Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach Aug. 18

(Aug 04, 2023)

State Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, is alerting local veterans that his monthly veterans outreach program will be held Friday, Aug. 18 at his district office in Allentown. Read more


House Democrats rally at South Philly high school for 'Save Our Schools' campaign

(Jul 31, 2023)

Allentown Representative Pete Schweyer, who chairs the education committee, says with a Commonwealth Court ruling declaring the state’s school funding unconstitutional, schools have to be adequately funded before that debate can begin. Read more


Rally decries crumbling schools amid budget impasse

(Jul 31, 2023)

“We fundamentally know that the way we fund education in Pennsylvania is in fact broken,” Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Allentown and chair of the education committee, said. “(We’re) advocating and rallying around a better fair-funding formula that will put us in a position to make sure every kid gets what they need to be successful.” Read more


Texas nixed child ID kits after our investigation. Now a bill to spend taxpayer money on the kits in Pennsylvania is in trouble.

(Jul 28, 2023)

“This just never seemed like it was all that well thought out,” Schweyer, a Democrat, said, adding that addressing school violence and mental health are more urgent priorities. “I’d rather hire a couple more cops or spend money on a couple more psychologists in our most at-risk schools.” Read more


School Vouchers are a Hot Topic for Pa Budget

(Jul 17, 2023)

State Representative Peter Schweyer, Chair of the Education Committee, also shares a personal connection to the issue, as his own children attend underfunded schools that struggle to perform. Schweyer expresses concern about diverting funds away from K-12 schools, as it would result in fewer teachers and resources for students. Read more


School vouchers keep Pennsylvania’s budget in limbo

(Jul 12, 2023)

“Every dollar that we don’t spend on our K-12 schools is a dollar that’s being taken away from our kids,” Schweyer said. Read more


Pennsylvania university funding held up at the Capitol

(Jul 10, 2023)

“I don’t understand how Republicans didn’t vote for it,” the Chairman of Pa. House Education Committee Peter Schweyer said. “It was shocking to me but at this point in time I don’t know what to expect from them anymore.” Read more


Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach July 21

(Jul 07, 2023)

State Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, is alerting local veterans that in observation of the Juneteenth holiday, on Friday, June 16, his monthly support program will be held the following Friday, July 21 at his district office in Allentown. Read more


Schweyer: Our State Government is Failing Our Schools

(Jun 30, 2023)

Pa. House Education Majority Chairman Peter Schweyer stands with House Democrats, teachers, and public education advocates to fight for adequate funding for Pa. Public schools. Schweyer says it’s time to stop demonizing the schools and teachers and start giving them the tools they need to succeed. Read more


Schweyer: School tuition vouchers could blow up Pa. budget talks

(Jun 29, 2023)

House Education Committee Chair Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, said the push for vouchers could blow up current budget negotiations. The current scheme under consideration is "lifeline scholarships," which he strongly opposes. Read more


Schweyer's Legislation Would Improve School Buildings

(Jun 28, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer, Chair of the House Education Committee, comments on House passage of his legislation to fund improvements in the commonwealth's school buildings through new construction and maintenance work such as the removal of toxic substances and upgraded accessibility. Read more


Pa. House passes Schweyer’s Safer, Better Schools legislation

(Jun 27, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 27 – State Rep. Peter Schweyer today announced his bill to establish a grant program for schools to make critical upgrades and repairs passed the full House Monday evening. “ The average age of public schools in Pennsylvania is roughly 70 years old and many are in need of repairs and upgrades to ensure students and staff have safe and comfortable learning environment s ,” said Schweyer, D-Lehigh. “I am pleased to see bipartisan support for this bill as this would benefit schools across the commonwealth in urban, suburban and rural communities.” According to Schweyer, HB 1408 would establish the Public School Facility Improvement Grant Program. It would provide funding for schools to make necessary and essential improvements to existing school buildings, such as roof repairs, updating or installation of HVAC systems and lead and asbestos remediation. School districts, intermediate units and career and technical schools would be able to apply for grants of up to 75% of their project’s costs with a cap at $5 million. Added Schweyer, “The current school construction program, PlanCon, focuses on new building and major construction projects, it does not help school districts pay for basic maintenance, routine upgrades or to clean up harmful environmental hazards. This bill would make sure students only have to worry about learning in their classroom.” Schweyer said the legislation now moves to the Senate Read more


'Magical unicorn' substitute teacher bill advances

(Jun 22, 2023)

Committee Chairman Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Allentown, referred to the bill as a “magical unicorn” given its unanimous support from teachers unions, the Department of Education, school administrators, and the legislature. Read more


Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro affirms support for funding private school vouchers amid budget push

(Jun 22, 2023)

State Rep. Pete Schweyer (D., Lehigh), who chairs his chamber’s Education Committee, told Spotlight PA that he “fundamentally” opposes lifeline scholarships and believes it would be a mistake to route state money into public school alternatives when the courts have said the public school system itself needs funding. Read more


House Education Committee takes action for safer and better schools

(Jun 21, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 21 – The PA House Education Committee, chaired by state Rep. Peter Schweyer, today advanced two bills which would make critical investments for school improvements and address substitute teacher shortages. “Many Pennsylvania students do not have access to adequate schools, including classrooms that are too hot in the spring and freezing cold in the winter, buildings which have leaky roofs and some cases, facilities are making students and staff sick with mold and asbestos,” said Schweyer, D-Lehigh. “We can and must do better for our students. Under my bill, a grant program would be created which would support school districts with much needed infrastructure maintenance which the current school construction program does not cover.” According to Schweyer, the House Education Committee approved the following bills at today’s meeting: HB 1408 – would establish the Public School Facility Improvement Grant Program for schools to make improvements, such as roof repairs, HVAC systems, and asbestos remediation. HB 27 – would extend the Act 91 provisions on substitute teachers for another year to allow school districts to hire annuitants if an emergency or shortage exists, an increase of the number of days or hours per school year substitute teachers may serve and temporary substitute teacher certification for assignments longer than 20 consecutive days. Added Schweyer, “The teacher shortage Read more


Plan to fix toxic and crumbling schools passes House Education Committee with GOP reservations

(Jun 21, 2023)

"It's about time that the commonwealth starts investing in this,” Education Committee Chairperson Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh, who is the bill’s prime sponsor, said. Read more


Bill envisions new era for school construction and maintenance

(Jun 21, 2023)

Said Schweyer: “There are schools across the state that have mold, lead paint, asbestos, don’t have access to internet, are not accessible to students in wheelchairs or have other special needs and – it’s about time the commonwealth starts investing in this.” Read more


Pa. budget 2023: How a landmark school funding lawsuit is shaping negotiations

(Jun 14, 2023)

“We know we’re going to need to invest a significant number in education as a result of the lawsuit in the next, you know, X number of budgets,” said state Rep. Peter Schweyer (D., Lehigh), who chairs the House Education Committee. Read more


Schweyer Fighting to Fix Toxic Schools

(Jun 14, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer, Chair of the House Education Committee, says the quality of a school building has a direct impact on a child's ability to learn. Schweyer is fighting to secure additional funding in this year's state budget to end toxic schools across Pennsylvania. Read more


Rep. Schweyer and House Democrats call for more school construction dollars in state budget

(Jun 14, 2023)

“The quality of that building will have a dramatic and direct impact on that child’s ability to learn,” Schweyer said. “It’s really hard to teach things like computer literacy if you don’t have the internet. It’s really hard to teach a health class when the air that our children breathe is toxic.” Read more


Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach Aug. 18
Aug 04, 2023

House Democrats rally at South Philly high school for 'Save Our Schools' campaign
Jul 31, 2023

Rally decries crumbling schools amid budget impasse
Jul 31, 2023

Texas nixed child ID kits after our investigation. Now a bill to spend taxpayer money on the kits in Pennsylvania is in trouble.
Jul 28, 2023

School Vouchers are a Hot Topic for Pa Budget
Jul 17, 2023

School vouchers keep Pennsylvania’s budget in limbo
Jul 12, 2023

Pennsylvania university funding held up at the Capitol
Jul 10, 2023

Schweyer’s office to hold monthly veterans outreach July 21
Jul 07, 2023

Schweyer: Our State Government is Failing Our Schools
Jun 30, 2023

Schweyer: School tuition vouchers could blow up Pa. budget talks
Jun 29, 2023

Schweyer's Legislation Would Improve School Buildings
Jun 28, 2023

Pa. House passes Schweyer’s Safer, Better Schools legislation
Jun 27, 2023

'Magical unicorn' substitute teacher bill advances
Jun 22, 2023

Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro affirms support for funding private school vouchers amid budget push
Jun 22, 2023

House Education Committee takes action for safer and better schools
Jun 21, 2023

Plan to fix toxic and crumbling schools passes House Education Committee with GOP reservations
Jun 21, 2023

Bill envisions new era for school construction and maintenance
Jun 21, 2023

Pa. budget 2023: How a landmark school funding lawsuit is shaping negotiations
Jun 14, 2023

Schweyer Fighting to Fix Toxic Schools
Jun 14, 2023

Rep. Schweyer and House Democrats call for more school construction dollars in state budget
Jun 14, 2023