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PLBC Fall 2022 newsletter

Kinsey, PLBC, Philadelphia members honor first African-American woman House Democratic Caucus secretary

(Feb 28, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 28 – In celebration of Black History Month, Pennsylvania trailblazer state Rep. Rosita C. Youngblood, D-Phila., was recognized today for her 26 years of service to the commonwealth at Philadelphia City Hall. “I am truly humbled by this honor, and I am so grateful for the constant support of my colleagues,” Youngblood said.” And to my constituents in the 198th – I am grateful to have been afforded the privilege of being your state representative for the past 26 years.” The recognition efforts were spearheaded by members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, led by Chairman Rep. Stephen Kinsey, along with the Philadelphia House Delegation led by Chairman Rep. Jason Dawkins, and Rep. Angel Cruz, all D-Phila. “Representative Youngblood dedicated her life to being a fighter and champion for her community and residents across the commonwealth,” Kinsey said. “A living legend, she has made fierce strides toward creating an equitable commonwealth and has paved the way for women and African-Americans by being the first African-American woman to hold a leadership position in the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s history.” Dawkins also thanked Youngblood for her years of public service and expressed how she was a pioneer in ensuring the possibility for others to also serve in a leadership capacity in state government. “I’m proud to be part of Read more


Rep. Kinsey, Gov. Wolf discuss combatting gun violence in Northwest Philadelphia

(Feb 28, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 28 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., along with c ommunity leaders, advocates, and students hosted Gov. Tom Wolf on a visit to the 201 st Legislative District at Parkway Northwest High School for Peace and Social Justice to discuss tackling local gun violence and called on the General Assembly to help secure the $6 million in funding measures for gun violence prevention across Philadelphia outlined in Wolf’s 2020-21 budget proposal . “I’m extremely pleased and support Governor Tom Wolf’s proposal to keep Pennsylvanians safe. Gun violence has become a public health crisis, cutting short the lives of too many people across our commonwealth, especially here in Philadelphia,” Kinsey said. “Governor Wolf recognizes this and has stepped up to the plate with plans. We’re now demanding the state legislature does its part on solidifying this proposal to increase funding thus giving us additional resources that will assist us in battling this threat to the health, safety and welfare of the people of Pennsylvania.” Kinsey also acknowledged the need for grassroots community mobilization in quelling local gun violence and spoke about his public listening tour—Step Up, Stand Up—an anti-gun violence prevention public listening tour. “I recently launched Step Up, Stand Up to reduce—and hopefully end—gun violence across our local communities. I hosted the Read more


Rep. Kinsey to welcome Gov. Wolf to Northwest Philadelphia Friday

(Feb 27, 2020)

Rep. Kinsey to welcome Gov. Wolf to Northwest Philadelphia Friday PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 27 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., will host Gov. Tom Wolf on a tour of the 201 st Legislative District to discuss funding measures for gun violence prevention. The event will take place from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28 with Parkway Northwest High School, 6200 Crittenden St., 19138 , as the starting location. Wolf’s visit is part of Kinsey’s recently unveiled initiative, Step Up, Stand Up, to combat gun violence across Northwest Philadelphia. Wolf gave his budget address earlier this month, in which he proposed allocating $6 million across the commonwealth and $4 million in Philadelphia for anti-gun violence efforts. Kinsey, chair of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, and PLBC members, led efforts to lobby for the funding. The media is invited to attend. Read more


Kinsey, PLBC celebrate Pa. trailblazers for Black History Month 2020

(Feb 27, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 27 – In celebration of Black History Month 2020, state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, hosted a panel discussion Saturday at Martin Luther King High School in Germantown featuring six distinguished influencers of color from across the commonwealth who shared their sacrifices and achievements in being the first to shatter the glass ceiling in their professions. In light of the upcoming elections and the 150 th anniversary of the passage of the 15 th Amendment, the panel also noted the importance of the national theme for Black History Month 2020, African Americans and the Vote. “We’ve blended the PLBC’s theme and the national Black History Month theme to both showcase our contemporary trailblazers who have made history in our Commonwealth and instill the importance of voting, especially in this critical year for our democracy,” Kinsey said, “Thank you to our panelists and moderator for providing this informative discussion.” Joining Kinsey in facilitating the event were PLBC members Reps. Jordan Harris, Democratic whip, Dan K. Williams, Carol Hill-Evans, Isabella Fitzgerald, Malcolm Kenyatta, PLBC associate member Rep. Maria Donatucci, and House colleague Rep. Joe Webster. The panelists included former Philadelphia Mayor W. Wilson Goode Sr., Philadelphia Sheriff Rochelle Bilal, Superior Court Judge Carolyn Nichols, Philadelphia Read more


McClinton, Kinsey to introduce legislation to increase opportunities for pardons in Pennsylvania

(Feb 06, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 30 – State Rep. Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware, today announced that she and Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., will soon introduce legislation to increase pardon opportunities for individuals currently serving a sentence of life in prison. House Bill 2262 would do away with the requirement for a unanimous vote by the state Board of Pardons, and instead, replace it with a required simple majority vote. This vote is needed in order to recommend a pardon or commutation of a sentence to the governor for final approval. “Criminal justice reform is front and center on the minds of legislators in Harrisburg and people all across the commonwealth,” McClinton said. “One way we can truly seek reform is to offer hope to persons who have served decades in prison and no longer pose a threat to their communities. By lowering the threshold to a three-fifths vote of the pardons board to recommend pardon or commutation to the governor, Pennsylvania can show that it is truly leading by example when it comes to reforming our criminal justice system.” “In 1995, the Pennsylvania Constitution was amended to require a unanimous vote by the pardons board. I believe we’ve come a long way in understanding that we must do more in order to provide true opportunities for rehabilitated offenders to be pardoned or have their sentences commuted,” Kinsey said. “Ultimately, the final decision will still lay with Read more


Kinsey applauds Wolf’s budget provisions

(Feb 05, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 5 – State Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., applauded the 2020-21 state budget proposal outlined Tuesday by Gov. Tom Wolf. “Governor Wolf’s proposal is ambitious and is exactly what’s needed to lay the foundation that poises Pennsylvania to be a better, more equitable commonwealth,” said Kinsey, who serves as subcommittee chairman on education in the House Appropriations Committee. “My top committee duty will be to work relentlessly to ensure that these proposals become concrete and implemented.” Wolf’s budget proposal includes heavy investment in public schools and early childhood education, as well as new workforce initiatives to prepare more workers for in-demand jobs. Wolf proposed a new scholarship program to help students in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education avoid crushing student debt. “Student loan debt bounds college students to a life of misery and potential financial ruin,” Kinsey said. “I’m thrilled for these provisions that would not just provide financial relief for graduates, but also address every academic stage in the lives of young Pennsylvanians to prepare them for bright futures.” Reiterating his strong commitment to keeping Pennsylvanians safe, Wolf proposed additional measures to protect vulnerable populations and renewed his call for legislators to pass measures to reduce gun violence, including a “red flag” law and Read more