Pennsylvania lawmakers propose animal rights bills

(Apr 05, 2023)

The “Beagle Bill” would require breeders of dogs and cats who sell animals to testing facilities, and the testing facilities themselves to offer dogs and cats for adoption once animals are no longer needed. The adoption must also pose no risk to the animal or the public. Read more


Representatives, testifiers advocate to Raise the Wage

(Mar 27, 2023)

“People across Pennsylvania want to work, but they also need to earn a living wage during these difficult times,” House Majority Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. “We can either raise the minimum wage to a reasonable amount or Pennsylvania will be forced to provide public assistance and social safety networks for workers – including those working 40 hours per week – just to survive.” Read more


Reform for charter reimbursement necessary in PA, testifiers say

(Mar 22, 2023)

“Today’s hearing provided us with a great opportunity to examine how reimbursements for charter schools work, and how we can make sure we’re being proper stewards of taxpayer dollars,” said Rep. Joe Ciresi (D-Montgomery), who hosted Wednesday’s hearing. “We will always preserve school choice, but it has been more than 20 years since we last reformed our charter school law, and the testimony we heard today proved it’s now antiquated and negatively impacting school districts, students and taxpayers.” Read more


Senate, House Dems discuss need for COLA for PSERS and SERS retirees

(Mar 21, 2023)

“It’s time for Pennsylvania to grow a spine and support the thousands of seniors who did everything right, dedicated their lives to their communities and paid their fair share, yet now are struggling to make ends meet,” House Majority Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro added. “Now in their golden years, former public employees and state workers have not received a cost-of-living adjustment since 2002-03, when a gallon of gasoline cost less than $1.70. It’s more important now than ever to attract and retain teachers, and we cannot expect to attract more teachers without first addressing pensions and salaries.” Read more


House, Senate Dems discuss bills to extend workplace protections to public employees

(Mar 20, 2023)

“Today’s hearing shined a light on the need to ensure safety conditions for almost 600,000 public sector workers in Pennsylvania,” House Majority Policy Committee chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. “Public sector workers cannot and should not continue to be treated as second-class employees. The time has come to extend OSHA protections for all public sector workers.” Read more


Bizzarro announces $7.3 million for local infrastructure projects

(Mar 16, 2023)

Sixteen projects across Erie County will be receiving funding help from the state thanks to grants released by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro announced Thursday. Read more


Rep. Bizzarro to host annual ‘Treasury Hunt’ Friday

(Mar 16, 2023)

Overlooked mistakes like a misspelled name or out-of-date addresses have resulted in the Pennsylvania State Treasury collecting more than $3.5 billion in unclaimed property from state residents. Read more


Bipartisan Policy Committee gathers info on derailment response

(Mar 14, 2023)

“Many of the questions today explored the potential negative effects on public safety in the aftermath of this disaster,” Majority Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. “We heard consistent answers that long-term monitoring and investments will be needed.” Read more


Looking for ways to empower residents to revitalize Main Street

(Mar 13, 2023)

“During her time as a councilwoman, Representative Salisbury was asking Norfolk Southern tough questions in order to find solutions to the deteriorating condition of the Washington Avenue Bridge,” Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. “We’ve met and talked to the people of Swissvale who are ready to make a difference. However, creating a Main Street where business owners want to stay, thrive and live requires infrastructure investments.” Read more


Rep. Bizzarro applauds Shapiro’s 2023/24 budget priorities, stands ready to act

(Mar 07, 2023)

In response to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s first budget address Tuesday afternoon, state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro (D-Erie) issued the following statement: Read more


Rozzi Resigns, McClinton Elected Speaker of the Pa House

(Feb 28, 2023)

“Today we made history, we elected the first black female speaker to the House of Representatives and I couldn't be more excited to be part of that team that not only put her here, but that got us to the majority,” said Rep. Ryan Bizzarro (D-Erie), Chairman of the House Majority Policy Committee. “I think together we're going to be able to do a lot of things, not just for the 3rd District and for Erie County, but for all of Pennsylvania. We promised Pennsylvanians that we were going to have a different kind of approach to governing, something that they hadn't seen in a very long time, and we're going to deliver for them,” Bizzarro added. Read more


Bizzarro announces nearly $42K awarded to improve Erie Co. Library

(Feb 24, 2023)

“I’m pleased to see state money support our local library,” Bizzarro said. “Libraries are free resources for people to use regardless of age, gender, religious affiliation or social standing. Libraries maintain our history and – most importantly – the truth, and they bring the people of our community together under one roof.” Read more


Bizzarro announces $20K in state funding for school cafeteria

(Feb 22, 2023)

“We know that school lunches are essential, not only for the health of students but also for improving students’ readiness to learn,” Bizzarro said. “Providing our schools with the reliable equipment needed in food preparation is key since nutritious school lunches help address many of the issues facing school-aged children, including food insecurity, childhood obesity and poor health.” Read more


Bizzarro to host free workshop to help residents receive rebates

(Feb 16, 2023)

“Seniors, widows, widowers and people living with disabilities are eligible for this valuable state program,” Bizzarro said. “Unfortunately, for first-time applicants, the process can sometimes be frustrating. My office is ready to help eliminate some of that frustration, and we are ready to walk you through the paperwork and documents you need to receive your rebate in a timely manner. We are ready to cut the red tape, so you receive the money you’re owed as quickly as possible.” Read more


State Rep. Bizzarro to Hold Free Workshop to Help Residents Receive Rebates

(Feb 16, 2023)

Bizzarro said his office staff will help residents understand what they will need to apply for the rebate. No reservations are needed for the workshop. Read more


Free workshop helps Erie residents receive rebates sooner than later

(Feb 16, 2023)

State Representative Ryan Bizzarro (D-Erie) announced that he will host a free informational workshop to help Erie residents receive the rebates they’ve earned in a timely fashion. Read more


Bizzarro announces more than $120K in safety grants for Erie schools

(Feb 10, 2023)

“The state made a sizable commitment today and dedicated these funds to protecting students, teachers and staff to help make our schools safer,” Bizzarro said. “Education should always be a priority, and these grants will allow our local schools to focus and concentrate on learning while they are in a safe and secure environment.” Read more


Bizzarro announces almost $100K for local fire, EMS services

(Feb 09, 2023)

“I have heard from local volunteers on this matter, and it’s a sentiment echoed across the state whenever the Policy Committee hosts a hearing on this matter," Bizzarro said. "Emergency responders want to focus on training and saving lives, but because of the dwindling number of volunteers, fundraising and recruitment have taken on added importance.” Read more


Policy Committee addresses needs for South Side neighborhood

(Feb 08, 2023)

“Those of us who live here know the challenges that we have faced, recently and stretching into the past, and I know – from my conversations with my colleagues – that many of these challenges are shared by other communities throughout Pennsylvania,” state Rep. Jess Benham said. Read more


Legal relief for abuse survivors at the top of Democrats’ agenda when the House returns

(Feb 08, 2023)

“I’m sure that there are going to be other conversations taking place on the top priorities of either chamber,” Bizzarro said. “I don’t think either chamber is under any illusion that this is going to be easy. We’re going to see just how willing folks are to be bipartisan.” Read more


Pennsylvania lawmakers propose animal rights bills
Apr 05, 2023

Representatives, testifiers advocate to Raise the Wage
Mar 27, 2023

Reform for charter reimbursement necessary in PA, testifiers say
Mar 22, 2023

Senate, House Dems discuss need for COLA for PSERS and SERS retirees
Mar 21, 2023

House, Senate Dems discuss bills to extend workplace protections to public employees
Mar 20, 2023

Bizzarro announces $7.3 million for local infrastructure projects
Mar 16, 2023

Rep. Bizzarro to host annual ‘Treasury Hunt’ Friday
Mar 16, 2023

Bipartisan Policy Committee gathers info on derailment response
Mar 14, 2023

Looking for ways to empower residents to revitalize Main Street
Mar 13, 2023

Rep. Bizzarro applauds Shapiro’s 2023/24 budget priorities, stands ready to act
Mar 07, 2023

Rozzi Resigns, McClinton Elected Speaker of the Pa House
Feb 28, 2023

Bizzarro announces nearly $42K awarded to improve Erie Co. Library
Feb 24, 2023

Bizzarro announces $20K in state funding for school cafeteria
Feb 22, 2023

Bizzarro to host free workshop to help residents receive rebates
Feb 16, 2023

State Rep. Bizzarro to Hold Free Workshop to Help Residents Receive Rebates
Feb 16, 2023

Free workshop helps Erie residents receive rebates sooner than later
Feb 16, 2023

Bizzarro announces more than $120K in safety grants for Erie schools
Feb 10, 2023

Bizzarro announces almost $100K for local fire, EMS services
Feb 09, 2023

Policy Committee addresses needs for South Side neighborhood
Feb 08, 2023

Legal relief for abuse survivors at the top of Democrats’ agenda when the House returns
Feb 08, 2023