Shusterman announces over $1 million in grants to improve storm and wastewater infrastructure

(Aug 18, 2020)

PHOENIXVILLE, Aug. 18 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, today announced that three neighborhoods throughout her legislative district each received grants to help upgrade water, sewer, storm sewer and flood control infrastructure. The money will be distributed through two grant programs funded through the Commonwealth Financing Authority . H2O PA grant: $650,000 awarded to Phoenixville Borough to upgrade its wastewater treatment plant. PA Small Water and Sewer grants: $300,000 awarded to Schuylkill Township to make improvements to its stormwater collection and conveyance system along Paul Lemen Drive. $420,750 awarded to Upper Providence Township to replace the deteriorated storm sewer system along Carolina Drive. “This funding will help communities throughout our area enhance the safety measures in place to help us overcome extreme weather conditions like the recent tropical storm Isaias,” Shusterman said. “Chester and Montgomery counties experienced major home and roadway flooding from this storm, and I’m confident that completing these three projects will help prepare our communities to better mitigate the impacts of future disasters.” For more information, contact Shusterman’s office at (484) 200-8260. Read more


Shusterman demands accountability on most recent Energy Transfer incident

(Aug 14, 2020)

PAOLI, Aug. 14 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, called for Energy Transfer’s permits to be pulled in Chester County and for Energy Transfer to cover expenses associated with its recent spillage of drilling mud. Energy Transfer is the company working on the Mariner East pipeline project. Shusterman signed onto a letter addressed to the Pennsylvania departments of Environmental Protection and Health, and the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission demanding action after Energy Transfer spilled approximately 10,000 gallons of proprietary drilling mud into Marsh Creek Lake earlier this week. This spill polluted residents’ drinking water, Marsh Creek State Park’s recreation area and wildlife habitats, so Shusterman is advocating to halt its construction in Chester County. The letter also suggested that DEP and DOH require Energy Transfer to cover the cost of private well testing for Upper Uwchlan Township residents and any necessary treatment to decontaminate affected residents’ water supply with no conditions such as gag orders or non-disclosure agreements. “This is not the first incident where Mariner East has harmed our community’s residents and environment, and if their carelessness continues to go unpunished, it more than likely won’t be the last,” Shusterman said. “Time and time again Mariner East threatened our constitutional right to clean air and Read more


Chester County Legislators' Letter to DEP, DOH and PUC

(Aug 14, 2020)

Chester County has been plagued yet again by a recent string of Mariner East pipeline construction incidents. Read more


Shusterman, Krueger draft bill to help Pennsylvania nonprofits survive COVID-19

(Aug 13, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 13 — State Reps. Melissa Shusterman and Leanne Krueger have introduced legislation to establish a $100 million COVID-19 Nonprofit Assistance Grant Program. Their legislation, H.B. 2739 , would allocate funds from COVID-19 restricted receipts to the Department of Community and Economic Development to fund grants to be distributed to 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations statewide. “Between shutdowns, stay-at-home-orders and businesses now operating at a limited capacity, nonprofits missed out on opportunities to host annual fundraisers that they typically depend on to stay afloat,” Shusterman said. “We need to help them survive this difficult time because many people depend on nonprofits for their own survival. Whether they’re connecting individuals in need with housing, employment opportunities, food or health services, we cannot turn our backs on those most vulnerable to the economic effects of COVID-19.” “Nonprofit organizations play such a vital role in our communities, and their work is even more critical during this health crisis,” Krueger said. “Nonprofits help connect families to resources they need during difficult times, offer us opportunities to experience arts and culture, and so much more. The pandemic has deeply impacted these organizations. Our legislation to create a grant program dedicated to nonprofits will go a long way toward helping them continue their valuable Read more


Shusterman authors legislation to prohibit annual cost-of-living adjustment for lawmakers

(Aug 04, 2020)

PAOLI, Aug. 4 -- State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, will soon introduce both a resolution and a bill aiming to discourage or prevent lawmakers from collecting their annual cost-of-living adjustment for the next three years. Shusterman’s bill seeks to amend the Public Official Compensation Law to prevent a cost-of-living adjustment for members and leaders of the General Assembly until 2023. Furthermore, her legislation would prevent a cost-of-living adjustment if, at any point in the previous year, the state unemployment rate was greater than 10%. Her resolution would urge members of the General Assembly to refuse a cost-of-living adjustment for the next three years under these same circumstances. “Millions of Pennsylvanians have collected unemployment compensation since mid-March because of the economic hardships brought on by COVID-19, and many claimants encountered obstacles that severely delayed their payments,” Shusterman said. “Lawmakers cannot, in good faith, accept this payment while the people we represent and work for continue to struggle.” Shusterman also introduced H.B. 385 in January 2019, which would suspend legislators’ pay in the event of an untimely budget. “Our constituents would not be paid if they did not do their jobs, so legislators must be held to the same standard -- especially when so many people are struggling to make ends meet. We Read more


Shusterman supports progress on repairing several state highways in Montgomery County

(Jul 28, 2020)

PAOLI, July 28 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, applauded a more than $7.9 million state investment toward repairing and resurfacing 14 state highways in Montgomery County. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has contracted with Highway Materials, of Flourtown, Montgomery County, to resurface 35 miles of state highways. In Shusterman’s district, this includes Route 113 (Black Rock Road) at Yeager Road in Upper Providence Township. “This important resurfacing project is vital to maintaining our transportation network and overall infrastructure within our community,” Shusterman said. “I’ve heard from many residents that roads throughout the county need to be improved, so I’m pleased to share progress that PennDOT made on achieving this.” Click here to view all the projects funded by this contract. Read more


Summer 2020 4-page Newsletter

(Jul 27, 2020)

These last few months have been far from easy forPennsylvanians. I recognize the sacrifices you’ve made tomitigate the spread of COVID-19, from social distancingto wearing masks, and I sincerely thank you. Read more


Shusterman, Sappey and Howard to host virtual panel on human trafficking in Pennsylvania

(Jul 20, 2020)

PAOLI, July 20 – State Reps. Melissa Shusterman, Christina Sappey and Kristine Howard invite constituents to their online panel to bring awareness to human trafficking, with an emphasis on how it can happen anywhere, and to teach people how to identify trafficking situations. The discussion will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 30. A livestream will be available on each of the three representatives’ websites. Anyone who wishes to participate in the discussion by emailing questions to be answered live must RSVP online. Upon submitting an RSVP, the office will send instructions on where to submit questions and introduce the panelists. Shusterman, Sappey and Howard said that they wanted to shed light on this issue after the recent arrests of three Malvern residents for abducting and trafficking a 14-year-old girl. Additionally, the United Nations recognizes July 30 as World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. “Human trafficking happens in every state throughout the nation, yet many people think it doesn’t happen in their neighborhood,” Shusterman said. “Predators often times exploit these feelings of safety and security, which result in tragic, traumatizing losses. We all need to do our part and learn how every one of us can help to shut down these sex trafficking rings that so often target Pennsylvania’s women and girls.” “The issue of human trafficking is so Read more


Hazard pay grants now available to support frontline workers

(Jul 17, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 17 – Workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic could see hazard pay through funding advocated for by the Pennsylvania House Democrats. Eligible employers can now apply for $50 million in available grants to offer hazard pay to frontline workers in life-sustaining industries. Throughout the COVID-19 health crisis, the Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus has fought to support frontline workers and worked to ensure federal CARES Act dollars were allocated as part of the state budget package. Businesses in the following industries are eligible to apply for the grant funding: Health care and social assistance Food manufacturing Food retail facilities Public transit and ground passenger transportation Security services Janitorial services to buildings and dwellings More information on the grants is available here . Since the very beginning of the pandemic, and during 2020-21 budget negotiations, House Democrats have advocated for fair compensation and protections for frontline workers. Democratic state representatives from across Pennsylvania lauded the opening of the new grant program. Northeast Region Rep. Maureen Madden, D-Monroe : "I am a strong advocate for better wages and conditions for all workers. During times of financial uncertainty, hazard pay is crucial for all frontline workers facing increased exposure to the COVID-19 Read more


Shusterman advocates for extension on eviction and foreclosure moratorium

(Jul 08, 2020)

PAOLI, July 8 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, signed onto a letter with 43 fellow legislators urging Gov. Tom Wolf to extend Pennsylvania’s eviction and foreclosure moratorium to the end of 2020 and provide additional support to renters, landlords and home owners. The moratorium currently in place is set to expire on July 10. Shusterman said that since a second wave of COVID-19 in the fall is possible, she will be fighting to ensure that no one gets evicted while the novel coronavirus continues to spread in the commonwealth and the country. “I’m calling on the governor to extend the protections in place for both renters and homeowners as our future with COVID-19 is as uncertain as this virus is deadly,” Shusterman said. “We cannot expect all Pennsylvanians to become financially stable in the next two days while millions are still collecting unemployment compensation. We need a six-month plan in place so that people do not need to worry about homelessness while we’re still battling a global pandemic.” The letter can be viewed on Shusterman’s website. For more information, contact Shusterman’s office at (484) 200-8260. Read more


Letter to Governor Wolf: Extend eviction moratorium

(Jul 08, 2020)

Letter addressed to Gov. Wolf explaining the need to extend Pennsylvania's eviction moratorium. Read more


Police accountability legislation advances with Shusterman’s support

(Jul 02, 2020)

PAOLI, July 2 – Two pieces of legislation that aim to reform Pennsylvania’s police force are expected to be signed into law next week, both with support and action from Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery. Shusterman voted in favor of H.Bs. 1910 and 1841 in the House Judiciary Committee, where they were amended and approved unanimously. She again voted in favor of these bills in the House chamber where they passed unanimously. Both bills also unanimously passed the Senate this week and the governor is expected to sign them into law soon. Shusterman said that these bills are the most significant police reform measures that Pennsylvania has seen in the last several decades. “Police accountability and reform bills have been sitting in committees as early as January 2019, so I’m proud to finally see action being taken,” Shusterman said. “These bills would help ensure that our police force is properly trained and equipped to serve every resident of this commonwealth with equal respect and dignity. Too many lives have been lost because of lax policing laws, so I’m proud to see swift, bipartisan support on this extremely important issue.” Shusterman worked with Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, on his H.B. 1910 which would require officers to undergo training on the use of force, de-escalation techniques, cultural awareness and bias; and amended to include training on Read more


Shusterman’s, Kosierowski’s calls for updated nursing home guidance enacted

(Jul 01, 2020)

PAOLI, June 30 – State Reps. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, and Bridget Kosierowski, D-Lackawanna, commended the release of updated guidance by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Human Services to loosen restrictions on long-term care facilities throughout the commonwealth. According to DHS’ three-step process, long-term care facilities may return to activities, welcome visitors and hold other events for residents as long as a specific list of prerequisites are met and there are no new COVID-19 cases among staff and residents for 14 consecutive days. This is a cause that Shusterman and Kosierowski advocated for throughout the governor’s COVID-19 disaster declaration. Shusterman worked with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the PA House Aging Committee to ensure these facilities could reopen and resume their daily activities as quickly and as safely as possible. “Pennsylvania’s seniors were not only an at-risk population for COVID-19, but they spent the last three months separated from their loved ones, which created even more hardships for them during the pandemic,” Shusterman said. “I fought to reopen these facilities to ease this burden on our seniors while still mitigating the virus’ presence within them. I’m pleased to see that restrictions are slowly being lifted, as it’s another step closer toward reuniting families throughout the Read more


Small Business Assistance grants available

(Jun 29, 2020)

Applications are expected to be available June 30 for a new program aimed at providing critical funding to local businesses hurt by the coronavirus. The first round of the $225 million COVID-19 Relief Statewide Small Business Assistance grant program is expected to open for applications on Tuesday, June 30 and will remain open for 10 business days. Additionally, applications will continue to be accepted after 10 business days to be considered for future rounds of funding. Those rounds will be announced soon. This program will award grants ranging from $5,000 - $50,000 to small businesses economically impacted by the coronavirus, and money is specifically set aside for businesses owned by socially and economically disadvantaged people. For an application preparation checklist, criteria for eligibility and consideration, and a full list of participating Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), please click below to go to the COVID-19 Relief Statewide Small Business Assistance website. Read more


Shusterman announces $32,975 grant awarded to area senior center

(Jun 24, 2020)

PHOENIXVILLE, June 24 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, announced today the Senior Adult Activity Center of Phoenixville was awarded a $32,975 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging. The grant is part of the department’s $2 million 2019-20 Senior Community Center Grant Program, which aims to help centers increase participation and programming, attract a new generation of older adults, and provide a safe and healthy environment for participants. “Phoenixville’s Senior Adult Activity Center provides residents with the tools that they need to lead healthy, productive lives and embrace the aging process,” Shusterman said. “They’ve been a staple to our senior community even as they were closed during the pandemic because they regularly provided meals to seniors in need. This facility is so deserving of this grant as they’ve demonstrated that they truly care about their patrons and go above and beyond to provide them with the critical services that they need through thick and thin.” For more information on senior community centers and other services and programs offered by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, visit . Read more


Shusterman votes to advance police accountability measures

(Jun 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 15 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman and fellow members of the House Judiciary Committee amended and approved two police reform bills today in response to the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus’ call last week for action on police accountability. The following legislation was approved unanimously by the committee this morning and is now headed to the House floor: H.B. 1910 – A police training bill that was amended to mandate in-service training on the use of force, de-escalation techniques, cultural awareness and bias; and amended to include training on trauma-informed care, specifically PTSD. Shusterman motioned for an amendment to the bill, which was adopted, seeking to establish PTSD evaluations for law enforcement officers who are required to be trained under the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission. H.B. 1841 – A bill that would expand background checks for police and other law enforcement officers, which was amended to create a confidential repository of employment records relating to misconduct. “Across our county, and right here in our commonwealth and Capitol, we’ve seen a demand to reform our police force and acknowledge the implicit biases subtly embedded in our society,” Shusterman said. “Moving these bills is a promising first step in having much-needed, tough conversations on the House floor, such as addressing Read more


Shusterman legislation bolsters $225 million small business grant program

(Jun 08, 2020)

PAOLI, June 8 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, commends Gov. Tom Wolf’s launch of a $225 million statewide grant program benefiting small businesses that were impacted by closures due to COVID-19. The funding was developed in partnership with state lawmakers, including Shusterman, and allocated through the recently enacted state budget, which included $2.6 billion in federal stimulus funds through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, of which $225 million was earmarked for relief for small businesses. Shusterman introduced numerous bills to help small business stay afloat during the public health crisis. She drafted legislation that would provide technical support and guidance for businesses with less than five employees to help them with selling goods online and create grant programs specifically for nonprofit organizations and mom-and-pop shops. “Small business owners took a serious financial blow over the last three months, and the aid that was available to them was exhausted far too quickly, leaving many with little to no help,” Shusterman said. “I’ve spoken with many small business owners throughout my district who have consistently expressed that more assistance needs to be available for their livelihoods to survive this difficult time. I brought their concerns to the state legislature and I’m proud to share that more help is here.” Read more


Shusterman fights for additional industries to reopen after Chester and Montgomery counties move to yellow phase

(Jun 05, 2020)

PAOLI, June 5 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, commended southeast Pennsylvania’s shift into the yellow phase today as businesses reopen and millions of residents return to their jobs. Safely reopening the economy as quickly as possible has been a cause that Shusterman advocated for over the last month. Shusterman co-sponsored legislation in May to reopen the real estate industry and has voted to reopen garden centers and restaurants’ outdoor dining facilities. Additionally, Shusterman wrote a letter to the governor calling to allow curbside pick-up services in red phase counties. “Pennsylvanians have sacrificed so much since mid-March, especially those of us in the southeast corner who are just now catching up with counties who have been in the yellow phase for weeks. This first step toward reopening our economy is a great start, but I’m going to continue fighting for more industries to be included in this phase,” Shusterman said. “I’ve heard from hundreds of constituents ready to get back to work or reopen their businesses and are willing to follow any safety guidelines that we could establish to make that happen. “In order to achieve a successful reopening, we must continue to work together and follow the outlined health and safety guidelines that are in place to prevent a second wave of the novel coronavirus.” For more information, Read more


Shusterman calls for hair salons and barbershops to be included in Yellow Phase guidelines

(May 29, 2020)

PAOLI, May 29 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman announced that she signed onto a letter addressed to Gov. Tom Wolf calling on him to add hair salons and barbershops to the list of businesses permitted to reopen during the Yellow Phase. The letter details safety precautions that could easily be taken to ensure the safety of customers, such as operating at 50% capacity. “As restrictions begin to loosen and small businesses take steps toward reopening, salons and barbershops could easily be included in Yellow Phase guidelines with industry-specific safety protocols in place,” Shusterman said. “Tuesday was a victorious day for restaurant owners as we learned that they could serve patrons outside starting on June 5. This is the kind of creative solution that should serve as an example moving forward and help get Pennsylvanians back to work as quickly and safely as possible. “Many small businesses throughout the commonwealth cannot remain closed much longer without closing permanently. If we are able to help them while preserving public health and safety, we need to make every effort to do so.” Other legislators who signed onto the letter are: state Reps. Joseph Ciresi, Steve Malagari, Christina Sappey, Tina Davis, Dave Delloso, Jennifer O’Mara, Dan Williams, Danilo Burgos, Tim Briggs and Austin Davis. Wolf has announced that all Pennsylvania counties, including Read more


Shusterman-led efforts to safely resume real estate services statewide to take effect today

(May 19, 2020)

PAOLI, May 19 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery, said she supports Gov. Tom Wolf’s decision to reopen real estate services throughout the commonwealth beginning today. Safely resuming real estate operations has been an issue that Shusterman has championed for the past several weeks. Shusterman had co-sponsored legislation which would have allowed realtors to resume business if they adhered to strict social distancing and mitigation guidelines in late April, but took matters to the governor when the final version of the bill failed to include language prohibiting open houses in “red phase” counties. She also spoke with numerous real estate professionals throughout her legislative district to learn their specific concerns and needs to safely reopen the industry. “I know many Pennsylvanians want to get back to work as soon as possible and that shelter is a life-sustaining need, so I am pleased to see this progress toward reopening the commonwealth while preserving the health and safety of our residents,” Shusterman said. “I’ve heard from numerous real estate professionals who are eager to get back to work but are also concerned with combatting the spread of COVID-19. The measures that were announced today, such as limiting in-person contact and staggering property showings, are effective steps forward that will not jeopardize Pennsylvanians’ health. Resuming Read more


Shusterman announces over $1 million in grants to improve storm and wastewater infrastructure
Aug 18, 2020

Shusterman demands accountability on most recent Energy Transfer incident
Aug 14, 2020

Chester County Legislators' Letter to DEP, DOH and PUC
Aug 14, 2020

Shusterman, Krueger draft bill to help Pennsylvania nonprofits survive COVID-19
Aug 13, 2020

Shusterman authors legislation to prohibit annual cost-of-living adjustment for lawmakers
Aug 04, 2020

Shusterman supports progress on repairing several state highways in Montgomery County
Jul 28, 2020

Summer 2020 4-page Newsletter
Jul 27, 2020

Shusterman, Sappey and Howard to host virtual panel on human trafficking in Pennsylvania
Jul 20, 2020

Hazard pay grants now available to support frontline workers
Jul 17, 2020

Shusterman advocates for extension on eviction and foreclosure moratorium
Jul 08, 2020

Letter to Governor Wolf: Extend eviction moratorium
Jul 08, 2020

Police accountability legislation advances with Shusterman’s support
Jul 02, 2020

Shusterman’s, Kosierowski’s calls for updated nursing home guidance enacted
Jul 01, 2020

Small Business Assistance grants available
Jun 29, 2020

Shusterman announces $32,975 grant awarded to area senior center
Jun 24, 2020

Shusterman votes to advance police accountability measures
Jun 15, 2020

Shusterman legislation bolsters $225 million small business grant program
Jun 08, 2020

Shusterman fights for additional industries to reopen after Chester and Montgomery counties move to yellow phase
Jun 05, 2020

Shusterman calls for hair salons and barbershops to be included in Yellow Phase guidelines
May 29, 2020

Shusterman-led efforts to safely resume real estate services statewide to take effect today
May 19, 2020