Let’s thank our workers – and support them

(May 01, 2020)

On May 1, people around the world celebrate International Workers Day, also known as May Day, which commemorates the working class and the struggles and triumphs of the labor movement. This year, the observance seems particularly meaningful. Workers on the front lines have been doing an incredible job to protect us from COVID-19 and to make sure we have supplies to get us through this challenging time. Health care providers, grocery store workers, delivery drivers, utility workers, emergency responders and countless others are stepping up to keep us safe and healthy, and I am incredibly grateful for their efforts. But these unprecedented circumstances have been a reminder that while many workers have unions looking out for their safety, far too many in Pennsylvania do not. COVID-19 has exposed the gross inequities within our workplaces and the dangers that too many workers are exposed to. We must work to fix these problems. That’s why I, along with my colleagues Reps. David Delloso, Joe Ciresi, Jennifer O’Mara and Steve Malagari, have introduced H.B. 2289 – the PA Protecting the Right to Organize (or PA PRO) Act. This bill would provide for a transformational strengthening of worker safeguards and enhancement of organizing rights. We need to ensure all Pennsylvania workers have the ability to fight for fair wages and a safe workplace. Weeks of staying home and quarantining have given many people a Read more


Williams applauds $23K in grant funding to help students continue learning despite school closures

(Apr 23, 2020)

COATESVILLE, April 23 – State Rep. Dan Williams announced that Coatesville Area School District and Oxford School District have been selected to receive grants from the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Continuing of Education Equity Grant program. Coatesville Area School District will receive $14,150 and Oxford School District received $9,500. Funds may be used to purchase computer equipment such as laptops, tablets, and internet hot spots, or used toward providing instructional materials such as paper lessons and coursework. Schools with the highest percentages of students lacking access to resources were given priority in receiving the grants. “As COVID-19 has made apparent to everyone, access to technology is a critical need for an equitable education,” Williams said. “I’m very glad for the additional funds to schools within my district as we strive toward a more equitable and prosperous future, and thanks to the Department of Education for providing these awards so quickly in the midst of this crisis.” CEEG grants are designed to help provide access and inclusion for all learners by bridging the gap for students who are currently limited in their ability to participate in continuity of education. Read more


COVID-19 Helpful Resources

(Mar 19, 2020)

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic affecting Pennsylvania, we wanted to provide you with the following resources and information to help you and your family in the days ahead. Please note that this webpage will be updated as needed with additional information and resources. State Services and Resources The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has created a COVID-19 guide to assist everyone. It includes information on social distancing, mental health resources, unemployment, food assistance, changes from PennDOT and resources for small business: https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-covid-19/ For individuals : https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-covid-19/#ForIndividuals For families : https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-covid-19/#ForFamilies For businesses : https://dced.pa.gov/resources COVID Support for PA Businesses : The following provides information and and links to federal, state, local and private resources. https://www.pahouse.com/News/?id=113388 **Self-employed, independent contractors, gig economy workers: Apply here for federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits .** https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-covid-19/#ForBusinessesUtilities Information from the PA Dept. of Labor and Industry on the federal CARES Act: https://www.uc.pa.gov/COVID-19/CARES-Act/Pages/default.aspx The following link provides you with Read more


Williams Discusses Workforce Impact of Apprenticeships, Trades

(Mar 12, 2020)

Pa. state Rep. Dan Williams took part in a discussion on ways to get more people, especially young people, engaged in apprenticeships and union jobs that promise living wages. Read more


CANCELLED: Williams to host coronavirus town hall March 18

(Mar 11, 2020)

COATESVILLE, March 11 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, is cancelling his COVID-19 coronavirus town hall originally scheduled for March 18. Williams decided to cancel the event due to the virus’ presence in neighboring Delaware and Montgomery counties. “The health and safety of my constituents is my top priority, especially during this disease outbreak when the goal is to keep people as safe as possible,” Williams said. “Information on this virus is rapidly updating and changes almost daily. I urge constituents to look to the Pennsylvania Department of Health for the most accurate and timely updates.” For more information, contact Williams’ by calling 484-200-8256 or emailing RepWilliams@pahouse.net . Read more


Williams to host coronavirus town hall March 18

(Mar 05, 2020)

COATESVILLE, March 5 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, will host a public town hall forum to discuss the COVID-19 coronavirus at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 18 at Downingtown Middle School. The event will update residents on prevention efforts at the state level to keep the virus out of Pennsylvania. Several guest speakers will be present, including the Chester County health director, Caln Township chief of police, a representative from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and an infectious disease specialist. There will be a Q&A portion at the end of the presentations. “Although no cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Pennsylvania, it’s important to stay vigilant and informed when it comes to human health to prevent widespread panic,” Williams said. “This event aims to set the record straight and provide attendees with the most accurate, up-to-date information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Pennsylvania Department of Health.” For more information, those interested can call Williams’ office at (484) 200-8256. Read more


Williams works to help victims of substance abuse

(Feb 25, 2020)

Pa. state Rep. Dan Williams and the House Democratic Policy Committee heard testimony from those working on the frontlines of the opioid epidemic. Read more


Williams Winter 2020 Newsletter

(Feb 13, 2020)

Recapping the first year of my first term as your state representative. Read more


Williams applauds governor’s state budget plan

(Feb 04, 2020)

Pa. state Rep. Dan Williams supports Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget proposal that increases investments in education. Read more