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Kenyatta to host ‘Education in the era of COVID-19’ Virtual Town Hall

(May 08, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, May 8 -- State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., will host a Facebook LIVE virtual town hall titled “Education in the Era of COVID-19” from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, May 14. The town hall will examine the topics of state education funding, crisis preparedness, the digital divide, mental health supports and educational disparities. The town hall will include speakers from the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, Commonwealth Association of School Administrators, Philadelphia Student Union and a member of the state Special Education Advisory Council, Cecelia Thompson . The Philadelphia School District has also been invited. Online viewers will be able to offer live questions and comments during the townhall by attending through Kenyatta’s official legislative Facebook page . “The COVID19 pandemic crisis has changed the way we have been able deliver education to our children,” Kenyatta said. “It has also raised questions about our preparedness and ability to do so in the future in a productive and effective way. We must also deal with those systemic and ongoing socioeconomic challenges in education that have been exacerbated by this crisis.” Kenyatta, a graduate of Philadelphia public schools said, “I look forward to hearing from our informed guests on the many issues around schooling and education in the era of COVID-19.” Read more


Kenyatta applauds Wolf’s rent and mortgage suspension, calls for lengthier freeze

(May 08, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, May 8 – State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., today applauded Gov. Tom Wolf’s executive order that halts foreclosures and evictions until July 10, but also announced he is drafting legislation that would extend the freeze for an additional six months. Kenyatta praised Wolf’s order, calling it a great start in ensuring that Pennsylvanians will not lose their homes during the pandemic. However, with the July 10 grace-period ending just two months from now, Kenyatta said that assurance is only short-lived. Kenyatta said the economic shockwave stemming from the pandemic will outlast the order’s two-month provision. “Pennsylvanians who have been unemployed will be fiscally stunted, and realistically, the timeframe for many to gradually recoup their finances after months of lacking steady income will surpass July. It could easily go on until the end of the year,” he said. Kenyatta called for a lengthier mortgage and rent payment freeze to allow for Pennsylvanians to financially rehabilitate. “As lawmakers, we can’t allow renters and homeowners to relive the fears and dread of homelessness. We can’t allow those struggling to rebuild their lives to be casted into a downward spiral of financial ruin because they missed mortgage or rent payments out of desperation,” he said. “This incredibly trying time has upended countless lives in various ways, Read more


Kenyatta: I proudly stand with Temple Allied Healthcare Professionals Union, all workers

(May 01, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, May 1 – State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., expressed his support for the Temple Allied Healthcare Professionals Union striking today in front of Temple University Hospital, located in Kenyatta’s 181 st Legislative District, to demand hazard pay, personal protective equipment and testing availability: “In every period in history, the labor movement has been a paramount force in dismantling systems of oppression and guaranteeing rights and protections for American workers. In the wake of this pandemic, labor is once again demonstrating that reputation,” Kenyatta said. “I stand in solidarity with Temple University Hospital workers, who have been fiercely fighting on the frontlines of this pandemic. These people have gone above and beyond in ensuring our communities receive exceptional care in sanitized environments, all the while putting themselves, and their families, at risk. It is time to give them what they are owed!” Kenyatta stressed that there is power in numbers in the efforts to make the demands of striking workers concrete, saying, “We can be victorious in this fight if we band together as a collective in thwarting this capitalistic system that grossly and consistently prioritizes profits over lives. In Harrisburg, I have been fighting for many of the provisions the union is demanding today for all workers across Pennsylvania on the frontlines of this crisis. As lawmakers, we also Read more


Kinsey, PLBC applaud Wolf on calling for race and data with COVID-19 tests

(Apr 27, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, April 27 – In a statement released today, state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, along with its members, commended Gov. Tom Wolf for calling for more free and accessible testing, and for health care providers and medical facilities to follow the Department of Health’s mandate to include race and ethnicity data in demographics provided to the department with COVID-19 test results. “Race and ethnicity have long been factors that essentially predestine a person’s quality of life, and in the wake of a pandemic, these factors have determined the accessibility of tests, the level of care, and overall survival outcomes. It’s a reality that’s all too familiar for people of color,” Kinsey said. “I commend Governor Wolf for his efforts in addressing these deep-rooted systemic ills by pushing Pennsylvania to be among the few states to collect this critical piece of data, which will help our commonwealth to be able to better identify contraction points and mitigate spread in these communities, ultimately saving lives.” The chairman added, “The data collected surrounding this widespread event will be incredibly valuable for our ongoing efforts in the dismantling these disparities moving forward.” Read more


Boyle, Solomon team up to deliver PPE to Jeanes Hospital in Northeast Philadelphia

(Apr 24, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, April 24 – State Rep. Kevin J. Boyle was joined by state Rep. Jared Solomon, both D-Phila., on Thursday to deliver personal protective equipment to Jeanes Hospital, located in Boyle’s 172 nd Legislative District. “Northeast Philadelphia has been among the areas with the highest reported cases of COVID-19 in the city, leaving Jeanes Hospital staff scrambling to treat residents suffering from this virus and doing so without the proper protections,” Boyle said. “I was honored to help deliver these donations because we must do all we can to protect those on the frontlines working hard to protect us despite the risks.” Solomon concurred, saying, “There has been a nationwide shortage of PPE for medical workers on the frontlines, but we’ve been fortunate to be able provide these donations to keep our nurses, doctors and hospital staff safe. I am incredibly grateful to these medical professionals on the frontlines and was humbled to be able to thank them personally with this donation.” The Northeast Philadelphia lawmaker duo coordinated the drop-off with PPE donated by the American Chinese United Association, headed by chairman Jason Lam. The association has been providing donations to hospitals, nursing homes and churches across Philadelphia. Read more


Solomon provides over 300 free comfort meals to Northeast Philadelphia communities

(Apr 23, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, April 23 – To offer some relief during COVID-19, state Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., teamed up with community partners to provide hundreds of free cooked meals from popular local restaurants to various communities in Northeast Philadelphia. “We’re experiencing unprecedented and troubling times. Many residents have had their entire livelihoods upended, and others are still working on the frontlines during this pandemic,” Solomon said. “With all that’s going on, I wanted to help bring back a sense of normalcy and thank all our frontline workers through delicious comfort food staples from our community.” Solomon joined Matt Rossi, owner of Nick’s Roast Beef on Cottman Avenue, and later, Orlando Jacome, owner of Tio Pepe, at their respective restaurants in providing over 300 free meals to hundreds of residents, including medical professionals and other frontline workers. Read more


Women’s Health Caucus chairs ask Gov. Wolf to veto S.B. 857

(Apr 22, 2020)

The original intent of S.B. 857 was to expand the use of telemedicine; however, it is the view of the Women’s Health Caucus that the bill that passed the House and Senate mostly along party lines this week would be harmful to women’s health. Read more


Hohenstein Puts Health & Safety of Pennsylvanians Before Profits

(Apr 17, 2020)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein continued his efforts to combat COVID-19 and protect Pennsylvanians by voting against legislation that would unnecessarily put lives at risk. Read more


Reps. Kenyatta, Burgos and Fiedler urge Congress to include undocumented workers in any COVID-19 response legislation

(Apr 17, 2020)

HARRISBURG, April 17 – State Reps. Malcolm Kenyatta, Danilo Burgos and Elizabeth Fiedler, all D-Phila., introduced a resolution urging Congress to also acknowledge the roughly 10 million undocumented workers in any COVID-19 financial response legislation. The resolution comes as the federal government issues portions of the historic $2 trillion financial assistance package to individuals and businesses to help mitigate the adverse economic impacts resulting from the pandemic. “There are roughly over 10 million undocumented people living in America paying billions of dollars in state and federal taxes yearly, yet many will never benefit from the services they constantly contribute to,” said Kenyatta, who represents the 181 st Legislative District. “In this time of desperation, our government should not be complicit in watching this vulnerable population that has time and again proven themselves to be a pillar of America’s economy continue to suffer.” Burgos, representing the 197 th District, concurred with Kenyatta saying, “Undocumented immigrants consistently pay about 8 percent of their income in taxes, a sizeable percentage for many who are relegated to working low-paying jobs with no benefits. These workers produce many of the essential goods we heavily rely on, even more so during this pandemic, yet they receive nothing for their labor.” Adding to Burgos’ assertion, Read more


Resolution by Hanbidge, Hohenstein urges U.S. Congress to act on legislation to cover hearing aid costs

(Apr 15, 2020)

In Pennsylvania, hearing aids are only required to be covered for Medicaid recipients under age 21, while all other populations in need of hearing assistance are forced to pay for hearing aids out of pocket, with the average cost being $2,300. Read more


Kenyatta: Trio of bills will have disastrous consequences as pandemic reaches its peak

(Apr 08, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, April 8 – Today, state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., expressed disapproval of bills (H.B. 2400, H.B. 2376, and H.B. 1874) introduced by House Republicans that would reopen industries that are classified as non-life saving in Gov. Tom Wolf’s COVID-19 mitigation efforts: “It’s absolutely ludicrous to even contemplate going against everything state, national and global medical experts are urging residents to do to reduce the spread of this fatal virus,” Kenyatta said. “Opening businesses that are not essential during a time when this pandemic is soon poised to reach its peak will have disastrous consequences. For one, our health care systems will be overloaded with the inevitable uptick of new cases, compounded by the existing cases it’s already struggling to quell. Additionally, these bills lack foresight into offering provisions like paid sick leave and hazard pay for these employees who will be most at-risk for exposure. However, I expect nothing more from the same members of our legislature who denied many of these employees fair pay by voting against increasing the minimum wage, but are now conveniently coding them as essential for cheap profit. “We’re battling a very dangerous, yet invisible threat that is an unprecedented occurrence in our lifetime right now, which incites feelings of confusion and fear among so many Pennsylvanians who are looking to us as legislators for the Read more


Rep. Kenyatta pens letter to Gov. Wolf urging relief for essential workers in Pa.

(Apr 08, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, April 8 – In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., today penned a letter to Gov. Tom Wolf, expressing his gratitude for the governor’s swift pandemic mitigation responses, and requested immediate relief and assistance to Pennsylvanians employed in essential industries. In his letter, which was endorsed by the United Food and Commercial Workers union and currently has over 47 signatures -- including leadership and three delegation chairs -- Kenyatta pointed out that Pennsylvanians working at jobs deemed essential are still lacking essential benefits, while they put themselves at risk to ensure many other Pennsylvanians are provided food, medicine, gas and other necessities. “Despite tactics to undermine leadership by the governor and his administration, Pennsylvanians commend his actions in keeping us all safe during this trying time,” Kenyatta said. “Those actions should also include active recognition that many of our neighbors on the frontlines working essential jobs continue to do so without proper provisions like hazard pay and expanded sick leave, among other crucial benefits. These heroes cannot be forgotten, and they deserve assurance and security.” A link to the letter can be found on Kenyatta’s website . Read more


Kenyatta, Shusterman demand protections for gig economy workers in final federal COVID-19 recovery bill

(Mar 25, 2020)

HARRISBURG, March 25 – As a historic $2 trillion COVID-19 financial response legislation package struck a deal in Congress early Wednesday morning, state Reps. Malcolm Kenyatta and Melissa Shusterman today introduced a resolution urging federal lawmakers to ensure unemployment compensation for the nation’s 57 million independent contractors and “gig” economy workers (or app based independent contractors) is included in the final financial aid legislation aimed at helping workers during the coronavirus crisis. “These employees comprise over a third of the country’s working population and remain among the most critically under-protected workers, with many not qualifying for unemployment benefits. During this pandemic, they were left with the terrible ultimatum of continuing to work to make ends meet or do their part in reducing spreading the virus by staying home. Many have chosen the latter, resulting in loss of income at alarming rates and the prospect of recouping those losses is uncertain,” Kenyatta, D-Phila., said. “We’re demanding that all independent contractors are protected in any final package.” Shusterman, D-Chester, concurred with Kenyatta’s assertion saying, “It is important that we help this sector of our work population navigate this crisis with immediate relief and action.” Kenyatta said that a copy of the resolution would also be sent to President Donald Trump and Vice Read more


COVID-19 Resources and Information

(Mar 21, 2020)

** Below is a list of informational links for resources in and around Philadelphia related to COVID-19. This will be updated as more/new information becomes available ** The latest info on COVID-19 cases and other data statewide from the Pennsylvania Department of Health : https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Coronavirus.aspx The latest information on COVID-19 cases and other data in Philadelphia from the City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health : https://www.phila.gov/services/mental-physical-health/environmental-health-hazards/covid-19/ The Philadelphia Department of Public Health has activated a Greater Philadelphia Coronavirus Helpline . It’s available 24/7. If you have questions about symptoms and risk factors, what to do if you think you may have been exposed, testing resources, or recommendations for social distancing, you can contact the helpline at 1-800-722-7112. More info: https://www.phila.gov/2020-03-14-greater-philadelphia-coronavirus-helpline-opened-by-health/?fbclid=IwAR2HZUc0yYdy66IMO4nrx8g4Z8vKMHE9qWUXmmLDe3OZFIjVhiwGDu0ZFIo List of essential Philadelphia services and how to access them: https://www.phila.gov/2020-03-18-essential-city-services-remain-open-here-is-how-to-access-them/?mc_cid=7f7be1d618&mc_eid=eda5e48c86 . Information about how SEPTA is operating: http://www.septa.org/service/rail/midday-schedule.html Information about how Amtrak is Read more


Gaydos, Solomon call for small business emergency assistance

(Mar 20, 2020)

HARRISBURG – With the changes to daily life and business practices recommended or ordered to slow the spread COVID-19, many hardworking families and small businesses will be adversely impacted. This week, Reps. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) and Jared Solomon (D-Philadelphia) introduced legislation directing the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to administer low- to no-interest emergency loans to businesses affected by the coronavirus outbreak. “As an entrepreneur, I know how difficult it can be to operate a small business even under normal circumstances,” Gaydos said. “The extenuating circumstances brought on by the governor’s emergency declaration and statewide mitigation efforts indicate that small businesses across the Commonwealth need our help now more than ever to meet payroll, overhead and other expenses that keep their doors open and their staff employed.” “The damage done to our small businesses by COVID-19 will take a long time to repair, and we in Harrisburg need to bring all our resources to bear to keep business going and workers collecting a paycheck," Solomon said. “Rep. Gaydos and I are proposing a small business support package that offers three things: emergency no-interest bridge financing to get through the crisis times; longer-term low-interest loans to help business ramp back up; and support for technical assistance providers to ensure our businesses get the Read more


Kenyatta to introduce legislation halting student loan repayments in response to COVID-19

(Mar 13, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, March 13 – With Pennsylvanians impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak , state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., is currently drafting legislation that would defer student loan repayments to PHEAA for up to 60 days. “ With all the workplace closures happening in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, many commonwealth residents are grappling to pay their necessary bills because of the sudden loss of income,” Kenyatta said. “Borrowers, especially, are unable to make payments on their student loans.” Kenyatta, who represents the 181 st Legislative District, said Pennsylvania bears the second highest average debt per student at $35,759 per student. A total of $53.7 billion collectively looms over the state’s borrowers. “We’re in the midst of an incredibly stressful time and the legislation I’m drafting aims to provide some financial relief during this pandemic,” he said. Read more


Kenyatta weighs in on closures, cancellations in 181st district due to COVID-19

(Mar 12, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, March 12 – Following Mastery Clymer Elementary School announcing its closure for precautionary measures after a student displayed flu-like symptoms and Temple University becoming the latest higher education institution in the region to move all classes online for the remainder of the semester, state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., said he supports these measures and will continue to closely monitor updates from within his 181 st Legislative District. “These are aggressive but necessary moves to protect the health and human safety,” Kenyatta said. “I’ve been closely monitoring the latest updates surrounding COVID-19 and having ongoing discussions with Temple University, including the hospital, on efforts to prevent exposure. Fortunately, there hasn’t been a reported case on campus and I fully support Temple’s and Clymer’s decisions to keep its faculty, staff, students and the at-large community safe.” Kenyatta also announced the cancellation of the upcoming Women’s Resource Fair scheduled for Thursday, March 19 at Lutheran Settlement House, co-hosted by state Rep. Mary Isaacson. “Representative Isaacson and I were thrilled to co-host this event to celebrate women and encourage solidarity through this resource fair, but the state Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control have strongly cautioned against going into heavily populated contained spaces,” Kenyatta Read more


Philadelphia House leadership, legislators, call on Governor Tom Wolf to halt all Public Utility Commission utility disconnections in wake of the COVID-19 virus

(Mar 12, 2020)

Members of Philadelphia leadership team in the state House were joined by fellow Philadelphia legislators in asking Gov. Tom Wolf to place a moratorium on the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission from further utility shutoffs for the foreseeable future for all Pennsylvanians in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


Sanchez, Kenyatta discuss legislation about reporting lost or stolen firearms

(Mar 10, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, March 10 – State Reps. Ben Sanchez, D-Montgomery, and Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., on Monday co-hosted a news conference at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Kenyatta’s 181 st Legislative District to urge the General Assembly to vote on legislation about reporting lost or stolen firearms. “ We’re standing in the epicenter of the gun violence epidemic. It’s right here in North Philly – my community – where countless lives have been taken by guns, particularly guns that have been lost or stolen only to resurface in the hands of dangerous people,” Kenyatta said. “Today, we’re demanding our state legislature to stop ignoring this critical piece of legislation and to stop putting special interests and petty partisanship over what truly matters – lives.” Sanchez reintroduced H.B. 1288 in April – it was first introduced as H.B. 1515 by former state Rep. Madeleine Dean, D-Montgomery, during the 2013-14 legislative session – to require any owner or other person lawfully in possession of a firearm who suffers the loss or theft of a weapon to report it to law enforcement within 72 hours of the discovery. A failure to do so would result in a summary offense. Bearing the same language, the bill was reintroduced as H.B. 832 during the 2014-15 legislative session and again in the 2016-17 session. To date, the bill has been introduced five times. “This Read more


Kinsey hosts first public safety listening tour series, announces upcoming tour for youth

(Mar 05, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, March 5 - - Seeking the public’s ideas on curbing gun violence in communities across Northwest Philadelphia, state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila, hosted a public safety listening event on Feb. 18 at The First Presbyterian Church. “From our neighbors and law enforcement, to local leaders and organizations, we must all be part of the conversation in putting an end to this crisis,” Kinsey said. “The first listening tour is just the beginning and was a great success. We must now take the concerns and ideas we heard to help create solutions.” Residents across Northwest Philadelphia gave their insight and experiences on their bouts with gun violence and how to combat it to a panel consisting of Philadelphia Police Capt. Nicholas Smith of the 14 th District; Chantay Love, founder and program director, Every Murder Is Real; Rochelle Curbreath, manager of legislative affairs, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority; state police Lt. Robert Bailey; and Kinsey’s Northwest Philadelphia House colleagues Reps. Chris Rabb and Isabella Fitzgerald of the 200 th and 202 nd legislative districts, respectively. Kinsey’s public safety listening tour is part of the first installment of his newly launched anti-gun violence campaign -- Step Up, Stand Up -- an initiative to tackle the root causes of gun violence through community cohesion between residents, city, state and federal elected officials, cooperation with law Read more


Kenyatta to host ‘Education in the era of COVID-19’ Virtual Town Hall
May 08, 2020

Kenyatta applauds Wolf’s rent and mortgage suspension, calls for lengthier freeze
May 08, 2020

Kenyatta: I proudly stand with Temple Allied Healthcare Professionals Union, all workers
May 01, 2020

Kinsey, PLBC applaud Wolf on calling for race and data with COVID-19 tests
Apr 27, 2020

Boyle, Solomon team up to deliver PPE to Jeanes Hospital in Northeast Philadelphia
Apr 24, 2020

Solomon provides over 300 free comfort meals to Northeast Philadelphia communities
Apr 23, 2020

Women’s Health Caucus chairs ask Gov. Wolf to veto S.B. 857
Apr 22, 2020

Hohenstein Puts Health & Safety of Pennsylvanians Before Profits
Apr 17, 2020

Reps. Kenyatta, Burgos and Fiedler urge Congress to include undocumented workers in any COVID-19 response legislation
Apr 17, 2020

Resolution by Hanbidge, Hohenstein urges U.S. Congress to act on legislation to cover hearing aid costs
Apr 15, 2020

Kenyatta: Trio of bills will have disastrous consequences as pandemic reaches its peak
Apr 08, 2020

Rep. Kenyatta pens letter to Gov. Wolf urging relief for essential workers in Pa.
Apr 08, 2020

Kenyatta, Shusterman demand protections for gig economy workers in final federal COVID-19 recovery bill
Mar 25, 2020

COVID-19 Resources and Information
Mar 21, 2020

Gaydos, Solomon call for small business emergency assistance
Mar 20, 2020

Kenyatta to introduce legislation halting student loan repayments in response to COVID-19
Mar 13, 2020

Kenyatta weighs in on closures, cancellations in 181st district due to COVID-19
Mar 12, 2020

Philadelphia House leadership, legislators, call on Governor Tom Wolf to halt all Public Utility Commission utility disconnections in wake of the COVID-19 virus
Mar 12, 2020

Sanchez, Kenyatta discuss legislation about reporting lost or stolen firearms
Mar 10, 2020

Kinsey hosts first public safety listening tour series, announces upcoming tour for youth
Mar 05, 2020