to the Temple University Board of Trustees by giving one more appointment to the governor, the president pro tempore of the Senate, and the speaker of the House of Representatives. The legislators said that more state-appointed board members on the Board of Trustees would ensure that the state has greater oversight over the important decisions before the board and can guarantee that state money is being used effectively. Kenyatta, a Temple alum, said that as a state-related university, Temple enjoys many benefits of state funding each year, and the school should receive more oversight from the state to ensure the safety of Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation amplifying tactical pressure on gun safety reforms

(Mar 30, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, March 30 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today announced that the organization is aggressively working on key actions that will boost prevention efforts and regulate reckless gun access in the commonwealth as part of a strategic plan to put a halt on the gun violence crisis that is assaulting the city. Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas, who was not able to attend today’s news conference, explained earlier that the delegation was implementing a strategic plan to put a halt on the gun violence crisis that is assaulting the city. “Ending gun violence is a top priority for us. We're approaching this with a multi-pronged strategy, working closely with our state and city stakeholders. We cannot wait any longer to take action. Gun violence is preventable,” Cephas said. Rep. Danilo Burgos, vice chair of the delegation, explained that the institution has also formed a strong alliance with gun control advocacy groups in order to amplify efforts to combat gun violence. “Gun violence is not a responsibility that pertains to one person or one organization, this is a task for all of us,” Burgos said. “Public safety is everyone's responsibility. We are grateful to count on the powerful input of organizations like CeaseFire PA and Every Murder is Real, but also families of victims and survivors of gun violence who are incessantly raising awareness about this issue,” Burgos said. On Read more


Policy Committee examines expanding reproductive health care

(Mar 29, 2023)

“We cannot continue to disregard the negative impact physician-only laws have had on a wide spectrum of people living throughout Pennsylvania, including people of color as well as people living in rural communities,” said Rep. Danilo Burgos, who is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Progressive Policies for Working People. Read more


Majority Policy Committee examines affordable housing crisis

(Mar 28, 2023)

“Rising prices for rent and construction costs continue to displace people,” said Rep. Danilo Burgos, who is the Policy Subcommittee chairman of Progressive Policies for Working People. “But this hearing helped illustrate that the housing crisis also has a negative impact on equity and environmental issues – forcing workers to commute great distances since acquiring housing near available jobs is not always possible.” Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation looking ahead to protect tap water safety

(Mar 27, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 27 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed its position on the challenges faced by the city following the Delaware River pollution incident occurred Friday when 81,000 gallons of acrylic latex polymer were spilled in the river by a chemical processing plant. “We are relieved to say that Philadelphia’s water remains safe to drink -- that it has not been impacted by the chemical spill caused as a result of equipment failure at a Trinseo PlC plant,” said the delegation’s chair, state Rep. Morgan Cephas. “This opens a door to adjustments and an exhaustive reevaluation of our emergency plan when it comes to critical situations like the one we experienced this past weekend. “The Pennsylvania Constitution guarantees the right to pure water for all Pennsylvanians. While it appears we may have avoided an environmental catastrophe in this situation, our city and state must be prepared for potential disasters in the future,” Cephas said about the spill that happened Friday in Bucks County. Danilo Burgos, vice chair of the delegation, emphasized that as the city moves forward, the Philadelphia House Delegation will diligently collaborate with city officials to improve the emergency response to similar health threats. “We have been closely monitoring the situation and we know that that this incident has raised concerns with our residents. We want to make sure that they know that public Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation appraises impact of Shapiro budget plan on city

(Mar 17, 2023)

Our Delegation is particularly excited about expanding the Property Tax and Rent Rebate to help 175,000 more seniors and disabled Pennsylvanians afford to stay in their homes. Read more


La Delegación de Filadelfia en la Cámara Aplaude las Prioridades Presupuestarias de Shapiro

(Mar 09, 2023)

HARRISBURG, 9 de marzo – Los miembros de la Delegación de Filadelfia en la Cámara expresaron hoy su apoyo al primer plan presupuestario del Gobernador Josh Shapiro, que presentó durante un discurso ante la Asamblea General. La delegación dijo que la propuesta de gasto, que cubrirá el año fiscal 2023-24, muestra un enfoque sólido para los problemas más críticos que enfrenta el estado. "Estamos muy satisfechos de que el gobernador nos haya asegurado que nuestras prioridades principales como una delegación están incluidas en su plan y que las voces de nuestra ciudad están siendo escuchadas", dijo la presidenta de la delegación, la Rep. Estatal Morgan Cephas. "Mejorar los resultados educativos a través de la inversión en la financiación del K-12 y en los edificios escolares, y reducir la violencia armada a través de la Iniciativa de Infraestructura de Vecindarios son algunas de las necesidades más cruciales de Filadelfia. Confiamos en que este presupuesto nos permita trabajar de forma más eficiente para erradicar las desigualdades y deficiencias de nuestra ciudad", continuó Cephas. El Rep. Estatal Danilo Burgos, vicepresidente de la delegación, destacó el hecho de que el presupuesto del gobernador tiene la innovación y el desarrollo como dos de sus palabras clave. "El Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation praises Shapiro’s budget priorities

(Mar 09, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 9 – Members of the Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed their endorsement of Gov. Josh Shapiro’s first budget proposal, which he provided during an address to the General Assembly. The delegation said the spending proposal, that will cover the fiscal year 2023-24, displays a solid approach to the most critical issues facing the commonwealth. “We are greatly satisfied in being assured by the governor that our core priorities as a delegation are included in his plan and that the voices of our city are being heard,” said the delegation’s chair, state Rep. Morgan Cephas. “Improving educational outcomes by investing in K-12 funding and school buildings and reducing gun violence through the Neighborhood Infrastructure Initiative are among the most crucial needs of Philadelphia. We are confident that this budget will allow us to work on more efficient ways to eradicate the inequities and deficiencies in our city,” Cephas continued. State Rep. Danilo Burgos, vice chair of the delegation, emphasized the fact that the governor’s budget has innovation and development as two of its key words. “Shapiro’s budget pitch is for the benefit of every Pennsylvanian,” he said. “We are excited to see a 50% increase for the Manufacturing PA Innovation Program, which connects colleges and universities, the Industrial Resource Center and Read more


Burgos Supports Drivers Licenses for All

(Mar 08, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Danilo Burgos stood in solidarity with CASA, a local organization that advocates for and provides critical services to immigrant and working-class families. Currently 18 states including the District of Columbia have regulations and rules in place that allow undocumented citizens to legally drive an automobile. Pennsylvania is not one of them. This would allow community members who might already be integrated into their communities to drive to work, safely drop off and pick up their children from school, and travel to and from medical appointments. Latino legislative priorities are Pennsylvania priorities. Read more


Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus praises the selection of McClinton as new House Speaker

(Mar 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 7 – The Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus released the following statement to congratulate Speaker Joanna McClinton on her election as the new Speaker of the House of Representatives. “Joanna McClinton has been a champion for our Latino communities across our great commonwealth; as Speaker of the House, she will continue to uplift and expand Latino voices at the table. I’m proud to have a fighter on our side,” said the Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus’s Chairman Rep. Danilo Burgos. “We are looking forward to a great collaboration ahead and remarkable achievements when it comes to curbing gun violence, improving health care, and providing affordable housing among other topics. McClinton’s speech embodies our mission, values, and commitment to our community. “Speaker McClinton has paved the way for future Speakers. Her work has already opened the door to diversity and to inclusion. This is a historic triumph,” Burgos said. McClinton has been a trailblazer, making history in 2018 when she was elected the first African American woman as House Democratic Caucus Chair. In 2020, she was the first woman elected as House Democratic Leader in the institution’s 244-year history. In December, she became the first woman to serve as Majority Leader in the Pennsylvania House. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation celebrates the election of McClinton as new House Speaker

(Feb 28, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 28 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed their satisfaction for the election of Majority Leader Joanna McClinton as the new speaker of the House, a role previously held this session by state Rep. Mark Rozzi. “We are overwhelmed with joy; McClinton has started a new chapter in history. What a way to wrap up the festivities in honor of Black History Month! McClinton is an unwavering force who works with passion and integrity for the people of Pennsylvania,” said the delegation’s chair, state Rep. Morgan Cephas. “We know we will reach new heights under her brilliant leadership. We are confident that she will help us address the most critical issues affecting our people. The Philadelphia House Delegation is honored to see that one of us is now holding the gavel in the House. We are ready to fight along with her on behalf of all underserved communities of the state,” Cephas continued. “As a woman I also want to emphasize that McClinton continues being an inspiration to all women of the nation struggling to break barriers and stereotypes. This is a resounding reminder that it is possible to win, regardless the color of your skin or background, it is possible to succeed against all odds.” Rep. Danilo Burgos, vice-chair of the Delegation, trusts that McClinton’s work will help advance a transformational agenda in key sectors. Read more


PA House celebrates the 179th anniversary of Dominican independence

(Feb 27, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 27 – State Reps. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., and Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz and Manny Guzman, both D-Berks, today showcased their pride for the tri-color flag of the Dominican Republic during a festive event held in the state Capitol Rotunda commemorating the 179th anniversary of Dominican independence. The lawmakers honored their roots with a two-part celebration that included a news conference and reception, and the participation of House Speaker Mark Rozzi and Majority Leader Joanna McClinton, among other legislators. “We want to emphasize that regardless of the holiday marked in our calendars, every time we get the chance to speak in the House chamber or take action, we are proudly representing our heritage and working in the best interest of our people,” Burgos said about the event that showcased a vibrant display of allusive ornaments, traditional dishes and souvenirs. “This joint effort pays tribute to our rich culture and contributions to Pennsylvania, a state that more than 99,000 Dominicans regard as their home. Our input to this country has transcended discrimination and prejudice. We have positioned ourselves across the most important spheres of the nation against all the odds and yet we keep thriving, we keep fighting, which is in our nature,” Guzman said. Cepeda-Freytiz highlighted the contributions of five small business owners from Berks County who were awarded with citations on behalf of all three Read more


Burgos announces state grant awarded to Deburgos Bilingual Magnet Middle School

(Feb 22, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 22 – State Rep. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., today announced a grant for $18,700 has been awarded to Deburgos Bilingual Magnet Middle School The funding comes from the Pennsylvania Department of Education for new food service equipment for school cafeterias. Deburgos Bilingual Magnet Middle School will use the funding it received for indoor walk-in refrigeration. “It is important that schools are able to provide their students with fresh and healthy foods to consume. This funding awarded for indoor walk-in refrigeration at Deburgos Bilingual Magnet Middle School will do just that for the students,” Burgos said. Read more


Burgos: Fair Wages for Temple Grad Students

(Feb 14, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Danilo Burgos and the Philadelphia House Delegation stand in support of Temple University grad students in their protest of union-busting tactics. The Temple University Graduate Students Association is demanding fair wages, in response Temple has punished them by suspending funding assistance. Burgos says it is time for Temple University to step up and do what’s right. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation applauds court ruling for fair school funding

(Feb 09, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 9 – The Philadelphia House Delegation applauded the ruling in PA Commonwealth Court that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional. The ruling is a result of the 2014 case William Penn School District v. PA Department of Education, which was filed on behalf of parents, school districts, and statewide organizations arguing that the commonwealth’s funding of K-12 public education is inadequate and violates the Pennsylvania Constitution. The petitioners argued that because the bulk of public education funding comes from local property taxes, school districts in areas with low incomes and property values have been underfunded compared to school districts in areas with high incomes and property values. Leaders of the Philadelphia House Delegation -- Chairwoman Morgan Cephas, Vice Chairman Danilo Burgos and Secretary Malcolm Kenyatta -- issued the following statements about the historic ruling. “Philadelphia schools have been the victims of underfunding for decades and it shows in the conditions they’re in today,” Cephas said. “This ruling is historic and should set us on the right track to get schools in Philadelphia and across the commonwealth the funding they need.” “For far too long, PA schools in low-income areas have been massively underfunded, and it has hurt the children attending these schools and the community as a whole,” Read more


Conservation, Substance Abuse Education, and Act 13 Funding Opportunities

(Feb 02, 2023)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Regional Recovery Hubs Grant Program (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Nonprofit organization or governmental entity. Use : To support a Recovery-Oriented-System of Care (ROSC) by establishing a Recovery Hub and Spoke model. Funds : Nine grants up to $500,000 each will be awarded.. Application Deadline : February 24, 2023 More Information : https://www.ddap.pa.gov/Documents/Funding%20documents/GIFA%2023-01%20Regional%20Recovery%20Hubs_2023.01.11_FINAL.pdf . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency: Substance Abuse Education and Demand Reduction Category 1 Funds (Funding Source: SAEDR Fund) Who May Apply : Nonprofit organizations may partner with governmental entities, including school districts, provided the nonprofit organization is the applicant. Use : To provide research-based or evidence-based approaches to prevention, intervention, treatment, training, and education services to reduce substance use or to provide resources to assist families in accessing the services needed to reduce substance use behavior, as well as strategies aimed at combating opioid/heroin overdoses. Funds : Grants up to $150,000 over a two-year project period. Application Deadline : February 24, 2023 More Read more


Burgos aplaude la orden ejecutiva de Shapiro que elimina el requisito de un título universitario para decenas de miles de trabajos en el gobierno estatal

(Jan 19, 2023)

FILADELFIA, 19 de enero : el representante estatal Danilo Burgos, demócrata de Filadelfia, ofreció los siguientes comentarios agradeciendo al gobernador de Pensilvania, Josh Shapiro, por anunciar que, con efecto inmediato, el 92% de los puestos del gobierno estatal no requerirán un título universitario. “Quiero enviar mi agradecimiento al gobernador Shapiro por abrir oportunidades para que más residentes de Pensilvania trabajen en el gobierno estatal. Hay muchos residentes de Pensilvania que no tienen un título universitario, de estas personas, sé que hay muchos que están cualificados para ciertos trabajos en nuestro gobierno. “El título universitario tradicional de cuatro años es una herramienta valiosa para preparar a las personas para una carrera en el gobierno estatal, pero no es la única forma de prepararse para uno de estos trabajos. Estoy increíblemente complacido con la decisión del gobernador y espero que esto sea una buena manera de proporcionar empleos a los residentes de Pensilvania”. Read more


Burgos applauds Shapiro executive order removing college degree requirement for tens of thousands of state government jobs

(Jan 19, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 19 – State Rep. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., offered the following remarks today praising PA Governor Josh Shapiro for signing an executive order that removes the college degree requirement for 92% of state government jobs. The executive order takes effect immediately. “I want to send my thanks to Governor Shapiro for opening up opportunities for more Pennsylvanians to work in the state’s government. There are many Pennsylvanians who do not have a four-year college degree but, of these people, I know there are many who are qualified for certain jobs in our government. “The traditional four-year college degree is a valuable tool to prepare people for a career in state government, but it’s not the only way to prepare for one of these jobs. I am incredibly pleased with the governor’s decision, and I hope this is a good way to provide jobs to Pennsylvanians.” Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation salutes Mayor Kenney’s critical priorities for the city as his mandate comes to an end this year

(Jan 11, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 11 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed their endorsement for Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney’s core priorities in his final year as mayor. The delegation also highlighted their concerns and hopes for the city. “The plan introduced today by Mayor Kenney gave us optimism. I’m pleased to see that reducing gun violence and strengthening public safety are an important part of this agenda. I also laud the commitment to diversity, to improving access to quality education and to expanding affordable housing” said the delegation’s chair, state Rep. Morgan Cephas. “These goals might not be entirely achieved by the end of the year, but we are going in the right direction, there’s a strong approach from the administration to address the major issues affecting our city”, Cephas said. The mayor’s goals are explained in a report titled “Equity and Opportunity for All: Moving Philadelphia Forward.” In it, Kenney revealed four critical focus areas of the administration in an effort to guarantee Philadelphia’s immediate and long-term future success. The mayor promised to reinforce his commitment to enhancing public safety, improve quality of life and build thriving neighborhoods. His other goal will be investing in Philadelphia’s youth. Driving inclusive growth and economic opportunity while building a thriving Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation welcomes $54 million awarded to the city for bolstering law enforcement and services

(Dec 14, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 14 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today announced that $54,293,730 has been awarded to the city in grants. The funds, approved by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, are destined to enhance law enforcement, gun violence investigation and prosecution, services offered to victims of crime and more. The grants are: Criminal Justice Advisory Committee Federal American Rescue Plan Act Funds - Local Law Enforcement Support Grant Program Philadelphia City Treasurer, PPD Local Law Enforcement Support Grant, $ 25 million. Federal American Rescue Plan Act Funds - Gun Violence Investigation & Prosecution Grant Program Philadelphia City Treasurer, Phila. DAO Gun Violence Investigation & Prosecution, $20 million. Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, SEPTA ZeroEyes Technology Pilot Project, $4,993,639. State Funds - Women’s Reentry Services Initiative Maternity Care Coalition, MOMobile Rapid Engagement, $82,352. Prevention Point Philadelphia Inc., Trauma-Informed Wholistic Reentry Program for Women, $99,998. Why Not Prosper Inc., The Why Not Prosper Women's Reentry Program, $100,000. Children's Advocacy Center Advisory Committee State Children's Advocacy Center Funds Philadelphia Children's Alliance, PCA Program Maintenance and Read more


State Reps. Kenyatta, Bullock and Burgos introduce legislation to increase state oversight of Temple University
Apr 03, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation amplifying tactical pressure on gun safety reforms
Mar 30, 2023

Policy Committee examines expanding reproductive health care
Mar 29, 2023

Majority Policy Committee examines affordable housing crisis
Mar 28, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation looking ahead to protect tap water safety
Mar 27, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation appraises impact of Shapiro budget plan on city
Mar 17, 2023

La Delegación de Filadelfia en la Cámara Aplaude las Prioridades Presupuestarias de Shapiro
Mar 09, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation praises Shapiro’s budget priorities
Mar 09, 2023

Burgos Supports Drivers Licenses for All
Mar 08, 2023

Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus praises the selection of McClinton as new House Speaker
Mar 07, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation celebrates the election of McClinton as new House Speaker
Feb 28, 2023

PA House celebrates the 179th anniversary of Dominican independence
Feb 27, 2023

Burgos announces state grant awarded to Deburgos Bilingual Magnet Middle School
Feb 22, 2023

Burgos: Fair Wages for Temple Grad Students
Feb 14, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation applauds court ruling for fair school funding
Feb 09, 2023

Conservation, Substance Abuse Education, and Act 13 Funding Opportunities
Feb 02, 2023

Burgos aplaude la orden ejecutiva de Shapiro que elimina el requisito de un título universitario para decenas de miles de trabajos en el gobierno estatal
Jan 19, 2023

Burgos applauds Shapiro executive order removing college degree requirement for tens of thousands of state government jobs
Jan 19, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation salutes Mayor Kenney’s critical priorities for the city as his mandate comes to an end this year
Jan 11, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation welcomes $54 million awarded to the city for bolstering law enforcement and services
Dec 14, 2022