Harkins supports governor’s proposed investments in education, vulnerable citizens

(Feb 08, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 8 – State Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, issued the following statement in response to Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget address today. “I listened intently to Governor Wolf lay out his vision for the 2022-23 budget, and I was encouraged to hear his commitment to fairly fund education at all levels. Applying a fair funding formula across the board is the best way we have to ensure our own students here in Erie receive the level of resources they deserve – and the ones already benefiting students in wealthier ZIP codes. Fair funding would also lessen the burden on local taxpayers. “With our aging population in mind, it was encouraging to hear the governor address the need to fund and pay home health care workers at a rate that supports and acknowledges the difficult and essential work they do. Increased funding for nursing facilities and behavioral health care providers means better care for our most vulnerable residents. “The relative financial stability we are enjoying right now affords us the ability to pay our bills while at the same time fortifying programs and services that have been overlooked and neglected for too long. I am looking forward to working with both my Republican and Democratic colleagues to see if further investments from the billions in the Rainy Day fund can address continuing crisis areas. We have an opportunity now to address critical needs without raising taxes. Read more


Merski supports proposed budget investments in education, workforce training, vulnerable residents

(Feb 08, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 8 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, issued the following statement in response to Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget address today. “I believe Governor Wolf’s budget proposal moves us in the right direction by investing more money in our schools, including additional dollars into pre-K through post-secondary programs. “While the infusion of Level Up funding has been helpful and will continue to bring critical resources, it is not sufficient to level the playing field for Erie students, who for decades have been forced to try to compete with fewer resources. We need to make fair education funding a priority now, to give our students the opportunities they need and ease the burden on taxpayers. “On a related note, I support the governor’s proposed investments in additional workforce training and apprenticeship programs, which are critical for ensuring that the commonwealth remains competitive, and proposals to assist the small businesses that are the lifeblood of our economy. “Finally, I applaud the governor’s proposed investments in more funding for skilled nursing facilities for our seniors and in behavioral health programs. Those investments will be a welcome relief to programs that have struggled for years to gain sustainable funding for Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable residents. “Of course, these are just Read more


Harkins elected vice chairman of Northwest Delegation

(Feb 08, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 8 – State Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, has been elected to serve as vice chairman of the House Democrats’ Northwest Delegation – a coalition of lawmakers representing Erie and surrounding counties in the state’s Northwest region. Harkins previously served as secretary and said he is looking forward to continuing an active role in the delegation. “We empower our community by making sure their voices are heard in Harrisburg,” Harkins said. “Residents are counting on us to make sure the issues that matter – jobs that pay a living wage, affordable housing and health care, better-funded schools – make it to the top of the legislative agenda. “As a delegation, we can bring a stronger, more unified voice to make sure those issues get the attention they deserve.” Harkins said he is looking forward to working with the new chairman, state Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, and the rest of the delegation. Read more


Merski elected chairman of Northwest Delegation

(Feb 07, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 7 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, announced today that he was unanimously elected chairman of the Northwest Delegation, a coalition of lawmakers representing the interests of residents in Erie and other counties in Pennsylvania’s Northwest quadrant. “Service is part of who I am,” Merski said. “After serving as treasurer, I’m honored to be elected to serve as chairman of the Northwest Delegation and guide our efforts to make sure our region’s needs are priorities in Harrisburg. Our corner of the state is blessed with rich natural resources and resilient people who have worked hard to reinvent our economy during extremely challenging times. “At the same time, families in our region are still living with an underfunded education system that hurts students and threatens taxpayers, a shortage of affordable housing and the need for greater economic stability, while communities are still battling blight and dealing with aging infrastructure. “In the months ahead, I’ll be working closely with the delegation on key priorities, including bringing more funding back to our region; fighting for fairer school funding that broadens the state’s investment in our region’s public schools; strengthening workforce training and job opportunities; promoting opportunity zones and other initiatives that attract investors and businesses; and fortifying our infrastructure to encourage business growth, Read more


Harkins: New Great Lakes Commission website tracks progress in protecting Lake Erie

(Feb 02, 2022)

ERIE, Feb. 2 – A new website launched by the Great Lakes Commission will track the progress of critical efforts to protect the Great Lakes, including efforts to reduce harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie, state Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, announced today. Harkins, who sits on the Great Lakes Commission, said the website – www.blueaccounting.org – will share data from work groups that will help shape policymaking. “I’m extremely excited about the new website,” Harkins said. “Protecting our lake and watershed requires close collaboration between scientists and policymakers, and the new site will ensure that decisions about the lake – which directly affect our health, environment and economy – are guided by accurate data.” Harkins said the website will track progress toward specific goals – including reducing the runoff of phosphorus that is responsible for the harmful algae that has threatened drinking water and the multiple industries that rely on Lake Erie. “The new website is going to help us understand what strategies are working and where new policies are needed to better protect the lake. It’s going to be an extremely helpful tool as we continue working to safeguard the health of this precious and critically important resource,” he said. Under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, the U.S. and Canada – including the Lake Erie states and the province Read more


Merski, Harkins: $150,000 awarded to create workforce training center

(Feb 01, 2022)

ERIE, Feb. 1 – Erie County students will benefit from a new training center, thanks to grant funding of $150,000, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said the Business-Education Partnership grant to the Northwest Workforce Development Board will provide a career pipeline for students who will benefit from specific training. “Building the best possible workforce for our community means tapping into every young adult to help them maximize their skills,” Harkins said. “The funding awarded today will help launch the Uniquely Abled Academy, which will prepare students with autism for careers in computer numerical control machining – a high-demand career in today’s manufacturing industry. It’s a win for students and for our workforce.” Merski said, “Erie has a highly talented pool of students, including students with autism who have much to offer, but we need to make sure we are reaching them with the right resources. The new center is going to open doors for these students by providing training in high-demand skills to ensure they achieve productive roles in the workplace.” The Northwest Workforce Development Board also serves Crawford, Warren, Forest, Venango, Clarion, and in addition to launching the new center, the board will also connect rural students to local employers for work experience or company tours to offer Read more


Harkins issues statement on Pittsburgh bridge collapse

(Jan 28, 2022)

ERIE, Jan. 28 – State Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, issued the following statement in response to this morning’s collapse of the Forbes Avenue bridge over Frick Park in Pittsburgh: “To awaken to this news today out of Pittsburgh was both terrifying and disturbing. I have family, friends and former UPS colleagues who use that bridge daily. Thank God no one was killed, and let’s hope those who were injured recover quickly. “It is ironic that the collapse happened the same day of the president’s planned trip to Pittsburgh to discuss critical infrastructure rebuilding and investment. “Restoring the bridge – a lifeline to so many in the community – will not be a small investment. It will take significant cooperation and call on government at all levels to work together to get the job done. “The collapse raises the chilling question: How many other bridges – including those in Erie – are in a similar condition? It should cause alarm bells to go off throughout every level of government. “Reviewing the safety and structural integrity of every Pennsylvania bridge has to be a top priority, and we should commit every available resource we have to make sure the public is safe.” Read more


New relief package a healthy first dose to ease strain on PA health care heroes

(Jan 26, 2022)

With so many bitter divisions between the aisles, the chance to come together and help some of Pennsylvania’s most selfless, dedicated workers feels like a rare opportunity to heal some of those rifts. Maybe that’s why it also seems fitting that H.B. 253 – which just passed the House with unanimous, bipartisan support – is dedicated to helping our healers: the nurses and other frontline hospital workers who are currently facing crisis conditions. Of course, this isn’t the first time they have faced the incredible stresses of working in overcrowded, understaffed conditions. In fact, it seems like a hellish cycle: a COVID surge happens, hospitals swell to near-bursting with unvaccinated patients, and nurses and other frontline support staff face horrendous shortages and near-impossible conditions as they continue trying to help as many patients as possible. This time, however, a meaningful relief package will provide help, and hope. Once signed by the governor, the legislation we passed today will speed $210 million in federal pandemic relief directly to hospitals, which will put those dollars to work bringing nurses and other frontline staff the support they desperately need. Specifically, the funding will include $100 million to hospitals statewide to help them retain and recruit direct care staff. The pandemic has underscored the critical need for a strong nursing and direct patient care workforce. The funding will include Read more


Harkins: Nearly $25,000 in security funding for Iroquois School District

(Jan 21, 2022)

ERIE, Jan. 21 – Students and staff in the Iroquois School District will benefit from a $24,500 grant awarded to fund security equipment, state Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, announced today. Harkins said the funding was awarded by the state Department of Education under the competitive 2021-22 Safe Schools Targeted Grants program. “Schools need to be safe, supportive places where students and staff feel secure and protected,” Harkins said. “The funding awarded today will ensure that schools in the Iroquois School District have the resources to maintain that environment so teachers and kids can go about the business of teaching and learning, unbothered by fear or safety concerns.” The grants are part of a package of $8 million in competitive grants awarded statewide. More information on the specific awardees and amounts is available here . Read more


Merski, Harkins: Nearly $600,000 awarded to boost Erie attractions

(Dec 30, 2021)

ERIE, Dec. 30 – New grants totaling nearly $600,000 will enhance area attractions by funding improvements to the Erie Zoo and equipment for maintaining snowmobile trails, state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said the funding from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources includes $500,000 to the Erie Zoological Society for rehabilitation and construction of a giraffe exhibit with public viewing structures and related improvements. “The grant to the zoo will help fund construction of a unique exhibit that is part of the zoo’s efforts to expand its ‘Wild Open Spaces,’ where visitors can observe animals in their natural habitat,” Merski said. “The improvements will expand the zoo’s capacity, increase tourism revenue, and help educate visitors about wildlife and conservation.” Other funding includes nearly $100,000 to three snowmobile organizations for purchase of equipment needed to construct and maintain trails. “Erie is an all-season destination, with miles of trails for winter recreation,” Harkins said. “Some of the grants awarded today will fund equipment needed for construction, maintenance and grooming of nearly 120 miles of snowmobile trails to ensure the sport remains safe and enjoyable for residents and visitors.” The snowmobile grants include $38,200 to Wales Sno-Drifters, Read more


Burns: $50,000 state grant awarded to Greater Johnstown CTC

(Dec 21, 2021)

Grant to purchase equipment to train students in high-demand careers Read more


Merski, Harkins: $165,000 awarded to expand Erie affordable housing

(Dec 20, 2021)

ERIE, Dec. 20 – A $165,000 grant will enable Our West Bayfront to redevelop three vacant properties into affordable housing in Erie, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said the funding – awarded through the Keystone Communities Program – will boost ongoing efforts to bring more affordable housing to the city. “Affordable housing is critical for our community,” Merski said. “This new funding is going allow us to expand housing options for residents while creating jobs. It’s an investment that will improve life for families and continue creating spaces where they can thrive.” Harkins said, “By funding work to redevelop three vacant properties into affordable housing units, this funding is going help prevent blight and expand our community in a way that creates new opportunities for residents. I’m looking forward to seeing the new project take shape.” The grants are part of a package of $6 million in funding for 34 community improvement projects statewide. More information about the funding is available here . Read more


Burns: $150,000 state grant awarded to regional workforce development program

(Dec 17, 2021)

Program aims to connect industry, training and students Read more


Merski hosting drive-thru open house Wednesday, Dec. 22

(Dec 16, 2021)

ERIE, Dec. 16 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, is inviting residents to a Drive-Thru Holiday Open House from 1-3 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 22 at his 3901 Liberty St. office. Merski is encouraging residents to drive over for some warm conversation and a sweet holiday treat. “Our Drive-Thru Holiday Open House may look a bit different this year, but it will still be a great opportunity for residents to share their thoughts, get information on state programs and services, and enjoy a local holiday treat, all from the warmth of their own cars,” Merski said. “I’m encouraging everyone to stop by, pick up a treat and let us know how we can help – or simply exchange some holiday cheer.” Merski said residents should enter the parking lot from Liberty Street. Anyone with questions can call 814-455-6319. Read more


Burns: $3 million state grant awarded to improve industrial rail in Cambria, Clearfield counties

(Dec 15, 2021)

Project includes work at Cresson subdivision Read more


Merski, Harkins: Grassroots organizations receiving $35,000 for vaccine outreach

(Dec 15, 2021)

ERIE, Dec. 15 – Grants totaling $35,000 will fund outreach efforts by two groups as they work to encourage Erie residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said the funding – awarded through the COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Grant Program – includes $15,000 to the Robert Benjamin Wiley Community Charter School and another $20,000 to the Sikh Society of Harrisburg, which will benefit residents in Erie and several other counties. “Despite some progress in community vaccine rates, there are still residents who are reluctant to get the COVID-19 vaccine,” Harkins said. “This new funding will help grassroots organizations reach out with the message that getting the vaccine is a critically important way to protect themselves and their loved ones.” Merski said, “For those who are still hesitant about getting the COVID-19 vaccine, sometimes the right message, from a trusted neighbor or group, is all that is needed. Securing this funding is going to allow R.B. Wiley and the Sikh Society to reach out and provide residents the reassurance they need that the vaccine is safe and effective.” The grants are part of a package of $2.5 million to support vaccine outreach efforts statewide. The COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Grant Program is administered by the Department of Community and Economic Development. Read more


Merski, Harkins: $90,000 awarded to shore up security at Erie campuses

(Dec 10, 2021)

ERIE, Dec. 10 – Three grants totaling $90,000 will enhance security and prevent sexual assault at Mercyhurst University, Gannon University and the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins announced today. The lawmakers, both D-Erie, said the three schools are receiving grants of $30,000 each under the “It’s On Us” program to ensure students remain safe from the threat of sexual violence. “College campuses should be safe havens where students feel confident to pursue their hopes and dreams,” Merski said. “This new funding will help ensure that Erie campuses have the proper security in place to deter crime and allow students to thrive and learn.” Harkins said, “No student should ever have to worry about facing the threat of an assault on campus. Securing this funding is going to bring new resources to ensure students remain safe and, equally important, enjoy peace of mind.” The “It’s On Us” campaign is a national initiative to raise awareness about sexual assault; teaching participants that assault includes non-consensual sex, advising them on how to identify dangerous situations, empowering them to intervene, and urging them to create an environment of support for victims and survivors. Read more


Burns: $279,000 in funding awarded to local food bank

(Dec 09, 2021)

Funds will help food bank with cold storage facilities Read more


Merski, Harkins: Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest PA awarded nearly $750,000 for upgrades

(Dec 09, 2021)

ERIE, Dec. 9 – Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest PA has been awarded nearly $750,000 for upgrades, state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said the funding will help the food bank expand its capacity for storing and transporting supplies. “No household should have to deal with the stress of food insecurity, especially during the holidays,” Merski said. “Securing this funding will ensure that Second Harvest Food Bank has the equipment it needs to store and transport plentiful supplies so that families have fewer worries about keeping nutritious food on the table.” Harkins said: “Second Harvest has always been a wonderful resource for our region. With so many residents still feeling the effects of the pandemic, it’s important for folks to know that the food bank is there for them and – thanks to this new funding – able to serve our community with expanded capacity.” The COVID-19 Food Bank Cold Storage Infrastructure Program allows Pennsylvania food banks to purchase, expand, or upgrade cold storage facilities to ensure that they can deliver fresh food to struggling families. Eligible purchases include refrigerators, coolers, freezers, refrigerator trailers and cargo vans, building expansions, and more. The grants are part of a package of $11.4 million in funding to food banks statewide. More information on the Read more


Harkins, Merski: More than $23,000 awarded to fund historical societies, children’s museum

(Dec 08, 2021)

ERIE, Dec. 8 – The Erie County Historical Society, expERIEnce Children’s Museum, and Harborcreek Historical Society have been awarded more than $23,000 in state funding to help support their operations, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said that funding from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission includes $12,003 to the Erie County Historical Society and $6,067 to the children’s museum under the Cultural and Historical Support Grant Program and $5,000 to the Harborcreek society under the Historical and Archival Records Grant Program. “Erie’s historical societies are the keepers of our region’s rich cultural heritage, and this new funding will support staff at the county historical society and Harborcreek in their efforts to preserve and chronicle our history in a way that keeps it alive for future generations.” Merski said, “The expERIEnce Children’s Museum is another unique place that brings learning to life by allowing kids to interact with hands-on displays and exhibits that stimulate the senses. The new grant funding to help support operations follows last week’s award of $5 million from the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program for major expansions and improvements to the museum.” The funding is part of a package of nearly $2 million in grants awarded to 154 Read more


Harkins supports governor’s proposed investments in education, vulnerable citizens
Feb 08, 2022

Merski supports proposed budget investments in education, workforce training, vulnerable residents
Feb 08, 2022

Harkins elected vice chairman of Northwest Delegation
Feb 08, 2022

Merski elected chairman of Northwest Delegation
Feb 07, 2022

Harkins: New Great Lakes Commission website tracks progress in protecting Lake Erie
Feb 02, 2022

Merski, Harkins: $150,000 awarded to create workforce training center
Feb 01, 2022

Harkins issues statement on Pittsburgh bridge collapse
Jan 28, 2022

New relief package a healthy first dose to ease strain on PA health care heroes
Jan 26, 2022

Harkins: Nearly $25,000 in security funding for Iroquois School District
Jan 21, 2022

Merski, Harkins: Nearly $600,000 awarded to boost Erie attractions
Dec 30, 2021

Burns: $50,000 state grant awarded to Greater Johnstown CTC
Dec 21, 2021

Merski, Harkins: $165,000 awarded to expand Erie affordable housing
Dec 20, 2021

Burns: $150,000 state grant awarded to regional workforce development program
Dec 17, 2021

Merski hosting drive-thru open house Wednesday, Dec. 22
Dec 16, 2021

Burns: $3 million state grant awarded to improve industrial rail in Cambria, Clearfield counties
Dec 15, 2021

Merski, Harkins: Grassroots organizations receiving $35,000 for vaccine outreach
Dec 15, 2021

Merski, Harkins: $90,000 awarded to shore up security at Erie campuses
Dec 10, 2021

Burns: $279,000 in funding awarded to local food bank
Dec 09, 2021

Merski, Harkins: Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest PA awarded nearly $750,000 for upgrades
Dec 09, 2021

Harkins, Merski: More than $23,000 awarded to fund historical societies, children’s museum
Dec 08, 2021