Green Innovation: Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Gardens

(Feb 06, 2023)

Information submitted by Phipps Conservatory for a Policy Committee roundtable and tour on the grounds of facility, which it city owned but managed by a nonprofit organization. Read more


Policy Roundtable: Union leaders discuss importance of organizing

(Feb 03, 2023)

“Unions are part of the fabric and history of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania,” said state Rep. Dan Miller, who co-hosted the roundtable discussion. “The history of our state can’t be written without recognizing the contributions unions have delivered for Pennsylvania workers – and Pennsylvania’s economy. Unions not only help put food on the tables for the families of workers, but they have also been the driving force behind innovation, setting prevailing fair wages and securing worker safety. Unions’ lasting legacy, however, continues to be their ability to provide a better way of life for millions of workers and their families.” Read more


Union Organizing

(Feb 03, 2023)

In the wake of a union resurgence – including widespread public support not seen in more than 50 years – union leaders from Allegheny County and across the state met with members of the PA House Democratic Policy Committee for a roundtable discussion today in Pittsburgh. Read more


Labor Organizing

(Feb 03, 2023)

Testimony for the House Democratic Policy Committee hearing on union organizing Read more


Election Reform

(Feb 02, 2023)

Policy Hearing: In search of election solutions, not political games Read more


Election Reform

(Feb 02, 2023)

Testimony for the House Democratic Policy Committee hearing on election reform Read more


Policy Hearing: Misclassification hurts workers, taxpayers and state

(Jan 27, 2023)

“This is a widespread, multimillion-dollar illegal practice happening across Pennsylvania in numerous industries and career fields,” Policy Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. “It’s robbing our workers, it’s hurting our families, and – quite honestly – it’s creating a greater tax burden on the citizens and employers who are living by the rules and paying their fair share. The testimony we heard today should motivate responsible lawmakers to support a multi-faceted response, including several of the recommendations put forth by the task force.” Read more


Health care staffing at 'crisis' level

(Jan 27, 2023)

"A patient my age who came in for abdominal surgery that was pretty simple died because there were not enough staff," Michelle Boyle, a union nurse with SEIU Healthcare PA, told the panel. "Those nurses (involved in that patient's care) no longer work in nursing" because of the personal impact of the case." Read more


Worker Misclassification

(Jan 27, 2023)

Armed with the findings and calculations by a joint task force, the PA House Democratic Policy Committee heard detailed testimony on how the misclassification of workers in Pennsylvania illegally denies worker protections while also denying valuable revenue to the state. Read more


Worker Misclassification

(Jan 27, 2023)

Testimony for the House Democratic Policy Committee hearing on worker misclassification Read more


Policy Hearing: Testifiers detail issues affecting health care staffing

(Jan 26, 2023)

“While the pandemic did not cause these issues, it crystalized the problem in a way where the public became acutely aware of its importance,” said Rep. Arvind Venkat, an emergency physician and the first physician to serve in the PA General Assembly in about 60 years. “Unfortunately, no silver bullet – or magical solution – exists to fix this complicated problem. As we saw when we peeled back layers of the issue today, addressing one issue often calls for the need to find a solution to several more related issues." Read more


Health Care Staffing Crisis

(Jan 26, 2023)

Physicians, hospital administrators, nurses, and paramedics detailed their numerous staffing challenges at the House Democratic Policy Committee hearing held Thursday at McCandless Town Hall. Read more


Health Care Staffing Crisis

(Jan 26, 2023)

Submitted and written testimony for the Thursday, Jan. 26 Policy Committee hearing on the Health Care Staffing Crisis. Read more


Bizzarro welcomes new leaders to House Democratic Policy team

(Dec 08, 2022)

State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, chairman of the House Democratic Policy Committee, announced new vice chairs, as well as two new subcommittee chairs. Read more


Online higher education takes center stage at House Dem Policy hearing

(Oct 26, 2022)

The House Democratic Policy Committee convened a hearing Wednesday morning in Harrisburg to discuss the affordability and accessibility of online higher education options across Pennsylvania. Read more


Online Higher Education

(Oct 25, 2022)

Submitted testimony on hearing on Online Education hosted Oct. 25, 2022 in Harrisburg. Read more


Education Funding: The Promise of Level Up, Need for Charter Funding Reform, and Threat of School Vouchers

(Oct 12, 2022)

Submitted testimony for Policy Committee hearing held on Oct. 12, 2022 in Sharon. Read more


Testifiers plea for updated Pa. charter school law during policy hearing

(Oct 11, 2022)

The House Democratic Policy Committee convened a hearing Tuesday afternoon to discuss the need to reform Pennsylvania’s charter school law and address teacher shortages across the state. Read more


The Future of Education in Cambria County

(Oct 11, 2022)

Submitted testimony by testifiers for the Policy Committee hearing on Oct. 11, 2022 in Johnstown. Read more


Level Up and Threat of Charter School Expansion

(Oct 06, 2022)

The House Democratic Policy Committee will convene a hearing with Rep. Mark Longietti to discuss the state’s Level Up initiative, and the threat of charter school expansion in PA. Read more