Bizzarro hosts Fairview office open house Thursday

(May 17, 2023)

Rep. Bizzarro will host an open house at his Fairview Township satellite office in the Fairview Township Building from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, May 18. Read more


Our Grand Ol' Flag: Coloring contest details, rules

(May 17, 2023)

Details and rules for Rep. Bizzarro's Grand Ol' Flag coloring contest. Read more


Grand Ol' Flag: Coloring pages for coloring contest

(May 17, 2023)

Coloring pages for coloring contest hosted by Rep. Bizzarro's office. Submission deadline for the contest is June 14. Read more


Republicans need to stop the blame game and join us to work for the people

(May 17, 2023)

House Democrats have been delivering for the people. We want Republicans to join us to build a better tomorrow. Read more


Dire situation: PA needs to expand access to contraceptives

(May 12, 2023)

“During this time of heightened need for reproductive health care, the very least we can do is expand access to contraceptives,” Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. “Expanding access to birth control would save lives, improve public health and help ease the skyrocketing demand currently inundating some our state’s world-renowned medical health systems.” Read more


Roundtable highlights work by Family Promise to support families

(May 10, 2023)

“We will never be able to address the biggest issues in our communities unless we provide people with the tools they need to become financially stable and self-sufficient,” Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. “Family Promise serves as a model for organizations throughout the state, in large part for their ability to provide short-term relief and the tools to unlock life-long success.” Read more


Testifiers detail challenges facing emergency management services in PA

(May 05, 2023)

The House Majority Policy Committee convened a hearing Friday morning in Delaware County to discuss emergency management services in Pennsylvania and the daily challenges facing these first responders. Read more


Lawmakers focus on growing local businesses and Main Streets across PA

(May 04, 2023)

The House Majority Policy Committee hosted a round table discussion with local businesses owners in Chester County Thursday afternoon before touring Main Street in Phoenixville to hear what members can do to grow downtown areas in Pennsylvania. Read more


Bill to Ensure People with Disabilities are Represented at PennDOT Advances out of Committee

(Apr 25, 2023)

A bill to provide people with disabilities more equal representation on the criteria needed to obtain a driver's license, advanced out of the House Transportation Committee by a 21-0 vote. The bill (H.B. 134) was introduced in January by state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro. Read more


Bill would ensure people with disabilities are represented at PennDOT

(Apr 24, 2023)

“People with disabilities deserve the opportunity to have their needs recognized and their voices heard,” Bizzarro said. “My bill would ensure people with disabilities have a seat at the table when it comes to obtaining a driver’s license. We are one step closer to guaranteeing more equal representation for the needs and concerns of all Pennsylvania residents.” Read more


Roundtable examines negative impact of selling public water systems

(Apr 20, 2023)

“The sale of this public water authority is bad news for any resident of Pennsylvania who values their ability to access clean water and open green spaces,” said state Rep. Carol Kazeem, who hosted the event and represents portions of Delaware County – including the city of Chester. “For the more than 200,000 paying customers of Chester Water Authority, this sale could result in skyrocketing rate hikes. People who enjoy the outdoors can also expect access to the 2,000 acres of land currently owned by Chester Water Authority to change dramatically – including access for boaters, hikers and anglers. The bottom line is the only one who benefits from this sale is the for-profit company trying to purchase Chester Water Authority.” Read more


Lawmakers acknowledge esports as part of equitable solution

(Apr 19, 2023)

“Esports offer students another chance to interact and learn alongside their peers,” House Majority Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. “It also has the potential to bring together a diverse group of students, and it encourages an interest and understanding of the science and digital technology being used at their fingertips. Esports also offer a tremendous economic opportunity for Pennsylvania.” Read more


Hearing looks for solutions to illegal ATV use on city streets

(Apr 18, 2023)

“Illegal use of ATVs and dirt bikes on public streets is not an isolated issue affecting only Pennsylvania’s largest cities or merely the city of Philadelphia,” House Majority Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. “It’s an issue throughout the state, and one that would benefit from local and state partnerships in an effort to educate all vehicle owners on the safety concerns and issues in misuse.” Read more


Reps. Cephas, Harris host roundtable to examine repairs of alleyways, driveways, sidewalks

(Apr 17, 2023)

“While we witnessed some of the needs of my community firsthand today, I’m working in Harrisburg to create a program to empower all municipalities throughout the state to create a neighborhood infrastructure repair programs to support working people and working families,” said roundtable and tour host Rep. Morgan Cephas, who represents portions of Philadelphia – including the Overbrook section. Read more


PA lawmakers reintroduce bill on OSHA oversight for public workers

(Apr 14, 2023)

“Public-sector workers cannot and should not continue to be treated as second-class employees,” Bizzarro said. Read more


Bizzarro announces portion of $4M in funding headed to Erie

(Apr 12, 2023)

“The Erie County Office of Drug and Alcohol Abuse knows what’s working in our community and they are positioned to direct this money where it is most effective,” Bizzarro said. Read more


Hearing details support needed for career and technical education

(Apr 12, 2023)

“I would encourage anyone to visit and tour Millcreek School District and McDowell Manufacturing,” House Majority Policy Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. Bizzarro represents part of Erie County, including Millcreek Township School District. “What I’ve seen firsthand is a statewide model that exceeds expectations and builds confidence in students, and I’m convinced we could provide this type of option in most schools throughout the state.” Read more


Will this be the year PA raises the minimum wage?

(Apr 07, 2023)

“The current $7.25 an hour is absolutely unacceptable,” said House Majority Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro (D-Erie), adding the state is overdue for an increase. “Folks who’ve been working minimum wage jobs for years should have received an increase a number of years ago.” Read more


State lawmakers propose legislative reforms for Pa. dog law

(Apr 06, 2023)

The reforms, which are part of a three-pronged, companion proposal by state Sen. Carolyn Comitta, D-Chester, and Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, mirror a similar legislative package enacted in Virginia last year. Read more


Bizzarro announces $25K public safety grant

(Apr 05, 2023)

"It’s rewarding to see this money headed back to our region to ensure religious freedom is preserved and an emphasis is placed on improving public safety – in order to protect residents from misguided individuals,” Rep. Ryan Bizzarro said. Read more


Bizzarro hosts Fairview office open house Thursday
May 17, 2023

Our Grand Ol' Flag: Coloring contest details, rules
May 17, 2023

Grand Ol' Flag: Coloring pages for coloring contest
May 17, 2023

Republicans need to stop the blame game and join us to work for the people
May 17, 2023

Dire situation: PA needs to expand access to contraceptives
May 12, 2023

Roundtable highlights work by Family Promise to support families
May 10, 2023

Testifiers detail challenges facing emergency management services in PA
May 05, 2023

Lawmakers focus on growing local businesses and Main Streets across PA
May 04, 2023

Bill to Ensure People with Disabilities are Represented at PennDOT Advances out of Committee
Apr 25, 2023

Bill would ensure people with disabilities are represented at PennDOT
Apr 24, 2023

Roundtable examines negative impact of selling public water systems
Apr 20, 2023

Lawmakers acknowledge esports as part of equitable solution
Apr 19, 2023

Hearing looks for solutions to illegal ATV use on city streets
Apr 18, 2023

Reps. Cephas, Harris host roundtable to examine repairs of alleyways, driveways, sidewalks
Apr 17, 2023

PA lawmakers reintroduce bill on OSHA oversight for public workers
Apr 14, 2023

Bizzarro announces portion of $4M in funding headed to Erie
Apr 12, 2023

Hearing details support needed for career and technical education
Apr 12, 2023

Will this be the year PA raises the minimum wage?
Apr 07, 2023

State lawmakers propose legislative reforms for Pa. dog law
Apr 06, 2023

Bizzarro announces $25K public safety grant
Apr 05, 2023