2022 Winter Newsletter

(Feb 11, 2022)

Dear Neighbor, I hope 2022 is off to a good start for you and your family. Read more


Chester County Legislative Delegation and Commissioners Meet with School Superintendents to Discuss Mental Health Needs of Children and Youth

(Feb 09, 2022)

Downingtown, PA - Chester County’s school superintendents shared their concerns regarding the increased demand for mental health services for students with state and county elected officials at a special information session held at the Chester County Intermediate Unit on February 2, 2022. Organized by Pennsylvania State Representative Christina Sappey and CCIU Executive Director Dr. George F. Fiore, the meeting was the culmination of work done by a smaller group formed early last summer to address youth mental health and suicide prevention needs in Chester County. This smaller work group consisted of county officials, school superintendents and staff and CCIU. They inventoried current programming and resources and identified gaps in service. The goal of this larger meeting was to bring both county and state officials together to hear directly from the superintendents. The presentation made by superintendents provided an overview of the current situation and a plan to significantly improve services and meet students’ needs. “We all share the public’s urgent concern for the mental health and safety of our kids, and for how this is landing on our schools,” said Representative Sappey. “Accurately addressing the behavioral health needs of our students is critical to saving lives. Today we have been given a road map and I am hopeful that with bi-partisan support we can overcome these challenges.” Providing opening remarks, Dr. Read more


RSVP for my virtual panel discussion: The Future of Transportation in Chester County

(Feb 08, 2022)

The Future of Transportation in Chester County with State Rep. Christina Sappey. The virtual panel discussion will take place Thursday, March 17 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Read more


Sappey to host Telephone Town Hall

(Feb 03, 2022)

KENNETT SQUARE, Feb. 3 – State Rep. Christina Sappey, D-Chester, invites residents of the 158 th Legislative District to join her Telephone Town Hall at 6 p.m. Wednesday, February 16. Residents will receive a legislative update and have the opportunity throughout the event to ask questions related to state and local issues. Special guest Mark Pavlovich of Fair Districts PA will discuss the redistricting process and be available to answer questions. “I look forward to hearing from constituents about the issues that are important to them,” said Sappey. “This is a great opportunity to connect with residents on a variety of topics, especially as the state budget process begins this month.” Residents interested in joining the call should RSVP by contacting the Representative’s office at 484-200-8264, or by emailing repsappey@pahouse.net . A preferred number should be provided in the RSVP to ensure a connection at the time of the event. The 158 th Legislative District includes East Bradford, Avondale, East Marlborough, London Britain, New Garden, Newlin, West Bradford, West Marlborough and a portion of West Goshen. Read more


Sappey, Comitta and Herrin Announce $2.1 Million for Chester County Hospital

(Jan 21, 2022)

WEST CHESTER, Jan. 18 -- State Rep. Christina Sappey, State Sen. Carolyn Comitta and State Rep. Dianne Herrin announced today that they have secured more than $2.1 million in total state funding to support expanding inpatient and emergency department capacity at Chester County Hospital. The funding, made available through the federal American Rescue Plan, comes at a crucial time as communities across the county face Tower Health’s abrupt decision to close Jennersville Hospital in southern Chester County and impending plans to close Brandywine Hospital in the Coatesville area at the end of this month. “The growing mental health crisis and its increasing burden on law enforcement and hospitals is a major concern, so I’m particularly pleased that we were able to access this funding to help Chester County Hospital expand its behavioral health treatment area,” Sappey said. “Chester County Hospital has a longstanding tradition of service to our community and they are the right group at the right time to utilize this funding.” Comitta, who serves on the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, said the funds will significantly help Chester County Hospital and its emergency department deal with an expected influx of patients due to the closure. “These are vital and timely investments in our public healthcare and emergency care infrastructure in Chester County – investments that were especially needed in emergency and Read more


Sappey applauds more than $970,000 in grants for parks and conservation projects

(Jan 04, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 4 – State Rep. Christina Sappey, D-Chester, announced four local projects are set to receive a combined $972,000 in Community Conservation Partnership Program grants. “Preserving open space remains a priority for residents of Chester County. It’s important for several reasons, not just the beneficial recreation opportunities preservation creates, but holding on to as much pervious surface as possible helps prevent flooding. Open Space also increases property values and tourism revenue,” Sappey said. “This investment in our future will enhance the quality of life for our area and will have lasting impacts for generations to come.” The grants include: New Garden Township: $250,000 to rehabilitate the St. Anthony’s in the Hills Park. Work will include construction of an internal loop trail, parking area and stormwater management measures; installation of play equipment with required safety surfacing, riparian buffers and lighting; ADA access, landscaping, project signage and other related site improvements. New Garden Township: $582,000 to purchase approximately 105 acres along McCue Road and Church Road for a new township park. Chester County: $60,000 to prepare a countywide trail plan. Chester County Water Resources Authority: $80,000 to prepare an update to Read more


Sappey, Otten, Williams and Hennessey congratulate Downingtown Marching Band

(Dec 28, 2021)

Downingtown, Dec. 28 – State Reps. Christina Sappey, Danielle Friel Otten, Tim Hennessey and Dan Williams, all of Chester County, are happy to present a citation to the Downingtown Marching Band for their invitation to the Rose Parade. Read more


Sappey, Comitta and DCNR Announce State Investment in Environmental Pilot Project in Chester County

(Dec 21, 2021)

Harrisburg, PA – Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn today announced $333,991 in Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund grant funding for a Stroud Water Research Center water quality pilot project aimed at finding market-driven solutions to improving environmental conditions. “This project represents a unique and innovative look at addressing a critical need to help improve water quality and stewardship of our freshwater systems in Chester County,” Dunn said. “We are proud to award this grant to Stroud Water Research Center and look forward to seeing the ecological and economic impact strategic agroforestry initiatives can have when focused on and incentivized.” The grant will help fund Stroud Center’s implementation of 60-acres of multifunctional riparian forest buffers. Mutlifunctional buffers are an agroforesty practice that provide ecological benefits while producing income. Stroud Water Research is partnering with Propegate Ventures to demonstrate proof of concept for investment in agroforestry practices that improve water quality and soil health, while assisting landowners in meeting their production and income goals. “Stroud Water Research Center deeply appreciates support from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to demonstrate agroforestry as a way of increasing forest cover in Pennsylvania to meet a long Read more


Sappey, Comitta and DCNR Announces State Investment in Public Recreation and Natural Resource Protection in Chester County

(Dec 17, 2021)

Harrisburg, PA – Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn today announced $1.2 million in federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant funding for the acquisition of Starr Farm in East Bradford Township, Chester County. “With more and more people turning to the outdoors since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are pleased to support land acquisitions of this nature that help expand outdoor recreation opportunities in Pennsylvania communities,” Dunn said. “This grant will help ensure current and future generations can have nearby access to a large, beautiful park and I look forward to seeing the impact this acquisition has in East Bradford Township and for Chester County at large.” With help from the grant, funding from the Chester County Preservation Partnership Program, and its own investment, the township will acquire the deed to the 156-acre property, which includes a half-mile stretch of West Valley Creek, for natural resource conservation and passive recreational public use and enjoyment. The township will manage the property as part of a 477-acre complex of contiguous public parkland under the township's jurisdiction. “The acquisition of the 156-acre addition to the Starr Farm Park caps an over two-decade program of perpetually protecting the Paradise Valley and Harmony Hill Conservation Area, including virtually all of the Read more


Sappey and Herrin announce It’s On Us PA grant for West Chester University

(Dec 10, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec.10 – State Reps. Christina Sappey and Dianne Herrin, both D-Chester, announced today that West Chester University will receive $24,725 through the It’s On Us PA grant program, a statewide campaign to protect students from sexual violence. “These funds help ensure the proper education and equipment to keep students safe on campus grounds,” said Sappey. “We all have to do our part to stop sexual violence. This grant will help West Chester University continue to challenge students, teachers, faculty, staff and more to say something when they see something .” "The college years should be a time of self discovery, personal growth, and relationship development. Sadly, every 1 in 5 college-aged women and 1 in 20 college-aged men experience a trauma," Herrin said. “The It's On Us program helps address this reality and will give WCU more resources to take a proactive stance in combatting sexual assault by recognizing and addressing the warning signs.” The grants will provide funding from January 2022 through May 2023 to implement safety strategies on campuses, such as improving awareness, knocking down barriers that prevent survivors from reporting and/or accessing resources, and changing campus culture. Th e It’s On Us campaign is a national initiative to raise awareness about sexual assault. Its goal is to teach students that Read more


Sappey, Comitta Announce $830,000 for Public Safety, Crime Prevention and Victims’ Services Programs

(Dec 09, 2021)

WEST CHESTER (December 9, 2021) – Important programs to prevent crime, support community policing efforts, assist victims in recovery, and enhance mental health services in Chester County will receive more than $830,000 in state and federal grant support, state Rep. Christina Sappey and state Senator Carolyn Comitta said today. Sappey said the grants would help Chester County continue to implement the latest public safety strategies and best practices while ensuring compliance with necessary standards and regulations. “The PCCD grants that Chester County received will provide essential funding for programs serving the most vulnerable and working to keep our communities safe,” said Sappey. “I’m proud to see investments that will prevent crime, help victims of domestic violence and child abuse, update law enforcement policies and support crisis intervention services to better address our county’s needs.” Comitta, who previously served as Mayor of the Borough of West Chester, overseeing the West Chester Police Department, said the investments would support initiatives that aim to more efficiently and effectively manage public safety and address mental health needs. “These investments help prevent crime, support victims, and reduce recidivism through a data-driven approach and better understanding of mental health and community needs,” she said. “Our county and local law enforcements Read more


Sappey, Williams and Kane Announce an Additional $1.9 Million State Grant for Kennett Library

(Dec 09, 2021)

CHADDS FORD - Rep. Christina Sappey (D-Chester), Rep. Craig Williams (R-Chester and Delaware) and Sen. John Kane (D-Chester and Delaware) jointly announce the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program award of $1.9 million in new grant funding for the Kennett Library. The three legislators worked together to secure the awarded funds as part of the 2021 grant cycle. “I am extremely pleased by this grant approval,” said Sappey. “The Kennett Library serves numerous townships in the Kennett area and this project gives thoughtful consideration to the collaborative way we work and learn now. The facility will provide a state-of-the-art, energy-efficient building with event space, auditorium, and multipurpose rooms for public gatherings and educational programs. Numerous individuals and groups came together to make this modern library a reality. It’s a testament to the people and creativity here, so I am grateful for their efforts and very pleased that this funding will help complete a dream in our community.” Matching funds for the project were raised through efforts of the Campaign for the Kennett Library and Resource Center. In addition to nearly $2 million in state funding, the campaign has raised over $11 million. The first round of state funding allowed the Kennett Library to break ground in August, which Sappey, Williams and Kane attended together. “This project is part of an initiative to bring additional educational opportunities to Read more


Longwood Gardens awarded $550,000 to expand wastewater treatment plant

(Dec 08, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 8 – State Rep. Christina Sappey, D-Chester, and State Sen. John Kane, D-Chester, announced $550,000 in state grant funding has been awarded to Longwood Gardens to help complete a comprehensive wastewater treatment plant expansion project. “Longwood is not only part of the fabric of Chester County, but recognized worldwide for its research, sustainability, educational outreach and economic development,” Sappey said. “It’s important for the commonwealth to partner with forward thinking organizations, so I’m very pleased they have received this funding.” “Bringing money back into our communities is one of the most rewarding parts of this job, and I’m so proud to have worked with Representative Sappey to deliver this funding to Longwood,” Kane said. “Longwood is world-renowned not only for its beauty, but for the groundbreaking research into conservation and sustainability. This funding will help Longwood operate more sustainably in the future and continue to be a great part to our community for decades to come." Longwood Gardens owns and operates its own private wastewater treatment plant. The plant currently handles 100,000 gallons per day. The Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program funding will not only improve water quality, but also help the facility expand to increase its capacity by more than 50%. The project will install test wells to Read more


Sappey announces $2.5 million in grants for community projects

(Nov 19, 2021)

State Rep. Christina Sappey, D-Chester, announced today state grant funding totaling more than $2.5 million has been awarded to support several community projects. Read more


Rep. Sappey to hold annual drive-thru donation drive Dec. 4

(Nov 16, 2021)

State Rep. Christina Sappey’s annual Drive-Thru Charitable Item Donation Drive will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 4 at her district office, located at 698 Unionville Road. Read more


State Rep. Sappey recognizes veterans during annual breakfast

(Nov 12, 2021)

State Rep. Christina Sappey honored approximately 50 veterans who live in her legislative district and their family members during her annual veterans’ breakfast at the Unionville Presbyterian Church. Read more


Sappey to host free breakfast for veterans Nov. 12

(Nov 01, 2021)

KENNETT SQUARE, Nov. 1 – State Rep. Christina Sappey invites veterans in the 158 th district and their families to attend her annual veterans breakfast at 9 a.m. Friday, Nov. 12 at the Unionville Presbyterian Church, located at 815 Wollaston Road in Kennett Square. In addition to a free, hot breakfast, the recognition event will feature a keynote speaker and offer information on services and assistance available to Pennsylvania veterans. “Veterans have made tremendous sacrifices to protect us and our freedoms,” Sappey said. “This breakfast is a small token of appreciation for them this Veterans Day. I look forward to spending time with some of the most selfless and courageous members of our community.” An RSVP is required to attend this event. Call Sappey’s office at 484-200-8264 or email RepSappey@pahouse.net by Friday, Nov. 5 to RSVP. Veterans can use this link to see if they are in the 158 th Legislative District. Read more


State Rep. Sappey to testify with Chester County residents against water rate hikes at Nov. 10 hearing

(Oct 29, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 29 – State Rep. Christina Sappey, D-Chester, has planned an in-person event to support southern Chester County communities in testifying against Aqua Pennsylvania Inc.’s proposed water rate increases of over 17% at a telephonic public input hearing. The in-person event hosted by Sappey and Rep. John Lawrence, to be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 10 at the Penn Township building in West Grove, is happening in response to the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission’s Oct. 21 decision to not hold in-person hearings and instead hold six virtual hearings to collect input from the public on Aqua’s proposed increases. The purpose of the in-person event is to assist seniors and people with technological difficulties who would still like to testify. “Those without adequate access to the internet or comfort with technology deserve to be heard as well as those who do,” Sappey said. Sappey made the initial request for a public hearing through a letter to the PUC on Oct. 6 . “Hundreds of constituents have contacted me expressing strong opposition to Aqua’s increase request,” Sappey wrote. “Many of them are seniors living on fixed incomes and are still recovering from the financial impact of the pandemic. The timing of this increase is egregious and unfair.” After the virtual hearings were announced, Read more


2021 Fall Newsletter

(Oct 15, 2021)

News and updates for the 158th District Read more


Miss my latest Telephone Town Hall? Catch the discussion here.

(Oct 14, 2021)

Find out what your friends and neighbors had to say about the issues that matter to our communities. Read more


2022 Winter Newsletter
Feb 11, 2022

Chester County Legislative Delegation and Commissioners Meet with School Superintendents to Discuss Mental Health Needs of Children and Youth
Feb 09, 2022

RSVP for my virtual panel discussion: The Future of Transportation in Chester County
Feb 08, 2022

Sappey to host Telephone Town Hall
Feb 03, 2022

Sappey, Comitta and Herrin Announce $2.1 Million for Chester County Hospital
Jan 21, 2022

Sappey applauds more than $970,000 in grants for parks and conservation projects
Jan 04, 2022

Sappey, Otten, Williams and Hennessey congratulate Downingtown Marching Band
Dec 28, 2021

Sappey, Comitta and DCNR Announce State Investment in Environmental Pilot Project in Chester County
Dec 21, 2021

Sappey, Comitta and DCNR Announces State Investment in Public Recreation and Natural Resource Protection in Chester County
Dec 17, 2021

Sappey and Herrin announce It’s On Us PA grant for West Chester University
Dec 10, 2021

Sappey, Comitta Announce $830,000 for Public Safety, Crime Prevention and Victims’ Services Programs
Dec 09, 2021

Sappey, Williams and Kane Announce an Additional $1.9 Million State Grant for Kennett Library
Dec 09, 2021

Longwood Gardens awarded $550,000 to expand wastewater treatment plant
Dec 08, 2021

Sappey announces $2.5 million in grants for community projects
Nov 19, 2021

Rep. Sappey to hold annual drive-thru donation drive Dec. 4
Nov 16, 2021

State Rep. Sappey recognizes veterans during annual breakfast
Nov 12, 2021

Sappey to host free breakfast for veterans Nov. 12
Nov 01, 2021

State Rep. Sappey to testify with Chester County residents against water rate hikes at Nov. 10 hearing
Oct 29, 2021

2021 Fall Newsletter
Oct 15, 2021

Miss my latest Telephone Town Hall? Catch the discussion here.
Oct 14, 2021