Harkins clarifies which workers are eligible for new hazard pay program

(Jul 21, 2020)

ERIE, July 21 – State Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, is hoping to resolve questions regarding which workers are eligible for hazard pay under a newly announced program providing $50 million in CARES Act funding to compensate frontline workers for job-related risks. “Since the new hazard pay program was announced, many people in the district have been asking me which workers qualify,” Harkins said. “I want to clarify that the program is designed to compensate direct, full-time and part-time employees in life-sustaining industries who earn less than $20/hour, excluding fringe benefits and overtime.” Harkins said employers must apply for the grants, which are available for the following industries: healthcare and social assistance ambulatory health care services hospitals nursing and residential care facilities transit and ground passenger transportation food manufacturing food retail facilities security services for eligible industries listed above and commercial industries that were not closed under the governor’s business closure order janitorial services to buildings and dwellings “I’m urging businesses, agencies, non-profits and Certified Economic Development Organizations with employees in any of these industries to apply,” Harkins said. “Our frontline workers risk their health and the health of their Read more


Erie legislators laud Regional Response Health Collaboration Program grant

(Jul 14, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 14 -- State Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, all D-Erie, today announced LECOM Health and UPMC Community Provider Services will receive $13.6 million to support COVID-19 readiness and response planning in long-term care facilities. The grants, awarded through the Regional Response Health Collaboration Program approved by the General Assembly, will help improve quality care related to infection prevention and allow long-term care facilities to expand COVID-19 testing to include asymptomatic staff and residents in facilities. “I am thrilled to see this investment in the fight against COVID-19 and protecting our most vulnerable citizens,” Bizzarro said. “Long-term care facility workers and residents need resources to help keep safe and mitigate the spread of this virus. When our health systems work together and the most innovative minds join forces, we can make meaningful progress in preserving the well-being of our community,” he explained. “It’s critically important to get this collaborative effort underway,” Merski said. “The pandemic’s effect on our long-term care facilities has been devastating, and we can’t attack the problem in a vacuum. By combining forces and pooling the best possible resources, professionals and information, we can help these facilities implement the kind of long-term planning and strategies they need to mitigate the Read more


Merski, Harkins remind area grocers, food retailers about COVID-19 relief fund

(Jul 10, 2020)

ERIE, July 10 – State Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie, want to be sure area grocery stores and other food retailers are aware of a new program designed to provide relief to these businesses impacted by the pandemic. The lawmakers said the Fresh Food Financing Initiative COVID-19 Relief Fund will support impacted businesses providing access to fresh, perishable and staple foods and will prioritize assistance to businesses located in and serving low-income communities. “Our small local grocers, food retailers and nonprofit distributors provide our community with critical access to fresh, nutritious foods – a resource that is more important than ever as residents strive to stay healthy during the pandemic,” Merski said. “But just as it has affected all businesses, COVID-19 has made it harder for these critical food retailers to continue operating. Harkins said, “This funding will help ensure that our community – and especially lower-income households –maintain access to the fresh, healthy food they need while also helping these key businesses contribute to our community’s economic health. We are urging all eligible local food retailers to apply.” Merski and Harkins said the program applies to traditional retailers as well as non-profit and cooperative entities such as corner stores and farmers markets. The applicant must: Read more


Harkins issues statement to resolve questions about REAL ID postponement

(Jul 08, 2020)

ERIE, July 8 – Seeking to clear up confusion over postponement of the REAL ID deadline, state Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, issued the following statement: “I have been receiving a lot of calls from residents who have heard that the REAL ID enforcement deadline has been postponed to Oct. 1, 2021, but are confused about what this means and how it impacts them, so I am hoping to eliminate that confusion. “In response to 9/11, t he federal government passed the REAL ID Act to improve security and make it more difficult for terrorists or others intending harm to obtain a fake ID. The act tightened the requirements for getting a driver’s license or identification card that federal authorities would accept by requiring the person applying to meet a higher standard for showing proof of identity. “States are still free to issue – and residents are still free to get – standard driver’s licenses and identification cards that are not based on those more rigorous proof requirements. “Once enforcement of the act begins on Oct. 1, 2021, however, residents will no longer be able to use those standard licenses or ID cards as proof of identification for certain activities, including boarding a domestic commercial flight or visiting a military base or other high-security federal facility. Instead, people will have to present either a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or ID card, or will have Read more


Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins: Nearly $10,000 in pandemic relief to local arts and cultural organizations

(Jul 06, 2020)

ERIE, July 6 – Five local organizations dedicated to arts, culture and behavioral health will receive $9,650 in CARES Act funding to help stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic, state Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Bob Merski and Pat Harkins announced today. The Erie lawmakers said the organizations – the Erie Philharmonic, the Erie Playhouse, the Erie Art Museum, Erie Arts & Culture and Stairways Behavioral Health – will each receive $1,930. “These grants will help support the arts in our community and ensure they maintain their position as economic drivers,” Bizzarro said. “The arts are a vital part of our state, and many Pennsylvanians go on to play a role in the industry globally. It’s key that we make sure our arts organizations have the support necessary to bounce back from this pandemic and continue to create and inspire.” Merski said, “The arts enrich our Erie community in so many ways. They bring us together across cultural lines through shared enjoyment of performances, and they encourage expression of diverse stories. They inspire young minds, and they stimulate economic growth by drawing other businesses and commercial activity to the area. Our arts, cultural and behavioral health organizations have been hit hard by the pandemic, and this funding will help provide support they need to continue operating.” Harkins said, “Arts and cultural institutions Read more


Harkins, Merski: Extended benefits available for those who have exhausted other UC benefits

(Jun 30, 2020)

ERIE, June 30 – Pennsylvanians who have exhausted their regular unemployment compensation and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation benefits may qualify for an additional 13 weeks of extended benefits, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today . The lawmakers said the additional payments are available under the state’s Unemployment Compensation Extended Benefits Program, which becomes available when Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate reaches a certain level determined by law. “The extended benefits program was put in place to help working families who find themselves in severe financial straits through no fault of their own,” Harkins said. “The eligibility requirements are the same as for regular UC benefits, and applicants who qualify may receive half the amount of regular UC for which they were eligible. That means an applicant who was financially eligible for 26 weeks of UC may receive 13 weeks of EB payments.” Merski said, “Extended benefits can provide critical assistance for Erie families at a time like this. The benefits become payable only after an applicant has exhausted current PEUC benefits, but I urge anyone who may qualify to learn more about the program now. The Department of Labor and Industry will also be mailing information to those who potentially qualify.” The legislators said that to be eligible, an applicant must: Be totally or Read more


Merski, Harkins support bill to permit fireworks regulation

(Jun 30, 2020)

ERIE, June 30 – Citing growing frustration by residents over neighborhood fireworks noise, state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie, have signed on to legislation that would permit municipalities to regulate their use. “While most of us understand the well-loved tradition of celebrating warm-weather holidays with fireworks, the unintended consequence of expanding firework sales a few years back has been the chronic disruption of entire neighborhoods, especially in urban areas,” Merski said. “This legislation would help address the problem of fireworks in urban areas at all hours of the day and night and would strike a balance between permitting their safe, responsible use on one hand, and preserving residents’ right to peace and calm on the other.” Harkins said, “This issue has been simmering for some time, with residents calling to complain about terrified pets, disrupted sleep schedules and even traumatized loved ones who suffer from post-traumatic stress. This bill would bring some commonsense measures – including time-of-day limitations prohibiting fireworks use after certain hours – to help solve the problem.” According to the co-sponsorship memorandum , in addition to permitting municipalities to set and enforce regulations, the bill would limit fireworks use to between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. on Friday Read more


Harkins, Wentling measure to cast wider net for Lake Erie fishing permit funding options lands on governor’s desk

(Jun 26, 2020)

ERIE, June 26 - On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania House once again approved a measure introduced by Reps. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, and Parke Wentling, R-Crawford/Erie/Lawrence/Mercer, which would broaden the allocation of proceeds from Lake Erie fishing permits or stamps issued by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. “Put simply, the purpose of our legislation is to expand the types of fishing-related projects, such as marina improvements, installing additional fish cleaning stations and many other angler attracting incentives, that can be funded through revenue generated by the sale of Lake Erie fishing permits,” said Wentling. “Once enacted, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission would have greater flexibility in determining the best ways to invest these funds to improve and expand public fishing opportunities at Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay and their tributaries.” Originally introduced as House Bill 1187, the language of the bill was inserted into House Bill 808 which was concurred by the House and sent to the governor’s desk. “We have been working on this legislation for the last six years and it is great to finally see some light at the end of the tunnel,” said Harkins. “It has been a pleasure to work with the many stakeholders to make sure that their wishes and concerns are considered. There is always a great need along the shores of Lake Erie to make sure our sportsmen and women Read more


Harkins, Merski: Neary $6,000 in mini grants to bring horticulture to curriculum, educate public about lakeshore habitat

(Jun 26, 2020)

ERIE, June 26 – Two mini grants totaling nearly $6,000 will broaden the Erie public school curriculum to include urban gardening and horticulture and will fund interactive signage to help educate the public about lakeshore habitat, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced. The lawmakers said a $2,908 mini grant will allow the Erie City School District to develop middle school curriculum units – “An Urban Gardening Design Challenge” and “A Culinary Connection” – which will connect elementary school programming and high school career tracks. “By incorporating subjects like urban farming and horticulture into the school curriculum, we’re doing more than just teaching kids the hands-on basics,” Harkins said. “We’re generating a love of science, an appreciation for the natural world and an awareness about the world’s diminishing food supply. We’re also helping to create a culture of self-reliance and putting knowledge into the hands of our kids that can one day help sustain our community.” Merski said, “Garden classrooms are the perfect places to teach so many different lessons. They offer a hands-on look at the life cycle, teach kids about the importance of being good stewards of the environment and give them the thrill of seeing what they can produce with their own hands. They also provide real-world career tracks and introduce Read more


Harkins, Merski encourage farmers to apply to Dairy Indemnity Program

(Jun 22, 2020)

ERIE, June 22 – State Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, are urging dairy farmers who have suffered economic losses because of the pandemic to apply to a new, federally funded program that can assist in their recovery. The Dairy Indemnity Program – funded through the federal CARES Act and administered by the state Department of Agriculture – will distribute $15 million in funding to dairy farmers who have suffered financial losses as a result of discarded or displaced milk during the COVID-19 pandemic. “The pandemic was like a double whammy for our dairy farmers, who have spent the past decade battling to survive in a shrinking market that has made it hard to keep a profit margin,” Harkins said. “Then, with major customers like restaurants and schools out of the picture because of the pandemic, farms have had to dump away more of their profits. It’s my hope that through this program, these important producers can recoup some of their COVID-19 related losses and continue moving forward.” “Dairy farms nourish our kids and our economy, creating thousands of jobs and contributing billions of dollars a year to Pennsylvania’s bottom line,” Merski said. “It’s critical to do everything we can to help keep them operating. The new program is accepting applications through Sept. 30, but I’m urging eligible farms to apply as soon as possible – our entire state Read more


Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins: Erie going green June 26 ‘the best possible news’

(Jun 19, 2020)

ERIE, June 19 – State Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Robert Merski and Pat Harkins, all D-Erie, issued the following statements in response to news that Erie County will be moving to the green phase of the state’s reopen plan on Friday, June 26. “To say that this has been a trying period for Erie is an understatement,” Bizzarro said. “It’s hard to remember a time when our community’s endurance and patience were tested more severely, or for so long. “Our delegation fought hard to move Erie to green, but ultimately, it was the people of Erie, doing their part to slow the spread of the virus, that made the difference. To be sure, we face a long road ahead. But with the rest of our businesses soon free to reopen, a community ready and willing to support them and a small business grant program on the horizon, we will soon be forging a path to revitalization.” Merski said, “We fought for weeks to move Erie to green, and the announcement today that this is finally happening is the best possible news we could have received. The pandemic and related shutdowns stopped our economy in its tracks, placed a huge burden on business owners and working families, and left many in our community feeling isolated. Getting into the green will help change all that by lifting most restrictions. “Businesses already running at 50% occupancy will be able to run at 75% occupancy; barbershops and hair Read more


Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins: Nearly $155,000 awarded for law enforcement coronavirus preparedness

(Jun 10, 2020)

ERIE, June 10 – Erie law enforcement will be able to apply for up to $154,780 in emergency funding to address challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, state Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, all D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said the federal Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding – administered by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency – will fund critical protections for workers and the communities they serve. “I know from my work as a victim/witness coordinator and victims’ rights advocate how much of our criminal justice system depends on face-to-face, time-sensitive work such as interviewing witnesses and supporting and treating crime victims,” Bizzarro said. “ This funding is going to help address the added challenges staff face in carrying out those essential duties safely in the midst of the pandemic.” Harkins said, “Law enforcement agencies and staff already face a host of challenges, and the pandemic has added another whole layer of logistical problems. Containing the spread of COVID-19 – whether in our county jails, juvenile detention centers, courthouses or the general community – requires resources and planning. This funding will help our agencies implement infection control and keep our dedicated criminal justice workers safe in the field.” Merski said the funding will support a broad Read more


Erie lawmakers express anger, frustration over failure to move Erie to green

(Jun 05, 2020)

ERIE, June 5 – Joined by fellow Erie lawmakers on the steps of the county courthouse, state Reps. Pat Harkins, Bob Merski, and Ryan Bizzarro, all D-Erie, expressed deep frustration that Erie is not among the counties moving to the green phase of the state’s reopen plan Friday, June 12. “We had a conference call with one of the governor’s staff, and it did not go well,” Harkins said. “Secretary Levine was on the call. We presented the numbers we are working from, and we asked for additional information. We never received it. “As I was on the phone most of last evening, my line was blowing up with calls from residents and business owners I totally sympathize with. Then, this morning, after we had a press call arranged with the governor, he jumped off the call. “I ran for this office 14 years ago to speak for people who don’t have a voice in Harrisburg. Now, I feel like we don’t have a voice. I worked with the Teamsters and with UPS for 25 years, and I have never experienced anything like this. I have supported Tom Wolf and worked well with him, but this is uncalled for. We need to stick together and do what we have to do to move Erie green.” Merski said, “Today, from the data we received from the state, there are five new cases. We’re keeping this county closed for five new cases. This is ridiculous. “I have stuck with the governor and I Read more


Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins renew demand to move Erie to green, open phase

(Jun 03, 2020)

ERIE, June 3 – Renewing their demand to open Erie County, state Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, all D-Erie, have written to Gov. Tom Wolf urging him to add the county to the list of others moving to the “green” phase of the state’s reopen plan on June 5. The lawmakers say they hope the letter – co-signed by state Sens. Dan Laughlin and Michele Brooks; state Reps. Curt Sonney and Brad Roae; and local mayors and county executives – will bring swift action. Bizzarro said, “We’re continuing to push the administration to move Erie to green, for the sake of our small businesses and local economy. Each day that goes by makes it that much harder for these businesses to get back on their feet. To be sure, the health of our residents is priority No. 1, but we must not ignore the health of our local economy, which is hanging in the balance.” Merski said, “Keeping Erie in the yellow is doing nothing to keep residents safer; it’s only hurting our local businesses. Surrounding counties – including those in Ohio and New York – are fully open, forcing Erie consumers to travel elsewhere for services. It only creates unnecessary competition for our business community and increases the risk of spreading the virus. “What’s more, the numbers don’t support the continued restrictions: Statistics from our local health department show that our county Read more


Harkins releases statement on layoff of 500 Pennsylvania Turnpike workers

(Jun 02, 2020)

ERIE, June 2 – In response to news that the cashless, electronic toll system the Pennsylvania Turnpike implemented in March will become permanent — resulting in the immediate layoff of about 500 workers – state Rep. Pat Harkins released the following statement, also on behalf of Teamster President and state Rep. Dave Delloso, D-Delaware, and Teamster member and state Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery. “This is heartbreaking. The governor and the Turnpike Commission had an agreement with the toll takers to phase out operations in 2022, but in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the commission voted to do away with these workers immediately. “These workers were expecting to return to work soon and were caught completely off guard. They understood that their jobs were being phased out, but they were led to believe that they would have time to plan ahead, and they were relying on that assurance. Instead, they had the rug pulled out from under them. “This could have been done as a phased response on a shorter timeline. It didn’t have to happen overnight.” Read more


Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins issue statements on weekend Erie protests that turned violent

(May 31, 2020)

ERIE, May 31 – State Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, all D-Erie, issued the following statements today in response to reports that peaceful community protests over the death of George Floyd turned violent last night in Erie: Bizzarro said, “ The events of the weekend, and the senseless acts against black Americans, are weighing heavily on our nation and our community. The injustices and struggles people of color continue to endure are disgraceful and must end. While I may never fully understand all the challenges they face, I stand firmly against racism. “Protesting is an important part of implementing change, but I believe our community must do so peacefully and without causing harm to others or property. I am calling for peace and unity in our community and for us to join together in support of our black neighbors, family and friends. They are afraid for their sons, daughters, fathers, mothers and more. We must be there to comfort and support them in this time and emerge with a new respect and camaraderie so we can make meaningful and bold steps to eradicate racism.” Merski said, "This weekend in Erie, peaceful protests over the death of George Floyd erupted into violence. It isn’t hard to understand the anger: George Floyd’s death at the hands of police was brutal and senseless – and sadly, a familiar reality for so many Americans of color. "While Read more


Merski, Bizzarro, Harkins: Decision to keep Erie County in yellow phase ‘the wrong move for our county’

(May 29, 2020)

ERIE, May 29 – State Reps. Bob Merski, Pat Harkins and Ryan Bizzarro, all D-Erie, issued the following statements in response to Gov. Tom Wolf’s announcement today that Erie County will not be among the Pennsylvania counties moving to the green reopen phase of the state’s reopen plan on June 5. “I am extremely disappointed in the governor’s decision to keep Erie County in the yellow, restricted phase,” Merski said. “Although our county saw a brief spike last week, the numbers have stabilized, and we are ready for the next steps in reopening. “I have been fighting for our county to move into the green phase because I’m convinced that our residents are able to do the right thing. Erie County residents have been doing their part to slow the spread of COVID-19 by wearing masks and social distancing, and will continue that responsible behavior in the weeks to come. We have done what was asked of us. It’s time to let Erie open all of its doors.” Bizzarro said, “I’m calling on the governor to reconsider his decision, which I believe is the wrong move for our county. Erie residents are responsible, resourceful and careful. Our business owners understand how to keep residents safe, and our community is aware of social distancing and other safety protocols. They want to get back to supporting our community and our local economy. It’s time to get Read more


Harkins, Merski: Bill would freeze cost-of-living adjustments for public officials

(May 26, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 26 – State Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, joined fellow lawmakers today in voting to suspend cost-of-living adjustments for public officials. House Bill 2487 , which passed the House unanimously, would amend the Public Official Compensation Law to freeze COLAs through 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Although in the big picture, this measure is a drop in the bucket given our state’s $5.5 billion deficit, I believe this is when we need to step up and look to see how we can save precious taxpayer dollars,” Harkins said. “We don’t know what lies ahead, but we are determined to get through this and put Pennsylvania back on solid financial ground as quickly as possible. We all need to share the pain.” Merski said, “Our community has been through so much since this pandemic struck, and every day, we’re encouraging residents to stay strong and asking them to make sacrifices. With so many residents out of work and struggling to make ends meet, we need to be looking for ways to save money, not worrying about cost-of-living increases. I’m glad the bill received a unanimous, bipartisan vote.” The bill now heads to the state Senate for consideration. Read more


Harkins, Merski: Nearly $220,000 in funding to help food banks meet greater demand

(May 21, 2020)

ERIE, May 21 – State grants totaling $219,243 will help three Erie food banks serve the greater numbers of residents impacted by food insecurity because of the COVID-19 pandemic, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. “Our local food banks have always played a key role in helping low-income families combat food insecurity,” Harkins said. “But when the pandemic hit, it drove up demand, bringing logistical challenges. “Banks are partnering with new providers, such as farms, to meet the increased demand, but preparing, storing and transporting larger amounts of food requires additional resources. This funding is going to provide those resources so our local food banks can meet the needs of more families quickly and efficiently.” The representatives said the funding is going to help these important community providers connect more people with food and help them combat food insecurity. Merski said, “Fast, safe and efficient food distribution depends on the right equipment and transportation. This funding is going to help our local food banks purchase the additional equipment they need – such as refrigerated trucks and vehicles – to ensure that food gets to a broader sector of the community.” The grants were awarded under the Food Recovery Infrastructure Grant Program and include $95,000 to Emmaus Ministries. $70,902 to Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest Read more


Harkins, Merski: More than $1 million to help Erie child care providers safely reopen

(May 20, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 20 – Erie County child care providers will receive more than $1 million in federal CARES Act funding to help them safely reopen their doors, state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said the funding will ensure these businesses are able to resume operations while providing the safest possible environment. “As residents return to work and the economy reopens, it’s critical for families to be able to rely on good child care,” Merski said. “But it’s equally important for parents to have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their children are returning to a safe, sanitary environment. This funding is going to help providers restore services, while also providing new protections.” Harkins said, “Our child care providers are so much more than a place for parents to bring their children for safekeeping. They stimulate our kids’ minds and provide a place for early learning and first friendships. That said, safety is still priority No. 1, and the pandemic has created a brand-new set of challenges. Thanks to this funding, our providers will have the resources needed to meet those challenges.” The funding is part of an initial $51 million round of funding that will go to nearly 7,000 child care centers statewide preparing to reopen. In all, Pennsylvania will receive a total of $106 million in funding to Read more


Harkins clarifies which workers are eligible for new hazard pay program
Jul 21, 2020

Erie legislators laud Regional Response Health Collaboration Program grant
Jul 14, 2020

Merski, Harkins remind area grocers, food retailers about COVID-19 relief fund
Jul 10, 2020

Harkins issues statement to resolve questions about REAL ID postponement
Jul 08, 2020

Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins: Nearly $10,000 in pandemic relief to local arts and cultural organizations
Jul 06, 2020

Harkins, Merski: Extended benefits available for those who have exhausted other UC benefits
Jun 30, 2020

Merski, Harkins support bill to permit fireworks regulation
Jun 30, 2020

Harkins, Wentling measure to cast wider net for Lake Erie fishing permit funding options lands on governor’s desk
Jun 26, 2020

Harkins, Merski: Neary $6,000 in mini grants to bring horticulture to curriculum, educate public about lakeshore habitat
Jun 26, 2020

Harkins, Merski encourage farmers to apply to Dairy Indemnity Program
Jun 22, 2020

Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins: Erie going green June 26 ‘the best possible news’
Jun 19, 2020

Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins: Nearly $155,000 awarded for law enforcement coronavirus preparedness
Jun 10, 2020

Erie lawmakers express anger, frustration over failure to move Erie to green
Jun 05, 2020

Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins renew demand to move Erie to green, open phase
Jun 03, 2020

Harkins releases statement on layoff of 500 Pennsylvania Turnpike workers
Jun 02, 2020

Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins issue statements on weekend Erie protests that turned violent
May 31, 2020

Merski, Bizzarro, Harkins: Decision to keep Erie County in yellow phase ‘the wrong move for our county’
May 29, 2020

Harkins, Merski: Bill would freeze cost-of-living adjustments for public officials
May 26, 2020

Harkins, Merski: Nearly $220,000 in funding to help food banks meet greater demand
May 21, 2020

Harkins, Merski: More than $1 million to help Erie child care providers safely reopen
May 20, 2020