Rozzi and Madsen rally support for UPS Teamsters

(Jul 20, 2023)

“UPS has a choice. They can respect and do right by working people by paying what them they deserve, or come Aug. 1, UPS can face the frustrations of the hardworking people who have made them a success," Madsen said. Read more


Email Update: July 12

(Jul 12, 2023)

Harrisburg lost one of its iconic buildings this week. The Broad Street Market has stood as a centerpiece for our community since 1878 and was one of my favorite places to visit. Thank you, Josh Shapiro, for joining us as we work to restore this historic building. Read more


Harrisburg area Dems release statements on Broad Street Market fire

(Jul 10, 2023)

As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I am working with committee Chairman Jordan Harris to see what state resources we can tap to aid in the restoration of our historic market. Ensuring that we get the Broad Street buildings restored to their original luster and safe for use is at the top of my priorities. I am also exploring ways to help the businesses that operate inside the market get up and running again. Harrisburg Fire Co. was promptly on the scene to extinguish the fire and to ensure no one was in danger. Thanks to their rapid response, the fire was contained to the brick building and the 1863 stone building remains undamaged. Their hard work this morning, and every day, is greatly appreciated. Read more


Madsen releases statement on state-related university funding

(Jul 10, 2023)

We take great pride in our esteemed centers of higher education and fully understand our duty to honor their significance through the legislation we enact in the Capitol. My purpose is to cast my vote in support of funding our state schools, rather than causing disruption and turmoil for them. Read more


Madsen releases statement on PA budget passage

(Jul 06, 2023)

"I cast my vote in favor of this budget, understanding that no budget ever achieves all the desired outcomes. Regardless, this budget represents a substantial step forward in addressing the needs of my constituents. I look forward to seeing these initiatives and allocations through and making the most out of this session.” Read more


Solar energy grant program for Pa. school districts gets bipartisan support in state House

(Jul 05, 2023)

Rep. Fiedler's Solar for Schools Passed the PA House. Read more


Email Update: June 22

(Jun 22, 2023)

I hope this email finds you well. Below is some useful information on what I have been doing as representative of the 104th Legislative District. This week, I'm in Harrisburg once again as budget negotiations continue throughout the month of June. As always, please reach out with any questions, concerns, or comments that you may have. You can reach me at and stay up to date on the latest news from the district by following my Facebook and Twitter. Read more


Infrastructure, Housing, and Safety Funding Opportunities

(Jun 16, 2023)

Here are several grant programs that recently opened for applications. Read more


Email Update: May 25

(May 25, 2023)

I spoke on the importance of supporting and protecting PA workers alongside Harrisburg's Central Labor Council and fellow colleagues. Recently, the House passed a pro-worker bill to extend OSHA protections to the public sector. Read more


Madsen, lawmakers explain merits of four-day workweek bill

(May 23, 2023)

"We certainly do not want to force businesses to adapt to new regulations,” Madsen said. “This idea is our way of introducing a cultural change to our workforce that business owners can experiment with and evaluate for themselves as to whether or not it’s worthwhile. This proposal in question will extend tax breaks to companies who voluntarily reduce employees' working hours, without reducing pay or benefits. It’s a win-win for everyone involved, including PA residents when we reap the benefits of a happy and healthy workforce." Read more


Fiedler, Madsen, Harris join Steelton-Highspire High School solar tour

(Apr 25, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 25 – Today, state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila.; Dave Madsen, D-Dauphin; and House Democratic Appropriations Chair Jordan Harris, D-Phila.; joined a tour of the solar panel array at Steelton-Highspire High School. The tour was hosted by Generation 180, a nonprofit organization working to inspire and equip people to adopt clean energy. Last year, Steelton-Highspire School District unveiled a solar panel field to power the district’s schools and buildings. Fiedler recently introduced ‘Solar for Schools’ legislation that would create a grant program to fund solar energy projects at school districts, intermediate units, community colleges, and career and technical schools. She said she was pleased to see Steelton-Highspire’s new solar panel field. “Today, we got to see how much positive change solar panel arrays can bring to schools like Steelton-Highspire,” Fiedler said. “If we pass Solar for Schools legislation, we can save schools thousands each year in energy costs, bring federal money for green energy projects back to Pennsylvania, generate good-paying jobs for skilled workers, reduce pollution, create opportunities for hands-on education, and inspire a new generation of leaders.” Madsen, whose legislative district includes Steelton-Highspire School District, praised the school’s leadership. “I am proud of Read more


Email Update: April 21

(Apr 21, 2023)

I hope all is well and that everyone has been enjoying the warm weather. It has been a busy few weeks in Harrisburg and around our community with budget meetings, policy hearings, and events around our district. As always, please reach out with any questions, concerns, or comments that you may have. Read more


Workforce Development, Infrastructure, and Housing Funding Opportunities

(Apr 13, 2023)

State grants are now available for application. Please contact my office for assistance with the application process. Read more


Email Update: March 23

(Mar 23, 2023)

It has been a busy few weeks as this session has gotten underway. Since my last email, I’ve been able to meet with many community leaders, agencies, and stakeholders as we get to work for the 104th district. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve on the newly formed Central PA Delegation leadership team as well as the Appropriations Committee! These assignments give me the ability to focus on the needs of Central PA and how our tax dollars are spent. Read more


Madsen welcomes funding for community projects

(Mar 17, 2023)

“These grants provide for much-needed improvements to many areas of our community,” Madsen said. “Sound and sustainable investments in our infrastructure ensures a higher quality of life for our residents, now and for decades to come.” Read more


Madsen joins South Harrisburg public housing tour

(Mar 10, 2023)

“These upgrades are long overdue,” said Madsen. “While we all want to see construction start as soon as possible, I’m glad the city is taking time to engage with citizens and gain their opinion on how they want their community to look.” Read more


PA House Democrats Central PA Delegation lauds Shapiro’s budget proposal; shares several priorities

(Mar 09, 2023)

The newly formed PA House Democratic Central Pennsylvania Delegation issued its first statement today by commending Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposed 2023-24 state budget. Read more


Fiedler introduces legislation for solar energy grant program for PA schools

(Mar 08, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 8 – State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., today hosted a news conference where she introduced legislation that would create a grant program to expand the use of solar energy at school facilities across Pennsylvania. The grant program, “Solar for Schools,” would issue grants to schools for solar energy projects, including costs related to equipment, installation and maintenance of solar energy systems. “This 21st-century landmark program can save local taxpayers and school districts hundreds of thousands of dollars a year,” Fiedler said. “With the savings, local governments can reduce taxes and schools can invest in more teachers. In addition to all those benefits, solar schools projects have immense local benefits such as reducing carbon emissions and creating family sustaining jobs.” At the legislation roll-out, Fiedler was joined today by labor, educational and environmental leaders. The list of labor unions and organizations supporting the legislative effort includes: the PA and Philadelphia Building Trades, AFT PA, PA and Philadelphia AFL-CIO, LIUNA and IBEW. Rob Bair, president of the Pennsylvania State Building and Construction Trades, said the grant program would create great opportunities for Pennsylvania. “As the sun rises on a new administration, labor and the state legislature can capture that sunlight and turn it into family sustaining jobs, lower energy costs for consumers, and Read more


Email Update: February 19

(Feb 21, 2023)

It was great to meet so many of you at my district office open house! If you weren't able to attend, please feel free to stop in some time or visit to learn how my office is working for you. Read more


Madsen invites 104th Legislative District residents to Open House Feb. 9

(Feb 02, 2023)

With the 2022 legislative redistricting, we want to make sure every resident knows where to go for state-related services,” said Madsen. “If you live in Swatara, Highspire, Paxtang, Harrisburg, or Steelton, come and get to know the people who serve our region Read more