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Philadelphia House Delegation expresses support for Brewerytown community shattered by grief

Cephas issues statement on hostage incident in Overbrook neighborhood

(Jan 20, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 20 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas issued the following statement regarding a hostage incident that took place on Jan. 19 in the Overbrook neighborhood, which is in her legislative district. “First and foremost, I’m grateful to everyone who helped resolve this hostage situation without any injury or loss of life. While law enforcement and others work to investigate the full scope of this incident, my thoughts are with the families involved. Though we don’t have all the details regarding this incident at this time, I remain committed to doing everything in my power as a state legislator and a member of the Philadelphia community to combat gun violence. Governor Tom Wolf visited Philadelphia today to focus on that very issue that is plaguing our city, and I want him to know that I look forward to continued collaborative efforts to work on reducing gun violence in our communities.” Read more


Cephas introduces legislation to help seniors avoid pitfalls of reverse mortgages

(Jan 19, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 19 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., will soon be introducing legislation to help seniors who might otherwise become victim to potential pitfalls of reverse mortgages to help them better understand the process and be able to take advantage of the benefits of the option. “Reverse mortgages can help some seniors navigate financial struggles,” Cephas said. “But for some seniors and their families, reverse mortgages can be confusing financial tools that are costly, even costing some their homes. These contracts can be difficult to navigate, especially for our most vulnerable populations. Understanding how a reverse mortgage works is key, which is why I will be introducing legislation to ensure that seniors be educated about reverse mortgages before they get one.” Cephas’ legislation would require face-to-face counseling for a senior with an approved financial counselor before one begins a reverse mortgage. If the meeting is unable to take place face-to-face, the potential borrower could also meet with a counselor over the phone or through video teleconference. “I want seniors in my district and across the commonwealth to get the support they need as they make life-changing decisions,” Cephas said. “This legislation will help ensure they are provided the support they deserve.” Read more


Krajewski announces $60,000 grant for Kingsessing Library

(Jan 12, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 12 – State Rep. Rick Krajewski, D-Phila., announced today that the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development has awarded Kingsessing Library $60,000 for improvements. “Kingsessing Library is a hub of resources in our community, and I am excited to see $60,000 in grant funding coming back to my district to help Kingsessing Library with costs for improvements that will benefit all the neighbors in the Kingsessing neighborhood,” Krajewski said. Kingsessing Library plans to use the funds to cover the costs of furniture, equipment and other physical improvements to its facility. “The Kingsessing Library is overjoyed to receive this grant, thanks to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and our state representative, Rick Krajewski," said Ben Remsen, library manager for the adult/teen section. "These funds will allow us to replace outdated furniture to make the library more warm and welcoming and allow us to update the technology to help us close the digital divide, which is a major issue in the Kingsessing community." Read more


Cephas issues statement on Pa. school funding trial

(Jan 11, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 11 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas issued the following statement about the school funding trial today. "Our children are our future," Cephas said. "That statement is more than just a platitude, it's a reality. We have a responsibility to provide our children with all the tools they need to build a better future for us all. For too long, the opportunities for children in some public schools far exceed the opportunities for children in other public schools, despite our state constitution requiring that the General Assembly provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of public education to serve the needs of the commonwealth. Some of our children are falling through the cracks because of our failures. “Philadelphia students are short on average $5,583 per student based on how we fund our schools. Over the years we’ve lost guidance counselors, principals and essential programming for our students. Since taking office, my colleagues and I have been fighting for fair funding for students across our commonwealth. Today, the School District of Philadelphia and Dr. Hite take the stand to testify on behalf of the SDP to speak to the reality of the state of education in Philadelphia and to offer insight on the needs of our students and families. It is my sincere hope that they will be heard. “It is time to right the wrongs of our inequitable school funding system and ensure that children Read more


Philadelphia House Democrats’ statement on Fairmount house fire

(Jan 05, 2022)

“Our hearts go out to the families of those who tragically lost their lives and to those who were injured in today’s house fire in the Fairmount section of Philadelphia. Such a horrific loss of life shakes us to our core, especially when we hear seven children are included in this terrible number. We pray the number of lives lost does not rise. No year should ever start out like this, with such a tragic loss of innocent life. Poverty should never be a death sentence. There are many questions that we will have for the Philadelphia Housing Authority about how this tragedy came to pass, but right now our focus must be on sharing our prayers, grief and condolences as one community in mourning.” Read more


End Gun Violence Now

(Dec 28, 2021)

The Philadelphia House Delegation is calling for action, a commitment of available resources to bring an end to gun violence and a return of public safety and sanity to the streets of the City and across the commonwealth. Read more


Cephas, McClinton applaud VP Harris’ call to action to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity

(Dec 08, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 8 – State Reps. Morgan Cephas and Joanna McClinton, both D-Phila., applauded the maternal mortality and morbidity call to action issued by Vice President Kamala Harris this week , citing legislation that can be enacted in Pennsylvania to improve health outcomes and save lives. “The issue of maternal health and the devastatingly high rates of maternal mortality and maternal morbidity in Pennsylvania and across the country have been and continue to be a top priority of mine,” Cephas said. “I’m grateful that Vice President Harris has issued this call to action, elevating this issue in front of the entire country.” “Maternal health is at the core of family wellness,” House Democratic Leader McClinton said. “Despite our nation’s strengths, the fact that we have one of the highest maternal mortality rates is a stain on our country. “I applaud Vice President Harris’ actions to bring visibility to this issue that impacts so many women in our communities.” According to the call to action issued by Harris, the maternal mortality rates in the United States are among the highest in the developed world and are especially high among Black women and Native American women, regardless of income or education levels. As part of the call to action, $3 billion in Build Back Better funding will be invested in maternal health and states will be encouraged to extend Medicaid programs to 12 Read more


Isaacson announces more than $4.5 million in grant funding for six Philadelphia redevelopment projects

(Dec 07, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 7 – State Rep. Mary Isaacson, D-Phila., announced today that more than $4.5 million in grant funding has been awarded for six redevelopment projects in her district. “The grant funding for these redevelopment projects is sure to go further than the face value of the funding through the creation of jobs and improvements to key projects in our city,” Isaacson said. “I’m glad to see this funding return to our district and I look forward to seeing this money be put to great use for the betterment of our city.” The six grant awards for projects in Isaacson’s district are: $500,000 for Jewelers’ Row/Independence Hall District for a project to add new pedestrian and animated architectural lighting and landscaping to create a safe and attractive environment for thousands of workers, residents and shoppers; provide new gateway signage and lighting; create a connection between lab spaces at the Curtis Center and the life sciences research and commercialization efforts at Thomas Jefferson University, and will add new, unifying public amenities to support the conversion of a vacant historic building. $500,000 for the Pennsylvania Ballet Association for a project to expand and complete the Center for Dance, which will provide rehearsal, performance and administrative space; complete the facility renovation and new construction, including a black box theater with dynamic functions and a performance, Read more


Krajewski announces $2.9 million in redevelopment funding for three projects in his district

(Dec 07, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 7 – State Rep. Rick Krajewski, D-Phila., announced today that three projects in his district have been awarded a combined $2,917,713 for redevelopment projects. “Redevelopment grants pay dividends beyond the actual award amount because they contribute to the creation of jobs and the betterment of facilities and programs in our community, which our residents will benefit from long after the projects are completed,” Krajewski said. “I’m glad to see this funding returning to my district, and I’m excited to see the projects they will support continue toward completion.” The three projects in Krajewski’s district that have been awarded funding are: $250,000 for The Woodlands to make improvements to the entrance, including installing a crosswalk connecting the front gates to the trolley portal, restoring the front entry gatehouses, and improving site lighting and entry/road improvements; and improvements to the Stable building will be transformed into a welcoming hub for visitors to the site, allowing for increased programming, including visitor orientation, education and meeting space, and rental and event space. Additional renovations include roof demolition, carpentry and installation of new metal roof, systems installation including fire protection, plumbing, HVAC and electrical. $667,713 for the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia to improve ADA accessibility through renovation in three Read more


Hohenstein announces $4.5 million in redevelopment grants for four area organizations, including for conversion of Old Port Richmond Power Plant to commercial/entertainment destination

(Dec 07, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 7 – State Rep. Joe Hohenstein today announced $4.5 million in grant funding for four area organizations, including $1 million to assist in converting the Old Port Richmond Power Plant into a commercial/entertainment destination. “These grant funds will go far in helping our community in several ways,” Hohenstein said. “The grant award for Frankel Management Company to convert Old Port Richmond Power Plant into a commercial and entertainment destination is fantastic for the city of Philadelphia, which will see a positive impact in the local economy as a result of this project because it’s going to add jobs and drive revenue. “I have been a supporter of the Old Port Richmond Power Plant project and wrote a letter of support back in March for the project to receive grant funding because I believe in its potential to have a tremendous positive impact,” Hohenstein added. “And the other grant awards in our district are sure to have a positive impact, as well.” The three other projects receiving funding in Hohenstein’s legislative district are: $1.5 million for Jacquin’s distillery, which is Pennsylvania’s oldest distillery. $1 million for the Arsenal. $1 million for Trinity Police Athletic League, which encompasses a police athletic league in Hohenstein’s district on Clearfield Street. The funding for these projects was awarded through the Redevelopment Assistance Read more


Isaacson announces $1 million grant awarded to Reading Terminal Market

(Dec 03, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 3 – State Rep. Mary Isaacson, D-Phila., today announced a $1 million state grant has been awarded to Reading Terminal Market for a redevelopment project to upgrade its utilities and ensure the market’s long-term viability. “I have long been a supporter of Reading Terminal Market because it is such a vital asset to the people in our community as well as a huge tourism draw that brings visitors to our city from near and far,” Isaacson said. “I previously assisted Reading Terminal Market in securing $2 million in funding for infrastructure projects, and I know this additional $1 million award will provide the additional support the market needs to work toward completing the upgrade to its utilities, ensuring it remains attractive, safe, accessible and welcoming to vendors, visitors, residents and shoppers.” Isaacson said Reading Terminal Market is not only a well-known tourist destination and designated National Historic Landmark, but also an invaluable source of fresh food for its patrons and is one of the most-used venues by people redeeming SNAP benefits. The market’s more than 128-year-old building needs capital investment, as highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, to improve ventilation and air handling in public spaces. The market requested the funding, awarded through the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program, to upgrade the ductwork, improve air handling and accelerate air exchange. RACP is a Read more


Krajewski announces $25K awarded to Kingsessing Recreation Center to install new, safe playground equipment

(Nov 23, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 23 – State Rep. Rick Krajewski, D-Phila., announced that the Commonwealth Financing Authority has awarded a $25,000 Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program grant to Kingsessing Recreation Center to replace outdated, unsafe playground equipment. “I’m thrilled to see this funding returning to our district to benefit the children at Kingsessing Recreation Center,” Krajewski said. “This will make the playground safer for the children who use the equipment, and investments in our children are investments in our future.” The funding for the grant comes from Act 13 of 2012, which established the Marcellus Legacy Fund and allocates funds to the Commonwealth Financing Authority for planning, acquisition, development, rehabilitation and repair of greenways, recreational trails, open space, parks and beautification projects using the Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program. The program allows funds to be used for projects which involve development, rehabilitation and improvements to public parks, recreation areas, greenways, trails and river conservation. Contact Krajewski’s office at 215-724-2227 for more information about the grant. Read more


Solomon introduces legislation calling for lawmakers to resign upon conviction

(Nov 22, 2021)

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 22 – On the heels of the conviction of Councilmember Bobby Hennon and labor leader John Doughtery on federal corruption charges, state Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., said he is introducing a bill proposing to amend Pennsylvania’s constitution to require elected officials to resign upon being convicted of a crime. Solomon said that once they are convicted of crimes, public officials lose their credibility, integrity and cannot serve their constituents without the idea of bias and corruption overshadowing any significant decisions they make. He said his legislation would be a start to putting politics back into the hands of the people. “The negative publicity of a conviction minimizes the work we do as public servants and creates a lack of trust from the people we serve,” Solomon said. “My legislation seeks to re-establish that trust.” “As elected public servants, we have a responsibility to represent our constituents and promote the general welfare of our districts with honor. Every elected officer, from a city councilmember to the governor, must make a similar promise to serve faithfully and carry out the responsibilities of their office with integrity.” Read more


Hohenstein announces $150,000 grant for Friends of Samuel Rec for renovations at Bernard Samuel Playground’s basketball court area

(Nov 19, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 19 – State Rep. Joe Hohenstein announced the Commonwealth Financing Authority has awarded a $150,000 Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program grant to Friends of Samuel Rec to be used to renovate the basketball courts at Bernard Samuel Playground. “You can learn a lot about life through the game of basketball, like how fundamental skills are tied to your ability to succeed, and how important it is to work with your team,” Hohenstein said. “I’m thrilled that $150,000 in grant funding will be returning to my district to renovate the basketball court area of Samuel Playground. I know that the investment will not only allow those who use the court to enrich their physical health but also help them make strides socially by teaching them about the value of hard work and teamwork.” The funding for the grant comes from Act 13 of 2012, which established the Marcellus Legacy Fund and allocates funds to the Commonwealth Financing Authority for planning, acquisition, development, rehabilitation and repair of greenways, recreational trails, open space, parks and beautification projects using the Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program. The program allows funds to be used for projects which involve development, rehabilitation and improvements to public parks, recreation areas, greenways, trails and river conservation. Contact Hohenstein’s office at 215-744-2600 for more information about the grant. Read more


Philadelphia House Democrats release statement on S.B. 565

(Nov 16, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 16 – The Democratic members of the Philadelphia House Delegation and Chairman Jason Dawkins released a statement addressing the passage of S.B. 565. The bill would rescind the requirement for gun owners to have a permit to carry a firearm, openly or concealed, across the state including in Philadelphia, and would lower the minimum age which someone can carry from 21 to 18. “This year, the city of Philadelphia has suffered at the hands of gun violence, suffering 1,563 nonfatal and 391 fatal shootings as of Nov. 14. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends are all saying goodbye to loved ones who fall at the hands of offenders with guns. It is a nightmare that gets worse with each passing day. Instead of providing good guidance on the state level, the majority party is busy introducing bills that repeal good safety measures to keep Pennsylvanians, and especially Philadelphians, safe. “This is not a fight we will let go lightly. We will continue to work with local officials, and certainly our fight continues at the state level, to make sure that commonsense gun laws and practices are in place. It is irresponsible for the party in charge, our Republican counterparts, to allow this dangerous legislation to be approved. It should never have hit the House floor in the first place.” Read more


Young seeks to ease burden on local election officials, fights against voter suppression through new legislation

(Nov 08, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 8 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila./Delaware, plans to introduce legislation that would combat voter suppression and make Pennsylvania elections more efficient for local election workers. Part of Young’s legislation would deal with mail-in ballots, allowing them to be counted up to 21 days before an election and requiring that the counting process start within seven days of an election. The existing election guidelines forbid any vote counting earlier than Election Day. “Mail-in voting has become incredibly popular and our election policy needs to reflect that,” Young said. “This legislation would lessen the massive burden county election workers currently face on Election Day and yield accurate election results faster.” The new legislation from Young would also give voters a chance to prove their identity if their ballot is denied because of a mismatched signature. “I refuse to allow votes to be silenced because of signature variances,” Young said. “Our election officials do a fantastic job – but they are not trained handwriting experts. If two signatures don’t match up, the voter must be notified and allowed to affirm their signature.” Under current election policy, mail-in ballots that show a signature inconsistency are immediately rejected without any notice or appeal offered to the elector. “As an elected official, it is my duty to continue the fight to eliminate Read more


Krajewski announces $99,500 grant for Woodlands Cemetery

(Nov 08, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 8 – State Rep. Rick Krajewski, D-Phila., has announced a $99,500 grant has been awarded to Woodlands Cemetery to help with several improvements on the grounds. “Working with community partners to bring state funds back to our district is truly my privilege as a state representative,” Krajewski said. “The Woodlands is a beautiful and historic space, visited by many from Philadelphia as well as people who live outside of our city. I’m glad that this grant funding will allow The Woodlands to make needed improvements, which I hope will allow for more visitors to come and enjoy the peace and serenity of the space.” The grant funding, which Krajewski worked with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to secure, will be used to restore ironwork at the front gates and improve the entrance and to repave roads in areas that are in the most need, to ensure the road system is safe for the community to use for recreational activities. “This grant funding will help enhance The Woodlands by restoring portions of our iron front entry gates along Woodland Avenue and by repaving sections of our roads, ensuring a safe, welcoming, and accessible space for West Philadelphians,” said Jessica Baumert, executive director of The Woodlands. "We're thrilled to receive this grant funding and so grateful for Representative Krajewski's help in securing these funds." The Woodlands' Read more


When humanity is lost

(Nov 05, 2021)

I’ve been deep in contemplative thought since the reporting of a SEPTA train assault. I don’t even need to specify because you know the assault of which I speak. Read more


Ahead of Election Day, Rabb promotes various bills designed to make elections more equitable, accessible, fair

(Oct 29, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 29 – Keeping in mind that free, fair elections are the cornerstone of democracy, state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., is promoting several bills he’s introduced ahead of Election Day, which are designed to ensure a more equitable, accessible and fair election process for all eligible voters. “Every single vote cast in an election is the voice of a person in that democracy exercising their right to shape that democracy,” Rabb said. “Voting in our country is an almost sacred right. People have died for this right. For too long, more than half the people in this country didn’t have the right to vote and couldn’t make their voices heard. Now, more people have the right to vote, but that doesn’t mean voting is accessible for everyone, nor does it mean that our election process is fair. I want to change that.” The following are just some of the pieces of elections-related legislation that Rabb has introduced: Making Election Day a state holiday : This legislation would remove Columbus Day as a holiday and make Election Day an official holiday. Ranked choice voting : This legislation would enable voters to rank candidates by order of preference rather than simply choosing one candidate. National popular vote : This legislation would guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Establishing rotating ballot positions Read more


Bill seeks accurate data on gun violence through nonpartisan research center

(Oct 26, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 26 – State lawmakers representing the Philadelphia region have introduced legislation to start and fund a nonpartisan, academic research center on gun violence in Pennsylvania with the goal of providing policymakers and the public with accurate data to develop policies and programs that prevent gun violence. House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton joined state Reps. Joe Hohenstein and Stephen Kinsey in introducing the bill (H.B.2009), which was referred to the House Judiciary Committee for review. “In 2019, there were 1,541 people killed in Pennsylvania as a result of gun violence,” Hohenstein said. “There is a dire need to implement new policies that could prevent so much unnecessary death in our communities.” McClinton strongly agreed. “Gun violence has become a massive public-health crisis that must be addressed now,” McClinton said. “This center would provide key research to determine the main causes behind gun violence and what strategies are most effective at reducing it in Pennsylvania.” Gun violence is particularly rampant in Philadelphia, where more than 2,200 people were shot in 2020, according to statistics from the Philadelphia Police Department. “Shootings are happening more frequently and our current approach to combat them is not working,” Kinsey said. “Our duty as legislators is to protect and serve our constituents. Establishing this research center is Read more


Cephas issues statement on hostage incident in Overbrook neighborhood
Jan 20, 2022

Cephas introduces legislation to help seniors avoid pitfalls of reverse mortgages
Jan 19, 2022

Krajewski announces $60,000 grant for Kingsessing Library
Jan 12, 2022

Cephas issues statement on Pa. school funding trial
Jan 11, 2022

Philadelphia House Democrats’ statement on Fairmount house fire
Jan 05, 2022

End Gun Violence Now
Dec 28, 2021

Cephas, McClinton applaud VP Harris’ call to action to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity
Dec 08, 2021

Isaacson announces more than $4.5 million in grant funding for six Philadelphia redevelopment projects
Dec 07, 2021

Krajewski announces $2.9 million in redevelopment funding for three projects in his district
Dec 07, 2021

Hohenstein announces $4.5 million in redevelopment grants for four area organizations, including for conversion of Old Port Richmond Power Plant to commercial/entertainment destination
Dec 07, 2021

Isaacson announces $1 million grant awarded to Reading Terminal Market
Dec 03, 2021

Krajewski announces $25K awarded to Kingsessing Recreation Center to install new, safe playground equipment
Nov 23, 2021

Solomon introduces legislation calling for lawmakers to resign upon conviction
Nov 22, 2021

Hohenstein announces $150,000 grant for Friends of Samuel Rec for renovations at Bernard Samuel Playground’s basketball court area
Nov 19, 2021

Philadelphia House Democrats release statement on S.B. 565
Nov 16, 2021

Young seeks to ease burden on local election officials, fights against voter suppression through new legislation
Nov 08, 2021

Krajewski announces $99,500 grant for Woodlands Cemetery
Nov 08, 2021

When humanity is lost
Nov 05, 2021

Ahead of Election Day, Rabb promotes various bills designed to make elections more equitable, accessible, fair
Oct 29, 2021

Bill seeks accurate data on gun violence through nonpartisan research center
Oct 26, 2021