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Philadelphia House Delegation praises more than $3.6 million in grant funding for education

(Aug 04, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 4 – Members of the Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed their satisfaction after the Shapiro administration announced that $13.5 million in federal grant funding has been awarded to 26 school entities to support expectant and parenting learners. Pennsylvania’s Education Leading to Employment and Career Training Program is a federally funded program that works with intermediate units, school districts and charter schools to coordinate the continuity of educational services for people under 22 who are expecting or parenting a child and provides community resources to allow them to obtain a high school diploma or equivalent. The School District of Philadelphia was awarded more than $3.62 million. Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas explained that the group is pleased to see the inclusion of The Philadelphia School district in this program as it will help boost ongoing efforts to provide educational assistance to expectant and parenting youth. “ELECT is an outstanding program that helps schools keep this segment of the student population in school without disruptions. This is crucial in a student’s efforts to obtain a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate and secure post-graduation employment, education, or training. “If we want more financially independent adults, more empowered parents, we need to start by helping our young Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation calls out Sen. Devlin Robinson for disrespecting Pennsylvania firefighter

(Aug 04, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 4 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today said a recent incident where a firefighter was verbally disrespected is an outrageous act that demands more than a mere apology. State Sen. Devlin Robinson, R-Allegheny, referred to Ken Pagurek, a first responder from Pennsylvania Task Force 1, as a “dick,” using the slur during a committee meeting on Tuesday. A video shows Robinson, who serves as the chair of the Labor and Industry Committee, leaning towards Sen. Doug Mastriano, making the disgraceful comment, presumably and wrongfully assuming that the microphone was off. The delegation noted that Mastriano seemed amused by the observation. Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas explained that the group is outraged by the confrontation and the lack of empathy shown towards the hardworking men and women who risk their lives every single day protecting communities across our commonwealth. “We are not going to let these types of degrading remarks go unchecked because of your proximity and disregard for the City of Philadelphia,” said chairwoman Cephas. “This is not a joke; it just shows the type of leadership that we have in the Pennsylvania Senate. As senators they are supposed to represent all Pennsylvanians. Unfortunately, neither Robinson nor Mastriano embody the moral values that their positions require. House Democrats support the Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation calls for bold changes in eviction process

(Jul 20, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 20 – After the third eviction-related shooting since March in Philadelphia, members of the Philadelphia House Delegation today said the organization is determined to help end the practice of private contractors performing eviction services in the city to avoid more violent incidents. “The imminent threat of being displaced from home can put anybody into a rage and despair mode. If you add to this scenario people without the proper training, carrying guns to handle evictions, the outcome can be fatal,” said Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas, who is organizing upcoming hearings in August about the evictions with state Rep. Mike Sturla, chair of the PA House Housing & Community Development Committee. “Philadelphia’s landlord-tenant officer has temporarily stopped evictions, but this is a turning point: evictions must be handled by public officials and our delegation will be working to introduce legislation to regulate this process. We are ready to establish policies that would support critical demands in this system, like proper protocol and de-escalations practice to protect the safety and integrity of the tenants,” she added. State Rep. Rick Krajewski, who will be introducing a bill addressing the subject, explained that the mercenary mentality of private contractors working for the city's landlord-tenant officer serves no public good. Krajewski indicated that Read more


Spring 2023 Newsletter!

(Jul 19, 2023)

It has been quite a while since my last newsletter, and I am excited to connect and update you about the work that I have been doing this year, so far. In the next pages you will find highlights of remarkable moments of these first five months of 2023. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation pleased with increased funding on budget priorities

(Jul 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 7 – As we close out this week with the passage of the 2023-24 state budget, the Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed that the spending plan is far from ideal, but still delivers major support to disadvantaged families in Pennsylvania. Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas explained that the delegation is pleased to see the inclusion of some of their top priorities for Philadelphia. “We certainly praise the nearly $1.7 billion (7.6% increase) for the School District of Philadelphia,” Cephas said. “We also voted to support $7.5 million to fund indigent defense for the first time in Pennsylvania history, ensuring public defenders have the resources they need to provide legal representation to defendants who cannot pay for it on their own, among other wins. We are moving the state in the right direction,” she added. State Rep. Danilo Burgos, vice-chair of the delegation, pointed out that the budget showcases the commitment of the House Democratic majority with Pennsylvanians, while managing to evade the unnecessary impasses of a bipartisan legislature. “Not a perfect budget; we wished it could have gone further in some areas and programs, but I am proud to say that we didn’t bargain our principles and that we prioritized our school system,” Burgos said. “I am appreciative of the investments in apprenticeships Read more


Infrastructure, Housing, Transportation, and Safety Funding Opportunities

(Jul 05, 2023)

Below are several grant programs that are currently open for applications. PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Support Families of Child Abuse Victims Who May Apply: Non-profits that specialize in providing service for child abuse victims in Pennsylvania. Use: Implementation of a research or evidence-based trauma training to support non-offending caregivers of child abuse victims. Funds: $250,000 in federal Children’s Justice Act funds. Application Deadline: July 6, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: PA START/STOP Project Who May Apply: Any private non-profit agency, any private for-profit agency, public agency, or unit of local government. Use: The PA START/STOP campaigns aim to increase awareness of the dangers of Opioid abuse, as well as to provide resources to assist parents and caregivers in promoting healthy behaviors among youth to prevent substance use in the first place. Funds: $900,000 in federal State Opioid Response funds. Application Deadline: July 10, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Who May Apply: Local, county, and tribal governments, transit agencies, schools, school districts, nonprofits, and small Metropolitan Planning Read more


Pa. Legislative Latino Caucus condemns Supreme Court affirmative action decision

(Jun 29, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 29 – The Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus today released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action, banning race-conscious admissions, in the cases of Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina and Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College: “We stand for diversity. We have focused our work on policies that would improve minority representation in all facets of life in our state. This is why we feel compelled to raise our voices against a decision that is clearly a setback in our fight for racial justice. “This ends decades of precedent that granted schools access to programs aimed at boosting diversity on their campuses. “This ruling will have a harmful impact for underrepresented minorities now that the race factor was eliminated from the equation; we fear the selection process of students with no race consideration. “Affirmative action has been a crucial tool in addressing historical and ongoing disparities faced by underrepresented groups, including women, people of color and individuals from low-income backgrounds. It has played a pivotal role in leveling the playing field and opening doors of opportunity for those who have been historically disadvantaged, particularly for our sons and daughters here in Pennsylvania. “The Supreme Court's decision disregards the Read more


Kinsey Fresh Food Financing Initiative bill passes House

(Jun 21, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 21 – Today, legislation ( H.B. 580 ) introduced by state Reps. Stephen Kinsey, Danilo Burgos and Morgan Cephas, all D-Phila., passed the Pennsylvania House and will now head to the Senate for future consideration. This legislation would re-establish the Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative , a program that operated from 2004 to 2010 and provided grants and low-interest loans for the construction, rehabilitation or expansion of grocery stores, farmers markets and other healthy food retail establishments in low- to moderate-income areas in need and other underserved communities. “Today, we in the Pennsylvania House affirmed our commitment to ensuring all communities in our state have access to healthy, nutritious and fresh food,” Kinsey said. “I’m glad to see us one step closer to bringing back the Fresh Food Financing Initiative- now, I urge my Senate colleagues to get this bill to the governor’s desk so it can be signed into law, and we can bring back this necessary initiative.” “I am proud to see that our efforts have paid off,” Burgos said. “We are now a step closer to providing more fresh food purchasing options to residents in underserved areas. Fresh food cannot be accepted as a privilege of a few. We are moving legislation forward for the benefit of all Pennsylvanians.” “We are determined to make the commonwealth a Read more


Infrastructure, Housing, and Safety Funding Opportunities

(Jun 16, 2023)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Support Families of Child Abuse Victims Who May Apply: Non-profits that specialize in providing service for child abuse victims in Pennsylvania. Use: Implementation of a research or evidence-based trauma training to support non-offending caregivers of child abuse victims. Funds: $250,000 in federal Children’s Justice Act funds. Application Deadline: July 6, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: PA START/STOP Project Who May Apply: Any private non-profit agency, any private for-profit agency, public agency, or unit of local government. Use: The PA START/STOP campaigns aim to increase awareness of the dangers of Opioid abuse, as well as to provide resources to assist parents and caregivers in promoting healthy behaviors among youth to prevent substance use in the first place. Funds: $900,000 in federal State Opioid Response funds. Application Deadline: July 10, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Who May Apply: Local, county, and tribal governments, transit agencies, schools, school districts, nonprofits, and small Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Use: Transportation alternatives, including on- and Read more


Burgos avanza proyecto de ley para fomentar la diversidad y la igualdad en la industria agrícola

(Jun 07, 2023)

Burgos avanza proyecto de ley para fomentar la diversidad y la igualdad en la industria agrícola HARRISBURG, 7 de Junio – El Rep. Estatal Danilo Burgos, D-Filadelfia, declaró hoy que Pensilvania está un paso más cerca de la creación de una comisión que ayudaría a generar nuevas vías de oportunidad en la industria agrícola en beneficio de las comunidades marginadas. Burgos dijo que su proyecto de ley ( H.B. 767 ) que establecería una Comisión de Agricultores Socialmente Diversos de Pennsylvania fue aprobado ayer en el Comité de Asuntos Agrícolas y Rurales de la Cámara y está listo para su consideración por el pleno de la Cámara. El representante detalló que su legislación mejoraría las oportunidades agrícolas para las minorías y la gente de color en todo el estado. "Este proyecto de ley transformaría la situación de muchos que están considerando hacer carrera en la industria agrícola. Estoy determinado a mejorar la equidad en nuestra producción agrícola. Tenemos que eliminar la alarmante disparidad que afecta a esta industria. "Propongo establecer una comisión que se encargaría de revisar las políticas actuales y emitir un informe con recomendaciones para promover y aplicar Read more


Burgos bill advancing to foster diversity and equality in the agricultural industry

(Jun 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 7 – State Rep. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., said today that Pennsylvania is a step closer to creating a commission that would help open new avenues of opportunity in the agricultural industry for the benefit of underserved communities. Burgos said his bill ( H.B. 767 ) that would establish a Pennsylvania Socially Diverse Farmers Commission was approved yesterday in the House Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee and is ready for consideration by full House. Burgos said his legislation would improve agricultural opportunities for minorities and people of color across the commonwealth. “This bill would transform the playing field for many who are considering careers in the agricultural industry. I am determined to improve the fairness in our agricultural production. We need to eliminate the alarming disparity that is affecting this industry. “I am proposing a commission that would be tasked with reviewing current policies and issuing report with recommendations to promote and implement a farm-related diversity, equity and inclusion plan. “We cannot continue ignoring the elephant in the room. Intentional or unintentional national and state agricultural policies have benefited white farmers while impeding farmers of color. As Latino, I am proud to raise my voice for our people. Whether you are Black, Hispanic or Asian, we all have the same rights. We Read more


Burgos Trabaja para Nivelar el Sector Agrícola

(Jun 07, 2023)

El representante estatal, Danilo Burgos, celebra que su proyecto de ley para establecer la Comisión de Agricultores Diversos es aprobado por el Comité de Agricultura y Asuntos Rurales de la Cámara. Burgos dice que la comisión creada por esta legislación haría que los empleos y las oportunidades agrícolas fueran más accesibles para los residentes afroamericanos y latinos de Pensilvania. El proyecto de ley pasará ahora a la Cámara en el pleno para su consideración. Read more


Burgos Works to Level Agricultural Playing Field

(Jun 06, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Danilo Burgos celebrates as his bill to establish the Socially Diverse Farmers Commission clears the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee. Burgos says the commission created by this legislation would make agricultural jobs and opportunities more accessible to Black and brown Pennsylvanians. The bill will now move to the full House for consideration. Read more


Kinsey Fresh Food Financing Initiative bill approved by House Committee

(Jun 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 6 – Today, legislation ( H.B. 580 ) introduced by state Reps. Stephen Kinsey, Danilo Burgos and Morgan Cephas, all D-Phila., to re-establish the Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative was approved by the PA House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee. The Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative was a program operated from 2004 to 2010 that provided grants and low-interest loans for the construction, rehabilitation or expansion of grocery stores, farmers markets and other healthy food retail establishments in low- to moderate-income areas in need and other underserved communities. “Health is the most important aspect of our lives. To live a healthy life, it’s crucial that all people have access to healthy, fresh and nutritious food,” Kinsey said. “Restarting the Fresh Food Financing Initiative would help provide more accessible healthy food options to communities that desperately need it.” “This bill would boost local agricultural products while helping families in need to get access to fresh produce,” Burgos said. “This program is a healthy approach to fight food insecurity and obesity. No one in our state should be deprived of having a balanced alimentation, not under our watch.” “Pennsylvania agriculture contributes $132.5 billion to our state economy annually and supports 593,6000 jobs. It is beyond upsetting to Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation regrets fatal shooting of man canvassing for the city’s primary election

(May 09, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, May 9 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed their condolences to the family grieving the loss of a loved one after one man opened fire at another while both men were canvassing for the city’s upcoming primary election. Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas described the incident as a senseless loss and said that the shooting is also a sad reminder of the ongoing gun violence crisis impacting the city. “We don’t know yet what led up to this tragedy. Further details on this have not been released, but we do know that a family is mourning one of their own,” Cephas said. “We do know that someone lost their life due to gun violence in our city and it is heartbreaking. As of today, there have been 142 homicides in our city this year. This needs to stop,” Cephas added. Rep. Danilo Burgos, vice chair of the delegation, indicated that the institution urges the community to be part of a collective effort to spread awareness and combat gun violence. “My heart goes out to the victim’s family; I extend my condolences during this difficult time. As a community we must focus on prevention measures and bold regulations. Our delegation is determined to improve public safety and protect our families because our families deserve better, we need peace,” Burgos said. Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, delegation treasurer, shared thoughts of sympathy for the victim’s family. “I Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation applauds win on gun safety

(Apr 26, 2023)

HARRISBURG, APRIL 26 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today announced that an important set of firearm safety bills was approved by the PA House Judiciary Committee today and is on its way to consideration by the full House. The package of legislation, which cleared its first key committee, is aimed at securing prompt reporting of theft or loss of firearms, keeping guns secure around children, regulating background checks, and repealing provisions relating to the sale or transfer of firearms, among other regulations. Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas explained that this is a remarkable day for the delegation as another hurdle in efforts to deflate gun violence has been cleared. “This victory is long overdue. We are finally moving gun violence bills out of the Judiciary Committee. We have relentlessly fought for these bills”, Cephas said. “In a republican majority there was no chance for any kind of gun reform, but the time has come, and we couldn’t be more optimistic about this process. State Rep. Darisha Parker indicated that the bill on Safe Storage (H.B. 731) would help to save lives. Parker proposed consolidating statutes for firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for locking device for firearms. "There is no reason that anyone should lose a loved one because of a mishandled firearm," Parker said. "My legislation would Read more


Lawmakers acknowledge esports as part of equitable solution

(Apr 19, 2023)

“As we heard today, esports can provide the spark needed by students to encourage academic and emotional development,” said Rep. Danilo Burgos, who represents portions of Philadelphia and is the chairman of the Policy Subcommittee on Progressive Policies for Working People. “One of the most exciting aspects about esports, for me as a legislator and Latino, is its potential for an equitable solution to our strikingly low number of Black and Hispanic workers in STEM-related careers. Esports attract a diverse group of students, regardless of race or gender, and it has proven itself as a gateway into encouraging young people to pursue STEM education as well as STEM-related careers.” Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation applauds appointment of JoAnne Epps as acting president of Temple University

(Apr 12, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, April 12 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today announced that the organization praises the election of JoAnne Epps as acting president of Temple University and that it remains closely monitoring the transformative efforts of the Special Committee of the Board. “We are pleased with the appointment of Epps as acting president. The board of trustees made this election by unanimous vote, and it is certainly a clever decision,” said the delegation’s chair, state Rep. Morgan Cephas. “Epps has a proven track record of excellency, unparalleled leadership and expertise. We are looking forward to our collaboration. “We are celebrating this appointment, and we are taking action in favor of the university. Our goal is to help protect the stability of the institution.” On the same note, state Rep. Joseph C. Hohenstein, delegation secretary, highlighted some of the qualities that makes Epps an exceptional choice. "JoAnne Epps has my full support as the new interim president of Temple University," Hohenstein said. "She's spent over half of her life there teaching and making a true difference in young individuals’ lives right here at Temple. We're grateful that she has chosen to put her retirement on hold while the university finds its feet." Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, delegation treasurer, pointed out that he has known JoAnn Read more


Kenyatta, Benham, Burgos and Flick introduce bipartisan ‘Marriage Equality’ bill

(Apr 11, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 11 – State Reps. Malcolm Kenyatta and Danilo Burgos, both D-Phila., Jessica Benham, D-Allegheny, and Jamie Flick, R-Lycoming/Union, are introducing legislation to protect the right of marriage equality against further high court cases that could erode that right and to clean up the statute to be in line with the U.S Supreme Court case of Obergefell v. Hodges . Marriage was only recently extended to same-sex couples across the United States. While numerous states had previously recognized the right of same-sex couples to marry, it was the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges on June 26, 2015, that made it clear that marriage, and all its privileges and responsibilities, should be available to all. Despite the landmark ruling, and same-sex marriage being legal in Pennsylvania, the commonwealth, as well as many other states, retain outdated, unconstitutional and unnecessary sections of law that prohibit marriage equality. This legislation would update Pennsylvania’s current laws by repealing the section of law that only recognizes marriage as being between a man and woman. Kenyatta, who serves as co-chair of the Pennsylvania LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus, said it’s important for the statue of Pennsylvania’s law regarding marriage to reflect Obergefell v. Hodges. “As the first openly LGBTQ person to get married during their tenure in the General Assembly, I know how special it is, to not Read more


State Reps. Kenyatta, Bullock and Burgos introduce legislation to increase state oversight of Temple University

(Apr 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 3 – State Reps. Malcolm Kenyatta, Donna Bullock and Danilo Burgos, all D-Phila., are introducing legislation to increase state oversight of Temple University to help address violence near the campus. In the last four years, the number of shootings within the Temple campus patrol area nearly tripled, going from 11 in 2018 to 26 in 2022. This year, 2023, there have already been multiple shootings, including one that killed Temple police officer Christopher Fitzgerald. In addition to this, Temple’s enrollment has declined 16.5% since 2017. Recently, Temple University President Jason Wingard resigned from his position, causing an upheaval in the school’s leadership. To combat the issues Temple faces, the lawmakers are introducing legislation to increase the number of state-appointed board members to the Temple University Board of Trustees by giving one more appointment to the governor, the president pro tempore of the Senate, and the speaker of the House of Representatives. The legislators said that more state-appointed board members on the Board of Trustees would ensure that the state has greater oversight over the important decisions before the board and can guarantee that state money is being used effectively. Kenyatta, a Temple alum, said that as a state-related university, Temple enjoys many benefits of state funding each year, and the school should receive more oversight from the state to ensure the safety of Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation praises more than $3.6 million in grant funding for education
Aug 04, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation calls out Sen. Devlin Robinson for disrespecting Pennsylvania firefighter
Aug 04, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation calls for bold changes in eviction process
Jul 20, 2023

Spring 2023 Newsletter!
Jul 19, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation pleased with increased funding on budget priorities
Jul 07, 2023

Infrastructure, Housing, Transportation, and Safety Funding Opportunities
Jul 05, 2023

Pa. Legislative Latino Caucus condemns Supreme Court affirmative action decision
Jun 29, 2023

Kinsey Fresh Food Financing Initiative bill passes House
Jun 21, 2023

Infrastructure, Housing, and Safety Funding Opportunities
Jun 16, 2023

Burgos avanza proyecto de ley para fomentar la diversidad y la igualdad en la industria agrícola
Jun 07, 2023

Burgos bill advancing to foster diversity and equality in the agricultural industry
Jun 07, 2023

Burgos Trabaja para Nivelar el Sector Agrícola
Jun 07, 2023

Burgos Works to Level Agricultural Playing Field
Jun 06, 2023

Kinsey Fresh Food Financing Initiative bill approved by House Committee
Jun 06, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation regrets fatal shooting of man canvassing for the city’s primary election
May 09, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation applauds win on gun safety
Apr 26, 2023

Lawmakers acknowledge esports as part of equitable solution
Apr 19, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation applauds appointment of JoAnne Epps as acting president of Temple University
Apr 12, 2023

Kenyatta, Benham, Burgos and Flick introduce bipartisan ‘Marriage Equality’ bill
Apr 11, 2023

State Reps. Kenyatta, Bullock and Burgos introduce legislation to increase state oversight of Temple University
Apr 03, 2023