Ciresi cyber charter reform bill passes the House

(Jul 08, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 8 – In a bipartisan vote, the PA House yesterday passed state Rep. Joe Ciresi’s legislation (H.B 1422) that would modernize Pennsylvania’s charter school law to specifically address cyber charter schools to ensure transparency, accountability and fiscal responsibility. “The vast majority of the commonwealth’s elected school boards have told legislators PA’s charter school law is in desperate need of reform,” Ciresi said. “Today we passed a comprehensive reform bill that holds cyber charter schools to the same standards we expect of anyone who receives public funds, including transparency, ethical standards and greater oversight of spending. By ending $455 million in overpayments and making sure that taxpayer dollars are being properly spent on their intended purpose – educating students – this reform bill will help all our students and taxpayers.” In 2015, the General Assembly passed a law to create an education funding formula based on actual student enrollment and cost factors to address an outdated, flawed and inequitable system of funding school districts. However, the bill did not address cyber charter schools, which continue to receive the same funding as brick-and-mortar charter schools despite having materially lower costs, leading Ciresi to sponsor H.B. 1422 to address this issue. Ciresi’s legislation would set a single statewide tuition rate for non-special Read more


Madden bill to expand jail access to opioid addiction treatment medication passed by House

(Jul 07, 2023)

“My bill opens the grant program so that county jails, if they choose to do so, have greater flexibility in terms of medication options for individuals who are overcoming addiction while incarcerated and before release,” she said. Read more


Bellmon, McClinton school conflict resolution bill passes House

(Jul 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 7 – Today, legislation ( H.B. 1448 ) introduced by state Rep. Anthony Bellmon, D-Phila., and Pennsylvania House Speaker Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware, passed the House and is headed to the Senate for consideration. The bill would r equire public schools to provide instruction on conflict resolution to all students. The instruction would include topics such as skills of conflict resolution; respect for different cultures, races, and beliefs; effectively managing emotions; and how to resolve differences peacefully. The bill also would require the instruction to be age-appropriate and incorporated into an appropriate area of study. The Department of Education would compose a list of evidence-based model programs schools could use to provide this instruction to students. Bellmon said that teaching conflict resolution in schools can help reduce violence. “In areas across the commonwealth, such as Philadelphia, we’re seeing far too many young lives taken by gun violence,” Bellmon said. “It’s imperative that our children know that conflicts can be resolved in a non-violent way, and that’s why I introduced this bill that can help prevent unnecessary violence and even save lives.” McClinton echoed Bellmon’s sentiment. “Everyone has a role in keeping our communities healthy and safe, and by equipping our youngest Read more


Gergely issues statement on state budget passage

(Jul 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 7 – State Rep. Matthew R. Gergely, D-Allegheny, issued the following statement regarding the state budget passing the PA House: “Being a school district business manager for three years, I’m pleased that this year’s fiscal budget provides for school systems in District 35 to see increases in basic and special education funding when compared to last year’s allowances,” Gergely said. “These funds are crucial to keeping enough teachers in classrooms, giving them the tools and resources they need, and helping students to achieve at the highest academic level possible.” District 35 school districts reflecting this growth from the 2022-23 fiscal year to the 2023-24 fiscal year are: Clairton City School District-$950,100 increase (9%). McKeesport Area School District- $3,587,283 increase (9.4%). Duquesne City School District- $1,166,235 increase (8%). Steel Valley School District- $883,682 increase (6.6%). South Allegheny School District- $1,089,983 increase (8.5%). Gergely also praised the $46 million allocation to provide universal free breakfasts to students statewide and allowing all students receiving reduced lunch prices to receive free lunch. Additionally, he commended the expansion of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program, a measure that would enable an additional 175,000 individuals to be eligible and raise the maximum payment to $1,000. Read more


PA House passes legislation to create Safe Communities Grant Program

(Jul 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 7 – A bill ( H.B. 1130 ) sponsored by state Rep. Roni Green, D-Phila., which would create the Safe Communities Grant Program passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today by a vote of 102-101. The legislation would establish the Safe Communities Grant Program within the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, which would provide grant funding to communities to install lighting and security cameras around schools, playgrounds, community centers, and high crime areas. “By passing this bill, we are embracing an evidence-based approach to reducing violent crime in Pennsylvania,” Green said. “Studies have shown that taking care of the physical space in which we live — something as simple as cutting the grass or putting up lights — can have a positive effect on reducing violent crime. “This program will light up dimly lit public spaces and make criminals think twice about committing crime. We want a safe commonwealth for all Pennsylvanians, and this is a program that will help us achieve that goal.” The bill now goes to the Pennsylvania Senate for consideration. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation pleased with increased funding on budget priorities

(Jul 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 7 – As we close out this week with the passage of the 2023-24 state budget, the Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed that the spending plan is far from ideal, but still delivers major support to disadvantaged families in Pennsylvania. Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas explained that the delegation is pleased to see the inclusion of some of their top priorities for Philadelphia. “We certainly praise the nearly $1.7 billion (7.6% increase) for the School District of Philadelphia,” Cephas said. “We also voted to support $7.5 million to fund indigent defense for the first time in Pennsylvania history, ensuring public defenders have the resources they need to provide legal representation to defendants who cannot pay for it on their own, among other wins. We are moving the state in the right direction,” she added. State Rep. Danilo Burgos, vice-chair of the delegation, pointed out that the budget showcases the commitment of the House Democratic majority with Pennsylvanians, while managing to evade the unnecessary impasses of a bipartisan legislature. “Not a perfect budget; we wished it could have gone further in some areas and programs, but I am proud to say that we didn’t bargain our principles and that we prioritized our school system,” Burgos said. “I am appreciative of the investments in apprenticeships Read more


Howard’s Juvenile DNA collection bill passes PA House

(Jul 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 6 – State Rep. Kristine Howard, D-Chester, said she is proud to announce the passage of her legislation (H.B. 841) in the state House of Representatives today. House Bill 841 would restrict DNA collection from juveniles to those convicted, or adjudicated delinquent of, serious sexual and violent offenses such as murder and rape. The bill would also require the automatic expungement of DNA previously collected for juveniles at the time the applicable offense becomes eligible for expungement. Currently, DNA is collected from juveniles for a host of felonies and misdemeanors, many minor. Howard said that DNA expungement is not automatic, leaving the burden on individuals whose requests are rarely granted, unlike the sealing of juvenile records as a matter of course. “The juvenile justice system was intended to prioritize rehabilitation over punishment,” Howard said. “However, the overuse of juvenile DNA collection conflicts with the rehabilitative purposes of the juvenile system. My legislation gets rid of this conflict and instead further promotes rehabilitation, which is what our justice system should be focused on. I thank my colleagues for sharing this goal and pushing this bill to the state Senate.” The bill now heads to the Senate for consideration. Read more


Kim issues statement on state budget’s historic investments in education and public safety

(Jul 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 6 – State Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin/Cumberland, today issued the following statement regarding the state budget passed by the General Assembly Wednesday: “Late on Wednesday night, in a bipartisan vote, the House passed the 2023-24 fiscal budget for the Commonwealth, which includes a $717 million increase in education funding. This is a historic investment in K-12 education funding that will help provide relief to our schools that are struggling financially. “I was very proud to be part of this process -- knowing that each party succeeded in securing some of their respective efforts, including a much-needed allocation of money to help our talented students succeed in a rapidly changing world.” “They are worth it and deserve the investment.” Kim noted the following funding will be awarded to local school districts: Harrisburg City School District - $12,166,916 (15.3% increase). Camp Hill School District - $150,939 (5.9% increase). East Pennsboro Area School District - $906,876 (9.6% increase). West Shore School District - $1,619,171 (7.9% increase). Kim said she also was pleased with projected Level Up funding for two districts: Harrisburg School District: $2,718,453 East Pennsboro Area School District: $206,628 “As many are aware, this funding will help ‘level up’ school funding for our underfunded schools so their students will get the high-quality education Read more


House adopts Conklin resolution designating Sept. 18, 2023 as ‘State Grange Day’

(Jul 06, 2023)

“From the time of its first meeting in September 1873, when members of 25 local Granges united in their mission to strengthen rural communities, the Grange has evolved from a small farmer's fraternity into a multifaceted organization with thousands of members, all united by the same spirit of fellowship and a desire to see their communities thrive,” Conklin said. Read more


Kinsey issues statement on state budget passage

(Jul 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 6 – House Democratic Human Services Chairman Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., issued the following statement on the passage of the 2023-2024 fiscal year state budget. “I’m proud to support Governor Shapiro’s budget, a budget that provides investments in education, our workforce, families, and businesses throughout Pennsylvania,” Kinsey said. “It is a budget that will provide relief to seniors by expanding the states property tax and rent rebate program by raising the maximum rebate from $650 to $1,000, while increasing the eligibility limit to $45,000 for renter and homeowners. And, $50 million to help with home repairs for homeowners. “The 2023-24 budget included a $567 million boost for basic education. It also provides $50 million for special education, $16 million for state grants for college students, $125 million for school safety grants, and $100 million in Level Up funding to support PA’s poorest schools. In addition, this budget includes $100 million to help address school needs, and $46.5 million for the universal free breakfast program. “However, as House Democratic Chairman of the Human Services Committee, I recognize that we as a state have more work to do and that we need to invest more dollars to ensure that many of our most vulnerable citizens get the support that they need as well as increasing the wages of those staff who work to provide such Read more


Fleming praises state budget’s historic investments in education, economic development and health care

(Jul 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 6 – State Rep. Justin Fleming, D-Dauphin, today issued the following statement regarding the state budget passed by the General Assembly: “Last night in a bipartisan vote, the House of Representatives passed the 2023-24 state budget, which now goes to Governor Shapiro's desk for approval. I have spoken to many residents in Lower Paxton, Penbrook, and Susquehanna Township about their priorities, and I'm pleased that this budget addresses some of those priorities. While there is more to be done, this budget makes historic investments in education, public safety, health care, community and economic development, and much more. “Additionally, House Bill 1100 was sent to the governor's desk. This bill would raise the income limits for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program from $35,000 to $45,000 and provide for larger rebates for eligible participants. The passage of this bill will bring relief for thousands of seniors across the Commonwealth. Fleming noted some of the critical investments included in the 2023-24 budget: Education $567 million increase for Basic Education Funding. $50 million increase for Special Education Funding. $46.5 million for universal school breakfast. $10 million to provide annual stipends to student teachers. Economic Development $23.5 million for workforce training and career & technical education. $6 million for apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs. $20 Read more


Kenyatta applauds Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program expansion efforts

(Jul 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 6 – State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., announced today that H.B. 1100 to expand Pennsylvania’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program is heading to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s desk for his signature. This bill will expand eligibility for the PTRR Program by increasing the income cap to $45,000 for both homeowners and renters, as well as increase rebate amounts. “The Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program has been very helpful to seniors, individuals with disabilities and low-income households in my district and throughout the state,” Kenyatta said. “It allows them to stay in their homes while money is put back in their pocket. “Voting on this bill was one of the most important votes I’ve taken in my time as a legislator. Programs like PTRR must be available to people who are struggling to stay in their homes and pay their bills. I’m glad to see we’ve taken all the right steps to expand eligibility to more Pennsylvanians and keep our communities intact.” Kenyatta said that he looks forward to seeing the bill signed into law so that an additional 175,000 Pennsylvanians can get the help they need. Read more


Ciresi highlights investment in property tax relief, education in PA budget

(Jul 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 6 – After his vote to approve the state budget this week, state Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, highlighted its progress in education funding and significant expansion of property tax relief as the reasons for his support. Pennsylvania’s 2023-24 budget includes $717 million in funding for public schools statewide, including $100 million in “Level Up” funding dedicated for the most underfunded school districts that Ciresi had pushed to include in the budget. “While this budget doesn’t finish the job in addressing education underfunding, we’ve now come farther than ever before in shrinking the funding gap for our underfunded districts, especially our most-underfunded districts like Pottstown,” Ciresi said. “With the help of supplemental ‘Level Up’ funding to help these districts catch up, I’m proud that we’ve delivered almost $10 million in new, recurring state funding for Pottstown School District in the past three years. This funding is helping our schools and led to Pottstown residents even getting a local tax rebate this year.” Locally, the budget increases funding for Montgomery County school districts, including $6 million in increased funding for school districts in the 146th Legislative District: Pottstown School District: $3,363,052 increase. Spring-Ford Area School District: $1,588,175 increase. Pottsgrove School District: Read more


Pennsylvania bill adds requirements to catalytic converter sale process

(Jul 05, 2023)

According to the bill, a scrap processor or recycling facility operator who fails to collect the information required … is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $5,000. Read more


Neilson rallies successful effort to keep I-95 work on schedule, continues to check on reconstruction progress

(Jul 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 3 – State Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Phila., led a last-minute effort on Friday to enact legislation allowing Interstate 95 reconstruction work to continue by extending the governor’s emergency proclamation before it expired. After a truck tanker caught fire and the extreme heat caused a portion of I-95 to collapse, Gov. Josh Shapiro issued an emergency proclamation on June 12 to acquire federal emergency funds and cut through red tape to expedite the rebuilding of the collapsed road. Due to a 2021 constitutional amendment, the governor’s proclamation would have expired after 21 days, July 3, unless the General Assembly voted to extend it. Neilson said this limitation on proclamations was enacted to stop supposed overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic. “The emergency declaration was due to expire today, July 3, which would have brought the entire project to a halt and could have jeopardized the federal funding needed to complete it in an expedited manner,” Neilson said. The House of Representatives previously adopted Neilson’s H.R. 154 on June 26, which would have extended the governor’s emergency declaration by one year to give the Shapiro administration enough time and resources to complete the permanent reconstruction. However, the Senate never considered it. As time was running out and it appeared that budget negotiations would continue beyond the Read more


Burns introduces legislation to protect Pennsylvania drivers

(Jul 03, 2023)

Intent on protecting the state’s drivers from unnecessary tickets and fines, state Rep. Frank Burns introduced two measures that would do just that. Read more


Pennsylvania lawmakers want to crack down on catalytic converter thefts

(Jul 03, 2023)

"One of the unfortunate things is it's very easy to steal one of these converters out from a car without even having to break into the car," the lawmaker said. "It's problems in parking lots and in individual communities and neighborhoods, right on the streets." Read more


Abney issues statement regarding U.S. Supreme Court LGBTQIA+ ruling

(Jun 30, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 30 – Rep. Aerion A. Abney, D-Allegheny, issued the following statement regarding today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision on 303 Creative Inc. v. Elenis: “In the face of the U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling negatively impacting the LGBTQIA+ community, we find ourselves deeply disappointed for the second day in a row. It is disheartening to witness the erosion of civil rights and liberties for specific groups of people. Today, on the final day of Pride Month, our LGBTQIA+ friends must endure the reality of a country where businesses have legal protection to discriminate against them. “The Supreme Court, which once stood as a safeguard for existing rights, now appears to be driven by an agenda to strip them away. The court's attempt to conceal exclusivity under the guise of inclusivity only serves to expose the divisive nature of its ideology. This is undeniably a slippery slope that should concern us all, regardless of whether we identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community or not. “The decision made today contributes to the growing uncertainty and chaos surrounding the direction our country is headed. Adversity, however, often presents us with an opportunity for unity and course correction. We now face the task of coming together, rectifying this situation, and ensuring that order prevails over chaos. It is our collective responsibility to foster a society where all individuals are protected, respected and Read more


Cephas slams recent SCOTUS decisions

(Jun 30, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 30 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas today expressed her disagreement with three U.S. Supreme Court decisions recently announced on affirmative action, LGBTQ rights and students loan forgiveness. Cephas condemns the rulings of the Supreme Court and described the decisions as an unfortunate series of obstacles thrown in the way of social justice and equality. “In light of yet another wrongful outcome from the Supreme Court, I raise my voice on behalf of the underrepresented communities that have been systematically harmed with these decisions”, Cephas said. Cephas explained that minorities, people of color and people of low-income backgrounds have been fighting relentlessly for fairness, but the Supreme Court has chosen to ignore decades of struggles. “It was a dark day yesterday when the Supreme Court ruled on affirmative action. The Supreme Court is banning race-conscious admissions, in the cases of Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina and Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College. The race component won’t be taken into consideration for college admissions,” Cephas continued. Today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in 303 Creative, Inc. v. Elenis is a ruling that Cephas regards as a threat to the freedoms of LGBTQ+ individuals in the country, she said. “This decision simply grants a green light for Read more


Neilson’s automated speed enforcement legislation passes PA House

(Jun 30, 2023)

Legislation authored by state Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Phila., chair of the House Transportation Committee, that would renew and expand automated enforcement programs throughout Philadelphia, passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today with bipartisan support. House Bill 1284 would eliminate the December 2023 expiration date of the Automated Speed Enforcement Program along Roosevelt Boulevard in Philadelphia. It would also expand the ASE program to all roads in Philadelphia, contingent on PennDOT’s approval and the city’s adoption of a local ordinance and make necessary improvements to the ASE program. The ASE program on Roosevelt Boulevard in Philadelphia, first implemented in June 2020, uses cameras to detect and record motorists exceeding the posted speed limit by 11 miles per hour or more along the boulevard. Crashes along Roosevelt Boulevard have declined by 36% since speed cameras were deployed, while total crashes in the rest of the city, where there are no speed cameras, have only declined by 6%. According to the Philadelphia Parking Authority, the ASE program has reduced speeding along Roosevelt Boulevard by a staggering 95%. Finally, and most importantly, Neilson said, the bill would protect schoolchildren on their walks through busy school zones by making fixes to the current law that authorizes school districts to use automated school bus stop-arm cameras and establishing a five-year pilot program for speed cameras in active Read more


Ciresi cyber charter reform bill passes the House
Jul 08, 2023

Madden bill to expand jail access to opioid addiction treatment medication passed by House
Jul 07, 2023

Bellmon, McClinton school conflict resolution bill passes House
Jul 07, 2023

Gergely issues statement on state budget passage
Jul 07, 2023

PA House passes legislation to create Safe Communities Grant Program
Jul 07, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation pleased with increased funding on budget priorities
Jul 07, 2023

Howard’s Juvenile DNA collection bill passes PA House
Jul 06, 2023

Kim issues statement on state budget’s historic investments in education and public safety
Jul 06, 2023

House adopts Conklin resolution designating Sept. 18, 2023 as ‘State Grange Day’
Jul 06, 2023

Kinsey issues statement on state budget passage
Jul 06, 2023

Fleming praises state budget’s historic investments in education, economic development and health care
Jul 06, 2023

Kenyatta applauds Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program expansion efforts
Jul 06, 2023

Ciresi highlights investment in property tax relief, education in PA budget
Jul 06, 2023

Pennsylvania bill adds requirements to catalytic converter sale process
Jul 05, 2023

Neilson rallies successful effort to keep I-95 work on schedule, continues to check on reconstruction progress
Jul 03, 2023

Burns introduces legislation to protect Pennsylvania drivers
Jul 03, 2023

Pennsylvania lawmakers want to crack down on catalytic converter thefts
Jul 03, 2023

Abney issues statement regarding U.S. Supreme Court LGBTQIA+ ruling
Jun 30, 2023

Cephas slams recent SCOTUS decisions
Jun 30, 2023

Neilson’s automated speed enforcement legislation passes PA House
Jun 30, 2023